// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include "stdpch.h" #include "dbgroup_build_phrase.h" #include "sbrick_manager.h" #include "sphrase_manager.h" #include "interface_manager.h" #include "dbctrl_sheet.h" #include "nel/gui/view_bitmap.h" #include "nel/gui/ctrl_button.h" #include "nel/gui/group_editbox.h" #include "../client_cfg.h" #include "nel/gui/view_text.h" #include "skill_manager.h" #include "../string_manager_client.h" using namespace std; using namespace NLMISC; // *************************************************************************** const std::string CDBGroupBuildPhrase::BrickSelectionModal= "ui:interface:build_phrase_select_brick"; const std::string CDBGroupBuildPhrase::BrickSelectionDB= "UI:PHRASE:SELECT"; const std::string CDBGroupBuildPhrase::BrickBuildDB= "UI:PHRASE:BUILD"; // *************************************************************************** NLMISC_REGISTER_OBJECT(CViewBase, CDBGroupBuildPhrase, std::string, "build_phrase"); CDBGroupBuildPhrase::CDBGroupBuildPhrase(const TCtorParam ¶m) :CInterfaceGroup(param) { _GroupValid= false; _ValidateButton= NULL; _NumMandatories= 0; _NumOptionals= 0; _NumCredits= 0; _Setuped= false; _TextureIdSlotDisabled= 0; // Name of the magic sentence _UserSentenceName= NULL; _SpellView= NULL; _NewSpellNumber= 0; _TextPhraseDesc= NULL; nlctassert(MaxRootBrickTypeFilter>0); for(uint i=0;igetDbProp(BrickBuildDB + ":MAIN:" + toString(i)+":SHEET"); for(uint j=0;jgetDbProp(BrickBuildDB + ":PARAM:" + toString(i) + ":" + toString(j) + ":SHEET"); } // spellView: to update the icon, use a special phrase manager entry NLGUI::CDBManager::getInstance()->getDbProp(BrickBuildDB + ":EDITION_PHRASE:PHRASE")->setValue32(CSPhraseManager::EditionSlot); return true; } // *************************************************************************** void CDBGroupBuildPhrase::updateCoords () { if(!_Setuped) setupBuildSentence(); CInterfaceGroup::updateCoords(); } // *************************************************************************** void CDBGroupBuildPhrase::setupBuildSentence() { CInterfaceManager *pIM= CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); _Setuped= true; // Get the widget controls _ValidateButton= dynamic_cast(CInterfaceGroup::getCtrl("ok_cancel:ok")); if(_ValidateButton) _ValidateButton->setFrozen(true); _TextPhraseDesc= dynamic_cast(CInterfaceGroup::getView("infos:phrase_desc")); // retrieved brick view/ctrls string idCtrl, idBack, idCost, idCredit, idInfo; CDBCtrlSheet *ctrl; CViewBitmap *back; CViewText *cost; CViewText *credit; CViewText *info; // **** get all bricks (including root) sint index= 0; for(;;) { // retrieve idCtrl= string("bricks:main_brick")+toString(index); idBack= string("bricks:main_back")+toString(index); idCost= string("bricks:main_cost")+toString(index); idCredit= string("bricks:main_credit")+toString(index); idInfo= string("bricks:main_info")+toString(index); ctrl= dynamic_cast(CInterfaceGroup::getCtrl( idCtrl )); back= dynamic_cast(CInterfaceGroup::getView( idBack )); cost= dynamic_cast(CInterfaceGroup::getView( idCost )); credit= dynamic_cast(CInterfaceGroup::getView( idCredit )); info= dynamic_cast(CInterfaceGroup::getView( idInfo )); // A brick Slot is valid only if all Ctrl/View are ok, same for its param. bool ok= true; CWord newWord; if(ctrl && back && cost && info) { newWord.Slot.Brick= ctrl; newWord.Slot.Back= back; newWord.CostView= cost; newWord.CreditView= credit; newWord.InfoView= info; // Must have all params for(uint i=0;i(CInterfaceGroup::getCtrl( idCtrl )); back= dynamic_cast(CInterfaceGroup::getView( idBack )); if(ctrl && back) { newWord.ParamSlot[i].Brick= ctrl; newWord.ParamSlot[i].Back= back; } else { // fails to find all params! ok= false; break; } } } else ok= false; // ok with this ctrl? if(ok) { // unactive alls. newWord.reset(); // append _MainWords.push_back(newWord); // next index++; } else { // stop to search break; } } // If not at least find the root, error! if(index==0) { nlwarning("ERROR: RootBrick not found!"); _GroupValid= false; } else { _GroupValid= true; // Active at least the root brick. _MainWords[0].setBrick(0); } // Setup special for Root if(_GroupValid) { sint rootTextMaxw; fromString(CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getParser()->getDefine("phrase_build_root_info_maxw"), rootTextMaxw); _MainWords[0].InfoView->setLineMaxW(rootTextMaxw); } // Get the sentence texts _UserSentenceName= dynamic_cast(CInterfaceGroup::getGroup("eb_spell_name:eb")); // Get the SpellView _SpellView= dynamic_cast(CInterfaceGroup::getCtrl( "spell_view" )); } // *************************************************************************** void CDBGroupBuildPhrase::draw () { CInterfaceGroup::draw(); } // *************************************************************************** const CSBrickSheet *CDBGroupBuildPhrase::getRootBrick() { if(!_GroupValid) return NULL; return _MainWords[0].Slot.Brick->asSBrickSheet(); } // *************************************************************************** // *************************************************************************** // Setup operations // *************************************************************************** // *************************************************************************** // *************************************************************************** void CDBGroupBuildPhrase::clearBuildingPhrase() { if(!