// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include "stdafx.h" #include "georges_edit.h" #include "georges_edit_doc.h" #include "georges_edit_view.h" #include "main_frm.h" #include "left_view.h" #include "child_frm.h" #include "action.h" #include "reg_shell_ext.h" #include "nel/misc/file.h" #include "nel/misc/o_xml.h" #include "nel/misc/path.h" #include "nel/georges/form.h" using namespace NLMISC; using namespace NLGEORGES; using namespace std; using namespace NLGEORGES; // *************************************************************************** // CGeorgesEditDoc // *************************************************************************** IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CGeorgesEditDocType, CDocument) IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CGeorgesEditDocDfn, CDocument) IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CGeorgesEditDocForm, CDocument) // *************************************************************************** BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CGeorgesEditDoc, CDocument) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CGeorgesEditDoc) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_FILE_SAVE_ALL, OnUpdateFileSaveAll) ON_COMMAND(ID_EDIT_UNDO, OnEditUndo) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_EDIT_UNDO, OnUpdateEditUndo) ON_COMMAND(ID_EDIT_REDO, OnEditRedo) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_EDIT_REDO, OnUpdateEditRedo) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() // *************************************************************************** BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CGeorgesEditDocType, CDocument) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CGeorgesEditDocType) // NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove mapping macros here. // DO NOT EDIT what you see in these blocks of generated code! //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() // *************************************************************************** BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CGeorgesEditDocDfn, CDocument) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CGeorgesEditDocDfn) // NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove mapping macros here. // DO NOT EDIT what you see in these blocks of generated code! //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() // *************************************************************************** BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CGeorgesEditDocForm, CDocument) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CGeorgesEditDocForm) ON_COMMAND(ID_EDIT_FETCH1, OnEditFetch1) ON_COMMAND(ID_EDIT_FETCH3, OnEditFetch3) ON_COMMAND(ID_EDIT_FETCH4, OnEditFetch4) ON_COMMAND(ID_EDIT_FETCH2, OnEditFetch2) ON_COMMAND(ID_EDIT_HOLD1, OnEditHold1) ON_COMMAND(ID_EDIT_HOLD2, OnEditHold2) ON_COMMAND(ID_EDIT_HOLD3, OnEditHold3) ON_COMMAND(ID_EDIT_HOLD4, OnEditHold4) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() // *************************************************************************** // CGeorgesEditDoc construction/destruction // *************************************************************************** CGeorgesEditDoc::CGeorgesEditDoc() { NoModification = false; _UndoModify = 0; } // *************************************************************************** CGeorgesEditDoc::~CGeorgesEditDoc() { for (uint i=0; igetRootNode (); } else { nlassert (slot < CForm::HeldElementCount+1); return ((CForm*)(UForm*)Form)->HeldElements[slot-1]; } } // *************************************************************************** bool CGeorgesEditDocForm::initDocument (const char *dfnName, bool newElement) { // Load the DFN CFormDfn *dfn = FormLoader.loadFormDfn (dfnName, false); if (!dfn) { char msg[512]; smprintf (msg, 512, "Can't load DFN '%s'", dfnName); theApp.outputError (msg); return false; } // Set file name and title char name[512]; char ext[512]; _splitpath (dfnName, NULL, NULL, name, ext); string name2 = (const char*)(name); name2 = strlwr (name2); SetPathName ( ("*."