// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include "export.h" #include "nel/misc/file.h" #include "nel/misc/path.h" #include "nel/misc/smart_ptr.h" #include "nel/georges/u_form.h" #include "nel/georges/u_form_elm.h" #include "nel/georges/u_form_loader.h" #include "nel/misc/quat.h" #include "nel/3d/tile_bank.h" #include "nel/3d/zone_lighter.h" #include "nel/3d/zone_symmetrisation.h" #include "nel/3d/landscape.h" #include "nel/3d/scene_group.h" #include "nel/ligo/zone_region.h" #include "nel/ligo/zone_bank.h" #include "nel/pacs/collision_mesh_build.h" #include "../../../leveldesign/export/tools.h" #include #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS # include #endif // NL_OS_WINDOWS using namespace NL3D; using namespace NLMISC; using namespace NLLIGO; using namespace NLGEORGES; using namespace std; using namespace NLPACS; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Export options // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SExportOptions::SExportOptions () { ZoneRegion = NULL; CellSize = 160.0f; Threshold = 1.0f; ZFactor = 1.0f; ZFactor2 = 1.0f; Light = false; ExportCollisions = false; ExportAdditionnalIGs = false; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SExportOptions::serial (NLMISC::IStream& s) { int version = s.serialVersion (11); s.serial (OutZoneDir); s.serial (RefZoneDir); if (version > 0) s.serial (LigoBankDir); if (version > 1) s.serial (TileBankFile); if (version > 2) s.serial (HeightMapFile); if (version > 3) s.serial (Light); if (version > 4) { s.serial (ZFactor); s.serial (HeightMapFile2); s.serial (ZFactor2); } if (version > 5) { s.serial (ZoneMin); s.serial (ZoneMax); } if (version > 6) { s.serial (RefIGDir); s.serial (OutIGDir); } if (version > 7) { s.serial(ExportCollisions); s.serial(RefCMBDir, OutCMBDir); s.serial(AdditionnalIGInDir, AdditionnalIGOutDir); s.serial(ContinentFile); s.serial(DFNDir); } if (version > 8) { s.serial(ExportAdditionnalIGs); } if (version > 9) { s.serial(ContinentsDir); } if (version > 10) { s.serial (ColorMapFile); } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CExport // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CExport::CExport () { _ZeZoneBank = NULL; _FormLoader = UFormLoader::createLoader (); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CExport::~CExport () { UFormLoader::releaseLoader (_FormLoader); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CExport::export_ (SExportOptions &options, IExportCB *expCB) { string sCurDir = CTools::pwd(); _Options = &options; _ExportCB = expCB; if (_Options->ZoneRegion == NULL) { if (_ExportCB != NULL) _ExportCB->dispError ("No Zone to export"); return false; } // LOADING // --- continent form CPath::addSearchPath(_Options->DFNDir, true, false); CPath::addSearchPath(_Options->RefCMBDir, true, false); CPath::addSearchPath(_Options->ContinentsDir, true, false); CPath::addSearchPath(_Options->AdditionnalIGInDir, true, false); // --- ligozone if (_ExportCB != NULL) _ExportCB->dispPass ("Loading ligozone bank"); _ZeZoneBank = new CZoneBank; string error; _ZeZoneBank->initFromPath (_Options->LigoBankDir, error); // --- tile if (_ExportCB != NULL) _ExportCB->dispPass ("Loading tile bank"); _ZeTileBank = new CTileBank; try { CIFile inFile (_Options->TileBankFile); _ZeTileBank->serial (inFile); } catch (const Exception &) { if (_ExportCB != NULL) _ExportCB->dispError (string("Cant load tile bank : ") + _Options->TileBankFile); return false; } // --- height map if (_ExportCB != NULL) _ExportCB->dispPass ("Loading height map"); _HeightMap = NULL; if (_Options->HeightMapFile != "") { _HeightMap = new CBitmap; try { CIFile inFile; if (inFile.open (_Options->HeightMapFile)) { _HeightMap->load (inFile); } else { if (_ExportCB != NULL) _ExportCB->dispWarning (string("Cant load height map : ") + _Options->HeightMapFile); delete _HeightMap; _HeightMap = NULL; } } catch (const Exception &) { if (_ExportCB != NULL) _ExportCB->dispWarning (string("Cant load height map : ") + _Options->HeightMapFile); delete _HeightMap; _HeightMap = NULL; } } // --- height map 2 if (_ExportCB != NULL) _ExportCB->dispPass ("Loading height map"); _HeightMap2 = NULL; if (_Options->HeightMapFile2 != "") { _HeightMap2 = new CBitmap; try { CIFile inFile; if (inFile.open (_Options->HeightMapFile2)) { _HeightMap2->load (inFile); } else { if (_ExportCB != NULL) _ExportCB->dispWarning (string("ERROR: Cant load height map : ") + _Options->HeightMapFile2); delete _HeightMap2; _HeightMap2 = NULL; } } catch (const Exception &) { if (_ExportCB != NULL) _ExportCB->dispWarning (string("ERROR: Cant load height map : ") + _Options->HeightMapFile2); delete _HeightMap2; _HeightMap2 = NULL; } } // --- color map if (_ExportCB != NULL) _ExportCB->dispPass ("Loading color map"); _ColorMap = NULL; if (_Options->ColorMapFile != "") { _ColorMap = new CBitmap; try { CIFile inFile; if (inFile.open (_Options->ColorMapFile)) { _ColorMap->load (inFile); } else { if (_ExportCB != NULL) _ExportCB->dispWarning (string("ERROR: Cant load color map : ") + _Options->ColorMapFile); delete _ColorMap; _ColorMap = NULL; } } catch (const Exception &) { if (_ExportCB != NULL) _ExportCB->dispWarning (string("ERROR: Cant load color map : ") + _Options->ColorMapFile); delete _ColorMap; _ColorMap = NULL; } } // **************** // *EXPORTING CODE* // **************** if (_ExportCB != NULL) _ExportCB->dispPass ("Exporting"); // Clip the min max to the x[0,255],y[0,-255] values sint32 nMinX = _Options->ZoneRegion->getMinX() < 0 ? 0 : _Options->ZoneRegion->getMinX(); sint32 nMaxX = _Options->ZoneRegion->getMaxX() > 255 ? 255 : _Options->ZoneRegion->getMaxX(); sint32 nMinY = _Options->ZoneRegion->getMinY() > 0 ? 0 : _Options->ZoneRegion->getMinY(); sint32 nMaxY = _Options->ZoneRegion->getMaxY() < -255 ? -255 : _Options->ZoneRegion->getMaxY(); vector allFiles; // Delete zones that are not in the bounding square try { // Add zone files if (_Options->OutZoneDir != "") NLMISC::CPath::getPathContent(_Options->OutZoneDir, true, false, true, allFiles); // Add ig files vector allOtherFiles; if (_Options->OutIGDir != "") NLMISC::CPath::getPathContent(_Options->OutIGDir, true, false, true, allOtherFiles); allFiles.insert(allFiles.end(), allOtherFiles.begin(), allOtherFiles.end()); } catch (const Exception &e) { if (_ExportCB != NULL) _ExportCB->dispError (string("GetPathcontent failed : ") + e.what()); return false; } // zones for (uint32 nFile = 0; nFile < allFiles.size(); ++nFile) { string fileExt = NLMISC::CFile::getExtension(allFiles[nFile]); string fileName = NLMISC::CFile::getFilename(allFiles[nFile]); if (fileExt != "ig" && fileExt != "zone" && fileExt != "zonel" && fileExt != "zonenh" ) continue; sint32 x = getXFromZoneName (fileName); sint32 y = getYFromZoneName (fileName); if ((x>=0) && (y<=0)) { bool bMustDelete = false; // Valid file if ((xnMaxX) || (ynMaxY)) { bMustDelete = true; } else { const string &SrcZoneName = _Options->ZoneRegion->getName (x, y); if ((SrcZoneName == STRING_OUT_OF_BOUND) || (SrcZoneName == STRING_UNUSED)) { bMustDelete = true; } } if (bMustDelete) { if (!CFile::deleteFile (allFiles[nFile])) { if (_ExportCB != NULL) _ExportCB->dispWarning (string("Can't delete ") + fileName); } else { if (_ExportCB != NULL) _ExportCB->dispInfo (string("Deleted ") + fileName); } } } } CTools::chdir (sCurDir); // Get the export limiters if any _ZoneMinX = nMinX; _ZoneMinY = nMinY; _ZoneMaxX = nMaxX; _ZoneMaxY = nMaxY; if ((_Options->ZoneMin != "") && (_Options->ZoneMax != "")) { _Options->ZoneMin = strupr (_Options->ZoneMin); _Options->ZoneMax = strupr (_Options->ZoneMax); sint32 nNewMinX = getXFromZoneName (_Options->ZoneMin); sint32 nNewMinY = getYFromZoneName (_Options->ZoneMin); sint32 nNewMaxX = getXFromZoneName (_Options->ZoneMax); sint32 nNewMaxY = getYFromZoneName (_Options->ZoneMax); if (nNewMinX > nNewMaxX) swap (nNewMinX, nNewMaxX); if (nNewMinY > nNewMaxY) swap (nNewMinY, nNewMaxY); if (nNewMinX > nMinX) nMinX = nNewMinX; if (nNewMinY > nMinY) nMinY = nNewMinY; if (nNewMaxX < nMaxX) nMaxX = nNewMaxX; if (nNewMaxY < nMaxY) nMaxY = nNewMaxY; } sint32 nTotalFile = (1 + nMaxY - nMinY) * (1 + nMaxX - nMinX); sint32 nCurrentFile = 0; vector ZoneTreated; ZoneTreated.resize(nTotalFile, false); for (sint32 j = nMinY; j <= nMaxY; ++j) { for (sint32 i = nMinX; i <= nMaxX; ++i) if (!ZoneTreated[i-nMinX+(j-nMinY)*(1+nMaxX-nMinX)]) { ++nCurrentFile; if (_ExportCB != NULL) _ExportCB->dispPassProgress(((float)nCurrentFile)/((float)nTotalFile)); const string &SrcZoneName = _Options->ZoneRegion->getName(i,j); if ((SrcZoneName == STRING_OUT_OF_BOUND) || (SrcZoneName == STRING_UNUSED)) continue; treatPattern (i, j, ZoneTreated, nMinX, nMinY, 1+nMaxX-nMinX); if ((_ExportCB != NULL) && (_ExportCB->isCanceled())) break; } if ((_ExportCB != NULL) && (_ExportCB->isCanceled())) break; } exportCMBAndAdditionnalIGs(); if (_ExportCB != NULL) _ExportCB->dispPass ("Finished"); delete _ZeZoneBank; delete _ZeTileBank; return true; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CExport::treatPattern (sint32 x, sint32 y, vector &ZoneTreated, sint32 nMinX, sint32 nMinY, sint32 nStride) { CZoneRegion *pZR = _Options->ZoneRegion; const string &rSZone = pZR->getName (x, y); CZoneBankElement *pZBE = _ZeZoneBank->getElementByZoneName (rSZone); if (pZBE == NULL) return; sint32 sizeX = pZBE->getSizeX(), sizeY = pZBE->getSizeY(); sint32 posX = pZR->getPosX (x, y), posY = pZR->getPosY (x, y); uint8 rot = pZR->getRot (x, y); uint8 flip = pZR->getFlip (x, y); sint32 i, j; sint32 deltaX, deltaY; if (flip == 0) { switch (rot) { case 0: deltaX = -posX; deltaY = -posY; break; case 1: deltaX = -(sizeY-1-posY); deltaY = -posX; break; case 2: deltaX = -(sizeX-1-posX); deltaY = -(sizeY-1-posY); break; case 3: deltaX = -posY; deltaY = -(sizeX-1-posX); break; } } else { switch (rot) { case 0: deltaX = -(sizeX-1-posX); deltaY = -posY; break; case 1: deltaX = -(sizeY-1-posY); deltaY = -(sizeX-1-posX); break; case 2: deltaX = -posX; deltaY = -(sizeY-1-posY); break; case 3: deltaX = -posY; deltaY = -posX; break; } } SPiece sMask; sMask.Tab.resize (sizeX*sizeY); for(i = 0; i < sizeX*sizeY; ++i) sMask.Tab[i] = pZBE->getMask()[i]; sMask.w = sizeX; sMask.h = sizeY; sMask.rotFlip (rot, flip); // Check if we have to export the zones bool bHaveToExportZone = false; for (j = 0; j < sMask.h; ++j) for (i = 0; i < sMask.w; ++i) if (sMask.Tab[i+j*sMask.w]) { // If date of the piece is newer than date of the final zones string finalZoneName = _Options->OutZoneDir + string("\\") + getZoneNameFromXY(x+deltaX+i, y+deltaY+j) + string(".zonel"); if (!CTools::fileExist(finalZoneName)) { finalZoneName = _Options->OutZoneDir + string("\\") + getZoneNameFromXY(x+deltaX+i, y+deltaY+j) + string(".zone"); if (!CTools::fileExist(finalZoneName)) { bHaveToExportZone = true; // A file do not exist -> export it if (_ExportCB != NULL) _ExportCB->dispInfo (string("finalZone do not exist")); continue; } } string refZoneName = _Options->RefZoneDir + string("\\") + rSZone + string(".zone"); if (!CTools::fileExist(refZoneName)) { if (_ExportCB != NULL) _ExportCB->dispWarning(string("RefZone do not exist.") + refZoneName); return; } if (CTools::fileDateCmp(refZoneName, finalZoneName) > 0) { bHaveToExportZone = true; if (_ExportCB != NULL) _ExportCB->dispInfo (string("RefZone newer than finalZone.")); break; } // Or if the date of the cell is newer than the date of the final zone uint32 cellDateLow = pZR->getDate(x+deltaX+i, y+deltaY+j, 0); uint32 cellDateHigh = pZR->getDate(x+deltaX+i, y+deltaY+j, 1); if (CTools::fileDateCmp(finalZoneName, cellDateLow, cellDateHigh) < 0) { bHaveToExportZone = true; if (_ExportCB != NULL) _ExportCB->dispInfo (string("Cell date newer")); break; } } // Check if we have to export the igs bool bHaveToExportIG = false; for (j = 0; j < sMask.h; ++j) for (i = 0; i < sMask.w; ++i) if (sMask.Tab[i+j*sMask.w]) { // If date of the piece is newer than date of the final zones string finalIGName = _Options->OutIGDir + string("\\") + getZoneNameFromXY(x+deltaX+i, y+deltaY+j) + string(".ig"); if (!CTools::fileExist(finalIGName)) { finalIGName = _Options->OutIGDir + string("\\") + getZoneNameFromXY(x+deltaX+i, y+deltaY+j) + string(".ig"); if (!CTools::fileExist(finalIGName)) { bHaveToExportIG = true; // A file do not exist -> export it if (_ExportCB != NULL) _ExportCB->dispInfo (string("final instance group do not exist")); continue; } } string refIGName = _Options->RefIGDir + string("\\") + rSZone + string(".ig"); if (!CTools::fileExist(refIGName)) { if (_ExportCB != NULL) _ExportCB->dispWarning(string("RefIG do not exist.") + refIGName); continue; } if (CTools::fileDateCmp(refIGName, finalIGName) > 0) { bHaveToExportIG = true; if (_ExportCB != NULL) _ExportCB->dispInfo (string("RefIG newer than finalIG.")); break; } // Or if the date of the cell is newer than the date of the final ig uint32 cellDateLow = pZR->getDate(x+deltaX+i, y+deltaY+j, 0); uint32 cellDateHigh = pZR->getDate(x+deltaX+i, y+deltaY+j, 1); if (CTools::fileDateCmp(finalIGName, cellDateLow, cellDateHigh) < 0) { bHaveToExportIG = true; if (_ExportCB != NULL) _ExportCB->dispInfo (string("Cell date newer")); break; } } if (bHaveToExportZone == false && bHaveToExportIG == false) return; // Put the big zone at the right position CZone BigZone; // 1 - Load the zone and IG string BigZoneFileName; if (bHaveToExportZone) { try { BigZoneFileName = _Options->RefZoneDir + string("\\") + rSZone + string(".zone"); CIFile inFile ; if (inFile.open(BigZoneFileName)) { BigZone.serial (inFile); } else { _ExportCB->dispWarning(string("reference zone " + BigZoneFileName + " does not exists, skipping.")); bHaveToExportZone = false; } } catch (const Exception &e) { if (_ExportCB != NULL) { _ExportCB->dispWarning (string("Cant load zone : ") + BigZoneFileName); _ExportCB->dispWarning (string("Reason : ") + e.what()); } bHaveToExportZone = false; } } CInstanceGroup bigIG; string bigIGFileName; if (bHaveToExportIG) { try { bigIGFileName = _Options->RefIGDir + string("\\") + rSZone + string(".ig"); CIFile inFile; if (inFile.open(bigIGFileName)) { bigIG.serial (inFile); } else { // _ExportCB->dispWarning(string("reference ig " + bigIGFileName + " does not exists, skipping.")); bHaveToExportIG = false; } } catch (const Exception &e) { if (_ExportCB != NULL) { _ExportCB->dispWarning (string("ERROR: Cant load ig : ") + bigIGFileName); _ExportCB->dispWarning (string("ERROR: Reason : ") + e.what()); } bHaveToExportIG = false; } } // 1bis - Copy the zone as no heightmap CZone BigZoneNoHeightmap = BigZone; // 2 - Transform zone / ig // zone if (bHaveToExportZone) { if (flip == 0) { switch (rot) { case 0: transformZone (BigZone, x+deltaX, y+deltaY, rot, flip, true); transformZone (BigZoneNoHeightmap, x+deltaX, y+deltaY, rot, flip, false); break; case 1: transformZone (BigZone, x+deltaX+sizeY, y+deltaY, rot, flip, true); transformZone (BigZoneNoHeightmap, x+deltaX+sizeY, y+deltaY, rot, flip, false); break; case 2: transformZone (BigZone, x+deltaX+sizeX, y+deltaY+sizeY, rot, flip, true); transformZone (BigZoneNoHeightmap, x+deltaX+sizeX, y+deltaY+sizeY, rot, flip, false); break; case 3: transformZone (BigZone, x+deltaX, y+deltaY+sizeX, rot, flip, true); transformZone (BigZoneNoHeightmap, x+deltaX, y+deltaY+sizeX, rot, flip, false); break; } } else { switch (rot) { case 0: transformZone (BigZone, x+deltaX+sizeX, y+deltaY, rot, flip, true); transformZone (BigZoneNoHeightmap, x+deltaX+sizeX, y+deltaY, rot, flip, false); break; case 1: transformZone (BigZone, x+deltaX+sizeY, y+deltaY+sizeX, rot, flip, true); transformZone (BigZoneNoHeightmap, x+deltaX+sizeY, y+deltaY+sizeX, rot, flip, false); break; case 2: transformZone (BigZone, x+deltaX, y+deltaY+sizeY, rot, flip, true); transformZone (BigZoneNoHeightmap, x+deltaX, y+deltaY+sizeY, rot, flip, false); break; case 3: transformZone (BigZone, x+deltaX, y+deltaY, rot, flip, true); transformZone (BigZoneNoHeightmap, x+deltaX, y+deltaY, rot, flip, false); break; } } } if (bHaveToExportIG) { if (flip == 0) { switch (rot) { case 0: transformIG (bigIG, x+deltaX, y+deltaY, rot, flip); break; case 1: transformIG (bigIG, x+deltaX+sizeY, y+deltaY, rot, flip); break; case 2: transformIG (bigIG, x+deltaX+sizeX, y+deltaY+sizeY, rot, flip); break; case 3: transformIG (bigIG, x+deltaX, y+deltaY+sizeX, rot, flip); break; } } else { switch (rot) { case 0: transformIG (bigIG, x+deltaX+sizeX, y+deltaY, rot, flip); break; case 1: transformIG (bigIG, x+deltaX+sizeY, y+deltaY+sizeX, rot, flip); break; case 2: transformIG (bigIG, x+deltaX, y+deltaY+sizeY, rot, flip); break; case 3: transformIG (bigIG, x+deltaX, y+deltaY, rot, flip); break; } } } // 3 - Add the global color map addColorMap (BigZone); // 4 - Cut the big zone into a set of unit zones // - Build patch information // Retrieve source patches vector SrcPI; vector BorderVertices; BigZone.retrieve (SrcPI, BorderVertices); vector SrcPINoHeightmap; vector BorderVerticesNoHeightmap; BigZoneNoHeightmap.retrieve (SrcPINoHeightmap, BorderVerticesNoHeightmap); // Resize bool array vector PatchTransfered; // Is the patch n is transfered in a zoneUnit ? PatchTransfered.resize (SrcPI.size(), false); // Patch bb vector bb; bb.resize (SrcPI.size()); for (i = 0; i < (sint)SrcPI.size(); ++i) { CPatchInfo &rPI = SrcPI[i]; bb[i].setCenter (rPI.Patch.Vertices[0]); for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) bb[i].extend (rPI.Patch.Vertices[j]); for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) bb[i].extend (rPI.Patch.Interiors[j]); for (j = 0; j < 8; ++j) bb[i].extend (rPI.Patch.Tangents[j]); } bool first = true; for (j = 0; j < sMask.h; ++j) for (i = 0; i < sMask.w; ++i) if (sMask.Tab[i+j*sMask.w]) { CZone UnitZone; CZone UnitZoneLighted; CZone UnitZoneNoHeightmap; CInstanceGroup unitIG; if (bHaveToExportZone) { // Put all the patches contained in the square ... in the unit zone cutZone (BigZone, BigZoneNoHeightmap, UnitZone, UnitZoneNoHeightmap, x+deltaX+i, y+deltaY+j, PatchTransfered, bb, SrcPI, SrcPINoHeightmap, sMask, BorderVertices, BorderVerticesNoHeightmap, x+deltaX, y+deltaY); if (_Options->Light > 0) light (UnitZoneLighted, UnitZone); else UnitZoneLighted = UnitZone; } if (bHaveToExportIG) { // Put all the instances contained in the square ... in the unit zone cutIG (bigIG, unitIG, x+deltaX+i, y+deltaY+j, sMask, first, x+deltaX, y+deltaY); } if (bHaveToExportZone) { // Save the zone string DstZoneFileName; try { // Delete the .zone and .zonel file DstZoneFileName = getZoneNameFromXY(x+deltaX+i, y+deltaY+j); DstZoneFileName = _Options->OutZoneDir + string("/") + DstZoneFileName; string sTmp = DstZoneFileName + string(".zone"); CFile::deleteFile (sTmp); DstZoneFileName = DstZoneFileName + string(".zonel"); CFile::deleteFile (DstZoneFileName); // Delete the .zonenh file string DstZoneNoHeightmapFileName = _Options->OutZoneDir + string("/") + getZoneNameFromXY(x+deltaX+i, y+deltaY+j) + string(".zonenh"); CFile::deleteFile (DstZoneNoHeightmapFileName); COFile outFile (DstZoneFileName); UnitZoneLighted.serial (outFile); if (_ExportCB != NULL) _ExportCB->dispInfo (string("Writing ") + getZoneNameFromXY(x+deltaX+i, y+deltaY+j) + ".zonel"); COFile outFileNH (DstZoneNoHeightmapFileName); UnitZoneNoHeightmap.serial (outFileNH); } catch (const Exception &) { if (_ExportCB != NULL) _ExportCB->dispWarning (string("Cant write ") + DstZoneFileName); } } if (bHaveToExportIG) { // Save the ig string dstIGFileName; try { dstIGFileName = getZoneNameFromXY(x+deltaX+i, y+deltaY+j); dstIGFileName = _Options->OutIGDir + string("/") + dstIGFileName + string(".ig"); CFile::deleteFile (dstIGFileName); COFile outFile (dstIGFileName); unitIG.serial(outFile); if (_ExportCB != NULL) _ExportCB->dispInfo (string("Writing ") + getZoneNameFromXY(x+deltaX+i, y+deltaY+j) + ".ig"); } catch (const Exception &) { if (_ExportCB != NULL) _ExportCB->dispWarning (string("Cant write ") + dstIGFileName); } } // Set the zone as unused to not treat it the next time ZoneTreated[(x+deltaX+i)-nMinX + ((y+deltaY+j)-nMinY) * nStride] = true; if ((_ExportCB != NULL) && (_ExportCB->isCanceled())) return; first = false; } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tile conversion int TransitionFlipLR[48] = { 0, // 0 4, // 1 5, // 2 27, // 3 1, // 4 2, // 5 6, // 6 34, // 7 11, // 8 33, // 9 31, // 10 8, // 11 13, // 12 12, // 13 47, // 14 40, // 15 39, // 16 20, // 17 46, // 18 45, // 19 17, // 20 43, // 21 42, // 22 41, // 23 24, // 24 28, // 25 29, // 26 3, // 27 25, // 28 26, // 29 30, // 30 10, // 31 35, // 32 9, // 33 7, // 34 32, // 35 37, // 36 36, // 37 44, // 38 16, // 39 15, // 40 23, // 41 22, // 42 21, // 43 38, // 44 19, // 45 18, // 46 14 // 47 }; int TransitionFlipUD[48] = { 24, // 0 28, // 1 29, // 2 3, // 3 25, // 4 26, // 5 30, // 6 10, // 7 35, // 8 9, // 9 7, // 10 32, // 11 37, // 12 36, // 13 23, // 14 16, // 15 15, // 16 44, // 17 22, // 18 21, // 19 38, // 20 19, // 21 18, // 22 14, // 23 0, // 24 4, // 25 5, // 26 27, // 27 1, // 28 2, // 29 6, // 30 34, // 31 11, // 32 33, // 33 31, // 34 8, // 35 13, // 36 12, // 37 20, // 38 40, // 39 39, // 40 47, // 41 46, // 42 45, // 43 17, // 44 43, // 45 42, // 46 41 // 47 }; int TransitionRotCCW[48] = { 27, // 0 28, // 1 29, // 2 0, // 3 1, // 4 2, // 5 33, // 6 34, // 7 35, // 8 6, // 9 7, // 10 8, // 11 39, // 12 40, // 13 17, // 14 12, // 15 13, // 16 41, // 17 45, // 18 46, // 19 47, // 20 18, // 21 19, // 22 20, // 23 3, // 24 4, // 25 5, // 26 24, // 27 25, // 28 26, // 29 9, // 30 10, // 31 11, // 32 30, // 33 31, // 34 32, // 35 15, // 36 16, // 37 14, // 38 36, // 39 37, // 40 38, // 41 21, // 42 22, // 43 23, // 44 42, // 45 43, // 46 44 // 47 }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Come from rpo2nel.cpp // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool transformTile (const CTileBank &bank, uint &tile, uint &tileRotation, bool symmetry, uint rotate) { // Tile exist ? if ( (rotate!=0) || symmetry ) { if (tile < (uint)bank.getTileCount()) { // Get xref int tileSet; int number; CTileBank::TTileType type; // Get tile xref bank.getTileXRef ((int)tile, tileSet, number, type); // Transition ? if (type == CTileBank::transition) { // Number should be ok nlassert (number>=0); nlassert (numbergetOrientedBorder (CTileSet::left, CTileSet::getEdgeType ((CTileSet::TTransition)number, CTileSet::left)), pTileSet->getOrientedBorder (CTileSet::bottom, CTileSet::getEdgeType ((CTileSet::TTransition)number, CTileSet::bottom)), pTileSet->getOrientedBorder (CTileSet::right, CTileSet::getEdgeType ((CTileSet::TTransition)number, CTileSet::right)), pTileSet->getOrientedBorder (CTileSet::top, CTileSet::getEdgeType ((CTileSet::TTransition)number, CTileSet::top)) }; // Symmetry ? if (symmetry) { CTileSet::TFlagBorder tmp = oriented[(0)&3]; oriented[(0)&3] = CTileSet::getInvertBorder (oriented[(2)&3]); oriented[(2)&3] = CTileSet::getInvertBorder (tmp); oriented[(1)&3] = CTileSet::getInvertBorder (oriented[(1)&3]); oriented[(3)&3] = CTileSet::getInvertBorder (oriented[(3)&3]); } // Rotation CTileSet::TFlagBorder edges[4]; edges[0] = pTileSet->getOrientedBorder (CTileSet::left, oriented[(0 + rotate )&3]); edges[1] = pTileSet->getOrientedBorder (CTileSet::bottom, oriented[(1 + rotate )&3]); edges[2] = pTileSet->getOrientedBorder (CTileSet::right, oriented[(2 + rotate )&3]); edges[3] = pTileSet->getOrientedBorder (CTileSet::top, oriented[(3 + rotate )&3]); // Get the good tile number CTileSet::TTransition transition = pTileSet->getTransitionTile (edges[3], edges[1], edges[0], edges[2]); nlassert ((CTileSet::TTransition)transition != CTileSet::notfound); tile = (uint)(pTileSet->getTransition (transition)->getTile ()); } // Transform rotation if (symmetry) tileRotation = (4-tileRotation)&3; tileRotation += rotate; tileRotation &= 3; } else return false; } // Ok return true; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Come from rpo2nel.cpp // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void transform256Case (const CTileBank &bank, uint &case256, uint tileRotation, bool symmetry, uint rotate) { // Tile exist ? if ( (rotate!