_GroupValid) return; // update display _MainWords[0].reset(); _MainWords[0].setBrick(0); updateDisplayFromRootBrick(); // Empty the name if(_UserSentenceName) { _UserSentenceName->setInputString(ucstring()); } // update Display updateAllDisplay(); } // *************************************************************************** void CDBGroupBuildPhrase::startComposition(const CSPhraseCom &phrase) { if(!_GroupValid) return; CSBrickManager *pBM= CSBrickManager::getInstance(); ucstring name; // if phrase empty (new phrase), invent a new name if(phrase.empty()) { // build a default name name= CI18N::get("uimPhraseNew"); // Append a dummy number _NewSpellNumber++; name+= " " + toString(_NewSpellNumber); } else { // copy name name= phrase.Name; // get the root Brick. Must exist. CSBrickSheet *rootBrick= pBM->getBrick(phrase.Bricks[0]); if(rootBrick) { // Phrase to Ctrls: simulate clicks! uint curBrickIndex= 1; uint brickIndexForParam= 0; uint curParam= 0; uint numParam= 0; // simulate a root selection validateRoot(rootBrick); // setup params of the root numParam= (uint)rootBrick->ParameterFamilies.size(); brickIndexForParam= 0; // For all brick not the root for(uint i=1;igetBrick(phrase.Bricks[i]); /* NB: the ORDER is important for grammar checkup Must come first Root / Mandatory, then credit or optionals. Each params must follow its related brick Parameters May also have their own parameters This is recursive, param sons may have params sons. */ // a param of brick? if(curParamParameterFamilies.empty() ) numParam+= (uint)brick->ParameterFamilies.size(); } // a mandatory/optional/credit? else { // must be a mandatory? if(curBrickIndex<1+_NumMandatories) validateMain(curBrickIndex, brick); // create a new optional/credit else validateNewOpCredit(brick); // bkup index for param, and increment brickIndexForParam= curBrickIndex; curBrickIndex++; // following bricks are its param! curParam= 0; numParam= 0; if(brick) numParam= (uint)brick->ParameterFamilies.size(); } } } } // set the editable name. if(_UserSentenceName) _UserSentenceName->setInputString(name); } // *************************************************************************** // *************************************************************************** // Start Selection of Bricks // *************************************************************************** // *************************************************************************** // *************************************************************************** void CDBGroupBuildPhrase::fillSelectionRoot() { // the root must be OK. if(!_GroupValid) return; CSBrickManager *pBM= CSBrickManager::getInstance(); // fillSelection with all root std::vector bricks; bricks= pBM->getRootBricks(); // get only ones known filterKnownBricks(bricks); // get only ones that match The BrickType filter filterRootBrickType(bricks); // some additional root filter filterRootPossibles(bricks); // fill db fillSelection(bricks); } // *************************************************************************** void CDBGroupBuildPhrase::fillSelectionMain(uint index) { nlassert(index>0); // the root must be OK. if(!_GroupValid) return; const CSBrickSheet *rootBrick= getRootBrick(); if(!rootBrick) return; CSBrickManager *pBM= CSBrickManager::getInstance(); // error? if(index>=_MainWords.size()) { resetSelection(); return; } // get the current Brick. std::vector bricks; const CSBrickSheet *brick= _MainWords[index].Slot.Brick->asSBrickSheet(); if(!brick) { // It is possible for Mandatory that this brick is still not validated if(index<1+_NumMandatories) { // get the related family and bricks associated to it bricks= pBM->getFamilyBricks(rootBrick->MandatoryFamilies[index-1]); } else { resetSelection(); return; } } else { // fill selection with all bricks of the same family (whatever the main brick) bricks= pBM->getFamilyBricks(brick->BrickFamily); } // get only ones known filterKnownBricks(bricks); // For mandatories, filter effects CSPhraseCom currentPhrase; buildCurrentPhrase(currentPhrase); pBM->getSabrinaCom().filterMandatoryComposition(currentPhrase.Bricks, bricks); // For Combat Optional, must filter by exclusion and combat exclusion if(brick && brick->isCombat() && brick->isOptional() ) { // Ensure not same bricks are setuped. Also don't insert me since I am already here... filterBrickSetuped(bricks); // Ensure only optional of compatible Skill are inserted. Don't test with me, since i may be removed! filterSkillSetuped(bricks, true, false, index); } // for power optional, must filter by brick else if(brick && brick->isSpecialPower() && (brick->isOptional()||brick->isMandatory()) ) { // Ensure not same bricks are setuped. Also don't insert me since I am already here... filterBrickSetuped(bricks); } // For optional or credit, filter by BrickExclusion. if(index>=1/*+_NumMandatories*/) filterBrickExclusion(bricks, index); // For Optional/Credits, must append first the special "Remove Brick" choice if(index>=1+_NumMandatories) { bricks.insert(bricks.begin(), pBM->getInterfaceRemoveBrick()); } // fill db fillSelection(bricks); } // *************************************************************************** void CDBGroupBuildPhrase::fillSelectionParam(uint index, uint paramIndex) { // the root must be OK. if(!