-- Some globals NEL3D_APPDATA_ACCEL = 1423062561 -- type of accelerator : "32" = is not an accelerator and IS clusterized -- "0" = is not an accelerator and IS NOT clusterized (always visible) -- "1" = is an accelerator type PORTAL -- "2" = is an accelerator type CLUSTER -- "6" = is an accelerator type CLUSTER FATHER-VISIBLE -- "10" = is an accelerator type CLUSTER VISIBLE-FROM-FATHER -- "14" = is an accelerator type CLUSTER FATHER-VISIBLE and VISIBLE-FROM-FATHER -- "17" = is an accelerator type PORTAL DYNAMIC NEL3D_APPDATA_DONOTEXPORT = 1423062565 -- do not export me : "undefined" = export me -- "0" = export me -- "1" = DONT export me NEL3D_APPDATA_LOD_NAME_COUNT_MAX = 10 NEL3D_APPDATA_LOD = 1423062537 NEL3D_APPDATA_LOD_NAME_COUNT = NEL3D_APPDATA_LOD NEL3D_APPDATA_LOD_NAME = NEL3D_APPDATA_LOD_NAME_COUNT+1 NEL3D_APPDATA_LOD_BLEND_IN = NEL3D_APPDATA_LOD_NAME+NEL3D_APPDATA_LOD_NAME_COUNT_MAX NEL3D_APPDATA_LOD_BLEND_OUT = NEL3D_APPDATA_LOD_BLEND_IN+1 NEL3D_APPDATA_LOD_COARSE_MESH = NEL3D_APPDATA_LOD_BLEND_OUT+1 NEL3D_APPDATA_COLLISION = 1423062613 NEL3D_APPDATA_COLLISION_EXTERIOR = 1423062614 NEL3D_APPDATA_AUTOMATIC_ANIMATION = 1423062617 -- This node is n accelerator ? fn isAccelerator node = ( accel = getappdata node NEL3D_APPDATA_ACCEL if (accel != undefined) then ( if (accel == "0") or (accel == "32") then return false else return true ) return false ) -- Must export this node ? fn isToBeExported node = ( if (isAccelerator node) == true then return false if ((classof node) == RklPatch) then return false if ((classof node) == nel_ps) then return false if ((classof node) == nel_pacs_cylinder) then return false if ((classof node) == nel_pacs_box) then return false doNotExport = getappdata node NEL3D_APPDATA_DONOTEXPORT if (doNotExport != undefined) then ( if (doNotExport == "1") then return false ) doNotExport = getappdata node NEL3D_APPDATA_COLLISION if (doNotExport != undefined) then ( if (doNotExport == "1") then return false ) doNotExport = getappdata node NEL3D_APPDATA_COLLISION_EXTERIOR if (doNotExport != undefined) then ( if (doNotExport == "1") then return false ) return true ) -- Must export this node ? fn isAnimToBeExported node = ( automaticAnimation = getappdata node NEL3D_APPDATA_AUTOMATIC_ANIMATION if (automaticAnimation == undefined) then return false if (automaticAnimation == "0") then return false if (isAccelerator node) == true then return false if ((classof node) == nel_pacs_cylinder) then return false if ((classof node) == nel_pacs_box) then return false doNotExport = getappdata node NEL3D_APPDATA_DONOTEXPORT if (doNotExport != undefined) then ( if (doNotExport == "1") then return false ) doNotExport = getappdata node NEL3D_APPDATA_COLLISION if (doNotExport != undefined) then ( if (doNotExport == "1") then return false ) doNotExport = getappdata node NEL3D_APPDATA_COLLISION_EXTERIOR if (doNotExport != undefined) then ( if (doNotExport == "1") then return false ) return true ) -- Cast shadow ? fn isCastShadow node = ( if (classof node == nel_ps) then return false if (isAccelerator node) == true then ( return false ) else ( return true ) ) -- List the lod lod_array = #() -- is a lod ? fn isLod node = ( for i = 1 to lod_array.count do ( if (lod_array[i] == node) then return true ) return false ) -- have a coarse mesh ? fn haveCoarseMesh node = ( -- Get lod count nodeCount = getappdata node NEL3D_APPDATA_LOD_NAME_COUNT if (nodeCount != undefined) then ( -- For each lod nodeCountNum = nodeCount as Integer for lod = 1 to nodeCountNum do ( -- Get the lod lod = getappdata node (NEL3D_APPDATA_LOD_NAME+lod-1) -- Exist ? if (lod != undefined) then ( -- Select a node nd = execute ("$'"+lod+"'") -- Node exist ? if (nd != undefined) then ( -- Is a coarse mesh ? if (getappdata nd NEL3D_APPDATA_LOD_COARSE_MESH == "1") then return true ) ) ) ) return false ) fn runNelMaxExport inputMaxFile = ( tagThisFile = false -- Unhide category unhidecategory() -- Unhide max unhide all -- unselect max select none -- Exported object count exported = 0 -- Add the lod for node in geometry do ( -- Get lod count nodeCount = getappdata node NEL3D_APPDATA_LOD_NAME_COUNT if (nodeCount != undefined) then ( -- For each lod nodeCountNum = nodeCount as Integer for lod = 1 to nodeCountNum do ( -- Get the lod lod = getappdata node (NEL3D_APPDATA_LOD_NAME+lod-1) -- Exist ? if (lod != undefined) then ( -- Select a node try ( nd = execute("$'"+lod+"'") ) catch ( nlerror("Error in Execute $'"+lod+"' from node "+node.name) nd = undefined ) -- Node exist ? if (nd != undefined) then ( append lod_array nd ) ) ) ) ) -- Select objects for shadows for node in geometry do ( if (node.parent == undefined) then ( -- Cast shadow ? if (isCastShadow node == true) then ( -- Select this node selectmore node ) ) ) -- Tag this file ? tagThisFile = true -- Array of node to export array_node = #() -- Add geometry for node in geometry do append array_node node -- Add shapes for node in shapes do append array_node node -- For each node for node in array_node do ( -- It is root ? if (node.parent == undefined) then ( -- Is not a skeleton ? if (node.name != "Bip01") then ( -- Can be exported ? if (isToBeExported node == true) then ( -- Not a lod ? if ((isLod node) == false) then ( -- Output directory if (haveCoarseMesh node) == true then output = ("%OutputDirectoryWithCoarseMesh%/" + (node.name) + ".shape") else output = ("%OutputDirectoryWithoutCoarseMesh%/" + (node.name) + ".shape") -- Compare file date if (NeLTestFileDate output inputMaxFile) == true then ( try ( -- Export the shape if (NelExportShapeEx node output %ShapeExportOptShadow% %ShapeExportOptExportLighting% "%OutputDirectoryLightmap%" %ShapeExportOptLightingLimit% %ShapeExportOptLumelSize% %ShapeExportOptOversampling% true false %ShapeExportOptLightmapLog%) == true then ( nlerror("OK "+output) exported = exported +1 ) else ( -- Error nlerror("ERROR exporting shape " + node.name + " in file " + inputMaxFile) tagThisFile = false ) ) catch ( -- Error nlerror("ERROR fatal error exporting shape " + node.name + " in file " + inputMaxFile) tagThisFile = false ) ) else ( nlerror("SKIPPED " + output) exported = exported + 1 ) ) ) ) ) ) -- Export default animations for node in objects do ( -- Can export it ? if (isAnimToBeExported node) == true then ( -- Anim output directory output = ("%OutputDirectoryAnim%/" + (node.name) + ".anim") -- Export the animation if (NelExportAnimation #(node) output false) == false then ( nlerror ("ERROR exporting animation " + output) tagThisFile = false ) else ( nlerror("OK " + output) ) ) ) -- Something exported if exported == 0 then ( -- Error nlerror("WARNING no shape exported from the file " + inputMaxFile) ) return tagThisFile )