// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include "stdafx.h" #include "tile_edit.h" #include "TileCtrl.h" #include "browse.h" BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(TileCtrl, CListCtrl) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(TileCtrl) ON_WM_PAINT() ON_WM_DROPFILES() ON_WM_RBUTTONDOWN() ON_WM_LBUTTONDOWN() ON_WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK() ON_WM_VSCROLL() //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TileCtrl message handlers //gloabal int CALLBACK CompareFunc(LPARAM lParam1,LPARAM lParam2,LPARAM lParamSort) { TileCtrl *theCtrl = (TileCtrl*)lParamSort; int i1=((TileInfo*)lParam1)->id; int i2=((TileInfo*)lParam2)->id; if (i1==i2) return 0; if (i1BmpInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth-2; //on n'inclut pas les coins dans les bordures line = new char[3*size]; for (int i=0;iBits)[(i+1)*3+(tile->BmpInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth)*(tile->BmpInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight-1)*3]; line[i*3+1]=((char*)tile->Bits)[(i+1)*3+1+(tile->BmpInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth)*(tile->BmpInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight-1)*3]; line[i*3+2]=((char*)tile->Bits)[(i+1)*3+2+(tile->BmpInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth)*(tile->BmpInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight-1)*3]; } } void _Edge::CreateB(TileInfo *tile) { size = tile->BmpInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth-2; //on n'inclut pas les coins dans les bordures line = new char[3*size]; for (int i=0;iBits)[(i+1)*3]; line[i*3+1]=((char*)tile->Bits)[(i+1)*3+1]; line[i*3+2]=((char*)tile->Bits)[(i+1)*3+2]; } } void _Edge::CreateG(TileInfo *tile) { size = tile->BmpInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight-2; //on n'inclut pas les coins dans les bordures line = new char[3*size]; for (int i=0;iBits)[(i+1)*3*tile->BmpInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth]; line[i*3+1]=((char*)tile->Bits)[(i+1)*3*tile->BmpInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth+1]; line[i*3+2]=((char*)tile->Bits)[(i+1)*3*tile->BmpInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth+2]; } } void _Edge::CreateD(TileInfo *tile) { size = tile->BmpInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight-2; //on n'inclut pas les coins dans les bordures line = new char[3*size]; for (int i=0;iBits)[(i+1)*3*tile->BmpInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth+(tile->BmpInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth-1)*3]; line[i*3+1]=((char*)tile->Bits)[(i+1)*3*tile->BmpInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth+1+(tile->BmpInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth-1)*3]; line[i*3+2]=((char*)tile->Bits)[(i+1)*3*tile->BmpInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth+2+(tile->BmpInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth-1)*3]; } } //TileList TileList::TileList() { last_id = 0; i=NULL; } int TileList::Add(const char *path) { TileInfo *info = new TileInfo; info->id = last_id++; if (path) { info->path = new char[strlen(path)]; strcpy(info->path,path); } theList.insert(theList.end(),info); if (i==NULL) i=theList.begin(); else i++; return 1; } void TileList::Delete(tilelist::iterator i,int n) { for (int k=0;kLoaded) { delete (*i)->Bits; (*i)->Loaded=0; // TODO : delete DIB section } i++; } } void TileList::DeleteAll() { int size = theList.size(); if (size==0) return; Delete(theList.begin()++,size); } char buffer_bidon[SIZE_BIG*SIZE_BIG*3]; void TileList::Reload(CDC *pDC,tilelist::iterator iFirst,int n) //recharge en memoire une tranche de tiles { /*tilelist::iterator p = iFirst; for (int i=0;iLoaded && _LoadBitmap((*p)->path,&(*p)->BmpInfo,&(*p)->Bits)) { (*p)->Loaded=1; (*p)->DibSection = CreateDIBSection(pDC->m_hDC,&(*p)->BmpInfo,DIB_RGB_COLORS,(void**)&buffer_bidon,0,0); } p++; }*/ } //TileCtrl TileCtrl::TileCtrl() { sizetile_x = SIZE_SMALL; sizetile_y = SIZE_SMALL; spacing_x = SPACING_SMALL_X; spacing_y = SPACING_SMALL_Y; Zoom=1; Texture = 1; Sort = 1; InfoTexte = 1; count_ = 0; ViewTileMode = 0; iFirst = iLast = 0; scrollpos = 0; } TileCtrl::~TileCtrl() { } void TileCtrl::Init() { spacing_x = 10; spacing_y = 10; spacing_tile_text = 5; sizeicon_x = spacing_tile_text + sizetile_x; sizeicon_y = spacing_tile_text + sizetile_y; pipo_buffer = (void *)new char[sizetile_x * sizetile_y * 3]; bmp = new CBitmap; bmp->CreateBitmap(sizetile_x,sizetile_y,1,24,pipo_buffer); pImList = new CImageList; pImList->Create(sizetile_x,sizetile_y,ILC_COLOR24,0,1); pImList->Add(bmp,(CBitmap*)NULL); SetImageList(pImList,0); char name[256]; char *defautpath = ((SelectionTerritoire*)GetParent()->GetParent())->DefautPath.GetBuffer(256); /*sprintf(name,"%s%s",defautpath,"croix.bmp"); if (_LoadBitmap(name,&TileCroix.BmpInfo,&TileCroix.Bits,false,false)) { int size=TileCroix.BmpInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight*TileCroix.BmpInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth*TileCroix.BmpInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount/8; char *temp = new char[size]; TileCroix.DibSection = CreateDIBSection(GetDC()->m_hDC,&TileCroix.BmpInfo,DIB_RGB_COLORS,(void**)&temp,0,0); }*/ count_=1; } void TileCtrl::Delete() { count_=0; pImList = 0; } int TileCtrl::GetNbTileLine(void) { RECT rect; GetClientRect(&rect); return ((rect.right - rect.left - spacing_x)/(sizeicon_x + spacing_x)); } int TileCtrl::GetNbTileColumn(void) { RECT rect; GetClientRect(&rect); return ((rect.bottom - rect.top - spacing_y)/(sizeicon_y + spacing_y)); } void TileCtrl::GetVisibility(int &First,int &Last) //retourne l'indice du premier et du dernier item visible dans la fenetre { RECT rect; int i = GetNbTileLine(); int j = GetNbTileColumn(); GetClientRect(&rect); First = (rect.top + scrollpos - spacing_y)/(sizeicon_y + spacing_y); if (First<0) First = 0; else First *= i; Last = First + i*(j+1); if (InfoList.theList.size()>0 && Last>=InfoList.theList.size()) Last = InfoList.theList.size()-1; } int TileCtrl::GetIndex(LPPOINT pt) //retourne l'index d'un incone a partir de sa position dans le fenetre //si le curseur n'est pas sur un icon, retourne -1 { int i = GetNbTileLine(); if ((pt->y+scrollpos)y + scrollpos - spacing_y)%(spacing_y + sizeicon_y); if (y>sizeicon_y) return -1; int il = (pt->y + scrollpos - spacing_y)/(spacing_y + sizeicon_y); int x = (pt->x - spacing_x)%(spacing_x + sizeicon_x); if (x>sizeicon_x) return -1; int ic = (pt->x - spacing_x)/(spacing_x + sizeicon_x); int ret = ic + il*i; if (iBUFFERSIZE) NbItem = BUFFERSIZE; tilelist::iterator p=InfoList.theList.begin(); for (int i=0;iiLast) iLast = iLV; tilelist::iterator p=InfoList.theList.begin(); for (int i=0;ib=i; break; } i++; } if (!found) { EdgeList.insert(EdgeList.end(),b); theTile->b=i; } found=0; i=0; for (p=EdgeList.begin();p!=EdgeList.end();++p) { if (h==*p) { found=1; theTile->h=i; break; } i++; } if (!found) { EdgeList.insert(EdgeList.end(),h); theTile->h=i; } found=0; i=0; for (p=EdgeList.begin();p!=EdgeList.end();++p) { if (g==*p) { found=1; theTile->g=i; break; } i++; } if (!found) { EdgeList.insert(EdgeList.end(),g); theTile->g=i; } found=0; i=0; for (p=EdgeList.begin();p!=EdgeList.end();++p) { if (d==*p) { found=1; theTile->d=i; break; } i++; } if (!found) { EdgeList.insert(EdgeList.end(),d); theTile->d=i; } } void TileCtrl::DeleteTile(int i) { /* for (tilelist::iterator p=InfoList.theList.begin();p!