$_POST["Username"], 'pass' => $_POST["Password"], 'mail' => $_POST["Email"], 'init' => $_POST["Email"], 'unhashpass' => $_POST["Password"], 'status' => 1, 'access' => REQUEST_TIME ); //user_save( NULL, $edit ); header( 'Location: email_sent.php' ); exit; }else{ $pageElements = array( //'GAME_NAME' => variable_get( 'ryzommanage_game-name', '' ), //'WELCOME_MESSAGE' => variable_get( 'ryzommanage_register-welcome', '' ), 'USERNAME' => $user, 'PASSWORD' => $pass, 'CPASSWORD' => $cpass, 'EMAIL' => $email ); if ( $user != "success" ){ $pageElements['USERNAME_ERROR'] = 'TRUE'; }else{ $pageElements['USERNAME_ERROR'] = 'FALSE'; } if ( $pass != "success" ){ $pageElements['PASSWORD_ERROR'] = 'TRUE'; }else{ $pageElements['PASSWORD_ERROR'] = 'FALSE'; } if ( $cpass != "success" ){ $pageElements['CPASSWORD_ERROR'] = 'TRUE'; }else{ $pageElements['CPASSWORD_ERROR'] = 'FALSE'; } if ( $email != "success" ){ $pageElements['EMAIL_ERROR'] = 'TRUE'; }else{ $pageElements['EMAIL_ERROR'] = 'FALSE'; } if ( isset( $_POST["TaC"] ) ){ $pageElements['TAC_ERROR'] = 'FALSE'; }else{ $pageElements['TAC_ERROR'] = 'TRUE'; } return $pageElements; } } /** * Function checkUser * * @takes $username * @return string Info: Returns a string based on if the username is valid, if valid then "success" is returned */ public function checkUser( $username ) { if ( isset( $username ) ){ if ( strlen( $username ) > 12 ){ return "Username must be no more than 12 characters."; }elseif ( strlen( $username ) < 5 ){ return "Username must be 5 or more characters."; }elseif ( !preg_match( '/^[a-z0-9\.]*$/', $username ) ){ return "Username can only contain numbers and letters."; /*}elseif ( sql :: db_query( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {users} WHERE name = :name", array( ':name' => $username ) ) -> fetchField() ){ return "Username " . $username . " is in use.";*/ }else{ return "success"; } }else{ return "success"; } return "fail"; } /** * Function checkPassword * * @takes $pass * @return string Info: Returns a string based on if the password is valid, if valid then "success" is returned */ public function checkPassword( $pass ) { if ( isset( $pass ) ){ if ( strlen( $pass ) > 20 ){ return "Password must be no more than 20 characters."; }elseif ( strlen( $pass ) < 5 ){ return "Password must be more than 5 characters."; }else{ return "success"; } } return "fail"; } /** * Function confirmPassword * * @takes $pass * @return string Info: Verify's $_POST["Password"] is the same as $_POST["ConfirmPass"] */ public function confirmPassword() { if ( ( $_POST["Password"] ) != ( $_POST["ConfirmPass"] ) ){ return "Passwords do not match."; }else{ return "success"; } return "fail"; } /** * Function checkEmail * * @takes $email * @return */ public function checkEmail( $email ) { if ( isset( $email ) ){ if ( !Users::validEmail( $email ) ){ return "Email address is not valid."; /*}elseif ( db_query( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {users} WHERE mail = :mail", array( ':mail' => $email ) ) -> fetchField() ){ return "Email is in use.";*/ }else{ return "success"; } }else{ return "success"; } return "fail"; } public function validEmail( $email ){ $isValid = true; $atIndex = strrpos( $email, "@" ); if ( is_bool( $atIndex ) && !$atIndex ){ $isValid = false; }else{ $domain = substr( $email, $atIndex + 1 ); $local = substr( $email, 0, $atIndex ); $localLen = strlen( $local ); $domainLen = strlen( $domain ); if ( $localLen < 1 || $localLen > 64 ){ // local part length exceeded $isValid = false; }else if ( $domainLen < 1 || $domainLen > 255 ){ // domain part length exceeded $isValid = false; }else if ( $local[0] == '.' || $local[$localLen - 1] == '.' ){ // local part starts or ends with '.' $isValid = false; }else if ( preg_match( '/\\.\\./', $local ) ){ // local part has two consecutive dots $isValid = false; }else if ( !preg_match( '/^[A-Za-z0-9\\-\\.]+$/', $domain ) ){ // character not valid in domain part $isValid = false; }else if ( preg_match( '/\\.\\./', $domain ) ){ // domain part has two consecutive dots $isValid = false; }else if ( !preg_match( '/^(\\\\.|[A-Za-z0-9!#%&`_=\\/$\'*+?^{}|~.-])+$/', str_replace( "\\\\", "", $local ) ) ){ // character not valid in local part unless // local part is quoted if ( !preg_match( '/^"(\\\\"|[^"])+"$/', str_replace( "\\\\", "", $local ) ) ){ $isValid = false; } } if ( $isValid && !( checkdnsrr( $domain, "MX" ) || checkdnsrr( $domain, "A" ) ) ){ // domain not found in DNS $isValid = false; } } return $isValid; } public function generateSALT( $length = 2 ) { // start with a blank salt $salt = ""; // define possible characters - any character in this string can be // picked for use in the salt, so if you want to put vowels back in // or add special characters such as exclamation marks, this is where // you should do it $possible = "2346789bcdfghjkmnpqrtvwxyzBCDFGHJKLMNPQRTVWXYZ"; // we refer to the length of $possible a few times, so let's grab it now $maxlength = strlen( $possible ); // check for length overflow and truncate if necessary if ( $length > $maxlength ){ $length = $maxlength; } // set up a counter for how many characters are in the salt so far $i = 0; // add random characters to $salt until $length is reached while ( $i < $length ){ // pick a random character from the possible ones $char = substr( $possible, mt_rand( 0, $maxlength - 1 ), 1 ); // have we already used this character in $salt? if ( !strstr( $salt, $char ) ){ // no, so it's OK to add it onto the end of whatever we've already got... $salt .= $char; // ... and increase the counter by one $i++; } } // done! return $salt; } }