if r2.Utils == nil then r2.Utils={} end r2.Utils.addReaction = function(this,event,action) local reactions = this.Reactions[event] if reactions == nil then reactions = {} this.Reactions[event]=reactions end table.insert(reactions,action) end ------------------------------------------------------ --Create the states and groups to represent: -- -A counter mission -- -The counters used for this mission r2.Utils._obsolete_initCounterStates = function(counter,context) if counter.Class =="Counter" then local pGroup = r2.createPseudoGroup(context) context.RtCounters[counter.InstanceId]=pGroup for k,v in pairs(counter.Counters) do Translator.LogicEntityTranslator(v,context) end end end r2.Utils.createGroup = function(x,y,n,base,name,mode) if mode == nil then mode = "circle" end local isGeneric = false if string.find(base, "palette.entities.players.") ~= nil then isGeneric = true end local npcGroup = r2.newComponent("NpcGrpFeature") assert(npcGroup) npcGroup.Name = name if mode == "circle" then local pas = (2 * math.pi)/n local r = (n/(2*math.pi))+2 for i=1,n do local npc = nil if ( isGeneric == true) then npc = r2.newComponent("NpcCustom") else npc = r2.newComponent("Npc") end npc.Name = name.."_".."Npc"..i npc.Base = base npc.Position.x = x + (r-1) * math.cos((i-1)*pas) npc.Position.y = y + (r-1) * math.sin((i-1)*pas) npc.Position.z = r2:snapZToGround(npc.Position.x, npc.Position.y) npc.Angle = (i-1)*pas + math.pi table.insert(npcGroup.Components,npc) end end if mode == "line" then local pas = 1 for i=1,n do local npc = r2.newComponent("Npc") npc.Name = name.."_".."Npc"..i npc.Base = base npc.Position.x = x + i * pas npc.Position.y = y npc.Position.z = r2:snapZToGround(npc.Position.x, npc.Position.y) npc.Angle = 0 table.insert(npcGroup.Components,npc) end end return npcGroup end --region = region to fill --x,y = region's center --r = region's ray --nbPoints = number of points to create the region r2.Utils.createRegion = function(region,x, y, r,nbPoints) region.Points = {} local tmpPositions = region.Points local pas = (2 * math.pi)/nbPoints local Angle = 0 while nbPoints ~= 0 do local tmpVertex = r2.newComponent("RegionVertex") local tmpPosition = r2.newComponent("Position") local sx, sy, sz sx = x + r * math.cos(Angle) sy = y + r * math.sin(Angle) sx, sy, sz = r2:snapPosToGround(sx, sy) tmpPosition.x = sx tmpPosition.y = sy tmpPosition.z = sz tmpVertex.Position = tmpPosition table.insert(tmpPositions, tmpVertex) Angle = Angle + pas nbPoints = nbPoints - 1 end end --region = region to fill --x,y = region's center --r = region's ray --nbPoints = number of points to create the region r2.Utils.createNonDeleteableRegion = function(region,x, y, r,nbPoints) region.Deletable = 0 region.Points = {} local tmpPositions = region.Points local pas = (2 * math.pi)/nbPoints local Angle = 0 while nbPoints ~= 0 do local tmpVertex = r2.newComponent("RegionVertex") tmpVertex.Deletable = 0 local tmpPosition = r2.newComponent("Position") local sx, sy, sz sx = x + r * math.cos(Angle) sy = y + r * math.sin(Angle) sx, sy, sz = r2:snapPosToGround(sx, sy) tmpPosition.x = sx tmpPosition.y = sy tmpPosition.z = sz tmpVertex.Position = tmpPosition table.insert(tmpPositions, tmpVertex) Angle = Angle + pas nbPoints = nbPoints - 1 end end --region = trigger Zone --x,y = region's center --r = region's ray --nbPoints = number of points to create the region r2.Utils.createTriggerRegion = function(region,x, y, r) return r2.Utils.createNonDeleteableRegion(region, x, y, r, 4) end -- Create a Road -- ex local road = createRoad("rout1", { {21570, -1363}, {21570, -1363}, {21570, -1363}) r2.Utils.createRoute = function(name, positions) local road = r2.newComponent("Road") local function wp(x, y, z) local wayPoint = r2.newComponent("WayPoint") local