+name2).c_str(), FALSE); SetTitle ( ("New "+name2+" form").c_str() ); // TMp if (newElement) { Form = new CForm; // Build the root element ((CFormElmStruct*)getRootNode (0))->build (dfn); uint i; for (i=0; ibuild (dfn); } RootObject.create (CGeorgesEditDocSub::Null, "Form", 0xffffffff, "NULL", 0xffffffff); RootObject.add (CGeorgesEditDocSub::Header, "Header", 0xffffffff, "NULL", 0xffffffff); RootObject.add (CGeorgesEditDocSub::Form, "Content", 0xffffffff, "", 0); uint i; for (i=0; i (GetDocTemplate ()); string dfnName; docTemplate->getDfnName (dfnName); if (initDocument (dfnName.c_str (), true)) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } // *************************************************************************** // CGeorgesEditDoc diagnostics // *************************************************************************** #ifdef _DEBUG void CGeorgesEditDoc::AssertValid() const { CDocument::AssertValid(); } // *************************************************************************** void CGeorgesEditDoc::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { CDocument::Dump(dc); } #endif //_DEBUG // *************************************************************************** bool CGeorgesEditDoc::isType () const { return false; } // *************************************************************************** bool CGeorgesEditDoc::isDfn () const { return false; } // *************************************************************************** bool CGeorgesEditDoc::isForm () const { return false; } // *************************************************************************** bool CGeorgesEditDocType::isType () const { return true; } // *************************************************************************** bool CGeorgesEditDocDfn::isDfn () const { return true; } // *************************************************************************** bool CGeorgesEditDocForm::isForm () const { return true; } // *************************************************************************** CGeorgesEditDocSub *CGeorgesEditDoc::addStruct (CGeorgesEditDocSub *parent, CFormElmStruct *_struct, CFormDfn *parentDfn, const char *name, uint structId, const char *formName, uint slot) { // The form pointer CForm *formPtr = (CForm*)(UForm*)Form; // Add the new node CGeorgesEditDocSub *newNode = parent->add (CGeorgesEditDocSub::Form, name, structId, formName, slot); // Can be NULL in virtual DFN if (parentDfn) { // Get the parents std::vector arrayDfn; arrayDfn.reserve (parentDfn->countParentDfn ()); parentDfn->getParentDfn (arrayDfn); // For each child uint elm=0; for (uint dfn=0; dfngetNumEntry (); i++) { // Get the entry ref CFormDfn::CEntry &entry = arrayDfn[dfn]->getEntry (i); // Form entry name string entryName = (string (formName)+"."+entry.getName ()); // Is a struct ? if ( (entry.getType () == UFormDfn::EntryDfn) || (entry.getType () == UFormDfn::EntryVirtualDfn) ) { // Is an array of struct ? if (entry.getArrayFlag ()) { // Get it from the form CFormElmArray *nextArray = NULL; if (_struct && _struct->Elements[elm].Element) nextArray = safe_cast (_struct->Elements[elm].Element); // Else, get it from the parent if we are not a virtual DFN (don't inheritate) // todo array of virtual struct if (!nextArray && (entry.getType () != UFormDfn::EntryVirtualDfn) ) { // For each parent form for (uint parent=0; parentgetParentCount (); parent++) { // Get the node by name UFormElm *uNode; if (formPtr->getParent (parent)->getRootNode ().getNodeByName (&uNode, entryName.c_str(), NULL, false) && uNode) { nextArray = safe_cast (uNode); } } } // Add the new struct addArray (newNode, nextArray, entry.getDfnPtr (), entry.getName().c_str(), elm, entryName.c_str (), slot); } else { // Add it CFormElmStruct *nextForm = NULL; // Get it from the form if (_struct && _struct->Elements[elm].Element) nextForm = safe_cast (_struct->Elements[elm].Element); // Else, get it from the parent if (!nextForm) { // For each parent form for (uint parent=0; parentgetParentCount (); parent++) { // Get the node by name UFormElm *uNode; if (formPtr->getParent (parent)->getRootNode ().getNodeByName (&uNode, entryName.c_str(), NULL, false) && uNode) { nextForm = safe_cast (uNode); } } } // Virtual Dfn pointer CFormElmVirtualStruct *vStruct = ((entry.getType () == UFormDfn::EntryVirtualDfn) && nextForm) ? safe_cast (nextForm) : NULL; // Add the new struct addStruct (newNode, nextForm, vStruct ? vStruct->FormDfn : entry.getDfnPtr (), entry.getName().c_str(), elm, entryName.c_str(), slot); } } // Array of type ? else if ( entry.getArrayFlag () ) { CFormElmArray *nextArray = NULL; // Get it from the form if (_struct && _struct->Elements[elm].Element) nextArray = safe_cast (_struct->Elements[elm].Element); // Else, get it from the parent if (!nextArray) { // For each parent form for (uint parent=0; parentgetParentCount (); parent++) { // Get the node by name