// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include "stdpch.h" #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS #include #endif #include "network_connection.h" #include "client_cfg.h" #include "game_share/action_factory.h" #include "game_share/action.h" #include "game_share/action_disconnection.h" #include "game_share/action_position.h" #include "game_share/action_sync.h" #include "game_share/action_association.h" #include "game_share/action_dummy.h" #include "game_share/action_login.h" #include "game_share/action_sint64.h" #include "game_share/action_target_slot.h" #include "game_share/action_generic.h" #include "game_share/action_generic_multi_part.h" #include "game_share/mode_and_behaviour.h" #include "game_share/simlag.h" #include "nel/misc/cdb.h" #include "nel/misc/cdb_leaf.h" #include "nel/misc/cdb_branch.h" #include "cdb_synchronised.h" #include "nel/misc/variable.h" #include "nel/misc/algo.h" #include "nel/3d/u_driver.h" #include "game_share/system_message.h" #include "game_share/entity_types.h" // required for ifdef #include "graph.h" #include "global.h" #include "far_tp.h" #ifdef DISPLAY_ENTITIES #include "../../../test/network/sb5000/client/graph.h" #endif // *************************************************************************** // Smooth ServerTick setup // The numner of Smooth Tick per Server Tick #define SMOOTH_SERVER_TICK_PER_TICK 100 // The possible not corrected error between actual ServerTick and estimated one (NB: equal to packet sent frequency) #define SMOOTH_SERVER_TICK_WINDOW 100 // The min Difference between the estimated and the actual one. If <=, the estimation is reseted. #define SMOOTH_SERVER_TICK_DIFF_MIN -1000 // The max Difference between the estimated and the actual one. If >=, clamp #define SMOOTH_SERVER_TICK_DIFF_MAX 500 // When the estimation is late, the Max Acceleration factor #define SMOOTH_SERVER_TICK_ACCEL 4.0f const char * ConnectionStateCStr [9] = { "NotInitialised", "NotConnected", "Authenticate", "Login", "Synchronize", "Connected", "Probe", "Stalled", "Disconnect" }; // *************************************************************************** using namespace std; using namespace NLMISC; using namespace NLNET; using namespace CLFECOMMON; #undef MEASURE_RECEIVE_DATES //#define SHOW_PROPERTIES_RECEIVED #ifdef MEASURE_RECEIVE_DATES #include #include #include #include #include #include // Stat: array of vectors of cycles when a pos is received, indexed by TCLEntityId struct TRDateState { TRDateState( TGameCycle gc, TGameCycle pdit, TTime ct ) : ServerCycle(gc), PredictedInterval(pdit), LocalTime(ct) {} TGameCycle ServerCycle, PredictedInterval; TTicks LocalTime; }; extern CLFECOMMON::TCLEntityId WatchedEntitySlot; //////////// // GLOBAL // //////////// typedef vector TReceiveDateLog; TReceiveDateLog ReceivePosDateLog [256]; bool LogReceiveEnabled = false; CConfigFile NCConfigFile; CFileDisplayer *ReceiveLogDisp; CLog ReceiveLogger; /* * initReceiveLog */ void initReceiveLog() { try { ReceiveLogDisp = new CFileDisplayer( getLogDirectory() + "ReceiveLog.log" ); ReceiveLogger.addDisplayer( ReceiveLogDisp ); //ReceiveLogger.displayNL( "Searching for param LogReceive in the config file..." ); NCConfigFile.load( string( "client.cfg" ) ); int slot = NCConfigFile.getVar( "LogReceive" ).asInt(); if ( slot != 0 ) { LogReceiveEnabled = true; ReceiveLogger.displayNL( "LogReceive is on" ); // only when enabled } } catch (const EConfigFile&) {} } /* * startReceiveLog (the slots logged are all if no selection, or only the selected slots (one at a time) */ void startReceiveLog() { sint i; for ( i=0; i!