execute(" SELECT * FROM `ticket` WHERE `TId` = :ticket_id", array('ticket_id' => $id) )->rowCount() ){ return true; }else{ return false; } } /*FUNCTION: getStatusArray * returns all possible statusses * */ public static function getStatusArray() { return Array("Waiting on user reply","Waiting on support","Waiting on Dev reply","Closed"); } /*FUNCTION: getPriorityArray * returns all possible statusses * */ public static function getPriorityArray() { return Array("Low","Normal","High","Super Dupa High"); } /*FUNCTION: getEntireTicket * return all ticket of the given author's id. * */ public static function getEntireTicket($id,$view_as_admin) { $ticket = new Ticket(); $ticket->load_With_TId($id); $reply_array = Ticket_Reply::getRepliesOfTicket($id, $view_as_admin); return Array('ticket_obj' => $ticket,'reply_array' => $reply_array); } /*FUNCTION: getTicketTitlesOf * return all ticket of the given author's id. * */ public static function getTicketsOf($author) { $dbl = new DBLayer("lib"); $statement = $dbl->execute("SELECT * FROM ticket INNER JOIN ticket_user ON ticket.Author = ticket_user.TUserId and ticket_user.ExternId=:id", array('id' => $author)); $row = $statement->fetchAll(); $result = Array(); foreach($row as $ticket){ $instance = new self(); $instance->setTId($ticket['TId']); $instance->setTimestamp($ticket['Timestamp']); $instance->setTitle($ticket['Title']); $instance->setStatus($ticket['Status']); $instance->setQueue($ticket['Queue']); $instance->setTicket_Category($ticket['Ticket_Category']); $instance->setAuthor($ticket['Author']); $result[] = $instance; } return $result; } /*FUNCTION: create_Ticket() * creates a ticket + first initial reply and fills in the content of it! * */ public static function create_Ticket( $title, $content, $category, $author, $real_author) { $ticket = new Ticket(); $ticket->set($title,1,0,$category,$author,0); $ticket->create(); $ticket_id = $ticket->getTId(); if ( $author == $real_author){ Ticket_Log::createLogEntry( $ticket_id, $author, 1); }else{ Ticket_Log::createLogEntry( $ticket_id, $real_author, 2, $author); } Ticket_Reply::createReply($content, $author, $ticket_id, 0); return $ticket_id; } /*FUNCTION: updateTicketStatusAndPriority() * creates a ticket + first initial reply and fills in the content of it! * */ public static function updateTicketStatusAndPriority( $ticket_id, $newStatus, $newPriority, $author) { $ticket = new Ticket(); $ticket->load_With_TId($ticket_id); if ($ticket->getStatus() != $newStatus){ $ticket->setStatus($newStatus); Ticket_Log::createLogEntry( $ticket_id, $author, 5, $newStatus); } if ($ticket->getPriority() != $newPriority){ $ticket->setPriority($newPriority); Ticket_Log::createLogEntry( $ticket_id, $author, 6, $newPriority); } $ticket->update(); } //return the latest reply. public static function getLatestReply( $ticket_id) { $dbl = new DBLayer("lib"); $statement = $dbl->execute("SELECT * FROM ticket_reply WHERE Ticket =:id ORDER BY TReplyId DESC LIMIT 1 ", array('id' => $ticket_id)); $reply = new Ticket_Reply(); $reply->set($statement->fetch()); return $reply; } public static function createReply($content, $author, $ticket_id, $hidden){ if($content != ""){ $ticket = new Ticket(); $ticket->load_With_TId($ticket_id); //if status is not closed if($ticket->getStatus() != 3){ Ticket_Reply::createReply($content, $author, $ticket_id, $hidden); }else{ //TODO: Show error message that ticket is closed } }else{ //TODO: Show error content is empty } } //returns SUCCESS_ASSIGNED, TICKET_NOT_EXISTING or ALREADY_ASSIGNED public static function assignTicket($user_id, $ticket_id){ if(self::ticketExists($ticket_id)){ $returnvalue = Assigned::assignTicket($user_id, $ticket_id); Ticket_Log::createLogEntry( $ticket_id, $user_id, 7); return $returnvalue; }else{ return "TICKET_NOT_EXISTING"; } } //returns SUCCESS_UNASSIGNED, TICKET_NOT_EXISTING or NOT_ASSIGNED public static function unAssignTicket($user_id, $ticket_id){ if(self::ticketExists($ticket_id)){ $returnvalue = Assigned::unAssignTicket($user_id, $ticket_id); Ticket_Log::createLogEntry( $ticket_id, $user_id, 9); return $returnvalue; }else{ return "TICKET_NOT_EXISTING"; } } public static function forwardTicket($user_id, $ticket_id, $group_id){ if(self::ticketExists($ticket_id)){ if(isset($group_id) && $group_id != ""){ $returnvalue = Forwarded::forwardTicket($group_id, $ticket_id); Ticket_Log::createLogEntry( $ticket_id, $user_id, 8, $group_id); return $returnvalue; }else{ return "INVALID_SGROUP"; } }else{ return "TICKET_NOT_EXISTING"; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////Methods//////////////////////////////////////////////////// public function __construct() { } //Set ticket object public function set($t,$s,$q,$t_c,$a,$p){ $this->title = $t; $this->status = $s; $this->queue = $q; $this->ticket_category = $t_c; $this->author = $a; $this->priority = $p; } //create ticket by writing private data to DB. public function create(){ $dbl = new DBLayer("lib"); $query = "INSERT INTO ticket (Timestamp, Title, Status, Queue, Ticket_Category, Author, Priority) VALUES (now(), :title, :status, :queue, :tcat, :author, :priority)"; $values = Array('title' => $this->title, 'status' => $this->status, 'queue' => $this->queue, 'tcat' => $this->ticket_category, 'author' => $this->author, 'priority' => $this->priority); $this->tId = $dbl->executeReturnId($query, $values); ; } //return constructed element based on TId public function load_With_TId( $id) { $dbl = new DBLayer("lib"); $statement = $dbl->execute("SELECT * FROM ticket WHERE TId=:id", array('id' => $id)); $row = $statement->fetch(); $this->tId = $row['TId']; $this->timestamp = $row['Timestamp']; $this->title = $row['Title']; $this->status = $row['Status']; $this->queue = $row['Queue']; $this->ticket_category = $row['Ticket_Category']; $this->author = $row['Author']; $this->priority = $row['Priority']; } //update private data to DB. public function update(){ $dbl = new DBLayer("lib"); $query = "UPDATE ticket SET Timestamp = :timestamp, Title = :title, Status = :status, Queue = :queue, Ticket_Category = :tcat, Author = :author, Priority = :priority WHERE TId=:id"; $values = Array('id' => $this->tId, 'timestamp' => $this->timestamp, 'title' => $this->title, 'status' => $this->status, 'queue' => $this->queue, 'tcat' => $this->ticket_category, 'author' => $this->author, 'priority' => $this->priority); $statement = $dbl->execute($query, $values); } /*FUNCTION: postreply * returns all possible statusses * * public function postReply() { return Array("Waiting on user reply","Waiting on support","Waiting on Dev reply","Closed"); }*/ ////////////////////////////////////////////Getters//////////////////////////////////////////////////// public function getTId(){ return $this->tId; } public function getTimestamp(){ return Helpers::outputTime($this->timestamp); } public function getTitle(){ return $this->title; } public function getStatus(){ return $this->status; } public function getStatusText(){ $statusArray = Ticket::getStatusArray(); return $statusArray[$this->getStatus()]; } public function getCategoryName(){ $category = Ticket_Category::constr_TCategoryId($this->getTicket_Category()); return $category->getName(); } public function getQueue(){ return $this->queue; } public function getTicket_Category(){ return $this->ticket_category; } public function getAuthor(){ return $this->author; } public function getPriority(){ return $this->priority; } public function getPriorityText(){ $priorityArray = Ticket::getPriorityArray(); return $priorityArray[$this->getPriority()]; } public function getAssigned(){ $user_id = Assigned::getUserAssignedToTicket($this->getTId()); if ($user_id == ""){ return 0; }else{ return $user_id; } } public function getForwardedGroupName(){ $group_id = Forwarded::getSGroupOfTicket($this->getTId()); if ($group_id == ""){ return 0; }else{ return Support_Group::getGroup($group_id)->getName(); } } public function getForwardedGroupId(){ $group_id = Forwarded::getSGroupOfTicket($this->getTId()); if ($group_id == ""){ return 0; }else{ return $group_id; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////Setters//////////////////////////////////////////////////// public function setTId($id){ $this->tId = $id; } public function setTimestamp($ts){ $this->timestamp = $ts; } public function setTitle($t){ $this->title = $t; } public function setStatus($s){ $this->status = $s; } public function setQueue($q){ $this->queue = $q; } public function setTicket_Category($tc){ $this->ticket_category = $tc; } public function setAuthor($a){ $this->author = $a; } public function setPriority($p){ $this->priority = $p; } }