UFormElm *uNode; if (formPtr->getParent (parent)->getRootNode ().getNodeByName (&uNode, entryName.c_str(), NULL, false) && uNode) { nextArray = safe_cast (uNode); } } } // Add the new array addArray ( newNode, nextArray, NULL, entry.getName().c_str(), elm, entryName.c_str(), slot ); } // Next element elm++; } } } return newNode; } // *************************************************************************** CGeorgesEditDocSub *CGeorgesEditDoc::addArray (CGeorgesEditDocSub *parent, CFormElmArray *array, CFormDfn *rootDfn, const char *name, uint structId, const char *formName, uint slot) { // Add the new node CGeorgesEditDocSub *newNode = parent->add (CGeorgesEditDocSub::Form, name, structId, formName, slot); // The array exist if (array) { // For each array element for (uint elm=0; elmElements.size(); elm++) { // The form name char formArrayElmName[512]; smprintf (formArrayElmName, 512, "%s[%d]", formName, elm); // The name char formArrayName[512]; if (array->Elements[elm].Name.empty ()) { smprintf (formArrayName, 512, "#%d", elm); } else { smprintf (formArrayName, 512, "%s", array->Elements[elm].Name.c_str()); } // Is a struct if (rootDfn) { // Get struct ptr CFormElmStruct *elmPtr = array->Elements[elm].Element ? safe_cast(array->Elements[elm].Element) : NULL; addStruct (newNode, elmPtr, rootDfn, formArrayName, elm, formArrayElmName, slot); } else newNode->add (CGeorgesEditDocSub::Form, formArrayName, elm, formArrayElmName, slot); } } return newNode; } // *************************************************************************** BOOL CGeorgesEditDoc::OnOpenDocument(LPCTSTR lpszPathName) { if (!CDocument::OnOpenDocument(lpszPathName)) return FALSE; // Read the file if (isType()) { try { // Read the form with the loader Type = FormLoader.loadType (lpszPathName); if (!Type) { char msg[512]; smprintf (msg, 512, "Error while loading Type file %s", lpszPathName); theApp.outputError (msg); return FALSE; } updateDocumentStructure (); return TRUE; } catch (Exception &e) { char message[512]; smprintf (message, 512, "Error while loading Type file: %s", e.what()); theApp.outputError (message); return FALSE; } } else if (isDfn()) { try { // Read the form with the loader Dfn = FormLoader.loadFormDfn (lpszPathName, true); if (!Dfn) { char msg[512]; smprintf (msg, 512, "Error while loading Dfn file %s", lpszPathName); theApp.outputError (msg); return FALSE; } updateDocumentStructure (); return TRUE; } catch (Exception &e) { char message[512]; smprintf (message, 512, "Error while loading Type file: %s", e.what()); theApp.outputError (message); return FALSE; } } else { try { // Check form char ext[MAX_PATH]; _splitpath (lpszPathName, NULL, NULL, NULL, ext); string extLower = strlwr (string (ext)); if (!extLower.empty ()) { string dfnName = extLower.substr (1, string::npos) + ".dfn"; // Check if the file is handled if (theApp.getFormDocTemplate (dfnName.c_str ()) == NULL) { char message[512]; smprintf (message, 512, "Can't open the file '%s'.", lpszPathName); theApp.outputError (message); return FALSE; } // Read the form with the loader if (!loadFormFile (lpszPathName)) return FALSE; if (theApp.ExeStandalone) { // Loaded ! Register type.. // Does have an icon ? // string iconPath = CPath::lookup (extLower.substr (1, string::npos) + ".ico", false, false); // string commandApp = "Georges.Form" + extLower; RegisterShellFileExt (extLower.c_str(), "Georges.Form"); /* if (!iconPath.empty ()) { // Application path string appPath = "\""; appPath += theApp.ExePath; appPath += "\""; const char *open = "Open(\"%1\")"; const char *copy = "Copy(\"%1\")"; const char *derive = "Derive(\"%1\")"; // Special type RegisterApp (commandApp.c_str (), "Georges Form Files", iconPath.c_str (), 0); RegisterAppCommand (commandApp.c_str (), "Open", (appPath+" /dde").c_str ()); RegisterAppCommand (commandApp.c_str (), "Copy", (appPath+" /dde").c_str ()); RegisterAppCommand (commandApp.c_str (), "Derive", (appPath+" /dde").c_str ()); const char *notepad = "notepad.exe \"%1\""; RegisterAppCommand (commandApp.c_str (), "Open with notepad", notepad); RegisterDDECommand (commandApp.c_str (), "Open", open, theApp.m_pszExeName); RegisterDDECommand (commandApp.c_str (), "Copy", copy, theApp.m_pszExeName); RegisterDDECommand (commandApp.c_str (), "Derive", derive, theApp.m_pszExeName); RegisterShellFileExt (extLower.c_str (), commandApp.c_str ()); } else { // Register with basic type RegisterShellFileExt (extLower.c_str (), "Georges.Form"); // Unregister special type