// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include "stdpch.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "game_share/action_factory.h" #include "game_share/action_position.h" #include "game_share/action_sync.h" #include "game_share/action_disconnection.h" #include "game_share/action_association.h" #include "game_share/action_association.h" #include "game_share/action_login.h" #include "game_share/action_generic.h" #include "game_share/action_generic_multi_part.h" #include "game_share/action_sint64.h" #include "game_share/action_dummy.h" #include "game_share/action_target_slot.h" #include "game_share/simlag.h" #include "game_share/tick_event_handler.h" #include "game_share/ryzom_version.h" #include "game_share/entity_types.h" #include "game_share/system_message.h" #include "game_share/generic_xml_msg_mngr.h" //#include "gpm_service/gpm_service.h" #include "frontend_service.h" #include "module_manager.h" #include "client_host.h" #include "fe_stat.h" #include "id_impulsions.h" #include "uid_impulsions.h" #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS # ifndef NL_COMP_MINGW # define NOMINMAX # endif # include #endif // NL_OS_WINDOWS using namespace std; using namespace NLNET; using namespace NLMISC; using namespace CLFECOMMON; // force admin module to link in extern void admin_modules_forceLink(); void foo() { admin_modules_forceLink(); } //#define FE_MULTITHREADED // callback for module security system void cbEntityIdChanged(CClientHost *clienthost); CGenericXmlMsgHeaderManager GenericXmlMsgHeaderMngr; NLNET::TServiceId SelfServiceId; bool UseTickService = false; uint32 Ticked = 0; // Synchronization of flushing (sending) thread volatile bool FlushInProgress = false; // Allow beeping bool AllowBeep = false; // Client limit, to reduce memory usage uint MaxNbClients = 1000; // Size of UDP/IP/Ethernet headers: 8+20+14 = 42 const uint32 UDP_IP_ETH_HEADER_SIZE = 42; CVariable DontNeedBackend("FS", "DontNeedBackend", "Debug feature to allow client connection without backend (1=always allow connection , 0=backend must be up)", false, 0, true); CVariable UseSendThread("FS", "UseSendThread", "Use thread for sending", false, 0, true); CVariable UseWebPatchServer("FS", "UseWebPatchServer", "Use Web Server for patching", true, 0, true); CVariable AcceptClientsAtStartup("FS", "AcceptClientsAtStartup", "Set Frontend Accept mode (1=accept clients, 0=patching mode)", false, 0, true); CVariable PatchingURLFooter("FS", "PatchingURLFooter", "Patching server listenning port + directory (default is ':43435/patch')", ":43435/patch", 0, true); CVariable StartWebServerSysCommand("FS", "StartWebServerSysCommand", "System command to execute when to start Web Patch Server", "", 0, true); CVariable StopWebServerSysCommand("FS", "StopWebServerSysCommand", "System command to execute when to stop Web Patch Server", "", 0, true); CVariable PublishFSHostAsIP("FS", "PublishFSHostAsIP", "Publish FSHost to the WS as IP:port instead of hostname:post", false, 0, true); CVariable DelayBeforeUPDAlert("FS", "DelayBeforeUPDAlert", "Delay (in s) before raising an alert when the service has not received UPD packet", 10*60, 0, true); // 10m, default CVariable VerboseFEStatsTime("fs", "VerboseFEStatsTime", "Verbose FESTATS and FETIME", false, 0, true); std::string getPatchingAddress() { std::string la; if (IService::getInstance()->haveArg('D')) { // use the command line param if set la = IService::getInstance()->getArg('D'); } else if (IService::getInstance()->ConfigFile.exists ("ListenAddress")) { // use the config file param if set la = IService::getInstance()->ConfigFile.getVar ("ListenAddress").asString(); } NLNET::CInetAddress addr(la); return string("http://") + addr.ipAddress() + PatchingURLFooter.get(); } /* * Conditional beep */ void beepIfAllowed( uint freq, uint duration ) { if ( AllowBeep ) beep( freq, duration ); } /*** *** Global functions for easy multithreadization ***/ /* * Update task */ // Update entity container + Process vision + sort by distance + calculate priorities void updatePriorities() { H_AUTO(UpdatePriorities); //CFrontEndService::instance()->entityContainer().update(); // now called by the mirror notification callback CFrontEndService::instance()->PrioSub.update(); } // Update clients states void updateClientsStates() { H_AUTO(RemoveDeadClients); #ifndef SIMUL_CLIENTS CFrontEndService *service = CFrontEndService::instance(); service->updateClientsStates(); #endif } /* * Send task (see CFeSendSub::update()) */ // Prepare headers void prepareHeadersAndFillImpulses() { H_AUTO(PrepareHeaders); CFrontEndService::instance()->SendWatch.start(); CFrontEndService::instance()->sendSub()->prepareSendCycle(); if ( ! CFrontEndService::instance()->receiveSub()->clientMap().empty() ) { CFrontEndService::instance()->sendSub()->prepareHeadersAndFillImpulses(); } } // Fill prioritized actions void fillPrioritizedActionsToSend() { H_AUTO(FillPrioritizedActions); if ( ! CFrontEndService::instance()->receiveSub()->clientMap().empty() ) { CFrontEndService::instance()->sendSub()->fillPrioritizedActions(); } } // Swap send buffers void swapSendBuffers() { H_AUTO(WaitAndSwapSendBuffers) // Wait for the end of flushMessagesToSend() while ( FlushInProgress ) { nlSleep( 0 ); } // Swap the buffers CFrontEndService::instance()->sendSub()->swapSendBuffers(); FlushInProgress = true; CFrontEndService::instance()->SendWatch.stop(); } // Flush messages void flushMessagesToSend() { CFrontEndService::instance()->sendSub()->flushMessages(); FlushInProgress = false; } /* * Send thread & runnable */ class CSendRunnable : public IRunnable { public: CSendRunnable() : StopThread(false), SendBuffer(false) {} volatile bool StopThread; volatile bool SendBuffer; virtual void run() { while (!StopThread) { while (!StopThread && !SendBuffer) nlSleep(0); if (StopThread) break; SendBuffer = false; flushMessagesToSend(); } StopThread = false; } }; CSendRunnable SendTask; IThread* SendThread = NULL; /* * Receive task */ // Swap receive queues void swapReadBuffers() { H_AUTO(SwapReadBuffers); CFrontEndService::instance()->receiveSub()->swapReadQueues(); } // Read incoming data from the current read queue void readIncomingData() { H_AUTO(ReadIncomingData); CFrontEndService::instance()->receiveSub()->readIncomingData(); } /************************** * INIT * **************************/ /* * Send an impulsion message to a destination client (warning: channel is "level", in fact) */ void sendImpulsion( TClientId clientid, CMessage& msgin, uint8 channel, const char *extendedMsg, bool forceSingleShot ) { uint32 bytelen; msgin.serial( bytelen ); // sent with serialBufferWithSize(), the following is the buffer CActionGeneric *ag = (CActionGeneric *)CActionFactory::getInstance()->create( INVALID_SLOT, ACTION_GENERIC_CODE ); ag->setFromMessage( msgin, bytelen ); ag->AllowExceedingMaxSize = forceSingleShot; sint32 impulseBitSize = (sint32)CActionFactory::getInstance ()->size( ag ); sint32 maxImpulseBitSize = CFrontEndService::instance()->getImpulseMaxBitSize( channel ); if ( forceSingleShot || (impulseBitSize < maxImpulseBitSize) ) { // Simple impulsion #ifdef TRACE_SHARD_MESSAGES LOG_IMPULSION_INFO("FETRACE:%u: Preparing simple impulsion %p for C%hu, %s (len=%u, %d/%d bits)", CTickEventHandler::getGameCycle(), ag, clientid, extendedMsg, bytelen, impulseBitSize, maxImpulseBitSize); #endif CFrontEndService::instance()->addImpulseToClient (clientid, ag, channel); } else { // MultiPart impulsion CActionFactory::getInstance()->remove((CActionImpulsion*&)ag); CActionGenericMultiPart *agmp = (CActionGenericMultiPart *)CActionFactory::getInstance ()->create (INVALID_SLOT, ACTION_GENERIC_MULTI_PART_CODE); sint32 minimumBitSizeForMP = CActionFactory::getInstance ()->size (agmp); sint32 availableSize = (maxImpulseBitSize - minimumBitSizeForMP) / 8; // (in bytes) #ifdef NL_DEBUG nlassert( availableSize > 0 ); // the available size must be larger than the 'empty' size #endif sint32 nbBlock = (bytelen + availableSize - 1) / availableSize; TClientIdCont &cont = CFrontEndService::instance()->receiveSub()->clientIdCont(); if (clientid >= cont.size() || cont[clientid] == NULL) { nlwarning ("Can't send impulse to client %u (doesn't exist)", clientid); CActionFactory::getInstance()->remove((CActionImpulsion*&)agmp); return; } uint8 num = cont[clientid]->ImpulseMultiPartNumber++; #ifdef TRACE_SHARD_MESSAGES LOG_IMPULSION_INFO("FETRACE:%u: Preparing multipart impulsion %p for C%hu, %s (len=%u, num %d, nbpart %d, size per block %d)", CTickEventHandler::getGameCycle(), agmp, clientid, extendedMsg, bytelen, num, nbBlock, availableSize); #endif for (sint32 i = 0; i < nbBlock; i++) { if (i != 0) agmp = (CActionGenericMultiPart *)CActionFactory::getInstance ()->create (INVALID_SLOT, ACTION_GENERIC_MULTI_PART_CODE); agmp->set(num, (uint16)i, msgin.buffer() + msgin.getPos(), bytelen, availableSize, (uint16)nbBlock); // nldebug ("num %d part %d avail %d nbblock %d", num, i, availableSize, nbBlock); CFrontEndService::instance()->addImpulseToClient (clientid, agmp, channel); } } //nldebug( "Contents of impulsion: '%s'", toHexaString(ImpulseBMS.bufferAsVector()).c_str() ); } /* * Callback called when the input service gives a login mapping */ void cbMapIdToUid( CMessage& msgin, const string& serviceName, NLNET::TServiceId serviceId ) { // Serial in the CEntityId and the Uid TUid uid; CEntityId id; msgin.serial( uid ); msgin.serial( id ); // Search the Uid in client hosts CFrontEndService *fe = CFrontEndService::instance(); CClientHost *clienthost = fe->receiveSub()->findClientHostByUid( uid ); if ( clienthost != NULL ) { nlinfo( "%u: Mapping CEntityId %s to uid %u for client %u", CTickEventHandler::getGameCycle(), id.toString().c_str(), uid, clienthost->clientId() ); if( clienthost->eId() != CEntityId::Unknown ) { nlwarning( "Client %u had already a CEntityId: %s !", uid, clienthost->eId().toString().c_str() ); return; } clienthost->setEId( id ); // update security for client module cbEntityIdChanged(clienthost); if ( fe->receiveSub()->EntityToClient.findEntityId( id ) ) { nlwarning( "The CEntityId %s is already owned by another client!", id.toString().c_str() ); return; } fe->receiveSub()->EntityToClient.addId( id, clienthost->clientId() ); // The entity index will be set later, in CVisionProvider::processVision() // The forwarding to the client is done by an impulsion from the back-end // Send its discrete properties to the client. It is necessary because // before the FE knows the CEntityId of the client, the vision provider // cannot update its properties /*for ( uint32 p = FIRST_DISCREET_PROPINDEX; p < fe->PrioSub.PropTranslator.nbPropertiesByEntityId( id ); ++p ) { clienthost->PropDispatcher.setPriority( 0, (TPropIndex)p, fe->PrioSub.VisionArray.prioLoc( clienthost->clientId(), 0, (TPropIndex)p ), (TPriority)HIGHEST_PRIORITY ); }*/ } else { nlwarning( "Uid not found for client login (%s %u)", id.toString().c_str(), uid ); } } /* * Receive an impulsion to send to a client, using a uid (user account id). * This is used for messages sent to a client before he has choosen his id (entity id). */ void cbImpulsionUid (CMessage& msgin, const string &serviceName, NLNET::TServiceId serviceId) { // Serialize in Uid TUid uid; msgin.serial(uid); CFeReceiveSub *frs = CFrontEndService::instance()->receiveSub(); CClientHost *clienthost; // Find the client using the Uid (either in limbo or in online clients) clienthost = frs->findClientHostByUid( uid, true ); if ( clienthost != NULL ) { // Send message to the client sendImpulsion( clienthost->clientId(), msgin, 1, toString( "from %s to UId %u", serviceName.c_str(), uid ).c_str(), false ); } else { // The client has left nldebug( "Invalid recipient client uid for impulsion (%u) from %s", uid, serviceName.c_str() ); } } /* * Receive an impulsion to send to a client, using a id */ void cbImpulsionId (CMessage& msgin, const string &serviceName, NLNET::TServiceId serviceId) { // Serialize in CEntityId CEntityId id; msgin.serial(id); // Find the client using the id TClientId clientid = CFrontEndService::instance()->receiveSub()->EntityToClient.getClientId( id ); if ( clientid != INVALID_CLIENT ) { // Send message sendImpulsion( clientid, msgin, 1, toString( "from %s to Id %s", serviceName.c_str(), id.toString().c_str() ).c_str(), false ); } else { // The client has left nldebug( "Invalid recipient client id for impulsion (%s)", id.toString().c_str() ); } } /* * Receive an impulsion, to send to a client, using a id and level (abusively called channel) */ void cbImpulsionIdChannel (CMessage& msgin, const string &serviceName, NLNET::TServiceId serviceId) { // Serialize in CEntityId CEntityId id; uint8 channel; msgin.serial(id); msgin.serial(channel); // Find the client using the id TClientId clientid = CFrontEndService::instance()->receiveSub()->EntityToClient.getClientId( id ); if ( clientid != INVALID_CLIENT ) { if ( channel > 2 ) nlwarning( "Invalid level %hu for impulsion from %s", (uint16)channel, serviceName.c_str() ); // Send message sendImpulsion( clientid, msgin, channel, toString( "with level %hu from %s to Id %s", (uint16)channel, serviceName.c_str(), id.toString().c_str() ).c_str(), false ); } else { nldebug( "Invalid recipient client id for impulsion (level %hu) (%s)", (uint16)channel, id.toString().c_str() ); } } /* * Receive an impulsion, to send to a client, for a database update */ void cbImpulsionDatabase (CMessage& msgin, const string &serviceName, NLNET::TServiceId serviceId) { // Serialize in CEntityId CEntityId id; msgin.serial(id); // Find the client using the id TClientId clientid = CFrontEndService::instance()->receiveSub()->EntityToClient.getClientId( id ); if ( clientid != INVALID_CLIENT ) { // Send database message into level 2. // The level 2 has 4 subchannels => subsequents sendings are not garanteed to be delivered // in the same order. // // Warning: the channel has a limited size. If the database if flooded by updates, further // database impulsions will be blocked. sendImpulsion( clientid, msgin, 2, toString( "for database from %s to Id %s", serviceName.c_str(), id.toString().c_str() ).c_str(), false ); // TEMP: multipart allowed (because first sending with no constraints) } else { nldebug( "Invalid recipient client id for database impulsion (%s)", id.toString().c_str() ); } } /* * */ void cbImpulsionMultiDatabase (CMessage& msgin, const string &serviceName, NLNET::TServiceId serviceId) { enum { SendDeltasToAll = 1, // From class CCDBGroup; must match ;) }; uint nbSent = 0; // Read message flag uint8 sendFlags = 0; // Make warning C4700 silent msgin.serial (sendFlags); if ((sendFlags & SendDeltasToAll) == SendDeltasToAll) { // Broadcast to every connected client to this frontend // Store current position in input message sint32 msgPosBeforeData = msgin.getPos(); // All connected clients THostMap::iterator ihm; for (ihm =CFrontEndService::instance()->receiveSub()->clientMap().begin(); ihm!=CFrontEndService::instance()->receiveSub()->clientMap().end(); ++ihm ) { // See cbImpulsionDatabase CClientHost *destClient = GETCLIENTA(ihm); // Check if client is still online and has chosen a player to play with if (!destClient->isDisconnected () && !destClient->eId ().isUnknownId()) { // Set message position back msgin.seek( msgPosBeforeData, NLMISC::IStream::begin ); sendImpulsion( destClient->clientId(), msgin, 2, "", false ); // multipart allowed // One more... ++nbSent; } } } else { // Explicit list of clients is specified // Read recipient list vector recipientIds; msgin.serialCont( recipientIds ); // Store current position in input message sint32 msgPosAfterRecipients = msgin.getPos(); for ( vector::const_iterator itr=recipientIds.begin(); itr!=recipientIds.end(); ++itr ) { // Find the client using the id const CEntityId& id = *itr; TClientId clientid = CFrontEndService::instance()->receiveSub()->EntityToClient.getClientId( id ); if ( clientid != INVALID_CLIENT ) { // Set message position back msgin.seek( msgPosAfterRecipients, NLMISC::IStream::begin ); // See cbImpulsionDatabase sendImpulsion( clientid, msgin, 2, "", false ); // multipart allowed ++nbSent; } // Skip recipients that are not connected on this front-end } } //if ( nbSent != 0 ) // nldebug( "Sent CDB_MULTI_IMPULSION to %u clients", nbSent ); } /* * Set the names requested to the IOS */ void cbSetEntityNames( CMessage& msgin, const string &serviceName, NLNET::TServiceId serviceId ) { uint32 len; msgin.serial( len ); for ( uint32 i=0; i!=len; ++i ) { TDataSetRow entityIndex; string name; msgin.serial( entityIndex ); msgin.serial( name ); CFrontEndService::instance()->EntityNames[ entityIndex.getIndex() ] = name; } nlinfo( "Got %u names from service %hu", len, serviceId.get() ); } /* * Server request frontend to disconnect a client */ void cbServerDisconnectClient( CMessage& msgin, const string &serviceName, NLNET::TServiceId serviceId ) { uint32 userId; msgin.serial(userId); cbDisconnectClient(userId, serviceName); } /* * Server request frontend to disconnect a client */ void cbDisconnectAllClients( CMessage& msgin, const string &serviceName, NLNET::TServiceId serviceId ) { for (THostMap::iterator it = CFrontEndService::instance()->receiveSub()->clientMap().begin (); it != CFrontEndService::instance()->receiveSub()->clientMap().end (); it++) { // Ask the client to disconnect CActionDisconnection *act = (CActionDisconnection*)(CActionFactory::getInstance()->create(INVALID_SLOT, ACTION_DISCONNECTION_CODE)); GETCLIENTA(it)->ImpulseEncoder.add(act, 0); // Prepare removal of client on the front-end CFrontEndService::instance()->receiveSub()->removeFromRemoveList( GETCLIENTA(it)->clientId() ); // prevent to insert it twice CFrontEndService::instance()->receiveSub()->addToRemoveList( GETCLIENTA(it)->clientId() ); } } /* * Return the name of an entity (if previously retrieved or "" if no name) */ std::string getEntityName( const TDataSetRow& entityIndex ) { TEntityNamesMap::const_iterator itn = CFrontEndService::instance()->EntityNames.find( entityIndex.getIndex() ); if ( itn != CFrontEndService::instance()->EntityNames.end() ) { return (*itn).second; } else { return string(""); } } /* * Welcome Service request frontend to switch to Accept Clients mode */ void setAcceptClients() { CFrontEndService::instance()->AcceptClients = true; NLMISC::ICommand::execute("stopWebPatchServer", *InfoLog); } /* * Welcome Service request frontend to switch to Accept Clients mode */ void cbAcceptClients( CMessage& msgin, const string &serviceName, NLNET::TServiceId serviceId ) { nlinfo("cbAcceptClients: asked by service %s %d to accept clients (patching is no longer available on this server)", serviceName.c_str(), serviceId.get()); setAcceptClients(); } /* * */ TUnifiedCallbackItem cbFrontEndArray [] = { { "IMPULSION_ID", cbImpulsionId }, { "IMPULS_CH_ID", cbImpulsionIdChannel }, { "CDB_IMPULSION", cbImpulsionDatabase }, { "CDB_MULTI_IMPULSION", cbImpulsionMultiDatabase }, { "IMPULSION_UID", cbImpulsionUid }, { "CL_ID", cbMapIdToUid }, { "ENTITY_NAMES", cbSetEntityNames }, { "DISCONNECT_CLIENT", cbServerDisconnectClient }, // Called by server to disconnect a client { "DISCONNECT_ALL_CLIENTS", cbDisconnectAllClients }, // Called by server to disconnect all clients at once { "FS_ACCEPT", cbAcceptClients } }; // void cfcbPriorityMode( CConfigFile::CVar& var ) { uint8 pm = var.asInt(); if ( pm == 0 ) { nlwarning( "PriorityMode 0 (DistanceOnly) is not obsolete and not supported!" ); } //CFrontEndService::instance()->PrioSub.Prioritizer.setPrioStrategy( (CPrioritizer::TPrioStrategy)1 ); //nlinfo( "\tPriorityMode is now %hu", (uint16)pm ); nlinfo( "Priority strategy is DistanceDelta" ); } // void cfcbTotalBandwidth( CConfigFile::CVar& var ) { uint32 tb = var.asInt(); CFrontEndService::instance()->_SendSub.setTotalBandwidth( tb ); // Not implemented anymore //nlinfo( "\tTotalBandwidth is now %u", tb ); /*if ( CFrontEndService::instance()->_SendSub.clientBandwidth() != 0 ) nlinfo( "\tTotalbandwidth corresponds to %0.2f client buffers", (float)CFrontEndService::instance()->_SendSub.totalBandwidth()/(float)CFrontEndService::instance()->_SendSub.clientBandwidth() ); */ } // void cfcbClientBandwidth( CConfigFile::CVar& var ) { uint32 cb = var.asInt(); if ( cb != 0 ) { #ifdef INCLUDE_FE_STATS_IN_PACKETS cb += STAT_HEADER_SIZE - UDP_IP_ETH_HEADER_SIZE; #else cb -= UDP_IP_ETH_HEADER_SIZE; #endif CFrontEndService::instance()->_SendSub.setClientBandwidth( cb ); nlinfo( "\tClientBandwidth is now %u bytes per game cycle, including UDP/IP/Ethernet headers (%u)", cb + UDP_IP_ETH_HEADER_SIZE, UDP_IP_ETH_HEADER_SIZE ); #ifdef INCLUDE_FE_STATS_IN_PACKETS nlinfo( "\t(also including stat header of %u bytes)", STAT_HEADER_SIZE ); #endif } } // void cfcbClientTimeOut( CConfigFile::CVar& var ) { uint32 ct = var.asInt(); CFrontEndService::instance()->_ClientTimeOut = ct; nlinfo( "\tClientTimeOut is now %u", ct ); } // void cfcbLimboTimeOut( CConfigFile::CVar& var ) { uint32 ct = var.asInt(); CFrontEndService::instance()->_LimboTimeOut = ct; nlinfo( "\tLimboTimeOut is now %u", ct ); } // void cfcbDisplayInfo( CConfigFile::CVar& var ) { nlinfo ("\tDisplayInfo is now %s", var.asInt()!=0?"on":"off"); if ( var.asInt() != 0 ) { InfoLog->removeFilter ("FE:"); } else { InfoLog->addNegativeFilter ("FE:"); } } void cfcbClientMonitor( CConfigFile::CVar& var ) { TClientId clientid = var.asInt(); CFrontEndService::instance()->monitorClient( clientid ); if ( clientid != 0 ) { if ( clientid <= MAX_NB_CLIENTS ) nlinfo( "\tNow monitoring client %hu", clientid ); else nlinfo( "Invalid client id for monitoring" ); } else { nlinfo( "\tClient monitoring is now off" ); } } void cfcbAllowBeep( CConfigFile::CVar& var ) { AllowBeep = (var.asInt() == 1); nlinfo( "\tAllowBeep is now %hu", (uint16)AllowBeep ); } void cfcbGameCycleRatio( CConfigFile::CVar& var ) { sint gcratio = var.asInt(); CFrontEndService::instance()->setGameCycleRatio( gcratio ); nlinfo( "\tGameCycleRatio is now %d", gcratio ); } void cfcbCalcDistanceExecutionPeriod( CConfigFile::CVar& var ) { sint period = var.asInt(); CFrontEndService::instance()->PrioSub.VisionProvider.DistanceSpreader.ExecutionPeriod = period; nlinfo( "\tCalcDistanceExecutionPeriod is now %d", period ); } void cfcbSortPrioExecutionPeriod( CConfigFile::CVar& var ) { sint period = var.asInt(); CFrontEndService::instance()->PrioSub.Prioritizer.SortSpreader.ExecutionPeriod = period; nlinfo( "\tSortPrioExecutionPeriod is now %d", period ); } void cfcbDistanceDeltaRatioForPos( CConfigFile::CVar& var ) { uint32 ddratio = var.asInt(); CFrontEndService::instance()->PrioSub.Prioritizer.setDistanceDeltaRatioForPos( ddratio ); nlinfo( "\tDistanceDeltaRatioForPos is now %u", ddratio ); } // /*void cfcbPositionPrioExecutionPeriod( CConfigFile::CVar& var ) { sint period = var.asInt(); CFrontEndService::instance()->PrioSub.Prioritizer.PositionSpreader.ExecutionPeriod = period; nlinfo( "\tPositionPrioExecutionPeriod is now %d", period ); } void cfcbOrientationPrioExecutionPeriod( CConfigFile::CVar& var ) { sint period = var.asInt(); CFrontEndService::instance()->PrioSub.Prioritizer.OrientationSpreader.ExecutionPeriod = period; nlinfo( "\tOrientationPrioExecutionPeriod is now %d", period ); } void cfcbDiscreetPrioExecutionPeriod( CConfigFile::CVar& var ) { sint period = var.asInt(); CFrontEndService::instance()->PrioSub.Prioritizer.DiscreetSpreader.ExecutionPeriod = period; nlinfo( "\tDiscreetPrioExecutionPeriod is now %d", period ); }*/ /* * Init variable from config file, at startup */ void initConfigVar( CConfigFile& cf, const char *varname, uint& var, const uint maxvalue ) { var = cf.getVar( varname ).asInt(); if ( var > maxvalue ) { nlwarning( "%s=%u exceeding maximum", varname, var ); var = maxvalue; } nlinfo( "\t%s = %u", varname, var ); } /* * Install callback and init variable from config file */ void installConfigVar( CConfigFile& cf, const char *varname, void (*callback) (CConfigFile::CVar&) ) { cf.setCallback( varname, callback ); callback( cf.getVar( varname ) ); } /* * Login system callback */ void cbDisconnectClient (TUid userId, const std::string &reqServiceName) { for (THostMap::iterator it = CFrontEndService::instance()->receiveSub()->clientMap().begin (); it != CFrontEndService::instance()->receiveSub()->clientMap().end (); it++) { if ( GETCLIENTA(it)->Uid == userId) { // Ask the client to disconnect CActionDisconnection *act = (CActionDisconnection*)(CActionFactory::getInstance()->create(INVALID_SLOT, ACTION_DISCONNECTION_CODE)); GETCLIENTA(it)->ImpulseEncoder.add(act, 0); nlinfo( "%s asked to remove player %hu (uid %u)", reqServiceName.c_str(), GETCLIENTA(it)->clientId(), userId ); // Prepare removal of client on the front-end CFrontEndService::instance()->receiveSub()->removeFromRemoveList( GETCLIENTA(it)->clientId() ); // prevent to insert it twice CFrontEndService::instance()->receiveSub()->addToRemoveList( GETCLIENTA(it)->clientId() ); return; } } nlwarning( "%s asked to remove an unknown player (uid %u)", reqServiceName.c_str(), userId ); } /* * Get the last target entity position that was sent to a client at a specified tick in the past */ void cbGetTargetPosAtTick( CMessage& msgin, const string &serviceName, NLNET::TServiceId serviceId ) { // Read input TDataSetRow clientEntityIndex; TGameCycle tick; msgin.serial( clientEntityIndex ); msgin.serial( tick ); // Search bool found = false; TCoord x,y; TClientId clientId = CFrontEndService::instance()->receiveSub()->EntityToClient.getClientId( clientEntityIndex ); if ( clientId != INVALID_CLIENT ) { CFrontEndService::instance()->history()->getTargetPosAtTick( clientId, tick, x, y ); found = (x != 0); // && (y != 0); // not needed } // Write output CMessage msgout( "TG_POS_AT" ); msgout.serial( found ); if ( found ) msgout.serial( x, y ); CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance()->send( serviceId, msgout ); // direct (reply) } static bool IosUp = false, EgsUp = false; /* * Callback called at service connexion */ void cbServiceUp( const string& serviceName, NLNET::TServiceId serviceId, void * ) { if ( serviceName == "IOS" ) IosUp = true; else if ( serviceName == "EGS" ) EgsUp = true; else if ( serviceName == "WS" ) { if (UseWebPatchServer) { // send patch server address CMessage msgAddr("FEPA"); // serial address as string std::string patchAddress = getPatchingAddress(); msgAddr.serial(patchAddress); // serial current frontend state bool acceptClients = CFrontEndService::instance()->AcceptClients; msgAddr.serial(acceptClients); // send it to incoming WS CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance()->send(serviceId, msgAddr); nldebug("WS %d welcome service is up, sent server patch URI '%s'", serviceId.get(), patchAddress.c_str()); if (CFrontEndService::instance()->AcceptClients) { nldebug("Note: frontend is yet in accept clients mode, patching is no