=InfoList.theList.end();++p) { if (*p==(TileInfo*)GetItemData(i)) { InfoList.Delete(p,1); } }*/ //this->DeleteItem(i); //temp, should first delete the bitmap file and the DIB section /*TileInfo *info = (TileInfo*)GetItemData(i); if (info && info->Loaded) { //delete info->DibSection; delete info->Bits; if (info->id==last_id-1) { do { DeleteItem(i--); last_id--; } while(i>=0 && !((TileInfo*)GetItemData(i))->Loaded); } else { info->Loaded=0; LVITEM item; item.mask=LVIF_STATE; item.stateMask=LVIS_SELECTED; item.state=0; SetItemState(i,&item); } } SortItems(CompareFunc,(DWORD)this);*/ } int TileCtrl::IsSelected(int i) { POSITION pos = this->GetFirstSelectedItemPosition(); for (int k=0;kGetItemData(i); tilelist::iterator p=InfoList.theList.begin(); for (int k=0;kLoaded) { StretchDIBits(pDC->m_hDC,pt.x,pt.y, sizeicon_x,sizeicon_y,0,0, TileCroix.BmpInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth,TileCroix.BmpInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight, TileCroix.Bits,&TileCroix.BmpInfo,DIB_RGB_COLORS,SRCCOPY); } else { RECT rect; GetClientRect(&rect); StretchDIBits(pDC->m_hDC,pt.x,pt.y, rect.right - rect.left,rect.bottom - rect.top,0,0, bmp->BmpInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth,bmp->BmpInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight, bmp->Bits,&bmp->BmpInfo,DIB_RGB_COLORS,SRCCOPY); } CString str= GetItemText(i,0); char temp[100]; char Name[256]; if (InfoTexte==2) { _splitpath(str.GetBuffer(256),temp,temp,Name,temp); } else { sprintf(Name,"%d",bmp->id); } } } void TileCtrl::ShadeRect( CDC *pDC, CRect& rect ) { // Bit pattern for a monochrome brush with every // other pixel turned off WORD Bits[8] = { 0x0055, 0x00aa, 0x0055, 0x00aa, 0x0055, 0x00aa, 0x0055, 0x00aa }; CBitmap bmBrush; CBrush brush; // Need a monochrome pattern bitmap bmBrush.CreateBitmap( 8, 8, 1, 1, &Bits ); // Create the pattern brush brush.CreatePatternBrush( &bmBrush ); CBrush *pOldBrush = pDC->SelectObject( &brush ); // Turn every other pixel to black COLORREF clrBk = pDC->SetBkColor( RGB(255,255,255) ); COLORREF clrText = pDC->SetTextColor( RGB(0,0,0) ); // 0x00A000C9 is the ROP code to AND the brush with the destination pDC->PatBlt(rect.left, rect.top, rect.Width(), rect.Height(), (DWORD)0x00A000C9); //DPa - raster code pDC->SetBkColor( RGB(0,0,0) ); pDC->SetTextColor( GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT) ); // 0x00FA0089 is the ROP code to OR the brush with the destination pDC->PatBlt(rect.left, rect.top, rect.Width(), rect.Height(), (DWORD)0x00FA0089); //DPo - raster code // Restore the device context pDC->SelectObject( pOldBrush ); pDC->SetBkColor( clrBk ); pDC->SetTextColor( clrText ); } void TileCtrl::OnPaint() { CPaintDC dc(this); // device context for painting // TODO: Add your message handler code here Browse *parent = (Browse*)this->GetParent(); GetVisibility(iFV,iLV); UpdateBuffer(); int olds = sizetile_x; if (Zoom==1) {sizetile_x = sizetile_y = SIZE_SMALL; spacing_x = SPACING_SMALL_X; spacing_y = SPACING_SMALL_Y;} if (Zoom==2) {sizetile_x = sizetile_y = SIZE_NORMAL; spacing_x = SPACING_NORMAL_X; spacing_y = SPACING_NORMAL_Y;} if (Zoom==3) {sizetile_x = sizetile_y = SIZE_BIG; spacing_x = SPACING_BIG_X; spacing_y = SPACING_BIG_Y;} if (olds!=sizetile_x && InfoList.theList.size()) { bmp->DeleteObject(); bmp->CreateBitmap(sizetile_x,sizetile_y,1,24,pipo_buffer); pImList->DeleteImageList(); pImList->Create(sizetile_x,sizetile_y,ILC_COLOR24,0,1); pImList->Add(bmp,(CBitmap *)0); //SetIconSpacing(spacing_x,spacing_y); SetImageList(pImList,0); } CFont font; font.CreateFont(-10,0,0,0,FW_THIN,false,false,false,DEFAULT_CHARSET,OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS,CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS,DEFAULT_QUALITY,FIXED_PITCH,NULL); CFont* oldFont=dc.SelectObject(&font); for (int i=iFV;i<=iLV;i++) DrawTile(i,&dc); ::ReleaseDC (*this, dc); dc.SelectObject(oldFont); // Do not call CListCtrl::OnPaint() for painting messages } void TileCtrl::OnDropFiles(HDROP hDropInfo) { // TODO: Add your message handler code here and/or call default //first : on verifie s'il les tiles doivent etre inseres char FileName[256]; int count=DragQueryFile(hDropInfo,0xffffffff,FileName,256); //count = nombre de fichiers dans le drop POINT pos; DragQueryPoint(hDropInfo,&pos); //retrieve cursor position for (int i=0;iGetParent()); if (load->DoModal()==IDOK) { POSITION p = load->GetStartPosition(); //la doc dit que p=NULL quand il n'y a pas de selection : c'est faux, genial les MFC while (p) { CString str = load->GetNextPathName(p); if (str!=CString("")) { const char *pathname = (LPCTSTR)str; InfoList.Add(pathname); InfoList.Reload(GetDC(),InfoList.i,1); CheckTile(*InfoList.i); } } } delete load; //UpdateBuffer(); } else if (id==1) { POSITION p = this->GetFirstSelectedItemPosition(); while (p) { int i = this->GetNextSelectedItem(p); DeleteTile(i); } //UpdateBuffer(); } else if (id==0) { CFileDialog *load = new CFileDialog(true,"bmp",NULL,OFN_ENABLESIZING,"*.bmp ||",this->GetParent()); if (load->DoModal()==IDOK) { POSITION p = load->GetStartPosition(); //la doc dit que p=NULL quand il n'y a pas de selection : c'est faux, genial les MFC CString str = load->GetNextPathName(p); if (str!=CString("")) { const char *pathname = (LPCTSTR)str; POSITION sel = GetFirstSelectedItemPosition(); InfoList.Add(pathname); // InfoList.Reload(GetDC(),InfoList.i,1); int iItem = InfoList.theList.size(); char num[10]; sprintf(num,"%d",iItem); InsertItem(iItem,num,0); SetItemData(iItem,(DWORD)*InfoList.i); } } delete load; //UpdateBuffer(); } else if (id==2) { ViewTileMode = 1; Browse *parent = (Browse*) this->GetParent(); POSITION sel = GetFirstSelectedItemPosition(); int i = GetNextSelectedItem(sel); parent->TileSelected = (TileInfo*)GetItemData(i); parent->SendMessage(WM_PAINT,0,0); //UpdateBuffer(); } else if (id==4) { ViewTileMode = 0; int iItem=0; ((Browse*)GetParent())->TileSelected = NULL; GetParent()->SendMessage(WM_PAINT,0,0); DeleteAllItems(); InsertItemInCtrlList(InfoList.theList.begin(),InfoList.theList.end()); //UpdateBuffer(); } SendMessage(WM_PAINT,0,0); } return CListCtrl::WindowProc(message, wParam, lParam); } void TileCtrl::OnRButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { // TODO: Add your message handler code here and/or call default RECT wndpos; CMenu popup; GetParent->GetWindowRect(&wndpos); popup.CreatePopupMenu(); if (!ViewTileMode) { popup.AppendMenu(GetSelectedCount()==1 ? MF_STRING : MF_STRING | MF_GRAYED,0,"Remplacer..."); popup.AppendMenu(GetSelectedCount()>0 ? MF_STRING : MF_STRING | MF_GRAYED,1,"Supprimer"); popup.AppendMenu(MF_STRING,3,"Inserer..."); } popup.TrackPopupMenu(TPM_LEFTALIGN,MousePos.x+wndpos.left,MousePos.y+wndpos.top,GetParent(),NULL); CListCtrl::OnRButtonDown(nFlags, point); } void TileCtrl::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { // TODO: Add your message handler code here and/or call default SendMessage(WM_PAINT,0,0); CListCtrl::OnLButtonDown(nFlags, point); } void TileCtrl::OnLButtonDblClk(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { // TODO: Add your message handler code here and/or call default if (GetSelectedCount()==1) { ViewTileMode = 1; Browse *parent = (Browse*) this->GetParent(); POSITION sel = GetFirstSelectedItemPosition(); int i = GetNextSelectedItem(sel); parent->TileSelected = (TileInfo*)GetItemData(i); parent->SendMessage(WM_PAINT,0,0); CListCtrl::OnLButtonDblClk(nFlags, point); } } void TileCtrl::OnVScroll(UINT nSBCode, UINT nPos, CScrollBar* pScrollBar) { // TODO: Add your message handler code here and/or call default CListCtrl::OnVScroll(nSBCode, nPos, pScrollBar); }