=256; ++i ) { ReceivePosDateLog[i].clear(); } LogReceiveEnabled = true; } /* * stopReceiveLog */ void stopReceiveLog() { LogReceiveEnabled = false; } /* * displayReceiveLog */ void displayReceiveLog() { if ( ! LogReceiveEnabled ) return; nlinfo( "Dumping ReceiveLog" ); ReceiveLogger.displayNL( "ReceiveLog (ServerCycle, PredictedInterval, LocalTime(ms)):" ); // Display receive dates for all slots for which vector is not empty // (allows to trace several selected slots one after one, or all slots at the same time) sint i; for ( i=0; i!=256; ++i ) { if ( ! ReceivePosDateLog[i].empty() ) { ReceiveLogger.displayRawNL( "Entity %d: %u updates", i, ReceivePosDateLog[i].size() ); TReceiveDateLog::iterator idl; for ( idl=ReceivePosDateLog[i].begin(); idl!=ReceivePosDateLog[i].end(); ++idl ) { ReceiveLogger.displayRawNL( "%u\t%u\t%"NL_I64"u", (*idl).ServerCycle, (*idl).PredictedInterval, (*idl).LocalTime ); } } } ReceiveLogger.displayRawNL( "ReceiveLog completed" ); } NLMISC_COMMAND( startReceiveLog, "Starts logging the position receives (for all or only the watched entities when selected)", "" ) { nlinfo( "Starting ReceiveLog" ); startReceiveLog(); return true; } NLMISC_COMMAND( stopReceiveLog, "Stops logging the position receives", "" ) { stopReceiveLog(); return true; } NLMISC_COMMAND( displayReceiveLog, "Flush the receive log into ReceiveLog.log", "" ) { displayReceiveLog(); return true; } #endif // MEASURE_RECEIVE_DATES extern NL3D::UDriver *Driver; CVariable CheckXMLSignature("client", "CheckXMLSignature", "enable client to check msg/database.xml signature", true, 0, true); CSlotGraph *PosUpdateIntervalGraph = NULL; CSlotGraph *PosUpdatePredictionGraph = NULL; CGraph MsPerTickGraph ("mspertick (ms)", 10.0f, 570.0f, 400.0f, 100.0f, CRGBA(0,0,128,128), 1000, 400.0f, 2); CGraph PingGraph ("ping (ms)", 10.0f, 460.0f, 400.0f, 100.0f, CRGBA(128,0,0,128), 100000, 1000.0f, 2); CGraph PacketLossGraph ("PacketLoss (pc)", 10.0f, 350.0f, 200.0f, 100.0f, CRGBA(0,128,0,128), 100000, 100.0f, 2); CGraph UploadGraph ("upload (byps)", 10.0f, 240.0f, 200.0f, 100.0f, CRGBA(0,128,128,128), 1000, 3000.0f, 2); CGraph DownloadGraph ("download (byps)", 10.0f, 130.0f, 200.0f, 100.0f, CRGBA(0,0,128,128), 1000, 3000.0f, 2); //#define A a() !!! //#define B b() !!! SO DANGEROUS !!! //#define Parent parent() !!! bool CNetworkConnection::_Registered = false; /* * Percentile (in fact, quantile) function * Freely adapted from the Goose Library (http://www.gnu.org/software/goose) * at http://cvs.gnome.org/lxr/source/goose/src/stats/descriptive.cpp#90 */ // Normal quantile function (see also percentilRev below) /*float percentile( const multiset& dataset, float p ) { //nlassert( ! dataset.empty() ); //nlassert( (p >= 0) && (p <= 1) ); uint ds = dataset.size(); if ( ds == 1 ) return (float)(*dataset.begin()); float fpIndex = p * (float)(ds-1); sint ipIndex = (sint)fpIndex; multiset::iterator it = dataset.begin(), itnext; for ( sint i=0; i!