longer available unless frontend is restarted", serviceId.get(), patchAddress.c_str()); } } // send number of players on FS CMessage msgPlr("NBPLAYERS2"); uint32 nbClients = (uint32)CFrontEndService::instance()->receiveSub()->clientMap().size(); uint32 nbPendingClients = CLoginServer::getNbPendingUsers(); msgPlr.serial(nbClients); msgPlr.serial(nbPendingClients); // send it to incoming WS CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance()->send(serviceId, msgPlr); nldebug("WS %d welcome service is up, reported %d online users", serviceId.get(), nbClients); } if ( EgsUp ) { CFrontEndService::instance()->ShardDown = false; nlinfo( "Leaving SERVER_DOWN mode" ); } } /* * Callback called when service becomes down */ void cbServiceDown( const string& serviceName, NLNET::TServiceId serviceId, void * ) { if ( serviceName == "GPMS" ) { // Reset the slots of the clients before the property_receiver deletes the entities CFrontEndService::instance()->PrioSub.VisionProvider.resetVision(); } else if ( serviceName == "IOS" ) { IosUp = false; } else if ( serviceName == "EGS" ) { EgsUp = false; } if ( ! (EgsUp) ) // now the IOS shutdown is tolerated { if ( ! CFrontEndService::instance()->ShardDown ) // prevent from doing it several times { /*while( (ihm=CFrontEndService::instance()->receiveSub()->clientMap().begin()) != CFrontEndService::instance()->receiveSub()->clientMap().end() ) { // Cannot use cbDisconnect() because we need the client to be removed at once, otherwise // the property receiver could raise an assert in assignIndexToId(clientsid) //CFrontEndService::instance()->receiveSub()->removeFromRemoveList( GETCLIENTA(ihm)->clientId() ); //CFrontEndService::instance()->receiveSub()->removeClientById( GETCLIENTA(ihm)->clientId() ); }*/ CFrontEndService::instance()->ShardDown = true; nlinfo( "Entering SERVER_DOWN mode" ); // remove all limbo clients uint clientsInLimbo = (uint)CFrontEndService::instance()->receiveSub()->LimboClients.size(); CFrontEndService::instance()->receiveSub()->LimboClients.clear(); nlinfo("Removed %d clients in limbo mode", clientsInLimbo); } } beepIfAllowed( 440, 150 ); beepIfAllowed( 400, 150 ); } /* * Impulse ack callbacks */ void cbAckUnknown(CClientHost *client, CAction *action) { nldebug("FERECV: client %d acked action %d", client->clientId(), action->Code); } void cbAckDummy(CClientHost *client, CAction *action) { CActionDummy *dummy = (CActionDummy*)(action); nldebug("FERECV: Client %d acked dummy %d", client->clientId(), dummy->Dummy1); } /* * Init module manager */ const sint FE_MAIN = 0; const sint FE_FLUSH = 1; void CFrontEndService::initModuleManagers() { /* CModuleManager::init(16); // Warning: with several modules, the front-end service shows 100% of CPU in the // Windows Task Manager. This is normal, and the service is still nice to other programs. // For more information, see comment in CModuleManager::waitAllReady(). CModuleManager *mainMgr = new CModuleManager("FE_MAIN", false); CModuleManager *flushMgr = new CModuleManager("FE_FLUSH", true); _ModuleManagers.push_back(mainMgr); _ModuleManagers.push_back(flushMgr); #ifdef MEASURE_SENDING nlinfo( "MEASURE_SENDING enabled" ); mainMgr->addModule(0, swapReadBuffers); mainMgr->addModule(1, readIncomingData); mainMgr->addModule(2, swapSendBuffers); flushMgr->addWait(2); flushMgr->addModule(3, flushMessagesToSend); #else mainMgr->addModule(0, swapReadBuffers); mainMgr->addModule(1, readIncomingData); mainMgr->addModule(2, ::updateClientsStates); mainMgr->addModule(3, updatePriorities); mainMgr->addModule(4, prepareHeadersAndFillImpulses); mainMgr->addModule(5, fillPrioritizedActionsToSend); mainMgr->addModule(6, swapSendBuffers); // waits for the end of flushMessagesToSend using the boolean FlushInProgress (with addWait there would be a deadlock at the beginning) flushMgr->addWait(6); flushMgr->addModule(7, flushMessagesToSend); #endif // MEASURE_SENDING */ } /* * */ inline void cbUpdate() { CFrontEndService::instance()->onTick(); } /* * */ inline void CFrontEndService::onTick() { LastTickTime = CTime::getLocalTime(); if (StalledMode) { setClientsToSynchronizeState(); } if ( _GCCount == 0 ) { // Run manager's task UserLWatch.start(); //H_BEFORE(UserUpdate); if ( CFrontEndService::instance()->entityContainer().mirrorIsReady() ) { //_ModuleManagers[0]->runOnce(); swapReadBuffers(); readIncomingData(); ::updateClientsStates(); updatePriorities(); prepareHeadersAndFillImpulses(); fillPrioritizedActionsToSend(); swapSendBuffers(); // waits for the end of flushMessagesToSend using the boolean FlushInProgress (with addWait there would be a deadlock at the beginning) SendTask.SendBuffer = true; if (SendThread == NULL) { H_AUTO(FlushMessagesToSend); flushMessagesToSend(); } } //H_AFTER(UserUpdate); UserLWatch.stop(); TMsDuration userduration = UserLWatch.getDuration(); UserDurationPAverage = UserLWatch.getPartialAverage(); //nlinfo( "Sent actions: %u", CFrontEndService::instance()->SentActionsLastCycle ); _GCCount = _GCRatio; } --_GCCount; } /* * Initialization */ //CDebugDisplayer FEDebugDisplayer("frontend_service_straight.log", true, "FE_DD"); void CFrontEndService::init() { setVersion (RYZOM_VERSION); nlinfo( "Initializing front-end service..." ); try { // Load config nlinfo( "Loading configuration from %s", ConfigFile.getFilename().c_str() ); initConfigVar( ConfigFile, "ClientLimit", MaxNbClients, MAX_NB_CLIENTS ); installConfigVar( ConfigFile, "ClientTimeOut", cfcbClientTimeOut ); installConfigVar( ConfigFile, "LimboTimeOut", cfcbLimboTimeOut ); installConfigVar( ConfigFile, "DisplayInfo", cfcbDisplayInfo ); installConfigVar( ConfigFile, "ClientMonitor", cfcbClientMonitor ); installConfigVar( ConfigFile, "AllowBeep", cfcbAllowBeep ); installConfigVar( ConfigFile, "GameCycleRatio", cfcbGameCycleRatio ); installConfigVar( ConfigFile, "CalcDistanceExecutionPeriod", cfcbCalcDistanceExecutionPeriod ); installConfigVar( ConfigFile, "SortPrioExecutionPeriod", cfcbSortPrioExecutionPeriod ); installConfigVar( ConfigFile, "DistanceDeltaRatioForPos", cfcbDistanceDeltaRatioForPos ); /*installConfigVar( ConfigFile, "PositionPrioExecutionPeriod", cfcbPositionPrioExecutionPeriod ); installConfigVar( ConfigFile, "OrientationPrioExecutionPeriod", cfcbOrientationPrioExecutionPeriod ); installConfigVar( ConfigFile, "DiscreetPrioExecutionPeriod", cfcbDiscreetPrioExecutionPeriod );*/ #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS CConfigFile::CVar *lowerCPUPriority = ConfigFile.getVarPtr( "LowerCPUPriority" ); if ( lowerCPUPriority && (lowerCPUPriority->asInt() == 1) ) { SetPriorityClass( GetCurrentProcess(), /*BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS*/ 0x00004000 ); // not the constant because I don't