// NeL - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include "std3d.h" #include "nel/3d/cluster.h" #include "nel/3d/portal.h" #include "nel/misc/stream.h" #include "nel/misc/string_mapper.h" #include "nel/3d/scene.h" #include "nel/3d/transform_shape.h" //#include "mesh_instance.h" #include "nel/3d/scene_group.h" using namespace NLMISC; using namespace std; namespace NL3D { // 0.5 cm of precision #define CLUSTERPRECISION 0.005 // *************************************************************************** CCluster::CCluster () { /* *********************************************** * WARNING: This Class/Method must be thread-safe (ctor/dtor/serial): no static access for instance * It can be loaded/called through CAsyncFileManager for instance * ***********************************************/ FatherVisible = VisibleFromFather = false; FatherAudible = AudibleFromFather = false; Father = NULL; Group = NULL; // map a no fx string _EnvironmentFxId = CStringMapper::map("no fx"); // map a no soundgroup string _SoundGroupId = CStringMapper::map(""); // I am a transform cluster CTransform::setIsCluster(true); // Default: not traversed _Visited= false; _CameraIn= false; } // *************************************************************************** CCluster::~CCluster() { /* *********************************************** * WARNING: This Class/Method must be thread-safe (ctor/dtor/serial): no static access for instance * It can be loaded/called through CAsyncFileManager for instance * ***********************************************/ unlinkFromClusterTree(); } void CCluster::setSoundGroup(const std::string &soundGroup) { _SoundGroupId = CStringMapper::map(soundGroup); } void CCluster::setSoundGroup(const NLMISC::TStringId &soundGroupId) { _SoundGroupId = soundGroupId; } const std::string &CCluster::getSoundGroup() { return CStringMapper::unmap(_SoundGroupId); } NLMISC::TStringId CCluster::getSoundGroupId() { return _SoundGroupId; } void CCluster::setEnvironmentFx(const std::string &environmentFx) { _EnvironmentFxId = CStringMapper::map(environmentFx); } void CCluster::setEnvironmentFx(const NLMISC::TStringId &environmentFxId) { _EnvironmentFxId = environmentFxId; } const std::string &CCluster::getEnvironmentFx() { return CStringMapper::unmap(_EnvironmentFxId); } NLMISC::TStringId CCluster::getEnvironmentFxId() { return _EnvironmentFxId; } // *************************************************************************** void CCluster::unlinkFromParent() { /* *********************************************** * WARNING: This Class/Method must be thread-safe (ctor/dtor/serial): no static access for instance * It can be loaded/called through CAsyncFileManager for instance * ***********************************************/ // unlink from father sons list if (Father) { Father->Children.erase(remove(Father->Children.begin(), Father->Children.end(), this), Father->Children.end()); Father = NULL; } } // *************************************************************************** void CCluster::unlinkSons() { /* *********************************************** * WARNING: This Class/Method must be thread-safe (ctor/dtor/serial): no static access for instance * It can be loaded/called through CAsyncFileManager for instance * ***********************************************/ // tells all sons that they have no more father for(uint k = 0; k < Children.size(); ++k) { if (Children[k]->Father == this) { Children[k]->Father = NULL; } } NLMISC::contReset(Children); } // *************************************************************************** void CCluster::unlinkFromClusterTree() { /* *********************************************** * WARNING: This Class/Method must be thread-safe (ctor/dtor/serial): no static access for instance * It can be loaded/called through CAsyncFileManager for instance * ***********************************************/ unlinkFromParent(); unlinkSons(); } // *************************************************************************** void CCluster::registerBasic () { CScene::registerModel (ClusterId, 0, CCluster::creator); } // *************************************************************************** bool CCluster::makeVolume (const CVector& p1, const CVector& p2, const CVector& p3) { uint i; // Check if the plane is not close to a plane that already define the cluster for (i = 0; i < _LocalVolume.size(); ++i) { float f1 = fabsf (_LocalVolume[i]*p1); float f2 = fabsf (_LocalVolume[i]*p2); float f3 = fabsf (_LocalVolume[i]*p3); if ((f1 < CLUSTERPRECISION) && (f2 < CLUSTERPRECISION) && (f3 < CLUSTERPRECISION)) return true; } // Check if we want to add a triangle not completely in the