---------------------------- -- DEFINE SOME GLOBALS ---------------------------- global Physique_Tool ---------------------------- -- INTERFACE FUN ---------------------------- ( if Physique_Tool != undefined do ( closerolloutfloater Physique_Tool ) Physique_Tool = newrolloutfloater "Physique Tool" 190 190 rollout PhyMirror "Physique Tool" ( group "Mirror Options" ( button MirrorPhy "Mirror Selected" width:140 height:20 spinner thresh "Threshold " scale:.01 align:#center type:#float range:[0,5,.2] ) label info1 "Updates will be" align:#center label info2 "given here." align:#center ---------------------------- -- DO IT MIROR METHOD ---------------------------- fn MirrorPhyFN = ( local selverts= #() -- Yoyo: 'as array' crash on max 4... ??? local seltam = getVertSelection $ for i in seltam do append selverts i local threshold = thresh.value NelMirrorPhysique $ selverts threshold ) ---------------------------------- -- MIRROR_PHY BUTTON ---------------------------------- on PhyMirror open do ( ) on MirrorPhy pressed do ( GoAhead = false info1.text = "STARTING MIRROR" info2.text = "" if $ != undefined and getCommandPanelTaskMode() == #modify and subObjectLevel != 0 then ( GoAhead = true ) if GoAhead then ( try ( if subObjectLevel != 1 do ( $.EditablePoly.ConvertSelection subobjectLevel #Vertex subObjectLevel = 1 ) ) catch() with redraw off ( -- undo off ( setWaitCursor() MirrorPhyFN(); setArrowCursor() ) ) info1.text = "DONE! SELECTING" info2.text = "SUCCESSFUL TRANSFERS." ) else ( MessageBox "To Mirror: Select verts in Top_Level Subobject mode." ) ) ) --End rollout PhyMirror addRollout PhyMirror Physique_Tool ) --End roulloutfloater