=0) || symmetry ) { // Remove its rotation case256 += tileRotation; case256 &= 3; // Symmetry ? if (symmetry) { // Take the symmetry uint symArray[4] = {3, 2, 1, 0}; case256 = symArray[case256]; } // Rotation ? case256 -= rotate + tileRotation; case256 &= 3; } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CExport::addColorMap (CZone &zeZone) { // Colormap available ? if (_ColorMap) { // Conversion nPosX,nPosY to Zone Coordinate ZoneX, ZoneY vector PatchInfos; vector BorderVertices; // Retrieve the zone zeZone.retrieve (PatchInfos, BorderVertices); // Apply the Colormap to all tile color. // -------- uint i; for (i = 0; i < PatchInfos.size(); ++i) { CPatchInfo &rPI = PatchInfos[i]; // Get size uint sizeU = rPI.OrderS+1; uint sizeV = rPI.OrderT+1; // For each color tiles uint u, v; for (v = 0; v < sizeV; v++) for (u = 0; u < sizeU; u++) { // Compute the coordinate for this color tile CVector pos = rPI.Patch.eval ((float)u/(float)(sizeU-1), (float)v/(float)(sizeV-1)); // Get the color CRGBAF colorf = getColor (pos.x, pos.y); clamp (colorf.R, 0.f, 255.f); clamp (colorf.G, 0.f, 255.f); clamp (colorf.B, 0.f, 255.f); clamp (colorf.A, 0.f, 255.f); CRGBA color = CRGBA ((uint8)colorf.R, (uint8)colorf.G, (uint8)colorf.B, (uint8)colorf.A); // Destination color uint16 &dest = rPI.TileColors[u+v*(sizeU)].Color565; // Original color CRGBA src; src.set565 (dest); // Blend the original and new color CRGBA tmp; tmp.blendFromui (src, color, ((uint)color.A) * 256 / 255); dest = tmp.get565 (); } } zeZone.build (zeZone.getZoneId (), PatchInfos, BorderVertices); } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CExport::transformZone (CZone &zeZone, sint32 nPosX, sint32 nPosY, uint8 nRot, uint8 nFlip, bool computeHeightmap) { // Conversion nPosX,nPosY to Zone Coordinate ZoneX, ZoneY uint32 i, j; vector PatchInfos; vector BorderVertices; sint32 nZoneX = nPosX; sint32 nZoneY = -1 - nPosY; uint16 nZoneId = nZoneX+(nZoneY*256); zeZone.retrieve (PatchInfos, BorderVertices); nlassert (BorderVertices.size() == 0); CMatrix Transfo; Transfo.setRot (CQuat(CVector::K, (float)(nRot * Pi / 2.0f))); Transfo.setPos (CVector(nPosX*_Options->CellSize, (nPosY)*_Options->CellSize, 0.0f)); if (nFlip != 0) nFlip = 1; if (nFlip == 1) Transfo.scale(CVector(-1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)); // Transform the Patchs, and apply HeightMap. //============================= // 0. Transfrom zone indexes //======================= { CMatrix invTransfo = Transfo; invTransfo.invert (); NL3D::CZoneSymmetrisation zoneSymmetry; if (! CPatchInfo::transform (PatchInfos, zoneSymmetry, *_ZeTileBank, nFlip != 0, nRot, _Options->CellSize, _Options->Threshold, invTransfo) ) { std::string name = getZoneNameFromXY (nPosX, nPosY); // Can't transform the zone nlwarning ("ERROR: can't transform zone %s with sym:%d rot:%d", name.c_str (), nFlip, nRot); } } // 1. Transfom ligo zone in world //======================= for (i = 0; i < PatchInfos.size(); ++i) { CPatchInfo &rPI = PatchInfos[i]; rPI.Patch.applyMatrix (Transfo); } // Bkup the original patchs. vector oldPatchInfos= PatchInfos; // 2. Apply the Heighmap to all vertices/tangents/interiors. // -------- for (i = 0; i < PatchInfos.size(); ++i) { CPatchInfo &rPI = PatchInfos[i]; if (computeHeightmap) { // Elevate the vertices. CVector verticesBeforeHeightMap[4]; for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { verticesBeforeHeightMap[j]= rPI.Patch.Vertices[j]; rPI.Patch.Vertices[j].z += getHeight(rPI.Patch.Vertices[j].x, rPI.Patch.Vertices[j].y); } // Interior and tangent are rotated to follow the heightmap normal, avoiding the "Stair Effect". // Compute the matrix to apply to interiors and tangents. CMatrix tgMatrix[4]; for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { // compute the normal of the heightmap. CVector hmapNormal= getHeightNormal(rPI.Patch.Vertices[j].x, rPI.Patch.Vertices[j].y); // Compute the rotation which transforms the original normal: (0,0,1), to this normal. CAngleAxis angleAxis; angleAxis.Axis= CVector::K ^ hmapNormal; angleAxis.Angle= (float)asin(angleAxis.Axis.norm()); angleAxis.Axis.normalize(); // build the matrix which transform the old tgt/interior to his newValue: // newVertexPos+ rotate*(oldTgPos-oldVertexPos) tgMatrix[j].identity(); tgMatrix[j].translate(rPI.Patch.Vertices[j]); tgMatrix[j].setRot( CQuat(angleAxis) ); tgMatrix[j].translate(-verticesBeforeHeightMap[j]); } // For all interior. for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) rPI.Patch.Interiors[j]= tgMatrix[j] * rPI.Patch.Interiors[j]; // when j == 7 or 0 use vertex 0 for delta Z to ensure continuity of normals // when j == 1 or 2 use vertex 1 // when j == 3 or 4 use vertex 2 // when j == 5 or 6 use vertex 3 for (j = 0; j < 8; ++j) { // get the correct vertex uint vertexId= ((j+1)/2)%4; // apply the tgMatrix to the tangent rPI.Patch.Tangents[j]= tgMatrix[vertexId] * rPI.Patch.Tangents[j]; } } for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) rPI.BindEdges[j].ZoneId = nZoneId; } // 3. For all binds, reset the position of near vertices/tangents/interiors. Must do it at last // -------- bool bindVertexModified= true; // Since this is a recursive problem (binded patchs may bind other patchs), do it unitl all vertices no more move :) while(bindVertexModified) { bindVertexModified= false; for (i = 0; i < PatchInfos.size(); ++i) { CPatchInfo &rPI = PatchInfos[i]; // For all edges for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { uint numBinds= rPI.BindEdges[j].NPatchs; // If this edge is binded on 2 or 4 patches. if( numBinds==2 || numBinds==4 ) { // compute the 4 or 8 tangents along the edge (in CCW) CVector subTangents[8]; computeSubdividedTangents(numBinds, rPI.Patch, j, subTangents); // For all vertex to bind: 1 or 3. for(uint vb=0; vb PatchInfos; vector BorderVertices; sint32 nZoneX = nPosX; sint32 nZoneY = -1 - nPosY; uint16 nZoneId = nZoneX+(nZoneY*256); zeZone.retrieve (PatchInfos, BorderVertices); nlassert (BorderVertices.size() == 0); CMatrix Transfo; Transfo.setRot (CQuat(CVector::K, (float)(nRot * Pi / 2.0f))); Transfo.setPos (CVector(nPosX*_Options->CellSize, (nPosY)*_Options->CellSize, 0.0f)); if (nFlip != 0) nFlip = 1; if (nFlip == 1) Transfo.scale(CVector(-1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)); // Transform the Patchs, and apply HeightMap. //============================= // Bkup the original patchs. vector oldPatchInfos= PatchInfos; // 1. Apply the Heighmap to all vertices/tangents/interiors. // -------- for (i = 0; i < PatchInfos.size(); ++i) { CPatchInfo &rPI = PatchInfos[i]; rPI.Patch.applyMatrix (Transfo); // Elevate the vertices. CVector verticesBeforeHeightMap[4]; for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { verticesBeforeHeightMap[j]= rPI.Patch.Vertices[j]; rPI.Patch.Vertices[j].z += getHeight(rPI.Patch.Vertices[j].x, rPI.Patch.Vertices[j].y); } // Interior and tangent are rotated to follow the heightmap normal, avoiding the "Stair Effect". // Compute the matrix to apply to interiors and tangents. CMatrix tgMatrix[4]; for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { // compute the normal of the heightmap. CVector hmapNormal= getHeightNormal(rPI.Patch.Vertices[j].x, rPI.Patch.Vertices[j].y); // Compute the rotation which transforms the original normal: (0,0,1), to this normal. CAngleAxis angleAxis; angleAxis.Axis= CVector::K ^ hmapNormal; angleAxis.Angle= (float)asin(angleAxis.Axis.norm()); angleAxis.Axis.normalize(); // build the matrix which transform the old tgt/interior to his newValue: // newVertexPos+ rotate*(oldTgPos-oldVertexPos) tgMatrix[j].identity(); tgMatrix[j].translate(rPI.Patch.Vertices[j]); tgMatrix[j].setRot( CQuat(angleAxis) ); tgMatrix[j].translate(-verticesBeforeHeightMap[j]); } // For all interior. for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) rPI.Patch.Interiors[j]= tgMatrix[j] * rPI.Patch.Interiors[j]; // when j == 7 or 0 use vertex 0 for delta Z to ensure continuity of normals // when j == 1 or 2 use vertex 1 // when j == 3 or 4 use vertex 2 // when j == 5 or 6 use vertex 3 for (j = 0; j < 8; ++j) { // get the correct vertex uint vertexId= ((j+1)/2)%4; // apply the tgMatrix to the tangent rPI.Patch.Tangents[j]= tgMatrix[vertexId] * rPI.Patch.Tangents[j]; } for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) rPI.BindEdges[j].ZoneId = nZoneId; } // 2. For all binds, reset the position of near vertices/tangents/interiors. Must do it at last // -------- bool bindVertexModified= true; // Since this is a recursive problem (binded patchs may bind other patchs), do it unitl all vertices no more move :) while(bindVertexModified) { bindVertexModified= false; for (i = 0; i < PatchInfos.size(); ++i) { CPatchInfo &rPI = PatchInfos[i]; // For all edges for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { uint numBinds= rPI.BindEdges[j].NPatchs; // If this edge is binded on 2 or 4 patches. if( numBinds==2 || numBinds==4 ) { // compute the 4 or 8 tangents along the edge (in CCW) CVector subTangents[8]; computeSubdividedTangents(numBinds, rPI.Patch, j, subTangents); // For all vertex to bind: 1 or 3. for(uint vb=0; vb D swap(rPI.Patch.Vertices[1], rPI.Patch.Vertices[2]); // B <-> C swap(rPI.Patch.Tangents[0], rPI.Patch.Tangents[5]); // ab <-> dc swap(rPI.Patch.Tangents[1], rPI.Patch.Tangents[4]); // ba <-> cd swap(rPI.Patch.Tangents[2], rPI.Patch.Tangents[3]); // bc <-> cb swap(rPI.Patch.Tangents[7], rPI.Patch.Tangents[6]); // ad <-> da swap(rPI.Patch.Interiors[0], rPI.Patch.Interiors[3]); // ia <-> id swap(rPI.Patch.Interiors[1], rPI.Patch.Interiors[2]); // ib <-> ic // Flip the base vertice swap(rPI.BaseVertices[0], rPI.BaseVertices[3]); swap(rPI.BaseVertices[1], rPI.BaseVertices[2]); // Flip bind edge only AB and CD swap(rPI.BindEdges[0], rPI.BindEdges[2]); // Flip bind edge content only if multiple bind for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if (rPI.BindEdges[j].NPatchs == 2) { swap (rPI.BindEdges[j].Next[0], rPI.BindEdges[j].Next[1]); swap (rPI.BindEdges[j].Edge[0], rPI.BindEdges[j].Edge[1]); } if (rPI.BindEdges[j].NPatchs == 4) { swap (rPI.BindEdges[j].Next[0], rPI.BindEdges[j].Next[3]); swap (rPI.BindEdges[j].Next[1], rPI.BindEdges[j].Next[2]); swap (rPI.BindEdges[j].Edge[0], rPI.BindEdges[j].Edge[3]); swap (rPI.BindEdges[j].Edge[1], rPI.BindEdges[j].Edge[2]); } } for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { uint32 nNbPatch = rPI.BindEdges[j].NPatchs == 5 ? 1 : rPI.BindEdges[j].NPatchs; for (k = 0; k < nNbPatch; ++k) { if (rPI.BindEdges[j].Edge[k] == 0) rPI.BindEdges[j].Edge[k] = 2; else if (rPI.BindEdges[j].Edge[k] == 2) rPI.BindEdges[j].Edge[k] = 0; } } // Tile switching for (j = 0; j < (uint32)(rPI.OrderS/2); ++j) { for (k = 0; k < rPI.OrderT; ++k) { swap(rPI.Tiles[j+k*rPI.OrderS], rPI.Tiles[(rPI.OrderS-1-j)+k*rPI.OrderS]); } } for (j = 0; j < (uint32)((rPI.OrderS+1)/2); ++j) { for (k = 0; k < (uint32)(rPI.OrderT+1); ++k) { swap(rPI.TileColors [j+k*(rPI.OrderS+1)], rPI.TileColors[(rPI.OrderS-j)+k*(rPI.OrderS+1)]); } } } // Extra code for Rotating the zone. //============================= // Rotate all tile elements in CW (because zones are turned in CCW) // If zone flipped rotate tile elements by 180° set allnames; // Debug for (i = 0; i < PatchInfos.size(); ++i) { CPatchInfo &rPI = PatchInfos[i]; for (j = 0; j < rPI.Tiles.size(); ++j) { int tileID, tileSet; unsigned int tileIDun; CTileBank::TTileType type; CTileSet *pTS; unsigned int nbOfRot; // Is the tile is painted ? if (rPI.Tiles[j].Tile[0] == 65535) continue; // Rotate Tiles // Invert rotation effect on transition for (pass = 0; pass < 3; ++pass) { if (rPI.Tiles[j].Tile[pass] == NL_TILE_ELM_LAYER_EMPTY) break; uint8 ori = rPI.Tiles[j].getTileOrient (pass); // Invert rotation effect on transition _ZeTileBank->getTileXRef(rPI.Tiles[j].Tile[pass], tileSet, tileID, type); pTS = _ZeTileBank->getTileSet (tileSet); tileIDun = rPI.Tiles[j].Tile[pass]; nbOfRot = rPI.Tiles[j].getTileOrient (pass); if (!pTS->getOriented()) { transformTile (*_ZeTileBank, tileIDun, nbOfRot, (nFlip == 1), (4-nRot)%4); } else { transformTile (*_ZeTileBank, tileIDun, nbOfRot, (nFlip == 1), 0); } rPI.Tiles[j].Tile[pass] = tileIDun; // Rotate tile rPI.Tiles[j].setTileOrient (pass, nbOfRot); } bool is256x256; uint8 uvOff; rPI.Tiles[j].getTile256Info (is256x256, uvOff); if (is256x256) { unsigned int unCase = uvOff; transform256Case (*_ZeTileBank, unCase, 0, (nFlip == 1), (4-nRot)%4); rPI.Tiles[j].setTile256Info (true, unCase); } } } zeZone.build (nZoneId, PatchInfos, BorderVertices); }*/ /* CLandscape gLand; bool gLandInited = false; */ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CExport::buildTransfo(sint32 nPosX, sint32 nPosY, uint8 nRot, uint8 nFlip, CMatrix &posTransfo, CQuat &rotTransfo) { // we don't use a single matrix because we don't want to apply a mirror on meshs rotTransfo = CQuat(CVector::K, (float)(nRot * Pi / 2.0f)); posTransfo.setRot(rotTransfo); posTransfo.setPos(CVector(nPosX * _Options->CellSize, (nPosY) * _Options->CellSize, 0.0f)); if (nFlip == 1) posTransfo.scale(CVector(-1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CExport::transformIG (CInstanceGroup &ig, sint32 nPosX, sint32 nPosY, uint8 nRot, uint8 nFlip) { uint k; CQuat rotTransfo; CMatrix transformation; buildTransfo(nPosX, nPosY, nRot, nFlip, transformation, rotTransfo); /////////////// // instances // /////////////// for (k = 0; k < ig.getNumInstance(); ++k) { /* CInstanceGroup::CInstance &igi = ig.getInstance(k); igi.Pos = transformation * igi.Pos; igi.Rot = rotTransfo * igi.Rot; */ // add height map influence //igi.Pos.z += getHeight(igi.Pos.x, igi.Pos.y); // Instance CInstanceGroup::CInstance &igi = ig.getInstance(k); // Get the previous instance matrix CMatrix previousMt; previousMt.identity (); previousMt.setRot(igi.Rot); previousMt.setPos(igi.Pos); previousMt.scale(igi.Scale); // Compose the matrix previousMt = transformation * previousMt; // Extract the rotation and pos igi.Rot = previousMt.getRot (); igi.Pos = previousMt.getPos (); // Extract the scale CMatrix scaleMatrix; scaleMatrix.identity (); scaleMatrix.setRot (igi.Rot); scaleMatrix.invert (); scaleMatrix = scaleMatrix * previousMt; igi.Scale.set (scaleMatrix.getI ().x, scaleMatrix.getJ ().y, scaleMatrix.getK ().z); } ////////////////// // point lights // ////////////////// for (k = 0; k < ig.getNumPointLights(); ++k) { CPointLightNamed &plm = ig.getPointLightNamed(k); plm.setPosition(transformation * plm.getPosition()); // add height map influence // plm.setPosition(plm.getPosition() + CVector::K * getHeight(plm.getPosition().x, plm.getPosition().y)); } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CExport::transformCMB (NLPACS::CCollisionMeshBuild &cmb,sint32 nPosX,sint32 nPosY,uint8 nRot,uint8 nFlip) { CQuat rotTransfo; CMatrix posTransfo; buildTransfo(nPosX, nPosY, nRot, nFlip, posTransfo, rotTransfo); for(std::vector::iterator it = cmb.Vertices.begin(); it != cmb.Vertices.end(); ++it) { *it = posTransfo * *it; } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CExport::cutZone (NL3D::CZone &bigZone, NL3D::CZone &bigZoneNoHeightmap, NL3D::CZone &unitZone, NL3D::CZone &unitZoneNoHeightmap, sint32 nPosX, sint32 nPosY, vector &PatchTransfered, const vector &bb, vector &SrcPI, vector &SrcPINoHeightmap, SPiece &sMask, vector &BorderVertices, vector &BorderVerticesNoHeightmap, sint32 baseX, sint32 baseY) { string DstZoneFileName = getZoneNameFromXY (nPosX, nPosY); uint32 i, j, k, l, m; vector DstPI; vector DstPINoHeightmap; sint32 nZoneX = nPosX; sint32 nZoneY = -1 - nPosY; uint16 nZoneId = nZoneX+(nZoneY*256); float rMinX = nPosX * _Options->CellSize; float rMaxX = (1+nPosX) * _Options->CellSize; float rMinY = nPosY * _Options->CellSize; float rMaxY = (1+nPosY) * _Options->CellSize; map OldToNewPatchId; // Used to convert old patch id to new patch id for (i = 0; i < SrcPI.size(); ++i) if (!PatchTransfered[i]) // If patch not already transfered in a zone unit { CPatchInfo &rPI = SrcPI[i]; CPatchInfo &rPINoHeightmap = SrcPINoHeightmap[i]; // Is the Patch contained in the current mask ? Center of bbox tested if ((bb[i].getCenter().x >= rMinX)&&(bb[i].getCenter().x <= rMaxX)&& (bb[i].getCenter().y >= rMinY)&&(bb[i].getCenter().y <= rMaxY)) { for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { rPI.BindEdges[j].ZoneId = nZoneId; rPINoHeightmap.BindEdges[j].ZoneId = nZoneId; } PatchTransfered[i] = true; DstPI.push_back (rPI); DstPINoHeightmap.push_back (rPINoHeightmap); OldToNewPatchId.insert (pair(i, (int)DstPI.size()-1)); } } // Look for patches out of the mask attached to a patch in this zone bool foundOne; do { foundOne = false; for (i = 0; i < SrcPI.size(); ++i) { // Not yet transfered ? if (!PatchTransfered[i]) // If patch not already transfered in a zone unit { // Get the center of the zone sint x = (sint)(floor(bb[i].getCenter().x / _Options->CellSize)) - baseX; sint y = (sint)(floor(bb[i].getCenter().y / _Options->CellSize)) - baseY; // Not in the mask ? bool inTheMask = (x>=0) && (x<(sint)sMask.w) && (y>=0) && (y<(sint)sMask.h); if (!inTheMask || !sMask.Tab[x+y*sMask.w]) { // Attached to a patch in this zone ? CPatchInfo &rPI = SrcPI[i]; CPatchInfo &rPINoHeightmap = SrcPINoHeightmap[i]; for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { // Binded ? if (rPI.BindEdges[j].NPatchs) { // Number of others uint otherCount = rPI.BindEdges[j].NPatchs; if (rPI.BindEdges[j].NPatchs == 5) otherCount = 1; // For each other patch for (k=0; k(i, (int)DstPI.size()-1)); foundOne = true; break; } } if (k(next, (int)DstPI.size()-1)); PatchTransfered[next] = true; } } if ((DstPI[i].BindEdges[j].NPatchs == 2) || (DstPI[i].BindEdges[j].NPatchs == 4)) { for (k = 0; k < DstPI[i].BindEdges[j].NPatchs; ++k) { uint next = DstPI[i].BindEdges[j].Next[k]; if (!PatchTransfered[next]) { CPatchInfo &rPITmp = SrcPI[next]; CPatchInfo &rPITmpNoHeightmap = SrcPINoHeightmap[next]; for (m = 0; m < 4; ++m) { rPITmp.BindEdges[m].ZoneId = nZoneId; rPITmpNoHeightmap.BindEdges[m].ZoneId = nZoneId; } DstPI.push_back (rPITmp); DstPINoHeightmap.push_back (rPITmpNoHeightmap); OldToNewPatchId.insert (pair(next, (int)DstPI.size()-1)); PatchTransfered[next] = true; } } } } } // Do it until no more patch added if (nPreviousDstPISize == DstPI.size()) break; nPreviousDstPISize = (uint32)DstPI.size(); } for (i = 0; i < DstPI.size(); ++i) { CPatchInfo &rPI = DstPI[i]; CPatchInfo &rPINoHeightmap = DstPINoHeightmap[i]; for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { if ((rPI.BindEdges[j].NPatchs == 1) || (rPI.BindEdges[j].NPatchs == 5)) { map::iterator it = OldToNewPatchId.find (rPI.BindEdges[j].Next[0]); if (it == OldToNewPatchId.end()) { if (rPI.BindEdges[j].NPatchs == 5) { if (_ExportCB != NULL) _ExportCB->dispError (string("Continuity problem in zone ") + DstZoneFileName); } else { rPI.BindEdges[j].NPatchs = 0; rPINoHeightmap.BindEdges[j].NPatchs = 0; } } else { rPI.BindEdges[j].Next[0] = it->second; rPINoHeightmap.BindEdges[j].Next[0] = it->second; } } if ((rPI.BindEdges[j].NPatchs == 2) || (rPI.BindEdges[j].NPatchs == 4)) { for (k = 0; k < rPI.BindEdges[j].NPatchs; ++k) { map::iterator it = OldToNewPatchId.find (rPI.BindEdges[j].Next[k]); if (it == OldToNewPatchId.end()) { if (_ExportCB != NULL) _ExportCB->dispError (string("Continuity problem in zone ") + DstZoneFileName); } else { rPI.BindEdges[j].Next[k] = it->second; rPINoHeightmap.BindEdges[j].Next[k] = it->second; } } } } } unitZone.build (nZoneId, DstPI, BorderVertices); unitZoneNoHeightmap.build (nZoneId, DstPINoHeightmap, BorderVerticesNoHeightmap); /* { // Debug if (!gLandInited) { gLand.init(); gLandInited = true; } gLand.addZone(unitZone); gLand.checkBinds(); }*/ } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CExport::cutIG(CInstanceGroup &bigIG, CInstanceGroup &unitIG, sint32 nPosX, sint32 nPosY, SPiece &sMask, bool first, sint32 baseX, sint32 baseY) { uint k; string DstZoneFileName = getZoneNameFromXY (nPosX, nPosY); float rMinX = nPosX * _Options->CellSize; float rMaxX = (1+nPosX) * _Options->CellSize; float rMinY = nPosY * _Options->CellSize; float rMaxY = (1+nPosY) * _Options->CellSize; CInstanceGroup::TInstanceArray instances; std::vector portals; std::vector clusters; std::vector pointLightList; bool realTimeSuncontribution = bigIG.getRealTimeSunContribution(); /////////////// // instances // /////////////// for (k = 0; k < bigIG.getNumInstance(); ++k) { CInstanceGroup::CInstance &igi = bigIG.getInstance(k); const CVector &pos = igi.Pos; if (pos.x >= rMinX && pos.x < rMaxX && pos.y >= rMinY && pos.y < rMaxY) { instances.push_back(igi); } // First zone ? if (first) { // Out of the mask ? sint x = (sint)(floor(pos.x / _Options->CellSize)) - baseX; sint y = (sint)(floor(pos.y / _Options->CellSize)) - baseY; // Not in the mask ? bool inTheMask = (x>=0) && (x<(sint)sMask.w) && (y>=0) && (y<(sint)sMask.h); if (!inTheMask || !sMask.Tab[x+y*sMask.w]) { instances.push_back(igi); } } } //////////// // lights // //////////// const std::vector &lights = bigIG.getPointLightList(); for (k = 0; k < lights.size(); ++k) { const CVector &pos = lights[k].getPosition(); if (pos.x >= rMinX && pos.x < rMaxX && pos.y >= rMinY && pos.y < rMaxY) { pointLightList.push_back(lights[k]); } // First zone ? if (first) { // Out of the mask ? sint x = (sint)(floor(pos.x / _Options->CellSize)) - baseX; sint y = (sint)(floor(pos.y / _Options->CellSize)) - baseY; // Not in the mask ? bool inTheMask = (x>=0) && (x<(sint)sMask.w) && (y>=0) && (y<(sint)sMask.h); if (!inTheMask || !sMask.Tab[x+y*sMask.w]) { pointLightList.push_back(lights[k]); } } } // build the resulting ig unitIG.build(bigIG.getGlobalPos(), instances, portals, clusters, pointLightList); unitIG.enableRealTimeSunContribution(realTimeSuncontribution); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- float CExport::getHeight (float x, float y) { float deltaZ = 0.0f, deltaZ2 = 0.0f; CRGBAF color; sint32 SizeX = _ZoneMaxX - _ZoneMinX + 1; sint32 SizeY = _ZoneMaxY - _ZoneMinY + 1; clamp (x, _Options->CellSize*_ZoneMinX, _Options->CellSize*(_ZoneMaxX+1)); clamp (y, _Options->CellSize*_ZoneMinY, _Options->CellSize*(_ZoneMaxY+1)); if (_HeightMap != NULL) { color = _HeightMap->getColor ( (x-_Options->CellSize*_ZoneMinX)/(_Options->CellSize*SizeX), 1.0f - ((y-_Options->CellSize*_ZoneMinY)/(_Options->CellSize*SizeY))); color *= 255; deltaZ = color.A; deltaZ = deltaZ - 127.0f; // Median intensity is 127 deltaZ *= _Options->ZFactor; } if (_HeightMap2 != NULL) { color = _HeightMap2->getColor ( (x-_Options->CellSize*_ZoneMinX)/(_Options->CellSize*SizeX), 1.0f - ((y-_Options->CellSize*_ZoneMinY)/(_Options->CellSize*SizeY))); color *= 255; deltaZ2 = color.A; deltaZ2 = deltaZ2 - 127.0f; // Median intensity is 127 deltaZ2 *= _Options->ZFactor2; } return (deltaZ + deltaZ2); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CRGBAF CExport::getColor (float x, float y) { CRGBAF color = CRGBA::Black; sint32 SizeX = _ZoneMaxX - _ZoneMinX + 1; sint32 SizeY = _ZoneMaxY - _ZoneMinY + 1; clamp (x, _Options->CellSize*_ZoneMinX, _Options->CellSize*(_ZoneMaxX+1)); clamp (y, _Options->CellSize*_ZoneMinY, _Options->CellSize*(_ZoneMaxY+1)); if (_ColorMap != NULL) { color = _ColorMap->getColor ( (x-_Options->CellSize*_ZoneMinX)/(_Options->CellSize*SizeX), 1.0f - ((y-_Options->CellSize*_ZoneMinY)/(_Options->CellSize*SizeY))); color *= 255; } return color; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CExport::light (NL3D::CZone &zoneOut, NL3D::CZone &zoneIn) { // Same as zone_lighter stand-alone exe // ------------------------------------ /* CZoneLighter zl; CLandscape land; CZoneLighter::CLightDesc ld; vector obstacle; vector listzone; ld.SkyContribution = false; ld.Oversampling = CZoneLighter::CLightDesc::NoOverSampling; ld.Shadow = false; ld.Softshadow = false; ld.NumCPU = 1; ld.GridSize = 2; try { zl.init (); land.init (); land.TileBank = *_ZeTileBank; land.initTileBanks(); land.addZone (zoneIn); listzone.push_back(zoneIn.getZoneId()); zl.light (land, zoneOut, zoneIn.getZoneId(), ld, obstacle, listzone); } catch (const Exception &e) { if (_ExportCB != NULL) _ExportCB->dispError (e.what()); }*/ // Quickest version without noise // ------------------------------ CLandscape land; land.init (); land.TileBank = *_ZeTileBank; land.initTileBanks(); land.addZone (zoneIn); vector vPI; vector vBV; uint32 i, j, k, m; float s, t, val; CVector n, l = CVector (1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f); vector vertices; CVector v[4]; l.normalize(); CZone *dyn = land.getZone(zoneIn.getZoneId()); uint32 numPatch = dyn->getNumPatchs(); zoneIn.retrieve (vPI, vBV); if (_Options->Light == 2) // Noise ? for (i = 0; i < numPatch; ++i) { const CPatch *pCP = const_cast(dyn)->getPatch (i); CPatchInfo &rPI = vPI[i]; vertices.resize((rPI.OrderT*4+1)*(rPI.OrderS*4+1)); for (k = 0; k < (uint32)(rPI.OrderT*4+1); ++k) for (j = 0; j < (uint32)(rPI.OrderS*4+1); ++j) { s = (((float)j) / (rPI.OrderS*4)); t = (((float)k) / (rPI.OrderT*4)); vertices[j+k*(rPI.OrderS*4+1)] = pCP->computeVertex(s, t); } for (k = 0; k < (uint32)(rPI.OrderT*4); ++k) for (j = 0; j < (uint32)(rPI.OrderS*4); ++j) { v[0] = vertices[(j+0)+(k+0)*(rPI.OrderS*4+1)]; v[1] = vertices[(j+1)+(k+0)*(rPI.OrderS*4+1)]; v[2] = vertices[(j+1)+(k+1)*(rPI.OrderS*4+1)]; v[3] = vertices[(j+0)+(k+1)*(rPI.OrderS*4+1)]; val = 0.0f; for (m = 0; m < 4; ++m) { n = (v[(m+0)%4]-v[(m+2)%4])^(v[(m+0)%4]-v[(m+1)%4]); n.normalize(); val += 255.0f*(1.0f-n*l)/2.0f; } val = val / 4.0f; clamp (val, 0.0f, 255.0f); rPI.Lumels[j+k*rPI.OrderS*4] = (uint8)(val); } } else // No noise for (i = 0; i < numPatch; ++i) { const CPatch *pCP = const_cast(dyn)->getPatch (i); CBezierPatch *pBP = pCP->unpackIntoCache(); CPatchInfo &rPI = vPI[i]; for (k = 0; k < (uint32)(rPI.OrderT*4); ++k) for (j = 0; j < (uint32)(rPI.OrderS*4); ++j) { s = ((0.5f+(float)j) / (rPI.OrderS*4)); t = ((0.5f+(float)k) / (rPI.OrderT*4)); n = pBP->evalNormal (s, t); val = 255.0f*(1.0f-n*l)/2.0f; clamp (val, 0.0f, 255.0f); rPI.Lumels[j+k*rPI.OrderS*4] = (uint8)(val); } } zoneOut.build (zoneIn.getZoneId(), vPI, vBV); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- string CExport::getZoneNameFromXY (sint32 x, sint32 y) { string tmp; if ((y>0) || (y<-255) || (x<0) || (x>255)) return "NOT VALID"; tmp = toString(-y) + "_"; tmp += ('A' + (x/26)); tmp += ('A' + (x%26)); return tmp; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- sint32 CExport::getXFromZoneName (const string &ZoneName) { string xStr, yStr; uint32 i = 0; while (ZoneName[i] != '_') { yStr += ZoneName[i]; ++i; if (i == ZoneName.size()) return -1; } ++i; while (i < ZoneName.size()) { xStr += ZoneName[i]; ++i; } return ((xStr[0] - 'A')*26 + (xStr[1] - 'A')); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- sint32 CExport::getYFromZoneName (const string &ZoneName) { string xStr, yStr; uint32 i = 0; while (ZoneName[i] != '_') { yStr += ZoneName[i]; ++i; if (i == ZoneName.size()) return 1; } ++i; while (i < ZoneName.size()) { xStr += ZoneName[i]; ++i; } return -atoi(yStr.c_str()); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CExport::transformCMB (const std::string &name, const NLMISC::CMatrix &transfo, bool verbose) const { if (name.empty()) { if (_ExportCB != NULL) _ExportCB->dispWarning("Can't load cmb : the name is empty"); return; } std::string cmbNoExtension = CFile::getFilenameWithoutExtension(name); std::string cmbName = CPath::lookup(cmbNoExtension + ".cmb" , false, false, false); if (cmbName.empty()) { if ((_ExportCB != NULL) && verbose) _ExportCB->dispWarning("Can't find " + cmbNoExtension + ".cmb"); return; } CIFile inStream; if (inStream.open(cmbName)) { try { CCollisionMeshBuild cmb; cmb.serial(inStream); // translate and save cmb.transform (transfo); COFile outStream; std::string outFileName = _Options->OutCMBDir +"/" + cmbNoExtension + ".cmb"; if (!outStream.open(outFileName)) { if (_ExportCB != NULL) _ExportCB->dispWarning("Couldn't open " + outFileName + "for writing, not exporting"); } else { try { cmb.serial(outStream); outStream.close(); } catch (const EStream &e) { outStream.close(); if (_ExportCB != NULL) { _ExportCB->dispWarning("Error while writing " + outFileName); _ExportCB->dispWarning(e.what()); } } } inStream.close(); } catch (const EStream &e) { inStream.close(); if (_ExportCB != NULL) { _ExportCB->dispWarning("Error while reading " + cmbName); _ExportCB->dispWarning(e.what()); } } } else { if (_ExportCB != NULL) _ExportCB->dispWarning("Unable to open " + cmbName); } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CExport::transformAdditionnalIG (const std::string &name, const NLMISC::CMatrix &transfo, const NLMISC::CQuat &rotTransfo) const { if (name.empty()) { if (_ExportCB != NULL) _ExportCB->dispWarning("Can't load cmb : the name is empty"); return; } std::string igNoExtension = CFile::getFilenameWithoutExtension(name); std::string igName = CPath::lookup(igNoExtension + ".ig" , false, false, false); if (igName.empty()) { if (_ExportCB != NULL) _ExportCB->dispWarning("Can't find " + igNoExtension + ".cmb"); return; } CIFile inStream; if (inStream.open(igName)) { try { CInstanceGroup ig, igOut; ig.serial(inStream); CVector globalPos; CInstanceGroup::TInstanceArray IA; std::vector Clusters; std::vector Portals; std::vector PLN; ig.retrieve(globalPos, IA, Clusters, Portals, PLN); bool realTimeSuncontribution = ig.getRealTimeSunContribution(); uint k; // elevate instance for(k = 0; k < IA.size(); ++k) { IA[k].Pos = transfo * IA[k].Pos; IA[k].Rot = rotTransfo * IA[k].Rot; } // lights for(k = 0; k < PLN.size(); ++k) { PLN[k].setPosition(transfo * PLN[k].getPosition()); } // portals std::vector portal; for(k = 0; k < Portals.size(); ++k) { Portals[k].getPoly(portal); for(uint l = 0; l < portal.size(); ++l) { portal[l] = transfo * portal[l]; } Portals[k].setPoly(portal); } // clusters for(k = 0; k < Clusters.size(); ++k) { Clusters[k].applyMatrix (transfo); } igOut.build(globalPos, IA, Clusters, Portals, PLN); igOut.enableRealTimeSunContribution(realTimeSuncontribution); COFile outStream; std::string outFileName = _Options->AdditionnalIGOutDir +"/" + igNoExtension + ".ig"; if (!outStream.open(outFileName)) { if (_ExportCB != NULL) _ExportCB->dispWarning("Couldn't open " + outFileName + "for writing, not exporting"); } else { try { igOut.serial(outStream); outStream.close(); } catch (const EStream &e) { outStream.close(); if (_ExportCB != NULL) { _ExportCB->dispWarning("Error while writing " + outFileName); _ExportCB->dispWarning(e.what()); } } } inStream.close(); } catch (const EStream &e) { inStream.close(); if (_ExportCB != NULL) { _ExportCB->dispWarning("Error while reading " + igName); _ExportCB->dispWarning(e.what()); } } } else { if (_ExportCB != NULL) _ExportCB->dispWarning("Unable to open " + igName); } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CExport::exportCMBAndAdditionnalIGs() { if (!_Options->ExportCollisions && !