pos = r2.newComponent("Position") pos.x = x pos.y = y pos.z = z wayPoint.Position = pos return wayPoint end -- road.Base = "palette.geom.road" road.Name = name local tmpPositions = road.Points -- depart a arriv�e for index, points in pairs(positions) do table.insert(tmpPositions, wp(points[1], points[2], 0)) end return road end --function to set an RtAiState with a npc's behavior r2.Utils.setState = function(context,behavior,rtAiState) local aiMovement = behavior.Type rtAiState.Name = rtAiState.Id .. "|" .. aiMovement rtAiState.AiMovement = aiMovement if (aiMovement == "wander" or aiMovement == "follow_route" or aiMovement == "patrol_route" or aiMovement == "repeat_road") then local id = behavior.ZoneId local zone = context.Components[id] assert( zone ~= nil) local points=zone.Points assert( points ~= nil) local size = table.getn(points) rtAiState.Pts = {} local k,v = next(points, nil) local i = 0 while k ~= nil do if (k ~= "Keys") then -- replacement for getworldPos assert(v ~= nil) i = i +1 rtAiState.Pts[i] = {} -- ??? v.Position.x ?? rtAiState.Pts[i].x = r2.getWorldPos(v).x rtAiState.Pts[i].y = r2.getWorldPos(v).y rtAiState.Pts[i].z = r2.getWorldPos(v).z end k,v = next(points, k) end -- do reverse if (aiMovement == "patrol_route") then i = 0 for i = 1, size -1 , 1 do local first = size - i local last = size + i rtAiState.Pts[last] = {} rtAiState.Pts[last].x = rtAiState.Pts[first].x rtAiState.Pts[last].y = rtAiState.Pts[first].y rtAiState.Pts[last].z = rtAiState.Pts[first].z end end if (aiMovement == "patrol_route" or aiMovement == "repeat_road") then rtAiState.AiMovement = "follow_route" local eventHandler = Actions.createEvent("destination_reached", rtAiState.Id ,"") assert( eventHandler ~= nil) local eName = rtAiState.Id .. ":destination_reached" eventHandler.Name=eName table.insert(context.RtAct.Events,eventHandler) local action = Actions.createAction("begin_state", rtAiState.Id) action.Name="begin state " .. rtAiState.Id table.insert(context.RtAct.Actions,action) table.insert(eventHandler.ActionsId,action.Id) end end end r2.Utils.invertRoad = function(road) local road2 = r2.newComponent("Road") local function wp(x, y, z) local wayPoint = r2.newComponent("WayPoint") local pos = r2.newComponent("Position") pos.x = x pos.y = y pos.z = z wayPoint.Position = pos return wayPoint end local max = table.getn(road.Points) for i=1,max do local point = road.Points[max-i+1].Position table.insert(road2.Points,wp(point.x,point.y,point.z)) end return road2 end r2.Utils.createEntry = function(who,states,event,actions) local entry = r2.newComponent("EventHandlerEntry") entry.Who = who entry.States = states entry.Event = event entry.Actions = actions return entry end r2.Utils.createPlace = function(x,y,z,r) local place = r2.newComponent("Place") place.Position.x=x place.Position.y=y place.Position.z=z place.Radius = r return place end r2.Utils.searchEntry = function(activity,who,event,state) local max = table.getn(activity.Entries) for i=1, max do local entry = activity.Entries[i] if entry.Who==who and entry.Event == event and (entry.States == state or state=="") then return entry end end return nil end r2.Utils.groupActivities = function(activity1,activity2,event1,state1,event2,state2) local entry entry = r2.Utils.searchEntry(activity1,activity1.Entries[1].Who,event1,state1) if entry == nil then entry = r2.Utils.createEntry(activity1.Entries[1].Who,state1,event1,"begin_state\n"..state2) table.insert(activity1.Entries,entry) else entry.Actions = entry.Actions .. "\nbegin_state\n"..state2 end entry = r2.Utils.searchEntry(activity2,activity2.Entries[1].Who,event2,state2) if entry == nil then entry = r2.Utils.createEntry(activity2.Entries[1].Who,state2,event2,"begin_state\n"..state1) table.insert(activity2.Entries,entry) else