have the latest version of the Platform SDK! nlinfo( "Starting with LowerCPUPriority" ); } #endif CSheetId::init( false ); // The filename is used with george's sheets to know which properties correspond to the entity types // nlinfo( "Loading georges forms..." ); //CFrontEndPropertyReceiver::init( string("single"), &PrioSub.PropTranslator, &_ReceiveSub.EntityToClient ); nlinfo( "Initializing entity container and mirror..." ); _EntityContainer.init( &_ReceiveSub.EntityToClient, cbUpdate ); // Init the login system nlinfo( "Initializing login subsystem..." ); CLoginServer::init( "", cbDisconnectClient ); // // Init front end listening port CInetAddress listenAddr(CLoginServer::getListenAddress()); uint16 frontendPort = listenAddr.port(); if (frontendPort == 0) { // set a default listen port frontendPort = 47851; } // if (IService::getInstance()->haveArg('p')) // { // // use the command line param if set // frontendPort = NLMISC::fromString(IService::getInstance()->getArg('p').c_str()); // } // else // { // // use the config file param otherwise // frontendPort = ConfigFile.getVar( "FrontendPort" ).asInt(); // } CConfigFile::CVar *plafp = ConfigFile.getVarPtr( "LastAcceptableFSUDPPort" ); uint16 lastAcceptableFrontendPort = frontendPort + 10; // default: try up to 10 ports if ( plafp ) { if ( plafp->asInt() >= frontendPort ) lastAcceptableFrontendPort = plafp->asInt(); else nlwarning( "Invalid LastAcceptableFSUDPPort: %u (port from ListenAddress: %hu); using %hu", plafp->asInt(), frontendPort, lastAcceptableFrontendPort ); } // Initialize the receiving subsystem and find an available port _DgramLength = ConfigFile.getVar( "DatagramLength" ).asInt(); nlinfo( "\tDatagramLength = %u bytes", _DgramLength ); nlinfo( "Initializing receiving subsystem..." ); _ReceiveSub.init( frontendPort, lastAcceptableFrontendPort, _DgramLength, &_History, &_SendSub.clientIdCont() ); frontendPort = _ReceiveSub.dataSock()->localAddr().port(); listenAddr.setPort( frontendPort ); CLoginServer::setListenAddress( PublishFSHostAsIP.get() ? listenAddr.asIPString() : (listenAddr.hostName() + ":" + NLMISC::toString( listenAddr.port() )) ); // note: asString() returns more information CInetAddress::RetrieveNames = false; StalledMode = false; LastTickTime = 0; ShardDown = true; // waiting for connection of the EGS CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance()->setServiceUpCallback( "*", cbServiceUp, NULL ); CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance()->setServiceDownCallback( string("*"), cbServiceDown, 0); SelfServiceId = getServiceId(); std::string patchAddress = getPatchingAddress(); nlinfo("Patch Server base address is '%s'", patchAddress.c_str()); // set accept mode AcceptClients = AcceptClientsAtStartup.get(); if (!AcceptClients) { nlinfo("FS doesn't accept client at startup, must be told to do so (default patching mode)"); NLMISC::ICommand::execute("startWebPatchServer", *InfoLog); } else { nlinfo("FS accepts client at startup (patching mode unavailable)"); NLMISC::ICommand::execute("stopWebPatchServer", *InfoLog); } // Register actions CActionFactory::getInstance()->registerAction( ACTION_POSITION_CODE, CActionPosition::create ); CActionFactory::getInstance()->registerAction( ACTION_SYNC_CODE, CActionSync::create ); CActionFactory::getInstance()->registerAction( ACTION_DISCONNECTION_CODE, CActionDisconnection::create ); CActionFactory::getInstance()->registerAction( ACTION_ASSOCIATION_CODE, CActionAssociation::create ); CActionFactory::getInstance()->registerAction( ACTION_LOGIN_CODE, CActionLogin::create ); CActionFactory::getInstance()->registerAction( ACTION_GENERIC_CODE, CActionGeneric::create ); CActionFactory::getInstance()->registerAction( ACTION_GENERIC_MULTI_PART_CODE, CActionGenericMultiPart::create ); CActionFactory::getInstance()->registerAction( ACTION_SINT64, CActionSint64::create ); CActionFactory::getInstance()->registerAction( ACTION_TARGET_SLOT_CODE, CActionTargetSlot::create ); //#ifdef DISABLE_PRIOTABLE CActionFactory::getInstance()->registerAction( ACTION_DUMMY_CODE, CActionDummy::create ); //#endif // Init send subsystem nlinfo( "Initializing sending subsystem..." ); #ifdef HALF_FREQUENCY_SENDING_TO_CLIENT nlinfo( " Half-frequency mode" ); #else nlinfo( " Full-frequency mode" ); #endif _SendSub.init( _ReceiveSub.dataSock(), &_ReceiveSub.clientMap(), &_History, &PrioSub ); installConfigVar( ConfigFile, "ClientBandwidth", cfcbClientBandwidth ); installConfigVar( ConfigFile, "TotalBandwidth", cfcbTotalBandwidth ); // Init history nlinfo( "Initializing history..." ); _History.init( MaxNbClients+1 ); // clientids begin at 1 // Init priority table nlinfo( "Initializing priority tables..." ); PrioSub.init( /*&_SendSub.clientIdCont()*/ &_History, &_ReceiveSub.EntityToClient ); installConfigVar( ConfigFile, "PriorityMode", cfcbPriorityMode ); // Register property nbbits CActionSint64::registerNumericPropertiesRyzom(); CActionFactory::getInstance()->initVolatileProperties(); setUpdateTimeout(100); // Init the XML message manager nlinfo( "Initializing XML message manager..." ); const string& pathXmlMsg = CPath::lookup( "msg.xml" ); GenericXmlMsgHeaderMngr.init( pathXmlMsg ); initImpulsionId(); initImpulsionUid(); // Init module manager nlinfo( "Initializing module manager..." ); initModuleManagers(); if (UseSendThread) { // Init send thread nlinfo("UseSendThread on, initialise send thread"); SendThread = IThread::create(&SendTask); SendThread->start(); } // add a callback in the LoginServer to be warned when a cookie become acceptable CLoginServer::addNewCookieCallback(newCookieCallback); nlinfo( "Waiting for the local Mirror Service..." ); CActionGeneric::ServerSide = true; } catch (const Exception &e) { nlerror( "Error: %s", e.what() ); } } /* * After mirror system is ready */ void CFrontEndService::postInit() { nlinfo( "Subscribing to mirror properties..." ); _EntityContainer.initMirror(); // Init modules nlinfo( "Starting modules..." ); //CModuleManager::startAll(); // Init impulse encoder callbacks CImpulseEncoder::setReceivedCallback(cbAckUnknown, -1); CImpulseEncoder::setReceivedCallback(cbAckDummy, ACTION_DUMMY_CODE); // and the remaining ones... setSimlagValues (ConfigFile.getVar("Lag").asInt(), ConfigFile.getVar("PacketLoss").asInt(), ConfigFile.getVar("PacketDuplication").asInt(), ConfigFile.getVar("PacketDisordering").asInt()); } /************************** * RELEASE * **************************/ /* * */ void CFrontEndService::release() { SendTask.StopThread = true; _ReceiveSub.release(); //CModuleManager::stopAll(); // //uint i; //for (i=0; i<_ModuleManagers.size(); ++i) // delete _ModuleManagers[i]; //_ModuleManagers.clear(); //CModuleManager::release(); CActionFactory::release(); InfoLog->removeFilter( "FEHTIMER" ); InfoLog->removeFilter( "FE" ); if (SendThread != NULL) { nlinfo("Release send thread, waiting for task to terminate"); // stop send thread while (SendTask.StopThread) nlSleep(1); delete SendThread; SendThread = NULL; } } /************************** * UPDATE * **************************/ //#define LOOP_IN_MAIN_THREAD //#define TEST_THREAD_CPU_USAGE // This variable helps testing the bug that produced the warning // "handleReceivedMsg : FERECV: client %d sent messages dated in future" // after a Stall Mode recovery. //CVariable SimulateStalled("fs", "SimulateStalled", "", false ); /* * Update */ bool CFrontEndService::update() { #ifdef LOOP_IN_MAIN_THREAD while ( true ); #endif #ifdef TEST_THREAD_CPU_USAGE double sum=0.0; uint32 n = 0; while ( true ) { ++n; TTicks ticks = CTime::getPerformanceTime(); uint32 k; for ( uint32 i=0; i!