// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see .
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/misc/singleton.h"
#include "nel/ligo/primitive.h"
#include "game_share/base_types.h"
#include "game_share/continent.h"
#include "server_share/respawn_point_type.h"
#include "server_share/place_type.h"
#include "entity_manager/entity_base.h"
#include "game_share/string_manager_sender.h"
#include "mission_manager/ai_alias_translator.h"
#include "deposit.h"
class CCharacter;
extern NLMISC::CRandom RandomGenerator;
static const uint16 InvalidSpawnZoneId = 0xFFFF;
static const uint16 InvalidPlaceId = 0xFFFF;
* A teleport destination zone
* \author Nicolas Brigand
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2003
class CTpSpawnZone : public NLLIGO::CPrimPoint
* build the zone from a primitive file
* \return true on success
bool build(const NLLIGO::CPrimPoint * point);
/// get a random destination point
void getRandomPoint( sint32 & x, sint32 & y, sint32 & z, float & heading )const
static const float angleMax = (float)(2 * NLMISC::Pi);
z = (sint32)Point.z;
float angle = RandomGenerator.frand( angleMax );
sint32 radius = (sint32)RandomGenerator.rand( (uint16) _Radius );
x = sint32( radius * cos ( angle ) + Point.x );
y = sint32( radius * sin ( angle ) + Point.y );
heading = Angle;
void getCenter( sint32 & x, sint32 & y )const
x = sint32(Point.x);
y = sint32(Point.y);
RESPAWN_POINT::TRespawnPointType getType() const { return _Type; }
void setContinent( CONTINENT::TContinent contId )
_Continent = contId;
CONTINENT::TContinent getContinent() const
return _Continent;
void setRegion( uint16 regionId )
_Region = regionId;
uint16 getRegion() const
return _Region;
const std::string &getName() const
return _Name;
PLACE_TYPE::TPlaceType getPlaceType() const
return _PlaceType;
void setPlaceType(PLACE_TYPE::TPlaceType placeType)
_PlaceType = placeType;
/// Name of the zone
std::string _Name;
/// radius of the zone
uint16 _Radius;
/// type of the zone ( useful for respawn points )
RESPAWN_POINT::TRespawnPointType _Type;
/// parent continent id
CONTINENT::TContinent _Continent;
/// parent region id
uint16 _Region;
// place type: capital, village etc
PLACE_TYPE::TPlaceType _PlaceType;
* A place in Ryzom is a patatoid that delimits a named place (village, special zones,...)
* Regions and Continents inherits from theis class.
* Places are in region, which are in continents
* \author Nicolas Brigand
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2003
class CPlace : public NLLIGO::CPrimZone
* build the place from a primitive file
* \param prim: the source primitive
* \param id: id of the place
* \return true on success
bool build(const NLLIGO::CPrimZone * zone,uint16 id, bool reportAutorised = true);
bool build(const NLLIGO::CPrimPath * zone,uint16 id);
///\return the name of the place
inline const std::string & getName() const{ return _Name; }
///\return the id of the place
inline uint16 getId() const{ return _Id; }
///\return center coords
inline sint32 getCenterX(){ return _CenterX;}
inline sint32 getCenterY(){ return _CenterY;}
bool getReported() const { return _Reported; }
bool isGooPath() const { return _GooPath; }
bool isMainPlace() const { return _MainPlace; }
TAIAlias getAlias()const{ return _Alias; }
const std::vector & getRespawnPoints() const { return _RespawnPoints; }
///\id of the place
uint16 _Id;
/// Name of the place
std::string _Name;
/// center coords
sint32 _CenterX;
sint32 _CenterY;
/// Flag for sending enter message to client
bool _Reported;
/// Flag indicate this place is a goo path
bool _GooPath;
/// true if the place is the main place where a user can be
bool _MainPlace;
/// respawn points validated when a user enters the place
std::vector _RespawnPoints;
/// persistant alias
TAIAlias _Alias;
* Region class
* \author Nicolas Brigand
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2003
class CRegion : public CPlace
* build the region from a primitive file
* \param prim: the source primitive
* \param id: id of the region
* \return true on success
bool build(const NLLIGO::CPrimZone * zone,uint16 id);
/// ctor
CRegion() : _Continent(CONTINENT::UNKNOWN) { }
/// dtor
* add a place in that region
* \param place: the place to add
inline void addPlace( CPlace* place ) { _Places.push_back( place ); }
* add a deposit in that region
* \param deposit: the deposit to add
inline void addDeposit( CDeposit* deposit ) { _Deposits.push_back( deposit ); }
///\return the places contained in that region
inline const std::vector< CPlace* > & getPlaces() const {return _Places;}
///\return the deposits contained in that region
inline std::vector< CDeposit* > & getDeposits(){return _Deposits;}
///\return true if the region is a newbie region
inline bool isNewbieRegion()const { return _NewbieRegion; }
/// add a user to the region
void addPlayer( const NLMISC::CEntityId & id );
/// remove a user from the region
void removePlayer( const NLMISC::CEntityId & id );
/// register the region chat group
void registerChatGroup();
/// players in region
const std::set< NLMISC::CEntityId > & getPlayersInside() { return _Players; }
/// get the continent of the region
CONTINENT::TContinent getContinent() const { return _Continent; }