entry.Actions = entry.Actions .. "\nbegin_state\n"..state end end r2.Utils.evalCost = function(feature) --luaObject(feature) local components = feature.Components --luaObject(components) local cost = 0 if components ~= nil then for key,comp in pairs(components) do if key~="Keys" and comp.Class == "Npc" then cost = cost + 1 end end end return cost end r2.Utils.createChatAction = function(who,says,emote,face) local chatStep chatStep = r2.newComponent("ChatAction") chatStep.Who = who if says ~= "" then local entry=r2.registerText(says) chatStep.Says = entry.InstanceId else chatStep.Says = says end if face ~="" and face ~=nil then chatStep.Facing = face end chatStep.Emote = emote return chatStep end --replace each instanceId in the table by the new one r2.Utils.replaceTab = function(this,ttable) for k,v in pairs(this) do if k ~="Keys" then this[k]=ttable[this[k]] end end end --call the replace function for each object in the table r2.Utils.callReplace = function(this,ttable) for k,v in pairs(this) do if k ~="Keys" then v:replace(ttable) end end end r2.Utils.changeRepere = function(position,center) position.x=position.x - center.x position.y=position.y - center.y position.z = r2:snapZToGround(position.x,position.y) end r2.Utils.changeZoneRepere = function(zone,center) for i=1,table.getn(zone.Points) do r2.Utils.changeRepere(zone.Points[i]) end end r2.Utils.changeRepereRt = function(npc,center) local x,y local position = npc.Position x = position.x - center.x y = position.y - center.y r2.requestSetNode(position.InstanceId,"x",x) r2.requestSetNode(position.InstanceId,"y",y) r2.requestSetNode(position.InstanceId,"z",r2:snapZToGround(x,y)) end r2.Utils.setNewGroupCenter = function(group,x,y) local k,v = next(group.Components,nil) local center = r2.newComponent("Position") local first = true center.x = x center.y = y while k~=nil do if first == true then first = false local newCenter = {} newCenter.x = -(center.x - v.Position.x) newCenter.y = -(center.y - v.Position.y) center.z = r2:snapZToGround(center.x,center.y) r2.requestSetNode(v.Position.InstanceId,"x",center.x) r2.requestSetNode(v.Position.InstanceId,"y",center.y) r2.requestSetNode(v.Position.InstanceId,"z",r2:snapZToGround(center.x,center.y)) center = newCenter else r2.Utils.changeRepereRt(v,center) end k,v = next(group.Components,k) end end -- Obsolete r2.Utils.getRtGroup = function(context,instanceId) debugInfo("Call obsolete function: call r2.Translator.getRtGroup") -- use r2.Translator.getRtGroup instead return r2.Translator.getRtGroup(context, instanceId) end r2.Utils.concat = function(text,textSup) if text == "" then return textSup else return text.."\n"..textSup end end ----------------------------------------------------------- --return a string like: "group1:Npc1" for use with actions r2.Utils.getNpcParam = function(npcId, context) assert( type(npcId) == "string") local who = r2:getInstanceFromId(tostring(npcId)) -- local group = who:getParentGroup() local rtNpcGrp = context.RtGroups[tostring(npcId)] if rtNpcGrp == nil then debugInfo("Err: unable to know the npc's group name ("..npcId..")") return nil end return rtNpcGrp.Name..":"..tostring(who.Name) end -- -- Returns the RtNpcGrp Id for a given instanceId -- r2.Utils.getRtIdFromInstanceId = function(context, instanceId) assert(instanceId ~= nil and type(instanceId) == "string") local instance = r2:getInstanceFromId(instanceId) assert(instance) return context.RtGroups[instanceId].Id end -- vianney tests function r2.testVianney1() r2.requestStartAct(1) end function r2.testVianney2() r2.requestStartAct(2) end function r2.testVianney3() r2.requestStopAct() end function r2:lowerTranslate(uiR2EdStr) return string.lower(i18n.get(uiR2EdStr):toUtf8()) end