UnregisterApp (commandApp.c_str ()); } */ } updateDocumentStructure (); return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } catch (Exception &e) { char message[512]; smprintf (message, 512, "Error while loading Type file: %s", e.what()); theApp.outputError (message); return FALSE; } } return FALSE; } // *************************************************************************** bool CGeorgesEditDoc::loadFormFile (const char *filename) { // Read the form with the loader Form = FormLoader.loadForm (filename); if (!Form) { char msg[512]; smprintf (msg, 512, "Error while loading Form file %s", filename); theApp.outputError (msg); return false; } return true; } // *************************************************************************** bool CGeorgesEditDoc::addParent (const char *filename) { nlassert (isForm()); UForm *parent = FormLoader.loadForm (filename); if (!parent) { char msg[512]; smprintf (msg, 512, "Can't load Form named '%s'", filename); theApp.outputError (msg); return false; } else { ((CForm*)(UForm*)Form)->insertParent (((CForm*)(UForm*)Form)->getParentCount (), filename, (CForm*)parent); return true; } } // *************************************************************************** void CGeorgesEditDoc::updateDocumentStructure () { RootObject.clean (); // Get left view CLeftView *leftView = getLeftView (); // Backup current selection uint selection = 0xffffffff; if (IsWindow (*leftView)) selection = leftView->getCurrentSelectionId (); // Read the file if (isType()) { // Setup sub object tree RootObject.create (CGeorgesEditDocSub::Null, "Type", 0xffffffff, "NULL", 0xffffffff); RootObject.add (CGeorgesEditDocSub::Header, "Header", 0xffffffff, "NULL", 0xffffffff); RootObject.add (CGeorgesEditDocSub::Type, "Content", 0xffffffff, "NULL", 0xffffffff); } else if (isDfn ()) { // Setup sub object tree RootObject.create (CGeorgesEditDocSub::Null, "Dfn", 0xffffffff, "NULL", 0xffffffff); RootObject.add (CGeorgesEditDocSub::Header, "Header", 0xffffffff, "NULL", 0xffffffff); RootObject.add (CGeorgesEditDocSub::Dfn, "Content", 0xffffffff, "NULL", 0xffffffff); } else { // Setup sub object tree RootObject.create (CGeorgesEditDocSub::Null, "Form", 0xffffffff, "NULL", 0xffffffff); RootObject.add (CGeorgesEditDocSub::Header, "Header", 0xffffffff, "NULL", 0xffffffff); // Get the parents CFormElmStruct *rootstruct = &((CForm*)(UForm*)Form)->Elements; addStruct (&RootObject, rootstruct, rootstruct->FormDfn, "Content", 0xffffffff, "", 0); // Get held objects // Write held elements uint i; for (i=0; iHeldElements[i]; addStruct (&RootObject, rootstruct, rootstruct->FormDfn, ("Hold " + toString (1+i)).c_str (), 0xffffffff, "", i+1); } } // Update left view structure leftView->getFromDocument (); // Set the old selction flag if (selection != 0xffffffff) { // Reselect backuped node leftView->setCurrentSelectionId (selection); } else { // Select the content leftView->setCurrentSelectionId (2); } } // *************************************************************************** BOOL CGeorgesEditDoc::OnSaveDocument(LPCTSTR lpszPathName) { // Get focus CWnd *focus = CWnd::GetFocus (); ::SetFocus (NULL); // Open the filt COFile file; if (file.open (lpszPathName)) { try { // Xml stream COXml xmlStream; xmlStream.init (&file); if (isType()) { nlassert (Type != NULL); // Write the file // Modified ? if (IsModified ()) { Type->Header.MinorVersion++; flushValueChange (); } Type->write (xmlStream.getDocument (), theApp.Georges4CVS); modify (NULL, NULL, false); flushValueChange (); UpdateAllViews (NULL); return TRUE; } else if (isDfn ()) { nlassert (Dfn != NULL); // Write the file if (IsModified ()) { Dfn->Header.MinorVersion++; flushValueChange (); } Dfn->write (xmlStream.getDocument (), lpszPathName, theApp.Georges4CVS); modify (NULL, NULL, false); UpdateAllViews (NULL); return TRUE; } else { nlassert (Form != NULL); // Write the file if (IsModified ()) { ((CForm*)(UForm*)Form)->Header.MinorVersion++; flushValueChange (); } ((CForm*)(UForm*)Form)->write (xmlStream.getDocument (), lpszPathName, theApp.Georges4CVS); if (strcmp (xmlStream.getErrorString (), "") != 0) { char message[512]; smprintf (message, 512, "Error while saving file: %s", xmlStream.getErrorString ()); theApp.outputError (message); } modify (NULL, NULL, false); flushValueChange (); UpdateAllViews (NULL); // Get the left view CView* pView = getLeftView (); return TRUE; } } catch (Exception &e) { char message[512]; smprintf (message, 512, "Error while loading file: %s", e.what()); theApp.outputError (message); return FALSE; } } else { char message[512]; smprintf (message, 512, "Can't open the file %s for writing.", lpszPathName); theApp.outputError (message); return FALSE; } // Set focus focus->SetFocus (); return FALSE; //return CDocument::OnSaveDocument(lpszPathName); } void CGeorgesEditDoc::SetPathName(LPCTSTR lpszPathName, BOOL bAddToMRU) { CDocument::SetPathName(lpszPathName, bAddToMRU); // Notify the plugin uint i; for (i=0; iactivate(false); PluginArray[i].PluginInterface->activate(true); } } // *************************************************************************** bool CGeorgesEditDoc::modify (class IAction *action, bool modified, bool setHeaderStateToModified) { if (!NoModification) { if (modified) { // Do the modification bool reallyModified; if ((action == NULL) || action->doAction (*this, true, reallyModified, true)) { // Action has modified the docment ? if (reallyModified) { // Is modified setModifiedState (true); if (setHeaderStateToModified) { if (isType()) Type->Header.State = CFileHeader::Modified; if (isDfn ()) Dfn->Header.State = CFileHeader::Modified; if (isForm()) ((CForm*)(UForm*)Form)->Header.State = CFileHeader::Modified; } // Add the action if (action) { _UndoBuffer.push_back (action); _UndoModify++; clearRedo (); if (_UndoModify == 0) { setModifiedState (false); } // Resize the undo buffer nlassert (theApp.MaxUndo > 0); if (_UndoBuffer.size () > theApp.MaxUndo) { // Number of element to remove from undo list uint toRemove = _UndoBuffer.size () - theApp.MaxUndo; // Delete each elements uint i; for (i=0; iMDIGetActive(); // Get the active view attached to the active MDI child window. CView* pOldActiveView = pChild->GetActiveView(); pChild->RecalcLayout(); pNewView->UpdateWindow(); pChild->SetActiveView(pNewView); return pOldActiveView; } // *************************************************************************** CGeorgesEditDocSub *CGeorgesEditDoc::getSelectedObject () { CLeftView *leftView = getLeftView (); return leftView->getSelectedObject (); } // *************************************************************************** void CGeorgesEditDoc::changeSubSelection (CGeorgesEditDocSub *subSelection, CView *view) { if (subSelection == NULL) getLeftView ()->changeSubSelection (RootObject.getChild (1)); else getLeftView ()->changeSubSelection (subSelection); // Save modified state NoModification = true; UpdateAllViews (view); // Save modified state NoModification = false; // Notify the plugin uint i; for (i=0; ionNodeChanged (); } } // *************************************************************************** void CGeorgesEditDoc::changeSubSelection (uint subSelection, CView *view) { getLeftView ()->changeSubSelection (subSelection); // Save modified state NoModification = true; UpdateAllViews (view); // Save modified state NoModification = false; // Notify the plugin uint i; for (i=0; ionNodeChanged (); } } // *************************************************************************** CLeftView *CGeorgesEditDoc::getLeftView () { // Get the left view POSITION pos = GetFirstViewPosition (); if (pos) { CLeftView *pView = (CLeftView*)GetNextView(pos); nlassert (pView); return pView; } return NULL; } // *************************************************************************** CGeorgesEditView *CGeorgesEditDoc::getRightView () { // Get the left view POSITION pos = GetFirstViewPosition (); if (pos) { nlverify (GetNextView (pos)); CGeorgesEditView *pView = (CGeorgesEditView*)GetNextView(pos); nlassert (pView); return pView; } return NULL; } // *************************************************************************** CFileHeader *CGeorgesEditDoc::getHeaderPtr () { if (isType ()) return &(Type->Header); if (isDfn ()) return &(Dfn->Header); if (isForm ()) return &(((CForm*)(UForm*)Form)->Header); nlstop; return NULL; } // *************************************************************************** CType *CGeorgesEditDoc::getTypePtr () { return Type; } // *************************************************************************** CFormDfn *CGeorgesEditDoc::getDfnPtr () { return Dfn; } // *************************************************************************** CForm *CGeorgesEditDoc::getFormPtr () { return (CForm*)(UForm*)Form; } // *************************************************************************** UForm* CGeorgesEditDoc::getForm () { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); return Form; } // *************************************************************************** void