// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include "stdafx.h" #include "sound_plugin.h" #include "resource.h" #include "nel/misc/path.h" #include "LoadDialog.h" #include "nel/sound/u_listener.h" using namespace NLMISC; using namespace NLLIGO; using namespace NLSOUND; using namespace std; CFileDisplayer *SoundPluginLogDisplayer= NULL; // vl: important to add the next line or AfxGetApp() will returns 0 after AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); CWinApp theApp; extern "C" { //void *createSoundPlugin() void *createPlugin() { return new CSoundPlugin(); } } CSoundPlugin::CSoundPlugin() : _PluginAccess(0), _ListenerPos(0,0,0), LoadDlg(0), _BackgroundSoundPlayed(false), _Mixer(NULL) { NLMISC::createDebug(); SoundPluginLogDisplayer= new CFileDisplayer("world_editor_sound_plugin.log", true, "WORLD_EDITOR_SOUND_PLUGIN.LOG"); DebugLog->addDisplayer (SoundPluginLogDisplayer); InfoLog->addDisplayer (SoundPluginLogDisplayer); WarningLog->addDisplayer (SoundPluginLogDisplayer); ErrorLog->addDisplayer (SoundPluginLogDisplayer); AssertLog->addDisplayer (SoundPluginLogDisplayer); nlinfo("Starting sound plugin..."); } CSoundPlugin::~CSoundPlugin() { } void CSoundPlugin::progress (float progressValue) { char tmp[1024]; sprintf(tmp, "Initializing mixer : %i%%", int(progressValue * 100)); LoadDlg->Message = tmp; LoadDlg->UpdateData(FALSE); LoadDlg->RedrawWindow(); } void CSoundPlugin::init(IPluginAccess *pluginAccess) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); AfxEnableControlContainer(); _PluginAccess = pluginAccess; _PluginName="Sound Plugin"; LoadDlg = new CLoadDialog; LoadDlg->Create(IDD_DIALOG_LOAD); LoadDlg->Message = "Initializing mixer"; LoadDlg->UpdateData(FALSE); LoadDlg->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); LoadDlg->RedrawWindow(); // std::string path = "r:/code/ryzom/data/sound"; // NLMISC::CPath::addSearchPath(path, true, false); LoadDlg->Message = "Adding search path"; LoadDlg->UpdateData(FALSE); LoadDlg->Invalidate(); CConfigFile &cf = pluginAccess->getConfigFile(); // Add the search path try { CConfigFile::CVar *psearchPath = cf.getVarPtr("SearchPath"); for (uint i=0; isize(); ++i) { std::string path = psearchPath->asString(i); LoadDlg->Message = (std::string("Adding search path \"")+path+"\"").c_str(); LoadDlg->UpdateData(FALSE); LoadDlg->RedrawWindow(); NLMISC::CPath::addSearchPath(path, true, false); } } catch(...) { nlwarning("Error while setting search path"); } delete LoadDlg; LoadDlg = 0; ReInit(); _DialogFlag = new CDialogFlags(_Mixer); // open the dialog flag window _DialogFlag->Create(IDD_DIALOG_FLAGS, CWnd::FromHandle(_PluginAccess->getMainWindow()->m_hWnd)); _DialogFlag->init(this); _DialogFlag->ShowWindow(TRUE); _Mixer->getListener()->setOrientation(CVector(0,1,0), CVector(0,0,1)); _PluginActive=true; } void CSoundPlugin::ReInit() { CConfigFile &cf = _PluginAccess->getConfigFile(); std::string packedSheetPath; CConfigFile::CVar *ppackedSheetPath = cf.getVarPtr("PackedSheetPath"); packedSheetPath = ppackedSheetPath->asString(); LoadDlg = new CLoadDialog; LoadDlg->Create(IDD_DIALOG_LOAD); LoadDlg->Message = "Initializing Audio Mixer"; LoadDlg->UpdateData(FALSE); LoadDlg->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); LoadDlg->RedrawWindow(); // If it's a true reinit, must reload primitives bool mustReloadPrimitives= false; if (_Mixer != NULL) { mustReloadPrimitives= true; delete _Mixer; _Mixer = NULL; } // get maxtrack int maxTrack; try { maxTrack = cf.getVar("MaxTrack").asInt(); } catch(...) { maxTrack = 32; } // get DriverMod bool fmodDriver = false; try { fmodDriver = toLower(cf.getVar("DriverSound").asString())=="fmod"; } catch(...) { fmodDriver = false; } // create the audio mixer. _Mixer = UAudioMixer::createAudioMixer(); _Mixer->setSamplePath(cf.getVar("SamplePath").asString()); _Mixer->setPackedSheetOption(packedSheetPath, true); try { if(fmodDriver) { // init FMod, software, no eax _Mixer->init(maxTrack, false, false, this, false, UAudioMixer::DriverFMod, true); } else { // init DSound, hardware, eax _Mixer->init(maxTrack, true, false, this, false, UAudioMixer::DriverAuto, false); } } catch(...) { MessageBox(NULL, _T("Error while initializing audio mixer.