/// set Continent of region
void setContinent( CONTINENT::TContinent continent ) { _Continent = continent; }
/// places contained in this region
std::vector< CPlace* > _Places;
/// deposits contained in this region
std::vector< CDeposit* > _Deposits;
/// true if the region is a newbie region
bool _NewbieRegion;
/// players in the region
std::set< NLMISC::CEntityId > _Players;
/// continent where the region are
CONTINENT::TContinent _Continent;
* Continent class
* \author Nicolas Brigand
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2003
class CContinent : public CPlace
/// continent names
// static const std::string ContNames [];
* build the continent from a primitive file
* \param prim: the source primitive
* \return true on success
bool build(const NLLIGO::CPrimZone * zone);
/// dtor
* add a region in that continent
* \param region: the region to add
inline void addRegion( CRegion * region ){ _Regions.push_back(region); }
///\return the regions contained in that continent
inline const std::vector< CRegion* > & getRegions(){return _Regions;}
///\regions contained in this continent
std::vector< CRegion* > _Regions;
* Singleton used to manage zones in the EGS.
* Its purpose is to store the data concerning zones forbe used for gameplay rules linked to geographic position.
* \author Nicolas Brigand
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2003
class CZoneManager : public NLMISC::CSingleton
const uint DepositSearchTime;
/// start point structure
struct CStartPoint
uint16 SpawnZoneId;
TAIAlias Mission;
TAIAlias Welcomer;
// default constructor
CZoneManager() : DepositSearchTime(50) {};
/// init the manager
void init();
/// release the manager
void release ();
/// callback called when IOS connects
void iosConnection();
/// get a teleport zone
inline const CTpSpawnZone * getTpSpawnZone( uint16 idx ) const;
/// get a teleport zone id from its name. return InvalidSpawnZoneId if not found.
uint16 getTpSpawnZoneIdByName( const std::string & name);
* get the continent where an entity is
* \param entity: the entity to check
* \return a pointer on the continent
inline const CContinent * getContinent( CEntityBase * entity );
* get the region where an entity is
* \param entity: the entity to check
* \param region: pointer to be filled with the appropriate value ( must be allocated )
* \param continent: pointer to be filled with the appropriate value ( must be allocated if not NULL )
* \return a pointer on the continent
inline bool getRegion( CEntityBase * entity, const CRegion ** region, const CContinent ** continent = NULL);
* get the place where an entity is
* \param entity: the entity to check
* \param stable: pointer to be filled with the appropriate value ( must be allocated )
* \param place: pointer to be filled with the appropriate value ( must be allocated )
* \param region: pointer to be filled with the appropriate value ( must be allocated if not NULL)
* \param continent: pointer to be filled with the appropriate value ( must be allocated if not NULL )
* \return a pointer on the continent
inline bool getPlace( CEntityBase * entity, float& gooDistance, const CPlace ** stable, std::vector& places, const CRegion ** region = NULL, const CContinent ** continent = NULL );
* get the continent containing the given position
* \param x: X coord of the position
* \param y: Y coord of the position
* \return a pointer on the continent
CContinent * getContinent( sint32 x, sint32 y );
/// Same with vector
CContinent * getContinent( const NLMISC::CVector& pos );
* get the region containing the given position
* \param x: X coord of the position
* \param y: Y coord of the position
* \param region: pointer to be filled with the appropriate value ( must be allocated )
* \param continent: pointer to be filled with the appropriate value ( must be allocated if not NULL )
* \return a pointer on the continent
bool getRegion( sint32 x, sint32 y, const CRegion ** region, const CContinent ** continent = NULL);
/// Same with vector
CRegion * getRegion( const NLMISC::CVector& pos );
* get the place containing the given position
* \param x: X coord of the position
* \param y: Y coord of the position
* \param stable: pointer to be filled with the appropriate value ( must be allocated )
* \param place: pointer to be filled with the appropriate value ( must be allocated )
* \param region: pointer to be filled with the appropriate value ( must be allocated if not NULL)
* \param continent: pointer to be filled with the appropriate value ( must be allocated if not NULL )
* \return a pointer on the continent
bool getPlace( sint32 x, sint32 y, float& gooDistance, const CPlace ** stable, std::vector& places, const CRegion ** region = NULL, const CContinent ** continent = NULL );
* get the deposits under the position
* \param user: user which position is to be checked
* \param deposits: vector of deposits to be filled
void getDepositsUnderPos( const NLMISC::CVector& pos, std::vector& deposits, bool warnIfOutsideOfRegion=true );
* get the first deposit found under the position (faster than getDepositsUnderPos()), or NULL if not found
CDeposit* getFirstFoundDepositUnderPos( const NLMISC::CVector& pos );
* Get a place from id, alias or name.