CGeorgesEditDoc::getDfnFilename (std::string &dfnName) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); // Get the DFN filename CString str = GetPathName (); char extension[512]; _splitpath (str, NULL, NULL, NULL, extension); dfnName = extension+1; dfnName += ".dfn"; } // *************************************************************************** bool CGeorgesEditDoc::getActiveNode (std::string &dfnName) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); CGeorgesEditDocSub *sub = getSelectedObject (); if (sub && (sub->getFormName () != "NULL")) { dfnName = getSelectedObject ()->getFormName (); return true; } else { return false; } } // *************************************************************************** void CGeorgesEditDoc::refreshView () { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); getRightView ()->PostMessage (WM_UPDATE_ALL_VIEWS, 0, 0); } // *************************************************************************** void CGeorgesEditDoc::getFilename (std::string &pathname) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); pathname = (const char*)GetPathName (); } // *************************************************************************** void CGeorgesEditDoc::getTitle (std::string &title) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); title = (const char*)GetTitle (); } // *************************************************************************** void CGeorgesEditDoc::bind (NLGEORGES::IEditPlugin *plugin, IEditDocumentPlugin *docInterface) { // Add the plugin to the list PluginArray.push_back (CPlugin (plugin, docInterface)); docInterface->dialogInit (*getLeftView ()); docInterface->activate (theApp.isPluginActivated (plugin)); } // *************************************************************************** void CGeorgesEditDoc::onActivateView (bool activate) { uint i; for (i=0; iactivate (activate && theApp.isPluginActivated (PluginArray[i].Plugin)); } } // *************************************************************************** void CGeorgesEditDoc::notifyPlugins (const char *valueName) { uint i; for (i=0; ionValueChanged (valueName); } } // *************************************************************************** void CGeorgesEditDoc::logValueChange (const char *valueName, const char *newValue, bool present) { if (present) { _LastLogs[valueName] = newValue; } else { _LastLogs.erase (valueName); } } // *************************************************************************** void CGeorgesEditDoc::flushValueChange () { CFileHeader *header = NULL; if (isForm ()) header = &((CForm*)(UForm*)Form)->Header; else if (isType ()) header = &(Type->Header); else if (isDfn ()) header = &(Dfn->Header); nlassert (header); std::map::iterator ite = _LastLogs.begin (); while (ite != _LastLogs.end ()) { header->addLog ((ite->first + " = " + ite->second).c_str ()); ite++; } _LastLogs.clear (); } // *************************************************************************** void CGeorgesEditDoc::clearUndo () { uint i; for (i=0; i<_UndoBuffer.size (); i++) delete _UndoBuffer[i]; _UndoBuffer.clear (); } // *************************************************************************** void CGeorgesEditDoc::clearRedo () { uint i; for (i=0; i<_RedoBuffer.size (); i++) delete _RedoBuffer[i]; _RedoBuffer.clear (); } // *************************************************************************** void CGeorgesEditDoc::OnUpdateFileSaveAll(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable (); } // *************************************************************************** void CGeorgesEditDoc::OnEditUndo() { if (!_UndoBuffer.empty ()) { // Get an action IAction *action = _UndoBuffer.back (); _UndoBuffer.pop_back (); // Undo it bool modified; action->doAction (*this, false, modified, false); // Put in the redo list _RedoBuffer.push_back (action); CMDIFrameWnd* pMainWnd = (CMDIFrameWnd*)AfxGetMainWnd(); // Get the active MDI child window. CMDIChildWnd* pChild = (CMDIChildWnd*)pMainWnd->MDIGetActive(); pChild->RecalcLayout(); pChild->UpdateWindow(); _UndoModify--; if ( (_UndoModify == 0) && IsModified () ) { setModifiedState (false); } else if ( (_UndoModify != 0) && !IsModified () ) { setModifiedState (true); } } } // *************************************************************************** void CGeorgesEditDoc::OnUpdateEditUndo(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable (!_UndoBuffer.empty ()); } // *************************************************************************** void CGeorgesEditDoc::OnEditRedo() { if (!_RedoBuffer.empty ()) { // Get an action IAction *action = _RedoBuffer.back (); _RedoBuffer.pop_back (); // Undo it bool modified; action->doAction (*this, true, modified, false); // Put in the redo list _UndoBuffer.push_back (action); ((CMainFrame*)(theApp.m_pMainWnd))->RecalcLayout (); _UndoModify++; if ( (_UndoModify == 0) && IsModified () ) { setModifiedState (false); } else if ( (_UndoModify != 0) && !IsModified () ) { setModifiedState (true); } } } // *************************************************************************** void CGeorgesEditDoc::OnUpdateEditRedo (CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable (!_RedoBuffer.empty ()); } // *************************************************************************** void CGeorgesEditDoc::setModifiedState (bool modified) { SetModifiedFlag (modified?TRUE:FALSE); if (modified) { CString title = GetTitle (); if ( (title.GetLength()<2) || (title[title.GetLength()-1] != '*') || (title[title.GetLength()-2] != ' ') ) SetTitle (title+" *"); } else { string title = (const char*)GetTitle (); if ( (title.size ()>=2) && (title[title.size()-1] == '*') && (title[title.size()-2] == ' ') ) { title.resize (title.size () - 2); SetTitle (title.c_str()); } } } // *************************************************************************** void CGeorgesEditDoc::setValue (const char *value, const char *name, uint slot) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); // Document modified modify (new CActionString (IAction::FormValue, value, *this, name, "", 0xffffffff, slot)); notifyPlugins (name); } // *************************************************************************** // CGeorgesEditDocSub // *************************************************************************** CGeorgesEditDocSub::~CGeorgesEditDocSub () { clean (); } // *************************************************************************** void CGeorgesEditDocSub::clean () { for (uint i=0; i<_Children.size(); i++) delete _Children[i]; _Children.clear (); } // *************************************************************************** bool CGeorgesEditDocSub::isEditable () const { switch (_Type) { case Header: case Type: case Dfn: case Form: return true; } return false; } // *************************************************************************** CGeorgesEditDocSub::TSub CGeorgesEditDocSub::getType () const { return _Type; } // *************************************************************************** uint CGeorgesEditDocSub::getChildrenCount () { return _Children.size (); } // *************************************************************************** CGeorgesEditDocSub *CGeorgesEditDocSub::getChild (uint child) { return _Children[child]; } // *************************************************************************** void CGeorgesEditDocSub::create (TSub type, const char *name, uint structId, const char *formName, uint slot) { _StructId = structId; _Type = type; _Name = name; _FormName = formName; _Slot = slot; } // *************************************************************************** CGeorgesEditDocSub *CGeorgesEditDocSub::add (TSub type, const char *name, uint structId, const char *formName, uint slot) { // Add at the end uint index = _Children.size(); _Children.push_back (new CGeorgesEditDocSub); _Children[index]->_Type = type; _Children[index]->_Name = name; _Children[index]->_Parent = this; _Children[index]->_StructId = structId; _Children[index]->_FormName = formName; _Children[index]->_Slot = slot; return _Children[index]; } // *************************************************************************** CGeorgesEditDocSub::CGeorgesEditDocSub () { _Parent = NULL; } // *************************************************************************** const std::string& CGeorgesEditDocSub::getName () const { return _Name; } // *************************************************************************** // *************************************************************************** CGeorgesEditDocSub *CGeorgesEditDocSub::getParent () { return _Parent; } // *************************************************************************** uint CGeorgesEditDocSub::getIdInParent () const { return _StructId; } // *************************************************************************** const std::string& CGeorgesEditDocSub::getFormName () const { return _FormName; } // *************************************************************************** void