_GroupValid) return; const CSBrickSheet *rootBrick= getRootBrick(); if(!rootBrick) return; CSBrickManager *pBM= CSBrickManager::getInstance(); // error? if( index>=_MainWords.size() || paramIndex>=MaxParam) { resetSelection(); return; } // get the current Brick. const CSBrickSheet *brick; brick= _MainWords[index].ParamSlot[paramIndex].Brick->asSBrickSheet(); if(!brick) { resetSelection(); return; } // fill selection with all bricks of the same family (whatever the root) std::vector bricks; bricks= pBM->getFamilyBricks(brick->BrickFamily); // get only ones known filterKnownBricks(bricks); // fill db fillSelection(bricks); } // *************************************************************************** void CDBGroupBuildPhrase::fillSelectionNewOp() { // the root must be OK. if(!_GroupValid) return; const CSBrickSheet *rootBrick= getRootBrick(); if(!rootBrick) return; // Build a brick array of possible new bricks. std::vector bricks; fillNewOptionalBricks(bricks); // fill db fillSelection(bricks); } // *************************************************************************** void CDBGroupBuildPhrase::fillSelectionNewCredit() { // the root must be OK. if(!_GroupValid) return; const CSBrickSheet *rootBrick= getRootBrick(); if(!rootBrick) return; // Build a brick array of possible new bricks. std::vector bricks; fillNewCreditBricks(bricks); // fill db fillSelection(bricks); } // *************************************************************************** // *************************************************************************** // Validate Selection of Bricks // *************************************************************************** // *************************************************************************** // *************************************************************************** void CDBGroupBuildPhrase::validateRoot(const CSBrickSheet *sheet) { // the root must be OK. if(!_GroupValid) return; // If same brick no op if(getRootBrick() == sheet) return; // reset the whole sentence with default values resetSentence(sheet->Id.asInt()); // update the display updateAllDisplay(); } // *************************************************************************** void CDBGroupBuildPhrase::validateMain(uint index, const CSBrickSheet *sheet) { nlassert(index>0); // the root must be OK. if(!_GroupValid) return; const CSBrickSheet *rootBrick= getRootBrick(); if(!rootBrick) return; CSBrickManager *pBM= CSBrickManager::getInstance(); // If the brick chosen is actually the "Remove Brick", then call the correct method if(sheet->Id == pBM->getInterfaceRemoveBrick()) { deleteOpCredit(index); return; } // set the brick! if(sheet) _MainWords[index].setBrick(sheet->Id.asInt()); // must update params if change! updateParams(index); // update the display updateAllDisplay(); } // *************************************************************************** void CDBGroupBuildPhrase::validateParam(uint index, uint paramIndex, const CSBrickSheet *sheet) { // the root must be OK. if(!_GroupValid) return; const CSBrickSheet *rootBrick= getRootBrick(); if(!rootBrick) return; if(paramIndex>=MaxParam) return; // The setuped parameter may have also parameter sons bool mustResetParamHrc= false; vector newParamSons; if(sheet) newParamSons= sheet->ParameterFamilies; mustResetParamHrc= newParamSons != _MainWords[index].ParamSlot[paramIndex].ViewParamFamilies; // set the brick! if(sheet) { _MainWords[index].setParamBrick(paramIndex, sheet->Id.asInt()); } // update the param sons if(mustResetParamHrc) updateParamHrc(index); // update the display updateAllDisplay(); } // *************************************************************************** void CDBGroupBuildPhrase::validateNewOpCredit(const CSBrickSheet *sheet) { // the root must be OK. if(!_GroupValid) return; const CSBrickSheet *rootBrick= getRootBrick(); if(!rootBrick) return; if(!sheet) return; // we should not have to do this test... if(getNumMainBricks()>=_MainWords.size()) return; // get the dest index. uint index; // credit brick? if(sheet->isCredit()) index= 1+_NumMandatories+_NumOptionals+_NumCredits; // else optional brick else index= 1+_NumMandatories+_NumOptionals; // Shift Optional Row. Copy the Brick setup from index to index+1. for(uint i= getNumMainBricks();i>index;i--) { _MainWords[i].copySetup(_MainWords[i-1]); } // set the brick! _MainWords[index].setBrick(sheet->Id.asInt()); // Increment the number of options/credits setuped! if(sheet->isCredit()) _NumCredits++; else _NumOptionals++; // update the NewOp controler updateNewButtons(); // must update params if change! updateParams(index); // update the display updateAllDisplay(); } // *************************************************************************** void CDBGroupBuildPhrase::deleteOpCredit(uint index) { nlassert(index>0); // the root must be OK. if(!