* A Place is a region, a zone, a stable or a goo border
/// get a place from its id (no search - direct access)
inline CPlace* getPlaceFromId( uint16 id );
/// get a place from its alias (search with a map.find)
CPlace* getPlaceFromAlias( TAIAlias alias );
/// get a place from its name (linear search in a vector)
CPlace* getPlaceFromName( const std::string & name );
* get a continent from its id
* \param id: id of the continent
* \return a pointer on the continent
CContinent* getContinentFromId( CONTINENT::TContinent id );
* update the position of a character
* \param entityRow: row id of the chracter to update
void updateCharacterPosition( CCharacter * user );
///update called at each tick
void tickUpdate();
* dump the world organisation
* \param log: log in which we want to dump the result.
void dumpWorld(NLMISC::CLog & log);
* dump the tp spawn zones
* \param log: log in which we want to dump the result.
void dumpTpSpawnZones(NLMISC::CLog & log);
* a player used the /where command
* \param eId : entity leaving the zone
void answerWhere(const NLMISC::CEntityId & eId);
* a player harvest a deposit
* \param character the harvesting player
//void harvestDeposit(CCharacter * user);
* remove a raw material from a deposit
* \param user: harvesting player
* \param depositindex: index of the deposit
* \param depositIndexContent : index of the harvested content in the deposit
//void removeRmFromDeposit( CCharacter * user, uint32 depositIndex, uint32 depositIndexContent, uint16 quantity );
* dump one or all the deposits
* \param log: log in which we want to dump the result.
* \param depName: name of the deposit to dump, or "ALL" for all deposits
* \param extendedInfo: true to get more info on the raw materials of the deposit
void dumpDeposits( NLMISC::CLog & log, const std::string& depName, bool extendedInfo=false );
/// Accessor for deposits
const std::vector< CDeposit* >& getDeposits() const { return _Deposits; }
/// Used by CDeposit only.
void registerDepositToAutoSpawnUpdate(CDeposit *);
void unregisterDepositToAutoSpawnUpdate(CDeposit *);
/// get a starting point for new character. NULL if invalid
const CTpSpawnZone * getStartPoint( uint16 startPointIdx, TAIAlias & bot, TAIAlias & mission )
if ( startPointIdx >= _StartPoints.size() )
nlwarning("bad start point index %u ( count %u )",startPointIdx , _StartPoints.size() );
return NULL;
// select a spawn zone randomly among the village spawn zones
if ( _StartPoints[startPointIdx].empty() )
nlwarning("bad start point index %u: no spawn point in vector",startPointIdx );
return NULL;
uint16 idx = (uint16)RandomGenerator.rand( (uint16)_StartPoints[startPointIdx].size() - 1 );
mission = _StartPoints[startPointIdx][idx].Mission;
bot = _StartPoints[startPointIdx][idx].Welcomer;
return getTpSpawnZone( _StartPoints[startPointIdx][idx].SpawnZoneId );
/// get start point vector, slow because it makes a copy
/// warning: this should only be used by CCharacterVersionAdapter::adaptToVersion3()
std::vector getStartPointVector( uint16 startPointIdx ) const;
/// send place name to a user
uint32 sendPlaceName( const TDataSetRow & userRow, const std::string & placeName )
params[0].Identifier = placeName;
return STRING_MANAGER::sendStringToClient( userRow,"SOLE_PLACE",params );
/// Add an ecotype information
static void addEcotype( CEcotypeZone *ecotypeZone ) { _EcotypeZones.push_back( ecotypeZone ); }
* Get the ecosystem under the position.