\n"), _T("ERROR"), MB_ICONERROR); exit(1); } // Force reinit of all the primitives if reload if(mustReloadPrimitives) { std::vector prims; _PluginAccess->getAllRootPluginPrimitive(prims); for(uint i=0;iplayBackgroundSound(); } delete LoadDlg; LoadDlg = 0; // remove flood of config file reparsing DebugLog->addNegativeFilter("Adding config file"); } /// The current region has changed. //void CSoundPlugin::primRegionChanged(const std::vector ®ions) void CSoundPlugin::primitiveChanged(const NLLIGO::IPrimitive *root) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); // load the first region of each kind : audio, effect and sample. bool audio = false; bool effects = false; bool samples = false; _Mixer->loadBackgroundAudioFromPrimitives(*root); /* std::vector::const_iterator first(regions.begin()), last(regions.end()); for (; first != last; ++first) { if ((*first)->Name.find("_audio") != std::string::npos && !audio) { _Mixer->loadBackgroundSoundFromRegion(*(*first)); audio = true; } else if ((*first)->Name.find("_effects") != std::string::npos && !effects) { _Mixer->loadBackgroundEffectsFromRegion(*(*first)); effects = true; } else if ((*first)->Name.find("_samples") != std::string::npos && !samples) { _Mixer->loadBackgroundSamplesFromRegion(*(*first)); samples = true; } } */ } /// The region has been modifed. /*void CSoundPlugin::primRegionModifed() { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); } */ /// The listener has been moved on the map. void CSoundPlugin::positionMoved(const NLMISC::CVector &position) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); _ListenerPos = position; _Mixer->setListenerPos(_ListenerPos); } void CSoundPlugin::lostPositionControl() { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); // update the dialog box. _DialogFlag->lostPositionControl(); } void CSoundPlugin::play() { // set the user var present in the config file CConfigFile &cfg = _PluginAccess->getConfigFile(); try { cfg.reparse(); CConfigFile::CVar v = cfg.getVar("UserVarSim"); for (uint i=0; isetUserVar(CStringMapper::map(varName), value); } } catch(...) { } _Mixer->playBackgroundSound(); _BackgroundSoundPlayed= true; } void CSoundPlugin::stop() { _Mixer->stopBackgroundSound(); _BackgroundSoundPlayed= false; } void CSoundPlugin::startMoveEar() { _PluginAccess->startPositionControl(this, _ListenerPos); } void CSoundPlugin::stopMoveEar() { _PluginAccess->stopPositionControl(this); } void CSoundPlugin::update() { // set the user var present in the config file CConfigFile &cfg = _PluginAccess->getConfigFile(); try { cfg.reparse(); CConfigFile::CVar v = cfg.getVar("UserVarSim"); for (uint i=0; isetUserVar(CStringMapper::map(varName), value); } } catch(...) { } const NLSOUND::UAudioMixer::TBackgroundFlags &flags = _Mixer->getBackgroundFlags();; _Mixer->update(); } std::string CSoundPlugin::getStatusString() { char tmp[1024]; sprintf(tmp, "Sample mem : %7.3f Mo\nTrks/Mut/Ply/Inst : %2u/%2u/%2u/%2u", _Mixer->getLoadedSampleSize()/(1024.0f*1024.0f), _Mixer->getUsedTracksCount(), _Mixer->getMutedPlayingSourcesCount(), _Mixer->getPlayingSourcesCount(), _Mixer->getSourcesInstanceCount() ); return std::string(tmp); } void CSoundPlugin::getLoadedSampleBankInfo(std::vector > &result) { _Mixer->getLoadedSampleBankInfo(result); } void CSoundPlugin::onIdle() { } bool CSoundPlugin::isActive() { return _PluginActive; } string& CSoundPlugin::getName() { return _PluginName; } bool CSoundPlugin::activatePlugin() { if(!_PluginActive) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); AfxEnableControlContainer(); //_DialogFlag->Create(IDD_DIALOG_FLAGS, CWnd::FromHandle(_PluginAccess->getMainWindow()->m_hWnd)); _DialogFlag->ShowWindow(TRUE); //_DialogFlag->init(this); _PluginActive=true; return true; } return false; } bool CSoundPlugin::closePlugin() { if (_PluginActive) { //_DialogFlag->CloseWindow(); _DialogFlag->ShowWindow(FALSE); _PluginActive=false; return true; } return false; }