_GroupValid) return; const CSBrickSheet *rootBrick= getRootBrick(); if(!rootBrick) return; // check index bool isCredit; if(index>=1+_NumMandatories && index<1+_NumMandatories+_NumOptionals) isCredit= false; else if(index>=1+_NumMandatories+_NumOptionals && index>=1; } return 0; } // *************************************************************************** static void getDefaultSheetForFamily(uint familyId, sint32 &sheet, bool &valid) { CSBrickManager *pBM= CSBrickManager::getInstance(); uint64 knownBF= pBM->getKnownBrickBitField(familyId); // Known? if(knownBF) { // default: get the lowest sheet sint posInFamily= getLowestBit(knownBF); // get the sheet sheet= pBM->getBrickSheet(familyId, posInFamily).asInt(); valid= true; } else { // setup the Sheet with the lowest brick sheet= pBM->getBrickSheet(familyId, 0).asInt(); // invalidate the word valid= false; } } // *************************************************************************** void CDBGroupBuildPhrase::updateParams(uint index) { // get the Word CWord *word; if(index<_MainWords.size()) word= &_MainWords[index]; else return; // Get the Brick setuped. may be NULL for unsetuped mandatories const CSBrickSheet *brick= word->Slot.Brick->asSBrickSheet(); // retrieve brick paramFamilies vector paramFamilies; if(brick) paramFamilies= brick->ParameterFamilies; // if param families of the new brick different from what setuped in view, reset all param hierachy if(word->Slot.ViewParamFamilies != paramFamilies) { // must reset the view of parameters word->resetParams(); // and compute all from setuped main brick updateParamHrc(index); } } // *************************************************************************** /* used for updateParamHrc() * */ class CParamTreeNode { public: const CSBrickSheet *Brick; bool Valid; std::vector ViewParamFamilies; CParamTreeNode *Parent; std::vector Sons; public: CParamTreeNode(CParamTreeNode *parent) : Brick(NULL), Valid(true), Parent(parent) {} ~CParamTreeNode() { Parent= NULL; Brick= NULL; deleteSons(); } // delete param sons void deleteSons() { for(uint i=0;i brickParamFamilies; if(Brick) brickParamFamilies= Brick->ParameterFamilies; // compare with the current View one. if equals then OK! just recurs test sons if(brickParamFamilies == ViewParamFamilies) { for(uint i=0;isynchronizeParams(maxDepth-1)) return false; } return true; } // else must rebuild all this branch else { return buildSonsFromBrick(maxDepth); } } // build the son list from brick Setup, and recurs // return false if error bool buildSonsFromBrick(uint maxDepth) { if(maxDepth==0) return false; CSBrickManager *pBM= CSBrickManager::getInstance(); // first delete my sons, and any old view setup deleteSons(); ViewParamFamilies.clear(); // then copy brick families to view families (=> view synchronized to brick) if(Brick) ViewParamFamilies= Brick->ParameterFamilies; // Add a default Son for each family uint i; for(i=0;iBrick= pBM->getBrick(CSheetId(sheet)); sonNode->Valid= sonValid; // add this son to its father Sons.push_back(sonNode); } // recurs. for(i=0;ibuildSonsFromBrick(maxDepth - 1)) return false; } return true; } // build the word raw param list from hierarchy // return false if error bool buildRawParamList(CDBGroupBuildPhrase::CWord &word, uint &rawParamIndex) { // If this is the root if(!Parent) { // just copy the ViewParamFamilies word.Slot.ViewParamFamilies= ViewParamFamilies; } // else, add this parameter to list else { // Check possible Brick Data error if(rawParamIndex >= CDBGroupBuildPhrase::MaxParam) { nlwarning("BRICK ERROR: Not enough param Space (%d) to add all son parameter", CDBGroupBuildPhrase::MaxParam); return false; } // Setup this brick in the param list CSheetId sheet; if(Brick) sheet= Brick->Id; word.setParamBrick(rawParamIndex, sheet.asInt()); word.ParamSlot[rawParamIndex].Valid= Valid; word.ParamSlot[rawParamIndex].Brick->setGrayed( !Valid ); // bkup its ViewParameters word.ParamSlot[rawParamIndex].ViewParamFamilies= ViewParamFamilies; // next param index rawParamIndex++; } // for all sons, recurs for(uint i=0;ibuildRawParamList(word, rawParamIndex)) return false; } return true; } }; // *************************************************************************** void CDBGroupBuildPhrase::updateParamHrc(uint index) { /* When we are here, we may have some Parameter Hierarchy inconsitency between the ViewParameterFamilies and the Brick parameter Families. we must fix them and rebuild all the raw param list */ // get the Word CWord *word; if(index<_MainWords.size()) word= &_MainWords[index]; else return; // If a Param error has already been detected on this Slot, no-op if(word->ParamError) return; // **** From the current View setup of 'word', build the Parameter Hierarchy (in simple tree form) CParamTreeNode rootNode(NULL); // NB: here rootNode represent the Main (ie mandatory, optional or credit) brick. Therefore, it is not a real parameter. rootNode.Brick= word->Slot.Brick->asSBrickSheet(); rootNode.Valid= true; rootNode.ViewParamFamilies= word->Slot.ViewParamFamilies; uint rawParamIndex= 0; CParamTreeNode *curNode= &rootNode; while(curNode) { // if this node still need sons, then the next raw index param must be a son of curNode if(curNode->Sons.size() < curNode->ViewParamFamilies.size()) { nlassert(rawParamIndex < word->NumTotalParams); // create a son node, and fill from rawList CParamTreeNode *sonNode= new CParamTreeNode(curNode); sonNode->Brick= word->ParamSlot[rawParamIndex].Brick->asSBrickSheet(); sonNode->Valid= word->ParamSlot[rawParamIndex].Valid; sonNode->ViewParamFamilies= word->ParamSlot[rawParamIndex].ViewParamFamilies; // append to the sons curNode->Sons.push_back(sonNode); // next in rawList rawParamIndex++; // recurs to son curNode= sonNode; } // else the next must be a brother: return to parent else curNode= curNode->Parent; } // we must have run all the raw list nlassert(rawParamIndex == word->NumTotalParams); nlassert(rootNode.Sons.size() == word->Slot.ViewParamFamilies.size()); // **** Parse the Parameter tree, and invalidate each branch where View families and