=0x10000000; ++i ) { k=i*2; } double t = CTime::ticksToSecond( CTime::getPerformanceTime()-ticks ); sum += t; nlinfo( "Time: %.3f ms, average: %.3f ms, k=%u", t*1000.0, 1000.0*sum/(double)n, k ); } #endif /* map::iterator it; TTime timeout = CTime::getLocalTime()-_LimboTimeOut; for (it=_ReceiveSub.LimboClients.begin(); it!=_ReceiveSub.LimboClients.end(); ) { map::iterator itr = it++; // removes limbo client if it timed out if ((*it).second.Timeout < timeout) _ReceiveSub.LimboClients.erase(itr); } */ // If the back-end is down, set all clients to "server down" state // (this breaks the tick synchronisation of the clients, anyway the clients disconnect after receiving "server down") if ( !DontNeedBackend && ShardDown ) { static TTime lastSent = CTime::getLocalTime(); TTime now = CTime::getLocalTime(); if ( now - lastSent > 2000 ) { sendServerProblemStateToClients( CClientHost::ServerDown ); lastSent = now; } } // If not received a tick for 2 seconds, set all clients to stalled state // (this breaks the tick synchronisation of the clients, they will need a SYNC afterwards) if ((CTime::getLocalTime() - LastTickTime > 2000) /*|| (SimulateStalled.get() == 1)*/) { if (!StalledMode) { nlinfo( "Entering STALLED mode" ); StalledMode = true; LastStallTime = 0; } if ((CTime::getLocalTime() - LastStallTime > 1000) /*|| (SimulateStalled.get() == 1)*/) { LastStallTime = CTime::getLocalTime(); sendServerProblemStateToClients( CClientHost::Stalled ); } } // update the pending user list CLoginServer::refreshPendingList(); // Display statistics CycleWatch.stop(); static TTime lastdisplay = CTime::getLocalTime(); if ( VerboseFEStatsTime.get() && (CTime::getLocalTime() - lastdisplay > 1000) ) { TMsDuration cyclepartialaverage = CycleWatch.getPartialAverage(); nlinfo( "FETIME: Time in ms: Receive=%u Send=%u UserLoop=%u Cycle=%u (%.1f cps)", ReceiveWatch.getPartialAverage(), SendWatch.getPartialAverage(), UserDurationPAverage, cyclepartialaverage, 1000.0f/(float)cyclepartialaverage ); lastdisplay = CTime::getLocalTime(); } CycleWatch.start(); uint32 now = CTime::getSecondsSince1970(); bool noRecentComm = now - CFEReceiveTask::LastUDPPacketReceived > DelayBeforeUPDAlert; // check for potential communication problem if (CLoginServer::getNbPendingUsers() != 0 || this->_ReceiveSub.getNbClient() != 0) { if (noRecentComm) { // raise the alert for a limited time addStatusTag("CheckUDPComm"); } } if (!noRecentComm) { // clear the UDP alert tag (if set) removeStatusTag("CheckUDPComm"); } return true; } /* * Add an impulse to a specific client */ void CFrontEndService::addImpulseToClient(TClientId client, CActionImpulsion *action, uint level) { TClientIdCont &cont = _ReceiveSub.clientIdCont(); if (client >= cont.size() || cont[client] == NULL) { nlwarning ("Can't send impulse to client %d (doesn't exist)", client); return; } cont[client]->ImpulseEncoder.add(action, level); } /* * Add an impulse to a specific entity provided it is a client */ void CFrontEndService::addImpulseToEntity( const TEntityIndex& entity, CActionImpulsion *action, uint level ) { TClientId client = _ReceiveSub.EntityToClient.getClientId( entity ); if (client != INVALID_CLIENT) { addImpulseToClient(client, action, level); } else { nlwarning ("Can't send impulse to E%u (doesn't exist or not a client)", entity.getIndex()); return; } } /* * Remove clients that do not send datagrams anymore */ void CFrontEndService::updateClientsStates() { TTime ctime = CTime::getLocalTime(); THostMap::iterator iclient, icremove; for ( iclient=_ReceiveSub.clientMap().begin(); iclient!=_ReceiveSub.clientMap().end(); ) { CClientHost *client = GETCLIENTA(iclient); // Check if receive time is not too old TTime cltime = ctime - client->receiveTime(); /* // TEMP BEN CActionDummy *dummy = (CActionDummy*)(CActionFactory::getInstance()->create(ACTION_DUMMY_CODE)); dummy->Dummy1 = ++(client->LastSentDummy); addImpulseToClient(client->clientId(), dummy, 1); // TEMP BEN */ switch (client->ConnectionState) { default: if (cltime > _ClientLagTime) { //nlwarning( "Client %u lags (no incoming data for %u ms), setting probe mode", GETCLIENTA(iclient)->clientId(), _ClientLagTime ); client->setProbeState(); } else { ++iclient; } break; case CClientHost::Probe: if ( cltime > _ClientTimeOut ) { nlinfo( "Client %u %s seems dead (no incoming data for %u ms)", GETCLIENTA(iclient)->clientId(), GETCLIENTA(iclient)->address().asString().c_str(), _ClientTimeOut ); icremove = iclient; ++iclient; _ReceiveSub.removeFromRemoveList( GETCLIENTA(icremove)->clientId() ); _ReceiveSub.removeClientById( GETCLIENTA(icremove)->clientId() ); } else { ++iclient; } break; } } } /* * Set clients to stalled or "server down" mode (and send stalled msg immediately) */ void CFrontEndService::sendServerProblemStateToClients( uint connectionState ) { uint8 systemMsgCode; switch ( connectionState ) { case CClientHost::ServerDown: systemMsgCode = SYSTEM_SERVER_DOWN_CODE; break; case CClientHost::Stalled: systemMsgCode = SYSTEM_STALLED_CODE; break; default: nlstop; } //nldebug( "Sending %s to clients", SystemMessagesNames[systemMsgCode] ); //uint numClients = 0; THostMap::iterator iclient; for ( iclient=_ReceiveSub.clientMap().begin(); iclient!