// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see .
#include "operation.h"
#include "server.h"
#include "profile.h"
* Config file management and other stuff related to location of files/directories.
* \author Cedric 'Kervala' OCHS
* \date 2016
class CConfigFile : public QObject
CConfigFile(QObject *parent = NULL);
virtual ~CConfigFile();
bool load();
bool load(const QString &filename);
bool save() const;
static CConfigFile* getInstance();
CServers getServers() const { return m_servers; }
void setServers(const CServers &servers) { m_servers = servers; }
int getServersCount() const;
const CServer& getServer(int i = -1) const;
const CServer& getServer(const QString &id) const;
CProfiles getProfiles() const { return m_profiles; }
void setProfiles(const CProfiles &profiles) { m_profiles = profiles; }
CProfiles getBackupProfiles() const { return m_backupProfiles; }
void backupProfiles();
QString getLanguage() const { return m_language; }
int getProfilesCount() const;
CProfile getProfile(int i = -1) const;
CProfile getProfile(const QString &id) const;
void setProfile(int i, const CProfile &profile);
int addProfile(const CProfile &profile);
void removeProfile(int i);
void removeProfile(const QString &id);
int getDefaultServerIndex() const;
void setDefaultServerIndex(int index);
int getDefaultProfileIndex() const;
void setDefaultProfileIndex(int index);
bool isRyzomInstallerConfigured() const;
QString getInstallationDirectory() const;
void setInstallationDirectory(const QString &directory);
QString getSrcServerDirectory() const;
void setSrcServerDirectory(const QString &directory);
QString getProfileDirectory() const;
QString getSrcProfileDirectory() const;
QString getDesktopDirectory() const;
QString getMenuDirectory() const;
static bool has64bitsOS();
// default directories
static QString getCurrentDirectory();
static QString getParentDirectory();
static QString getApplicationDirectory();
static QString getOldInstallationDirectory();
static QString getNewInstallationDirectory();
static QString getOldInstallationLanguage();
static QString getNewInstallationLanguage();
// status of installation
bool isRyzomInstalledIn(const QString &directory) const;
bool areRyzomDataInstalledIn(const QString &directory) const;
bool isRyzomClientInstalledIn(const QString &directory) const;
bool foundTemporaryFiles(const QString &directory) const;
bool shouldCreateDesktopShortcut() const;
bool shouldCreateMenuShortcut() const;
// installation choices
bool use64BitsClient() const;
void setUse64BitsClient(bool on);
bool shouldUninstallOldClient() const;
void setShouldUninstallOldClient(bool on);
bool uninstallingOldClient() const;
void setUninstallingOldClient(bool on) const;
QString expandVariables(const QString &str) const;
QString getClientArch() const;
QString getInstallerCurrentFilePath() const;
QString getInstallerCurrentDirPath() const;
QString getInstallerOriginalFilePath() const;
QString getInstallerOriginalDirPath() const;
QString getInstallerMenuLinkFullPath() const;
QStringList getInstallerRequiredFiles() const;
QString getSrcServerClientBNPFullPath() const;
OperationStep getInstallNextStep() const;
// product details
QString getProductName() const;
QString getProductPublisher() const;
QString getProductAboutUrl() const;
QString getProductUpdateUrl() const;
QString getProductHelpUrl() const;
QString getProductComments() const;
int m_version;
int m_defaultServerIndex;
int m_defaultProfileIndex;
CServers m_servers;
CProfiles m_profiles;
CProfiles m_backupProfiles;
QString m_installationDirectory;
QString m_srcDirectory;
bool m_use64BitsClient;
bool m_shouldUninstallOldClient;
QString m_language;
QString m_defaultConfigPath;
QString m_configPath;
// product
QString m_productName;
QString m_productPublisher;
QString m_productAboutUrl;
QString m_productUpdateUrl;
QString m_productHelpUrl;
QString m_productComments;
static CConfigFile *s_instance;