Brick families differs. // Avoid .sbrick data erros: allow only a max recurs level of 10 if(!rootNode.synchronizeParams(10)) { // in this case, ABORT, but don't crash: setup 0 parameters... word->resetParams(); word->ParamError= true; return; } // **** rebuild completely the parameter list from the parameter tree. // clear first word->resetParams(); // then rebuild rawParamIndex= 0; if(rootNode.buildRawParamList(*word, rawParamIndex)) { // then the new NumTotalParams is.... word->NumTotalParams= rawParamIndex; } // ERROR CASE else { // in this case, ABORT, but don't crash: setup 0 parameters... word->resetParams(); word->ParamError= true; return; } } // *************************************************************************** void CDBGroupBuildPhrase::updateAllDisplay(const CSPhraseCom &phrase) { // NB: phrase MUST COME FROM buildCurrentPhrase() else doesn't work. CSBrickManager *pBM= CSBrickManager::getInstance(); CInterfaceManager *pIM= CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); CSPhraseManager *pPM= CSPhraseManager::getInstance(); // **** update total cost // get the cost and credit uint32 totalCost, totalCredit; pBM->getSabrinaCom().getPhraseCost(phrase.Bricks, totalCost, totalCredit); // update database NLGUI::CDBManager::getInstance()->getDbProp("UI:PHRASE:BUILD:TOTAL_COST")->setValue32(totalCost); NLGUI::CDBManager::getInstance()->getDbProp("UI:PHRASE:BUILD:TOTAL_CREDIT")->setValue32(totalCredit); // **** Update the Cost of All Root/Mandat/ops/Credits. if(phrase.Bricks.size()) { // Parse the phrase, and setup the related Cost. uint curBrickIndex= 0; for(uint i=0;igetBrick(phrase.Bricks[i]); // if not found, skip it (eg important for mandatories not setuped) if(!brick) { i++; } else { // get the cost for this brick and its params. sint32 cost; float relative_cost; cost= pBM->getSabrinaCom().getPhraseBrickAndParamCost(phrase.Bricks, i); relative_cost = pBM->getSabrinaCom().getPhraseBrickAndParamRelativeCost(phrase.Bricks, i); ucstring costText; if( cost == 0 && relative_cost != 0.f ) { cost = (sint32)(relative_cost * 100.f); costText= toString("%+d", cost) + string("%"); } else costText= toString("%+d", cost); // set the MainWord cost if(cost>=0) { _MainWords[curBrickIndex].CostView->setActive(true); _MainWords[curBrickIndex].CreditView->setActive(false); _MainWords[curBrickIndex].CostView->setText(costText); } else { _MainWords[curBrickIndex].CreditView->setActive(true); _MainWords[curBrickIndex].CostView->setActive(false); _MainWords[curBrickIndex].CreditView->setText(costText); } // Next brick: skip me and my params i+= 1 + _MainWords[curBrickIndex].NumTotalParams; } // next slot to setup. if all slots setuped, break. curBrickIndex++; if(curBrickIndex>=getNumMainBricks()) break; } } // **** Additionaly Update the Info Text for(uint i=0;i<1+_NumMandatories;i++) { CWord &word= _MainWords[i]; // If the brick is setuped, hide the info text, else display if( word.Slot.Brick->asSBrickSheet() ) word.InfoView->setActive(false); else { word.InfoView->setActive(true); if(i==0) word.InfoView->setText( CI18N::get("uiTextHelpSelectRootBrick") ); else // start effect index at 1 (human readable :) ) word.InfoView->setText( CI18N::get("uiTextHelpSelectEffectBrick") + toString(i) ); } } // **** Additionaly Update the New Buttons bool mandatOk= true; // If only one of root effect is not setuped... for(uint i=0;i<1+_NumMandatories;i++) { CWord &word= _MainWords[i]; if( !word.Slot.Brick->asSBrickSheet() ) mandatOk= false; } // set DB value accordeing to it. NLGUI::CDBManager::getInstance()->getDbProp("UI:PHRASE:BUILD:ROOT_EFFECT_VALID")->setValue32(mandatOk); // update valid button if(_ValidateButton) { bool active= false; // valid only if all mandat active and cost ok active= totalCredit>=totalCost && mandatOk; // valid only if All bricks exist, and are known uint i; for(i=0;igetBrick(phrase.Bricks[i]); if(!brick || !pBM->isBrickKnown(brick->Id)) { active= false; break; } } // valid only if no parameter error has been encountered for(i=0;i<1+_NumMandatories+_NumOptionals+_NumCredits;i++) { if(_MainWords[i].ParamError) { active= false; break; } } // If OK, still do some check if(active) { const CSBrickSheet *brick= getRootBrick(); if(!brick) active= false; // check req size else if( brick->MandatoryFamilies.size()+1>_MainWords.size() ) active= false; } _ValidateButton->setFrozen(!active); } // **** Additionaly Update the Combat Restrict options // Get the rootBrick const CSBrickSheet *rootBrick= getRootBrick(); if(rootBrick && rootBrick->isCombat()) { // show the weapon restriction interface NLGUI::CDBManager::getInstance()->getDbProp("UI:PHRASE:BUILD:RESTRICT_COMBAT:ENABLED")->setValue32(1); // If not already done, retrieve the weapon skills, and fill the sbricks SHEET if(_WeaponSkills.empty()) { // get define, and verify data uint numWeaponSkill; fromString(CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getParser()->getDefine("phrase_max_restrict_combat"), numWeaponSkill); string strWeaponSkill= CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getParser()->getDefine("phrase_def_skill_restrict_combat"); vector weaponSkillList; splitString(strWeaponSkill, " ", weaponSkillList); nlassert(weaponSkillList.size()==numWeaponSkill); // NOTE TO CODER WHO CHANGE SKILLS::ESkill. If you change combat skills, ask yoyo for modification // or search "phrase_def_skill_restrict_combat" and "phrase_max_restrict_combat" in XML. nlctassert( SKILLS::SFM1SSM && SKILLS::SFM1SAM && SKILLS::SFM1BMM && SKILLS::SFM1BSM && SKILLS::SFM1PSM && SKILLS::SFM2SSM && SKILLS::SFM2SAM && SKILLS::SFM2BMM && SKILLS::SFM2PPM && SKILLS::SFMCADM && SKILLS::SFMCAHM && SKILLS::SFR1APM && SKILLS::SFR2AAM && SKILLS::SFR2ALM && SKILLS::SFR2ARM); nlctassert(SKILLS::SH - SKILLS::SF == 47); // backup the skill array, and fill the associated brick in interface _WeaponSkills.resize(numWeaponSkill); for(uint i=0;igetVisualBrickForSkill(_WeaponSkills[i]).asInt(); // And fill in DB NLGUI::CDBManager::getInstance()->getDbProp(toString("UI:PHRASE:BUILD:RESTRICT_COMBAT:%d:SHEET", i))->setValue32(viewBrickCombatSheetId); } } // For each weapon skill, test if match or not the current phrase for(uint i=0;i<_WeaponSkills.size();i++) { bool ok= pPM->skillCompatibleWithCombatPhrase(_WeaponSkills[i], phrase.Bricks); NLGUI::CDBManager::getInstance()->getDbProp(toString("UI:PHRASE:BUILD:RESTRICT_COMBAT:%d:LOCKED", i))->setValue32(!ok); } } else { // hide the weapon restriction interface NLGUI::CDBManager::getInstance()->getDbProp("UI:PHRASE:BUILD:RESTRICT_COMBAT:ENABLED")->setValue32(0); } // **** Setup the phrase Desc if(_TextPhraseDesc) { ucstring text; pPM->buildPhraseDesc(text, phrase, 0, false, "composition"); _TextPhraseDesc->setTextFormatTaged(text); } // **** Since some bricks may have changed, update the spell view updateSpellView(); } // *************************************************************************** void CDBGroupBuildPhrase::updateAllDisplay() { // build the current phrase CSPhraseCom newPhrase; buildCurrentPhrase(newPhrase); updateAllDisplay(newPhrase); } // *************************************************************************** void CDBGroupBuildPhrase::resetSelection() { CInterfaceManager *pIM= CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); for(uint i=0;igetDbProp(BrickSelectionDB+ ":" + toString(i) + ":SHEET")->setValue32(0); } } // *************************************************************************** void CDBGroupBuildPhrase::fillSelection(const std::vector &bricks) { CInterfaceManager *pIM= CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); uint num= min((uint)MaxSelection, (uint)bricks.size()); for(uint i=0;igetDbProp(BrickSelectionDB+ ":" + toString(i) + ":SHEET")->setValue32(bricks[i].asInt()); else NLGUI::CDBManager::getInstance()->getDbProp(BrickSelectionDB+ ":" + toString(i) + ":SHEET")->setValue32(0); } } // *************************************************************************** void CDBGroupBuildPhrase::filterKnownBricks(std::vector &bricks) { CSBrickManager *pBM= CSBrickManager::getInstance(); pBM->filterKnownBricks(bricks); } // *************************************************************************** void CDBGroupBuildPhrase::filterBrickExclusion(std::vector &bricks, uint16 indexToSkip) { CSBrickManager *pBM= CSBrickManager::getInstance(); std::vector res; res.reserve(bricks.size()); static vector forbidWords(30); // For All optionals/credits setuped, build the Exclude Set set excludeSet; // test for all bricks for(uint j=1/*+_NumMandatories*/;j<1+_NumMandatories+_NumOptionals+_NumCredits;j++) { // skip brick at index indexToSkip (if replacing a brick for example, don't consider it's forbiden flags) if (j == indexToSkip) continue; const CSBrickSheet *brick= _MainWords[j].Slot.Brick->asSBrickSheet(); if(brick) { // get all words. forbidWords.clear(); splitString(brick->getForbiddenExclude(), ":", forbidWords); // for all words, insert in the set. for(uint j=0;jgetBrick(bricks[i]); if(brick) { // For all define words, search if excluded from the current set of optional setup forbidWords.clear(); splitString(brick->getForbiddenDef(), ":", forbidWords); bool ok= true; for(uint j=0;j &families) { std::vector res; res.reserve(families.size()); // keep only unsetuped ones for(uint i=0;iasSBrickSheet(); if(brick && brick->BrickFamily==(sint)family) { ok= false; break; } } // insert only if not found if(ok) { res.push_back(family); } } // replace with filtered one families= res; } // *************************************************************************** void CDBGroupBuildPhrase::filterBrickSetuped(std::vector &bricks) { std::vector res; res.reserve(bricks.size()); // keep only unsetuped ones for(uint i=0;igetSheetId()) ) { ok= false; break; } } // insert only if not found if(ok) { res.push_back(brick); } } // replace with filtered one bricks= res; } // *************************************************************************** void CDBGroupBuildPhrase::filterSkillSetuped(std::vector &bricks, bool checkOptional, bool checkCredit, sint avoidCheckIndex) { // check nothing => return. if(!checkOptional && !checkCredit) return; CSBrickManager *pBM= CSBrickManager::getInstance(); // **** build the compatible skill formula for the bricks we want to check CReqSkillFormula testFormula; uint checkStart= checkOptional? 1+_NumMandatories : 1+_NumMandatories+_NumOptionals; uint checkEnd= checkCredit? 1+_NumMandatories+_NumOptionals : getNumMainBricks(); // test for all optionals and/or Credits uint i; for(uint i= checkStart;iasSBrickSheet(); // If bricks use a skill, and with the formula if(brick && brick->getSkill()!