_Options->ExportCollisions) return; CSmartPtr continent = loadContinent(_Options->ContinentFile); if (!continent) return; NLGEORGES::UFormElm *villages; if (!continent->getRootNode ().getNodeByName (&villages, "Villages") || !villages) { if (_ExportCB != NULL) _ExportCB->dispWarning("Cant find villages in a continent form"); return; } uint size; nlverify (villages->getArraySize (size)); for(uint k = 0; k < size; ++k) { NLGEORGES::UFormElm *village; if (!villages->getArrayNode (&village, k) || !village) { if (_ExportCB != NULL) _ExportCB->dispWarning("Cant get a village "); continue; } // get position of village float altitude; if (!village->getValueByName (altitude, "Altitude")) { if (_ExportCB != NULL) _ExportCB->dispWarning("Cant get a village position"); continue; } // get rotation of village sint32 rotation; if (!village->getValueByName (rotation, "Rotation")) { if (_ExportCB != NULL) _ExportCB->dispWarning("Cant get a village rotation"); continue; } // get width and height of village uint32 width; if (!village->getValueByName (width, "Width")) { if (_ExportCB != NULL) _ExportCB->dispWarning("Cant get a village width"); continue; } // get width and height of village uint32 height; if (!village->getValueByName (height, "Height")) { if (_ExportCB != NULL) _ExportCB->dispWarning("Cant get a village height"); continue; } // get position of village std::string zoneName; if (!village->getValueByName (zoneName, "Zone")) { if (_ExportCB != NULL) _ExportCB->dispWarning("Cant get a village name"); continue; } zoneName = strupr(zoneName); // sint32 x = CExport::getXFromZoneName(zoneName), y = CExport::getYFromZoneName(zoneName); CVector pos(160.f * x, 160.f * y, altitude + getHeight(160.f * x, 160.f * y)); // *** Build the transformation CMatrix transfo; CQuat rotTransfo; rotTransfo.identity (); transfo.identity (); // Rotation float angle = (float)rotation * (float)Pi / 2.f; transfo.rotateZ (angle); rotTransfo = CQuat (CVector::K, angle); // Add translation switch (rotation&3) { case 0: transfo.setPos (pos); break; case 1: transfo.setPos (pos+CVector (160.f * height, 0, 0)); break; case 2: transfo.setPos (pos+CVector (160.f * width, 160.f * height, 0)); break; case 3: transfo.setPos (pos+CVector (0, 160.f * width, 0)); break; } // process ig / cmb of the village NLGEORGES::UFormElm *igNamesItem; if (!village->getNodeByName (&igNamesItem, "IgList") || !igNamesItem) { if (_ExportCB != NULL) _ExportCB->dispWarning("Cant get village ig list"); continue; } uint sizeIg; nlverify (igNamesItem->getArraySize (sizeIg)); std::string igName; // For each children for(uint k = 0; k < sizeIg; ++k) { // Get the aray element const NLGEORGES::UFormElm *currIg; if (igNamesItem->getArrayNode (&currIg, k) && currIg) { const NLGEORGES::UFormElm *igNameItem; if (!currIg->getNodeByName (&igNameItem, "IgName") || !igNameItem) { nlwarning("Unable to get village name from a form"); continue; } if (igNameItem->getValue (igName)) { if (_Options->ExportCollisions) { transformCMB (igName, transfo, true); // Try to export alternative cmb like ig#0.cmb, ig#1.cmb, ig#2.cmb ... ig#9.cmb std::string cmbNoExtension = CFile::getFilenameWithoutExtension(igName) + "#"; uint alt; for (alt=0; alt<10; alt++) transformCMB (cmbNoExtension+toString (alt), transfo, false); } if (_Options->ExportAdditionnalIGs) transformAdditionnalIG (igName, transfo, rotTransfo); } else { nlwarning("Unable to get village name from a form"); } } } } return; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NLGEORGES::UForm* CExport::loadContinent(const std::string &name) const { if (!NLMISC::CFile::fileExists(name)) { if (_ExportCB != NULL) _ExportCB->dispWarning("Can't find " + name); return NULL; } UForm *form; if (!(form = _FormLoader->loadForm (name.c_str ()))) { if (_ExportCB != NULL) { _ExportCB->dispWarning("Unable to load continent form : " + name); } return NULL; } return form; } // *************************************************************************** void CExport::computeSubdividedTangents(uint numBinds, const NL3D::CBezierPatch &patch, uint edge, NLMISC::CVector subTangents[8]) { // Subdivide the Bezier patch to get the correct tangents to apply to neighbors CBezierPatch subPatchs1_2[2]; CBezierPatch subPatchs1_4[4]; // subdivide on s if edge is horizontal bool subDivideOnS= (edge&1)==1; // Subdivide one time. if(subDivideOnS) patch.subdivideS(subPatchs1_2[0], subPatchs1_2[1]); else patch.subdivideT(subPatchs1_2[0], subPatchs1_2[1]); // Subdivide again for bind 1/4. if(numBinds==4) { if(subDivideOnS) { subPatchs1_2[0].subdivideS(subPatchs1_4[0], subPatchs1_4[1]); subPatchs1_2[1].subdivideS(subPatchs1_4[2], subPatchs1_4[3]); } else { subPatchs1_2[0].subdivideT(subPatchs1_4[0], subPatchs1_4[1]); subPatchs1_2[1].subdivideT(subPatchs1_4[2], subPatchs1_4[3]); } } // Now, fill the tangents according to edge. bool invertPaSrc= edge>=2; // Bind 1/2 case. if(numBinds==2) { // 4 tangents to fill. for(uint i=0;i<4;i++) { // get patch id from 0 to 1. uint paSrcId= i/2; // invert if edge is 2 or 3 if(invertPaSrc) paSrcId= 1-paSrcId; // get tg id in this patch. uint tgSrcId= (i&1) + edge*2; // fill result. subTangents[i]= subPatchs1_2[paSrcId].Tangents[tgSrcId]; } } // Bind 1/4 case. else { // 8 tangents to fill. for(uint i=0;i<8;i++) { // get patch id from 0 to 3. uint paSrcId= i/2; // invert if edge is 2 or 3 if(invertPaSrc) paSrcId= 3-paSrcId; // get tg id in this patch. uint tgSrcId= (i&1) + edge*2; // fill result. subTangents[i]= subPatchs1_4[paSrcId].Tangents[tgSrcId]; } } } // *************************************************************************** bool CExport::applyVertexBind(NL3D::CPatchInfo &pa, NL3D::CPatchInfo &oldPa, uint edgeToModify, bool startEdge, const NLMISC::CMatrix &oldTgSpace, const NLMISC::CMatrix &newTgSpace, const NLMISC::CVector &bindedPos, const NLMISC::CVector &bindedTangent ) { // Get the vertex to modify according to edge/startEdge uint vertexToModify= edgeToModify + (startEdge?0:1); vertexToModify&=3; // If already moved, no-op if(pa.Patch.Vertices[vertexToModify]==bindedPos) return false; else { // Change the vertex pa.Patch.Vertices[vertexToModify]= bindedPos; // change the tangent, according to startEdge pa.Patch.Tangents[edgeToModify*2 + (startEdge?0:1) ]= bindedTangent; // Must change the tangent which is on the other side of the vertex: uint tgToModify= 8 + edgeToModify*2 + (startEdge?-1:+2); tgToModify&=7; /* To keep the same continuity aspect around the vertex, we compute the original tangent in a special space: the Binded Patch Tangent Space. Once we have the original tangent in the original patch TgSpace, we reapply it in the transformed patch TgSpace, to get the transformed tangent */ pa.Patch.Tangents[tgToModify]= newTgSpace * ( oldTgSpace.inverted() * oldPa.Patch.Tangents[tgToModify] ); // Do the same to the associated interior. pa.Patch.Interiors[vertexToModify]= newTgSpace * ( oldTgSpace.inverted() * oldPa.Patch.Interiors[vertexToModify] ); // modified return true; } } // *************************************************************************** NLMISC::CVector CExport::getHeightNormal (float x, float y) { sint32 SizeX = _ZoneMaxX - _ZoneMinX + 1; sint32 SizeY = _ZoneMaxY - _ZoneMinY + 1; sint32 bmpW, bmpH; // get width/height of the bitmap if (_HeightMap != NULL) { bmpW= _HeightMap->getWidth(); bmpH= _HeightMap->getHeight(); } else if (_HeightMap2 != NULL) { bmpW= _HeightMap2->getWidth(); bmpH= _HeightMap2->getHeight(); } else { // no heightmap: unmodified normal return CVector::K; } // compute a good delta to compute tangents of the heightmap: 1/10 of a pixel, avoiding precision problem. float dx= ((_Options->CellSize*SizeX)/bmpW)/10; // eg: 160m/20pixels/10= 0.8 float dy= ((_Options->CellSize*SizeY)/bmpH)/10; // compute tangent around the position. float hc= getHeight(x,y); float hx= getHeight(x+dx,y); float hy= getHeight(x,y+dy); CVector ds(dx,0,hx-hc); CVector dt(0,dy,hy-hc); // compute the heightmap normal with the tangents return (ds^dt).normed(); }