predefined volume for (i = 0; i < _LocalVolume.size(); ++i) { float f1 = _LocalVolume[i]*p1; float f2 = _LocalVolume[i]*p2; float f3 = _LocalVolume[i]*p3; if ((f1 > CLUSTERPRECISION) && (f2 > CLUSTERPRECISION) && (f3 > CLUSTERPRECISION)) return false; } // Build volume CPlane p; p.make (p1, p2, p3); p.normalize(); _LocalVolume.push_back (p); // Build BBox if (_LocalVolume.size() == 1) _LocalBBox.setCenter(p1); else _LocalBBox.extend(p1); _LocalBBox.extend(p2); _LocalBBox.extend(p3); _Volume = _LocalVolume; _BBox = _LocalBBox; return true; } // *************************************************************************** bool CCluster::isIn (const CVector& p) { for (uint i = 0; i < _Volume.size(); ++i) if (_Volume[i]*p > CLUSTERPRECISION) return false; return true; } // *************************************************************************** bool CCluster::isIn (const CAABBox& b) { for (uint i = 0; i < _Volume.size(); ++i) { if (!b.clipBack (_Volume[i])) return false; } return true; } // *************************************************************************** bool CCluster::isIn (const NLMISC::CVector& center, float size) { for (uint i = 0; i < _Volume.size(); ++i) if (_Volume[i]*center > size) return false; return true; } // *************************************************************************** bool CCluster::clipSegment (NLMISC::CVector &p0, NLMISC::CVector &p1) { for (uint i = 0; i < _Volume.size(); ++i) { if (!_Volume[i].clipSegmentBack(p0, p1)) return false; } return true; } // *************************************************************************** void CCluster::resetPortalLinks () { _Portals.clear(); } // *************************************************************************** void CCluster::link (CPortal* portal) { _Portals.push_back (portal); } // *************************************************************************** void CCluster::unlink (CPortal* portal) { uint32 pos; for (pos = 0; pos < _Portals.size(); ++pos) { if (_Portals[pos] == portal) break; } if (pos < _Portals.size()) _Portals.erase (_Portals.begin()+pos); } // *************************************************************************** void CCluster::serial (NLMISC::IStream&f) { /* *********************************************** * WARNING: This Class/Method must be thread-safe (ctor/dtor/serial): no static access for instance * It can be loaded/called through CAsyncFileManager for instance * ***********************************************/ sint version = f.serialVersion (3); if (version >= 1) f.serial (Name); f.serialCont (_LocalVolume); f.serial (_LocalBBox); f.serial (FatherVisible); f.serial (VisibleFromFather); if (f.isReading()) { _Volume = _LocalVolume; _BBox = _LocalBBox; } if (version >= 2) { if (f.isReading()) { std::string soundGroup; std::string envFxName; f.serial(soundGroup); _SoundGroupId = CStringMapper::map(soundGroup); f.serial(envFxName); if (envFxName.empty()) envFxName = "no fx"; _EnvironmentFxId = CStringMapper::map(envFxName); } else { // write the sound group std::string soundGroup = CStringMapper::unmap(_SoundGroupId); f.serial(soundGroup); // write the env fx name std::string envFxName = CStringMapper::unmap(_EnvironmentFxId); if (envFxName == "no fx") envFxName = ""; f.serial(envFxName); } // nldebug("Cluster %s, sound group [%s]", Name.c_str(), CStringMapper::unmap(_SoundGroupId).c_str()); } if (version >= 3) { f.serial(AudibleFromFather); f.serial(FatherAudible); } else { // copy the visual property AudibleFromFather = VisibleFromFather; FatherAudible = FatherVisible; } } // *************************************************************************** void CCluster::setWorldMatrix (const CMatrix &WM) { uint32 i; CMatrix invWM = WM; invWM.invert(); // Transform the volume for (i = 0; i < _LocalVolume.size(); ++i) _Volume[i] = _LocalVolume[i] * invWM; _BBox = NLMISC::CAABBox::transformAABBox(WM, _LocalBBox); // Transform the bounding box /*CVector p[8]; p[0].x = _LocalBBox.getMin().x; p[0].y = _LocalBBox.getMin().y; p[0].z = _LocalBBox.getMin().z; p[1].x = _LocalBBox.getMax().x; p[1].y = _LocalBBox.getMin().y; p[1].z = _LocalBBox.getMin().z; p[2].x = _LocalBBox.getMin().x; p[2].y = _LocalBBox.getMax().y; p[2].z = _LocalBBox.getMin().z; p[3].x = _LocalBBox.getMax().x; p[3].y = _LocalBBox.getMax().y; p[3].z = _LocalBBox.getMin().z; p[4].x = _LocalBBox.getMin().x; p[4].y = _LocalBBox.getMin().y; p[4].z = _LocalBBox.getMax().z; p[5].x = _LocalBBox.getMax().x; p[5].y = _LocalBBox.getMin().y; p[5].z = _LocalBBox.getMax().z; p[6].x = _LocalBBox.getMin().x; p[6].y = _LocalBBox.getMax().y; p[6].z = _LocalBBox.getMax().z; p[7].x = _LocalBBox.getMax().x; p[7].y = _LocalBBox.getMax().y; p[7].z = _LocalBBox.getMax().z; for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) p[i] = WM.mulPoint(p[i]); CAABBox boxTemp; boxTemp.setCenter(p[0]); for (i = 1; i < 8; ++i) boxTemp.extend(p[i]); _BBox = boxTemp;*/ } // *************************************************************************** void CCluster::traverseHrc () { CTransform::traverseHrc (); setWorldMatrix (_WorldMatrix); for (uint32 i = 0; i < getNbPortals(); ++i) { CPortal *pPortal = getPortal(i); pPortal->setWorldMatrix (_WorldMatrix); } // Re affect the cluster to the accelerator if not the root if (!isRoot()) { Group->_ClipTrav->unregisterCluster(this); Group->_ClipTrav->registerCluster (this); } } // *************************************************************************** bool CCluster::clip () { return true; } // *************************************************************************** void CCluster::traverseClip () { // This is the root call called by the SceneRoot recursTraverseClip(NULL); } // *************************************************************************** void CCluster::recursTraverseClip(CTransform *caller) { if (_Visited) return; _Visited = true; // The cluster is visible because we are in it // So clip the models attached (with MOT links) to the cluster uint num= clipGetNumChildren(); uint32 i; for(i=0;itraverseClip(); // Debug visible clusters CClipTrav &clipTrav = getOwnerScene()->getClipTrav(); if (clipTrav.getClusterVisibilityTracking()) { clipTrav.addVisibleCluster(this); } // And look through portals for (i = 0; i < getNbPortals(); ++i) { CPortal*pPortal = getPortal (i); vector WorldPyrTemp = clipTrav.WorldPyramid; bool backfaceclipped = false; CCluster *pOtherSideCluster; if (pPortal->getCluster(0) == this) pOtherSideCluster = pPortal->getCluster (1); else pOtherSideCluster = pPortal->getCluster (0); if (Father != NULL) if (caller == Father) // If the caller is the father if (VisibleFromFather) // Backface clipping if( !pPortal->isInFront( clipTrav.CamPos )) backfaceclipped = true; if (!backfaceclipped && pOtherSideCluster) { /* If the otherSide cluster is fully visible because the camera is IN, then don't need to clip. This is important to landscape test, to ensure that pyramid are strictly equal from 2 paths which come from the 2 clusters where the camera start */ if (pOtherSideCluster->isCameraIn() || pPortal->clipPyramid (clipTrav.CamPos, clipTrav.WorldPyramid)) { pOtherSideCluster->recursTraverseClip(this); } } clipTrav.WorldPyramid = WorldPyrTemp; } // Link up in hierarchy if ((FatherVisible)&&(Father != NULL)) { Father->recursTraverseClip(this); } // Link down in hierarchy for (i = 0; i < Children.size(); ++i) if (Children[i]->VisibleFromFather) { Children[i]->recursTraverseClip(this); } _Visited = false; } // *************************************************************************** void CCluster::applyMatrix(const NLMISC::CMatrix &m) { uint32 i; CMatrix invM = m; invM.invert(); nlassert(_Volume.size() == _LocalVolume.size()); // Transform the volume for (i = 0; i < _LocalVolume.size(); ++i) { _Volume[i] = _Volume[i] * invM; _LocalVolume[i] = _LocalVolume[i] * invM; } // Transform the bounding boxes _BBox = NLMISC::CAABBox::transformAABBox(m, _BBox); _LocalBBox = NLMISC::CAABBox::transformAABBox(m, _LocalBBox); } // *************************************************************************** void CCluster::cameraRayClip(const CVector &start, const CVector &end, std::vector &clusterVisited) { uint i; if (_Visited) return; _Visited = true; // The cluster is visible because we are in it. add it to the list of cluster (if not already inserted) for(i=0;igetCluster(0) == this) pOtherSideCluster = pPortal->getCluster (1); else pOtherSideCluster = pPortal->getCluster (0); /* bool backfaceclipped = false; if (Father != NULL) if (caller == Father) // If the caller is the father if (VisibleFromFather) // Backface clipping if( !pPortal->isInFront( clipTrav.CamPos )) backfaceclipped = true; if (!backfaceclipped && pOtherSideCluster)*/ if (pOtherSideCluster) { if (pPortal->clipRay (start, end)) { pOtherSideCluster->cameraRayClip(start, end, clusterVisited); } } } /* Link up in hierarchy. Test the Inverse Flag, cause the path is inverted here!!! ie: if I allow the camera to go out, it MUST can re-enter (ie if I am VisibleFromFather) */ if ((VisibleFromFather)&&(Father != NULL)) { Father->cameraRayClip(start, end, clusterVisited); } // Link down in hierarchy for (i = 0; i < Children.size(); ++i) { // same remark. test FatherVisible, not VisibleFromFather if (Children[i]->FatherVisible) { Children[i]->cameraRayClip(start, end, clusterVisited); } } _Visited = false; } } // NL3D