-- This script is a base script to include to add multiple functionality to your script -- To use this script -- Include it in your script into the rollout at the beginning. -- Implement a do_it function to do the job in your rollout. -- The function should retun -1 if an arror occurred, else the count of modification done -- It the function returns <1, the project will not be overwritten Group "Running properties" ( RadioButtons SourceFiles "Source projects" labels:#("Current project", "All Projects in a folder") align:#left Label DirectoryLabel "Source directory" align:#left EditText Directory "" width:500 align:#left enabled:false Button BrowseDirectory "Browse..." align:#left enabled:false CheckBox Recurse "Look in subfolders" checked:false enabled:false CheckBox Test "Test only, do not save" checked:true enabled:false CheckBox BackupFiles "Backup files" checked:true enabled:false CheckBox StopOnError "Stop on error" checked:true enabled:false Label ProgressText width:500 align:#left ProgressBar Progress width:500 align:#left Button GoButton "Go" width:500 align:#left ) local countModifications local countErrors local fileModified local fileParsed fn UpdateData = ( if SourceFiles.state == 2 then isSourceDir = true else isSourceDir = false if Test.checked == true then isTest = true else isTest = false Directory.enabled = isSourceDir BrowseDirectory.enabled = isSourceDir Recurse.enabled = isSourceDir Test.enabled = isSourceDir BackupFiles.enabled = isSourceDir and (isTest == false) StopOnError.enabled = isSourceDir ) on SourceFiles changed state do ( UpdateData () ) on Test changed state do ( UpdateData () ) fn call_do_it = ( local result -- One more project fileParsed = fileParsed + 1 -- Call it result = do_it () -- Error ? if result < 0 then countErrors = countErrors + 1 else countModifications = countModifications + result -- Return result return result ) fn BackupFile file = ( local i local newFilename i = 0 while true do ( -- New file name newFilename = file + ".backup_" + (i as string) -- File exist ? if (fileExist newFilename) == false then ( if (copyFile file newFilename) == false then return false else return true ) i = i + 1 ) ) fn RecurseFolder currentDirectory = ( local result local file local files -- Parse files files = getFiles (currentDirectory+"/*.max") -- For each files for i = 1 to files.count do ( -- File name file = files[i] -- Progress bar ProgressText.text = "In directory "+currentDirectory+", compute file \"" + (getFilenameFile file) + "\"" Progress.value = i*100/files.count -- Open the max project if loadMaxFile file == true then ( result = call_do_it () -- Error ? if result < 0 then ( if StopOnError.checked == true then Messagebox ("Error in file " + file) ) else ( -- Save the max project ? if (Test.checked == false) and (result != 0) then ( -- Backup the max project ? local ok ok = true if BackupFiles.checked == true then ( -- Backup the file if (BackupFile file) == false then ( -- Don't save the file because backup has failed ok = false if StopOnError.checked == true then Messagebox ("Can't backup file " + file) -- One more error countErrors = countErrors + 1 ) ) -- Save the max project ? if ok == true then ( if (saveMaxFile file) == true then ( fileModified = fileModified + 1 ) else ( if StopOnError.checked == true then Messagebox ("Can't write file " + file) -- One more error countErrors = countErrors + 1 ) ) ) ) ) else ( if StopOnError.checked == true then Messagebox ("Can't load file " + file) -- One more error countErrors = countErrors + 1 ) ) -- Parse sub directory ? if (Recurse.checked == true) then ( local directories -- Get the directories directories = getDirectories (currentDirectory+"/*") -- For each directories for dir in directories do ( RecurseFolder dir ) ) ) on BrowseDirectory pressed do ( local dir try ( dir = getSavePath () -- caption:"Select the projects directory" if dir != undefined then Directory.text = dir ) catch ( ) ) on GoButton pressed do ( -- Reset count countModifications = 0 countErrors = 0 fileModified = 0 fileParsed = 0 -- Get files in the shape_source_directory if SourceFiles.state == 2 then ( -- Should warning user ? if (SourceFiles.state == 2) and (Test.checked == false) then ( -- Warning ! if ((queryBox "Warning, all the files in the specified folders will be overwrited.\nYou should backup your files before executing this script.\nDo you want to continue executing this script ?" beep:true) == true) then RecurseFolder (adjustPathStringForScript Directory.text) ) else ( RecurseFolder (adjustPathStringForScript Directory.text) ) ) else ( -- Just compute the current project call_do_it () ) -- Show errors ProgressText.text = (fileParsed as string) + " project(s) opened, " + (countModifications as string) + " project modification(s), " + (fileModified as string) + " project(s) saved, " + (countErrors as string) + " error(s)." Progress.value = 100 )