* If not found, a NULL pointer is returned.
ECOSYSTEM::EECosystem getEcotype( const NLMISC::CVector& pos );
* Clear ecotype information
void clearEcotypes();
* init the instance. We had to do a separate method because there where methods that where called in the ctor that accessed to the singleton instance, but the intance is valid just AFTER the call to the ctor...
void initInstance();
* parse the continents in a primitive
* \param prim : the root node of the primitive
bool parseContinents(const NLLIGO::IPrimitive* prim);
* parse the regions in a primitive
* \param prim : the root node of the primitive
bool parseRegions(const NLLIGO::IPrimitive* prim);
* parse the zones in a primitive
* \param prim : the root node of the primitive
bool parseZones(const NLLIGO::IPrimitive* prim);
* parse the ecotypes in a primitive
* \param prim : the root node of the primitive
bool parseEcotypes( const NLLIGO::IPrimitive* prim );
* parse the deposits in a primitive
* \param prim : the root node of the primitive
bool parseDeposits( const NLLIGO::IPrimitive* prim );
* CZoneManager parseStables
* \param prim : the root node of the primitive
bool parseStables( const NLLIGO::IPrimitive* prim );
* CZoneManager parseTpSpawnZones
* \param prim : the root node of the primitive
bool parseTpSpawnZones( const NLLIGO::IPrimitive* prim );
* CZoneManager parseGooBorder
* \param prim : the root node of the primitive
bool parseGooBorder( const NLLIGO::IPrimitive* prim );
* CZoneManager parseStartPoints
* \param prim : the root node of the primitive
bool parseStartPoints( const NLLIGO::IPrimitive* prim );
* parse the PVP zones in a primitive
* \param prim : the root node of the primitive
bool parsePVPZones( const NLLIGO::IPrimitive* prim );
* parse the PVP safe zones in a primitive
* \param prim : the root node of the primitive
bool parsePVPSafeZones( const NLLIGO::IPrimitive* prim );
/// the continents
std::vector< CContinent > _Continents;
/// the places, regions and continent
std::vector< CPlace* > _Places;
/// the deposits
std::vector< CDeposit* > _Deposits;
/// time related to deposits update
uint32 _NextDepositIndexUpdated;
NLMISC::TGameCycle _SpreadUpdateLoopBeginTick;
/// The deposits that need updates for auto spawn
std::set< CDeposit* > _DepositNeedingAutoSpawnUpdate;
/// teleport spawn zones
std::vector< CTpSpawnZone > _TpSpawnZones;
std::map _TpSpawnZoneIdByName;
/// initial starting points for new character. It is a vector of vector : each entry of the enclosing vector is a village. A village is a vector of spawn zone ids
std::vector< std::vector > _StartPoints;
std::map _PlacesByAlias;
/// The ecotype zones
static CEcotypeZones _EcotypeZones;
// CZoneManager getTpSpawnZone
inline const CTpSpawnZone * CZoneManager::getTpSpawnZone( uint16 idx )const
if ( idx >= _TpSpawnZones.size() )
nlwarning("CZoneManager::getTpSpawnZone -> invalid zone %u (count = %u )", idx, _TpSpawnZones.size() );
return NULL;
return &_TpSpawnZones[idx];
}// CZoneManager getTpSpawnZone
// CZoneManager getContinent
inline const CContinent * CZoneManager::getContinent( CEntityBase * entity )
return getContinent(entity->getState().X, entity->getState().Y);
}// CZoneManager getContinent
// CZoneManager getRegion
inline bool CZoneManager::getRegion( CEntityBase * entity, const CRegion ** region, const CContinent ** continent)
return getRegion(entity->getState().X, entity->getState().Y,region,continent);
}// CZoneManager getRegion
// CZoneManager getPlace
inline bool CZoneManager::getPlace( CEntityBase * entity, float& gooDistance, const CPlace ** stable, std::vector& places, const CRegion ** region, const CContinent ** continent )
return getPlace(entity->getState().X, entity->getState().Y,gooDistance, stable,places,region,continent);
}// CZoneManager getPlace
// CZoneManager getPlaceFromId
inline CPlace* CZoneManager::getPlaceFromId( uint16 id )
if ( id < _Places.size() )
return _Places[id];
return NULL;
}// CZoneManager getPlaceFromId
/* End of zone_manager.h */