=SKILLS::unknown) { CReqSkillFormula brickFormula; for(uint j=0;jUsedSkills.size();j++) { brickFormula.orV(CSkillValue(brick->UsedSkills[j])); } // and with the phraseFormula testFormula.andV(brickFormula); } } // **** check for each brick if compatible with this formula std::vector res; res.reserve(bricks.size()); // keep only unsetuped ones for(i=0;igetBrick(bricks[i]); if(brick && brick->getSkill()!=SKILLS::unknown) { // simulate a choose of this brick, ie AND its skill formula with the current phrase formula CReqSkillFormula brickFormula; for(uint j=0;jUsedSkills.size();j++) { brickFormula.orV(CSkillValue(brick->UsedSkills[j])); } CReqSkillFormula tempFormula= testFormula; tempFormula.andV(brickFormula); // Nb: the following test works if testFormula is empty(), because in this case // tempFormula.and(brickFormula)==brickFormula and hence is of form SFR | SFM | .... // if one of the ored skill has a size 1 (eg SFR&SFM fails), then it's ok! // else it's mean that there is no "skill on same branch solution". bool ok= false; std::list::iterator it(tempFormula.OrSkills.begin()), end(tempFormula.OrSkills.end()); for(;it!=end;it++) { CReqSkillFormula::CSkillValueAnd skillAnd= *it; // ok, there is still one usable skill if(skillAnd.AndSkills.size()==1) { ok= true; break; } } // insert only if ok if(ok) { res.push_back(bricks[i]); } } } // replace with filtered one bricks= res; } // *************************************************************************** void CDBGroupBuildPhrase::filterRootBrickType(std::vector &bricks) { // no filter => ok. if(_RootBrickTypeFilter[0]==BRICK_TYPE::UNKNOWN) return; CSBrickManager *pBM= CSBrickManager::getInstance(); std::vector res; res.reserve(bricks.size()); // keep only match ones for(uint i=0;igetBrick(bricks[i]); if(brick0) { // insert if one filter match (OR) for(uint j=0;jBrickFamily) ) { res.push_back(bricks[i]); break; } } } } // replace with filtered one bricks= res; } // *************************************************************************** void CDBGroupBuildPhrase::filterRootPossibles(std::vector &bricks) { CSBrickManager *pBM= CSBrickManager::getInstance(); std::vector res; res.reserve(bricks.size()); // keep only match ones for(uint i=0;igetBrick(bricks[i]); if(brick0) { // insert only if not a proc enchantment if(!brick0->isProcEnchantment()) res.push_back(bricks[i]); } } // replace with filtered one bricks= res; } // *************************************************************************** void CDBGroupBuildPhrase::CSlot::reset() { // Must do the test for credits not setuped. if(Brick && Back) { Brick->setActive(false); Brick->setSheetId(0); Back->setActive(false); } // Sheet 0 ViewParamFamilies.clear(); } // *************************************************************************** void CDBGroupBuildPhrase::CWord::resetParams() { for(uint i=0;isetActive(false); CreditView->setActive(false); InfoView->setActive(false); } // *************************************************************************** void CDBGroupBuildPhrase::CWord::setBrick(uint32 sheetId) { Slot.Brick->setActive(true); Slot.Brick->setSheetId(sheetId); Slot.Back->setActive(true); } // *************************************************************************** void CDBGroupBuildPhrase::CWord::setParamBrick(uint param, uint32 sheetId) { if(param>=MaxParam) return; ParamSlot[param].Brick->setActive(true); ParamSlot[param].Brick->setSheetId(sheetId); ParamSlot[param].Back->setActive(true); } // *************************************************************************** void CDBGroupBuildPhrase::CWord::copySetup(const CWord &w) { // reset me first reset(); // set the brick setBrick(w.Slot.Brick->getSheetId()); Slot.Valid= w.Slot.Valid; Slot.ViewParamFamilies= w.Slot.ViewParamFamilies; // copy ParamBricks NumTotalParams= w.NumTotalParams; ParamError= w.ParamError; for(uint i=0;igetSheetId()); ParamSlot[i].Valid= w.ParamSlot[i].Valid; ParamSlot[i].ViewParamFamilies= w.ParamSlot[i].ViewParamFamilies; } // set the cost CostView->setText(w.CostView->getText()); CostView->setActive(w.CostView->getActive()); CreditView->setText(w.CreditView->getText()); CreditView->setActive(w.CreditView->getActive()); InfoView->setText(w.InfoView->getText()); InfoView->setActive(w.InfoView->getActive()); } // *************************************************************************** void CDBGroupBuildPhrase::resetSentence(sint32 rootSheetId) { if(!_GroupValid) return; uint i; // first update the root brick _MainWords[0].setBrick(rootSheetId); // then update display for others updateDisplayFromRootBrick(); // get the root brick const CSBrickSheet *rootBrick= getRootBrick(); if(!rootBrick) return; // *** Init Root // update parameters of the root updateParams(0); // *** Init Mandatories for(i=1;i<1+_NumMandatories;i++) { // get the family Known BitField uint familyId= rootBrick->MandatoryFamilies[i-1]; sint32 sheet; bool valid; getDefaultSheetForFamily(familyId, sheet, valid); // Setup the ctrl sheet of mandatory to 0 by default! _MainWords[i].setBrick(0); _MainWords[i].Slot.Valid= valid; // set the ctrl sheet display _MainWords[i].Slot.Brick->setGrayed( !valid ); // update the parameters of this main brick updateParams(i); } // *** Init Optional/Credits // ungray all optional slots. for(i=1+_NumMandatories;i<_MainWords.size();i++) { _MainWords[i].Slot.Brick->setGrayed( false ); } // update the NewOp controler updateNewButtons(); } // *************************************************************************** void CDBGroupBuildPhrase::updateDisplayFromRootBrick() { if(!