=_ReceiveSub.clientMap().end(); ++iclient ) { // Send the stalled or server down code. Note: client->setupSystemHeader() calls getNextSendNumber(). // If this is called more than once per tick (or less), the client's CurrentServerTick will get shifted, // leading to the warning "handleReceivedMsg : FERECV: client %d sent messages dated in future". // To avoid this, the FS *must* resynchronize the clients when exiting from stalled mode // (see setClientsToSynchronizeState()). CClientHost *client = GETCLIENTA(iclient); client->ConnectionState = connectionState; _SendSub.enableSendBuffer( client->clientId() ); TOutBox& outbox = _SendSub.outBox( client->clientId() ); outbox.resetBufPos(); client->setupSystemHeader( outbox, systemMsgCode ); //outbox.displayStream(toString("STALLED:displayOutbox for %u:", client->clientId()).c_str()); //++numClients; } swapSendBuffers(); // waits for the end of the previous background flushing flushMessagesToSend(); // flushes (blocking operation in the main thread) //nldebug( "Sent %s to %u clients", SystemMessagesNames[systemMsgCode], numClients ); } /* * Set clients to synchronize state */ void CFrontEndService::setClientsToSynchronizeState() { nlinfo( "Leaving STALLED mode" ); StalledMode = false; THostMap::iterator iclient; for ( iclient=_ReceiveSub.clientMap().begin(); iclient!=_ReceiveSub.clientMap().end(); ++iclient ) { CClientHost *client = GETCLIENTA(iclient); // Set to Force Synchronize state to ensure an ack_sync received from client // will not overwrite the state with Connected client->setForceSynchronizeState(); } } void CFrontEndService::newCookieCallback(const NLNET::CLoginCookie &cookie) { // update the last UPD packet date if (CFEReceiveTask::LastUDPPacketReceived == 0) { // set the date to 'now'. If no UPD traffic is detected after // a predetermined timer, an alert is set in the service status line. CFEReceiveTask::LastUDPPacketReceived = CTime::getSecondsSince1970(); } } /* * */ NLMISC_DYNVARIABLE( bool, StalledMode, "true if no tick for 2 seconds" ) { if ( get ) *pointer = CFrontEndService::instance()->StalledMode; } NLMISC_DYNVARIABLE( uint32, UserTime, "User duration partial average" ) { if ( get ) *pointer = CFrontEndService::instance()->UserDurationPAverage; } NLMISC_DYNVARIABLE( uint32, SentActions, "User duration partial average" ) { if ( get ) *pointer = CFrontEndService::instance()->SentActionsLastCycle; } bool Stats = false; // This assumes the negative filter "FESTATS" is in the config file NLMISC_COMMAND( switchStats, "Switch stats", "" ) { Stats = ! Stats; if ( Stats ) InfoLog->removeFilter( "FESTATS" ); else InfoLog->addNegativeFilter( "FESTATS" ); return true; } NLMISC_COMMAND( monitorClient, "Set the client id to monitor", "" ) { if (args.size() != 1) return false; TClientId clientid; NLMISC::fromString(args[0], clientid); if ( clientid <= MAX_NB_CLIENTS ) CFrontEndService::instance()->monitorClient( clientid ); return true; } NLMISC_COMMAND( disconnectClient, "Disconnect a client", "" ) { if (args.size() != 1) return false; TClientId clientid; NLMISC::fromString(args[0], clientid); CClientHost *clienthost; if ( (clientid <= MaxNbClients) && ((clienthost = CFrontEndService::instance()->sendSub()->clientIdCont()[clientid]) != NULL) ) { cbDisconnectClient( clienthost->Uid, "FS user command" ); } else { log.displayNL( "There is no such a client id" ); } return true; } NLMISC_COMMAND( verboseImpulsions, "Turn on/off or check the state of verbose logging of impulsions", "" ) { if ( args.size() == 1 ) { if ( args[0] == string("on") || args[0] == string("1") ) verboseImpulsions=true; else if ( args[0] == string("off") || args[0] == string("0") ) verboseImpulsions=false; } log.displayNL( "verboseImpulsions is %s", verboseImpulsions ? "on" : "off" ); return true; } NLMISC_COMMAND( getTargetPosAtTick, "Get the last target entity position that was sent to a client at a specified tick in the past", " " ) { if ( args.size() < 2 ) return false; TClientId clientId; NLMISC::fromString(args[0], clientId); NLMISC::TGameCycle tick; NLMISC::fromString(args[1], tick); // Search bool found = false; TCoord x,y; if ( (clientId != INVALID_CLIENT) && (clientId <= MAX_NB_CLIENTS) ) { CFrontEndService::instance()->history()->getTargetPosAtTick( clientId, tick, x, y ); log.displayNL( "Position of target of C%hu was %d %d", clientId, x, y ); } else { log.displayNL( "Invalid client id" ); } return true; } class CImpulseStatPred { public: typedef std::pair TItem; bool operator () (const TItem& a, const TItem& b) const { return a.first < b.first; } }; NLMISC_COMMAND( dumpImpulseStats, "Dump Impulse stat to XML log", " [[-] [efficiency|queue]]") { if (args.size() < 1) return false; sint maxdump = -1; if (args.size() >= 2) { NLMISC::fromString(args[1], maxdump); maxdump = abs(maxdump); } bool reverse = (args.size() >= 2 && args[1][0] == '-'); std::string criterion; if (args.size() >= 3) criterion = args[2]; uint ucriterion = 0; if (criterion == "efficiency") ucriterion = 1; if (criterion == "queue") ucriterion = 2; std::vector > result; THostMap& clientmap = CFrontEndService::instance()->receiveSub()->clientMap(); for (THostMap::iterator it = clientmap.begin (); it != clientmap.end (); it++) { CClientHost* client = GETCLIENTA(it); float comp = 0.0f; if (ucriterion == 1) { comp = client->ImpulseEncoder.leastEfficiencyRatio(); } else if (ucriterion == 2) { comp = -(float)client->ImpulseEncoder.biggestQueueSize(); } if (reverse) comp = -comp; result.push_back(std::pair(comp, client)); } if (ucriterion != 0 && !result.empty()) { std::sort(result.begin(), result.end(), CImpulseStatPred()); } std::string filename = args[0]; COFile file; COXml xml; if (!file.open(filename) || !xml.init(&file)) return false; xml.xmlPush("ImpulseDump"); uint num; for (num=0; numImpulseEncoder.dump(xml); } xml.xmlPop(); return true; } /* * Patching setup * Apache start/stop commands */ // Start Apache server NLMISC_COMMAND( startWebPatchServer, "start Web server for patching", "") { if (!UseWebPatchServer.get()) return true; nlinfo("Execute startWebPatchServer..."); if (!StartWebServerSysCommand.get().empty()) { system(StartWebServerSysCommand.get().c_str()); } return true; } // Stop Apache server NLMISC_COMMAND( stopWebPatchServer, "stop Web server for patching", "") { if (!UseWebPatchServer.get()) return true; nlinfo("Execute stopWebPatchServer..."); if (!StopWebServerSysCommand.get().empty()) { system(StopWebServerSysCommand.get().c_str()); } return true; } // Stop Apache server NLMISC_COMMAND( acceptClients, "tells manually frontend to accept clients", "") { setAcceptClients(); return true; } NLMISC_CLASS_COMMAND_IMPL(CFrontEndService, dump) { if (args.size() != 0) return false; log.displayNL("Frontend internal state :"); log.displayNL("Listen address: %s", CLoginServer::getListenAddress().c_str() ); log.displayNL("UDP sock listening on %s", _ReceiveSub.dataSock()->localAddr().asString().c_str() ); return true; } /* * Declare a service with the class CFrontEndService, the names "FS" (short) and "frontend_service" (long). * The port is set to 37000 and the main callback array is CallbackArray. * Note: this is the port towards the other services of the shard (TCP communication). */ NLNET_SERVICE_MAIN( CFrontEndService, "FS", "frontend_service", 0, cbFrontEndArray, "", "" )