$ticket_id, 'author' => $author_id, 'query' => json_encode(array($action,$arg))); $dbl->execute($query, $values); } } //return constructed element based on TLogId public static function constr_TLogId( $id) { $instance = new self(); $instance->setTLogId($id); return $instance; } //returns list of all logs of a ticket public static function getAllLogs($ticket_id) { $dbl = new DBLayer("lib"); $statement = $dbl->execute("SELECT * FROM ticket_log INNER JOIN ticket_user ON ticket_log.Author = ticket_user.TUserId and ticket_log.Ticket=:id", array('id' => $ticket_id)); $row = $statement->fetchAll(); $result = Array(); foreach($row as $log){ $instance = new self(); $instance->set($log); $result[] = $instance; } return $result; } ////////////////////////////////////////////Methods//////////////////////////////////////////////////// public function __construct() { } //set values public function set($values) { $this->setTLogId($values['TLogId']); $this->setTimestamp($values['Timestamp']); $this->setQuery($values['Query']); $this->setTicket($values['Ticket']); $this->setAuthor($values['Author']); } //Load with tlogId public function load_With_TLogId( $id) { $dbl = new DBLayer("lib"); $statement = $dbl->execute("SELECT * FROM ticket_log WHERE TLogId=:id", array('id' => $id)); $row = $statement->fetch(); $this->set($row); } //update private data to DB. public function update(){ $dbl = new DBLayer("lib"); $query = "UPDATE ticket_log SET Timestamp = :timestamp, Query = :query, Author = :author, Ticket = :ticket WHERE TLogId=:id"; $values = Array('id' => $this->getTLogId(), 'timestamp' => $this->getTimestamp(), 'query' => $this->getQuery(), 'author' => $this->getAuthor(), 'ticket' => $this->getTicket() ); $statement = $dbl->execute($query, $values); } ////////////////////////////////////////////Getters//////////////////////////////////////////////////// public function getTLogId(){ return $this->tLogId; } public function getTimestamp(){ return $this->timestamp; } public function getQuery(){ return $this->query; } public function getAuthor(){ return $this->author; } public function getTicket(){ return $this->ticket; } public function getAcion(){ $decodedQuery = json_decode($this->ticket); return $decodedQuery[0]; } public function getArgument(){ $decodedQuery = json_decode($this->ticket); return $decodedQuery[1]; } ////////////////////////////////////////////Setters//////////////////////////////////////////////////// public function setTLogId($id){ $this->tLogId = $id; } public function setTimestamp($t){ $this->timestamp = $t; } public function setQuery($q){ $this->query = $q; } public function setAuthor($a){ $this->author = $a; } public function setTicket($t){ $this->ticket = $t; } }