_GroupValid) return; uint i; // get the root bricks const CSBrickSheet *brick= getRootBrick(); // Reset the Root params only (don't reset the sheetId setuped!) _MainWords[0].resetParams(); // Hide all other slots by default for(i=1;i<_MainWords.size();i++) { _MainWords[i].reset(); } _NumMandatories= 0; _NumOptionals= 0; _NumCredits= 0; // if brick not found, or if not enough ctrl, hide all if(!brick || brick->MandatoryFamilies.size()+1>_MainWords.size() ) { // empty sheet _MainWords[0].Slot.Brick->setSheetId(0); } // else ok, setup the composition else { _NumMandatories= (uint32)brick->MandatoryFamilies.size(); // Don't enable any optional/credit by default _NumCredits= 0; _NumOptionals= 0; } // update the group and sons coords invalidateCoords(); } // *************************************************************************** void CDBGroupBuildPhrase::buildCurrentPhrase(CSPhraseCom &newPhrase) { /* Word Order: Root/Mandatory/Optional/Credits (with all their params) */ // Reset. newPhrase.Name.clear(); newPhrase.Bricks.clear(); uint i; const CSBrickSheet *brick; // Add All bricks with their parameters for(i=0;iasSBrickSheet(); newPhrase.Bricks.push_back(brick?brick->Id:CSheetId()); // For all its params. for(uint j=0;jasSBrickSheet(); newPhrase.Bricks.push_back(brick?brick->Id:CSheetId()); } } // Set the Name if(_UserSentenceName) { newPhrase.Name= _UserSentenceName->getInputString(); } } // *************************************************************************** void CDBGroupBuildPhrase::updateNewButtons() { // TODO_BRICK: have I to hide button and their text if not possible to add any op/credit? /*if(!_NewOpButton) return; uint newOpIndex= _NumMandatories+_NumOptionals; // if some place for a new optional, show and place the NewOpButton if(newOpIndex<_MandOpWords.size()) { // if comes from a delete, ensure the back+1 is hidden if(newOpIndex+1<_MandOpWords.size()) { _MandOpWords[newOpIndex+1].Slot.Back->setActive(false); } // Show a new Optional possibilty ONLY if really possible!! std::vector bricks; fillNewOptionalBricks(bricks); // if no choice possible if(bricks.empty()) { _NewOpButton->setActive(false); } else { // show the Back under the button _MandOpWords[newOpIndex].Slot.Back->setActive(true); // And move the button under it _NewOpButton->setParentPos(_MandOpWords[newOpIndex].Slot.Back); _NewOpButton->setActive(true); } } else { _NewOpButton->setActive(false); } // retrace all. invalidateCoords();*/ } // *************************************************************************** void CDBGroupBuildPhrase::updateSpellView() { if(_SpellView) { // Build the current phrase CSPhraseCom newPhrase; buildCurrentPhrase(newPhrase); // Set the edited version to the phrase Manager => auto updated in icon CSPhraseManager *pPM= CSPhraseManager::getInstance(); // replace the content of the edited phrase. pPM->setPhrase(CSPhraseManager::EditionSlot, newPhrase); } } // *************************************************************************** void CDBGroupBuildPhrase::fillNewOptionalBricks(std::vector &bricks) { if(!_GroupValid) return; const CSBrickSheet *rootBrick= getRootBrick(); if(!rootBrick) return; CSBrickManager *pBM= CSBrickManager::getInstance(); // get all possible newFamilies vector optionalFamilies; optionalFamilies= rootBrick->OptionalFamilies; // Filter ones that already exist in the composition // Don't filter Combat and Power optional families (Use Brick exclusion system instead) if( !rootBrick->isCombat() && !rootBrick->isSpecialPower()) filterFamilySetuped(optionalFamilies); // Select all bricks for those families. for(uint i=0;i &famBricks= pBM->getFamilyBricks(optionalFamilies[i]); bricks.insert(bricks.end(), famBricks.begin(), famBricks.end()); } // get only ones known filterKnownBricks(bricks); // Combat special if( rootBrick->isCombat() ) { // Ensure not same bricks are setuped filterBrickSetuped(bricks); // Ensure only optional of compatible Skill are inserted filterSkillSetuped(bricks, true, false); } else if ( rootBrick->isSpecialPower() ) { // Ensure not same bricks are setuped filterBrickSetuped(bricks); } // filter by BrickExclusion filterBrickExclusion(bricks); } // *************************************************************************** void CDBGroupBuildPhrase::fillNewCreditBricks(std::vector &bricks) { if(!_GroupValid) return; const CSBrickSheet *rootBrick= getRootBrick(); if(!rootBrick) return; CSBrickManager *pBM= CSBrickManager::getInstance(); // get all possible newFamilies vector creditFamilies; creditFamilies= rootBrick->CreditFamilies; // Filter ones that already exist in the composition filterFamilySetuped(creditFamilies); // Select all bricks for those families. for(uint i=0;i &famBricks= pBM->getFamilyBricks(creditFamilies[i]); bricks.insert(bricks.end(), famBricks.begin(), famBricks.end()); } // get only ones known filterKnownBricks(bricks); // filter by BrickExclusion filterBrickExclusion(bricks); } // *************************************************************************** void CDBGroupBuildPhrase::setRootBrickTypeFilter(BRICK_TYPE::EBrickType rootBtFilter, BRICK_TYPE::EBrickType rootBtFilter2, BRICK_TYPE::EBrickType rootBtFilter3, BRICK_TYPE::EBrickType rootBtFilter4) { nlctassert(MaxRootBrickTypeFilter==4); _RootBrickTypeFilter[0]= rootBtFilter; _RootBrickTypeFilter[1]= rootBtFilter2; _RootBrickTypeFilter[2]= rootBtFilter3; _RootBrickTypeFilter[3]= rootBtFilter4; }