CGeorgesEditDocSub::removeChildren (uint child) { _Children.erase (_Children.begin()+child); } // *************************************************************************** uint CGeorgesEditDocSub::getSlot () const { return _Slot; } // *************************************************************************** int CGeorgesEditDocSub::getItemImage (CGeorgesEditDoc *doc) const { switch (_Type) { case Null: nlassert (_Children.size ()>1); if (_Children[1]->_Type == Type) return theApp.ImageList.getImage (IDR_TYPETYPE); if (_Children[1]->_Type == Dfn) return theApp.ImageList.getImage (IDR_TYPEDFN); if (_Children[1]->_Type == Form) return theApp.ImageList.getImage (IDR_TYPEFORM); case Header: { int image = theApp.ImageList.getImage ("header"); if (image == -1) return theApp.ImageList.getImage (IDR_HEADER); return image; } case Type: { int image = theApp.ImageList.getImage ("type"); if (image == -1) return theApp.ImageList.getImage (IDR_TYPETYPE); return image; } case Dfn: { int image = theApp.ImageList.getImage ("dfn"); if (image == -1) return theApp.ImageList.getImage (IDR_TYPEDFN); return image; } case Form: { // Root ? if ((_Parent->_Parent == NULL) && (_Parent->_Children[1] != this)) { int image = theApp.ImageList.getImage ("hold"); if (image == -1) return theApp.ImageList.getImage (IDR_HOLD); return image; } if ((_Parent->_Parent == NULL) && (_Parent->_Children[1] == this)) { int image = theApp.ImageList.getImage ("root"); if (image == -1) return theApp.ImageList.getImage (IDR_ROOT); return image; } // What kind of node ? const CFormDfn *parentDfn; uint indexDfn; const CFormDfn *nodeDfn; const CType *nodeType; CFormElm *node; UFormDfn::TEntryType type; bool array; bool parentVDfnArray; CForm *form=doc->getFormPtr (); CFormElm *elm = doc->getRootNode (getSlot ()); nlverify ( elm->getNodeByName (getFormName ().c_str (), &parentDfn, indexDfn, &nodeDfn, &nodeType, &node, type, array, parentVDfnArray, true, NLGEORGES_FIRST_ROUND) ); if (array) { int image = theApp.ImageList.getImage ("array"); if (image == -1) return theApp.ImageList.getImage (IDR_ARRAY); return image; } else { if (type == UFormDfn::EntryType) { if (parentDfn) { int image = theApp.ImageList.getImage (parentDfn->getEntry(indexDfn).getFilename ().c_str ()); if (image != -1) return image; } int image = theApp.ImageList.getImage ("typedoc"); if (image == -1) return theApp.ImageList.getImage (IDR_TYPETYPE); return image; } else if (type == UFormDfn::EntryDfn) { if (parentDfn) { int image = theApp.ImageList.getImage (parentDfn->getEntry(indexDfn).getFilename ().c_str ()); if (image != -1) return image; } int image = theApp.ImageList.getImage ("struct"); if (image == -1) return theApp.ImageList.getImage (IDR_STRUCT); return image; } else if (type == UFormDfn::EntryVirtualDfn) { if (node) { string dfnName; safe_cast (node)->getDfnName (dfnName); int image = theApp.ImageList.getImage (dfnName.c_str ()); if (image != -1) return image; } int image = theApp.ImageList.getImage ("vstruct"); if (image == -1) return theApp.ImageList.getImage (IDR_VSTRUCT); return image; } } } default: nlstop; } return 0; } // *************************************************************************** // CPlugin // *************************************************************************** CGeorgesEditDoc::CPlugin::CPlugin (NLGEORGES::IEditPlugin *plugin, NLGEORGES::IEditDocumentPlugin *pluginInterface) { Plugin = plugin; PluginInterface = pluginInterface; } void CGeorgesEditDocForm::OnEditFetch1() { fetch (1); } void CGeorgesEditDocForm::OnEditFetch3() { fetch (3); } void CGeorgesEditDocForm::OnEditFetch4() { fetch (1); } void CGeorgesEditDocForm::OnEditFetch2() { fetch (2); } void CGeorgesEditDocForm::OnEditHold1() { hold (1); } void CGeorgesEditDocForm::OnEditHold2() { hold (2); } void CGeorgesEditDocForm::OnEditHold3() { hold (3); } void CGeorgesEditDocForm::OnEditHold4() { hold (4); } void CGeorgesEditDocForm::fetch (uint buffer) { if (theApp.yesNo (("Are you sure you want to get back hold buffer #" + toString (buffer) + " ?").c_str())) { theApp.SerialIntoMemStream ("", this, buffer, false); modify (new CActionBuffer (IAction::FormPaste, theApp.MemStream.buffer (), theApp.MemStream.length(), *this, "", "", 2, 0), NULL); } } void CGeorgesEditDocForm::hold (uint buffer) { theApp.SerialIntoMemStream ("", this, 0, false); modify (new CActionBuffer (IAction::FormPaste, theApp.MemStream.buffer (), theApp.MemStream.length(), *this, "", "", 2, buffer), NULL); }