=ipIndex; ++i, ++it ); itnext = it; ++itnext; return ((float)(ipIndex+1)-fpIndex)*(float)(*it) + (fpIndex-(float)ipIndex)*(float)(*itnext); }*/ // Reversed quantile function = percentile(dataset, 1-p) (optimized for p>0.5 i.e. rp<=0.5) float percentileRev( const multiset& dataset, float rp ) { //nlassert( ! dataset.empty() ); //nlassert( (rp >= 0) && (rp <= 1) ); uint ds = (uint)dataset.size(); if ( ds == 1 ) return (float)(*dataset.begin()); float fpIndex = rp * (float)(ds-1); sint ipIndex = (sint)fpIndex; multiset::const_reverse_iterator it = dataset.rbegin(), itnext; for ( sint i=0; i!=ipIndex; ++i, ++it ); itnext = it; ++itnext; return ((float)(ipIndex+1)-fpIndex)*(float)(*it) + (fpIndex-(float)ipIndex)*(float)(*itnext); } // const uint MAX_POSUPDATETICKQUEUE_SIZE = 25; const float PREDICTION_REV_PERCENTILE = 0.2f; // (1 - 0.8) // bool CNetworkConnection::LoggingMode = false; /* * Constructor */ #ifdef ENABLE_INCOMING_MSG_RECORDER CNetworkConnection::CNetworkConnection() : _NextMessageToReplay(true) #else CNetworkConnection::CNetworkConnection() #endif { _ConnectionState = NotInitialised; _ImpulseCallback = NULL; _ImpulseArg = NULL; _DataBase = NULL; reset(); _QuitId = 0; initTicks(); } /* * Destructor */ CNetworkConnection::~CNetworkConnection() { #ifdef MEASURE_RECEIVE_DATES delete ReceiveLogDisp; #endif if ( _VisualPropertyTreeRoot ) // not allocated in local mode { _VisualPropertyTreeRoot->deleteBranches(); delete _VisualPropertyTreeRoot; _VisualPropertyTreeRoot = NULL; } #ifdef ENABLE_INCOMING_MSG_RECORDER if ( _RecordIncomingMessagesOn ) _RecordedMessagesOut.close(); else if ( _ReplayIncomingMessagesOn ) _RecordedMessagesIn.close(); #endif } NLMISC::CHashKeyMD5 getTextMD5(const std::string& filename) { CIFile fi; if (!fi.open(CPath::lookup(filename, false))) return NLMISC::CHashKeyMD5(); std::vector buffer(fi.getFileSize()); fi.serialBuffer(&(buffer[0]), (uint)buffer.size()); std::vector::iterator it = buffer.begin(); do { while (it != buffer.end() && *it != '\015') ++it; if (it != buffer.end()) it = buffer.erase(it); } while (it != buffer.end()); return NLMISC::getMD5((&buffer[0]), (uint32)buffer.size()); } /* * Init */ void CNetworkConnection::init(const string &cookie, const string &addr) { if (_ConnectionState != NotInitialised && _ConnectionState != Disconnect) { nlwarning("Unable to init(): connection not properly closed yet."); return; } if (!_Registered) { CActionFactory::getInstance ()->registerAction (ACTION_POSITION_CODE, CActionPosition::create); CActionFactory::getInstance ()->registerAction (ACTION_SYNC_CODE, CActionSync::create); CActionFactory::getInstance ()->registerAction (ACTION_DISCONNECTION_CODE, CActionDisconnection::create); CActionFactory::getInstance ()->registerAction (ACTION_ASSOCIATION_CODE, CActionAssociation::create); CActionFactory::getInstance ()->registerAction (ACTION_DUMMY_CODE, CActionDummy::create); CActionFactory::getInstance ()->registerAction (ACTION_LOGIN_CODE, CActionLogin::create); CActionFactory::getInstance ()->registerAction (ACTION_TARGET_SLOT_CODE, CActionTargetSlot::create); CActionFactory::getInstance ()->registerAction (ACTION_GENERIC_CODE, CActionGeneric::create); CActionFactory::getInstance ()->registerAction (ACTION_GENERIC_MULTI_PART_CODE, CActionGenericMultiPart::create); CActionFactory::getInstance ()->registerAction (ACTION_SINT64, CActionSint64::create); _Registered = true; } initCookie(cookie, addr); #ifdef HALF_FREQUENCY_SENDING_TO_CLIENT nlinfo( "Half-frequency mode" ); #else nlinfo( "Full-frequency mode" ); #endif #ifdef MEASURE_RECEIVE_DATES initReceiveLog(); #endif // Register property nbbits CActionSint64::registerNumericPropertiesRyzom(); // Init visual property tree _VisualPropertyTreeRoot = new TVPNodeClient(); _VisualPropertyTreeRoot->buildTree(); #ifdef ENABLE_INCOMING_MSG_RECORDER _RecordIncomingMessagesOn = false; _ReplayIncomingMessagesOn = false; _NextClientTickToReplay = 0; #endif // If the server run on window, those are the one to test _AltMsgXmlMD5 = NLMISC::getMD5("msg.xml"); _AltDatabaseXmlMD5 = NLMISC::getMD5("database.xml"); // If the server run on UNIX, those are the one to test _MsgXmlMD5 = getTextMD5("msg.xml"); _DatabaseXmlMD5 = getTextMD5("database.xml"); } /* * Sets the cookie and front-end address, resets the connection state. */ void CNetworkConnection::initCookie(const string &cookie, const string &addr) { #ifdef ENABLE_INCOMING_MSG_RECORDER if ( ! ClientCfg.Local ) #endif { // set values of simulation for the udp socket CUdpSimSock::setSimValues(ClientCfg.ConfigFile); _FrontendAddress = addr; if (!cookie.empty ()) _LoginCookie.setFromString (cookie); else if (ClientCfg.ConfigFile.exists ("UserId")) { uint32 uid = ClientCfg.ConfigFile.getVar ("UserId").asInt(); _LoginCookie.set(0, 0, uid); Cookie = _LoginCookie.toString(); // to be able to do '/reconnect' nlinfo ("Set the cookie with the UserId %d set in config file", uid); } nlinfo ("Network initialisation with front end '%s' and cookie %s",_FrontendAddress.c_str(), _LoginCookie.toString().c_str ()); } _ConnectionState = NotConnected; } namespace CLFECOMMON { // Factory for TVPNodeBase::buildTree() TVPNodeBase *NewNode() { return (TVPNodeBase*) new CNetworkConnection::TVPNodeClient(); } }; #ifdef ENABLE_INCOMING_MSG_RECORDER /* * Start/stop recording the incoming messages (in online mode) */ void CNetworkConnection::setRecordingMode( bool onOff, const std::string& filename ) { nlassert( ! ClientCfg.Local ); if ( onOff ) { if ( ! _RecordIncomingMessagesOn ) { if ( _RecordedMessagesOut.open( filename ) ) { nlinfo( "Beginning recording to %s", filename.c_str() ); _RecordedMessagesOut.serialEnum( _ConnectionState ); _RecordedMessagesOut.serial( _CurrentReceivedNumber ); _RecordedMessagesOut.serial( _LastReceivedNumber ); _RecordedMessagesOut.serial( _LastAckInLongAck ); _RecordIncomingMessagesOn = true; } else { nlwarning( "Cannot open %s for recording", filename.c_str() ); } } } else { if ( _RecordIncomingMessagesOn ) _RecordedMessagesOut.close(); _RecordIncomingMessagesOn = false; } } /* * Start/stop replaying the incoming messages (in offline mode) */ void CNetworkConnection::setReplayingMode( bool onOff, const std::string& filename ) { nlassert( ClientCfg.Local ); if ( onOff ) { if ( ! _ReplayIncomingMessagesOn ) { if ( _RecordedMessagesIn.open( filename ) ) { nlinfo( "Beginning replaying of %s", filename.c_str() ); _RecordedMessagesIn.serialEnum( _ConnectionState ); _RecordedMessagesIn.serial( _CurrentReceivedNumber ); _RecordedMessagesIn.serial( _LastReceivedNumber ); _RecordedMessagesIn.serial( _LastAckInLongAck ); // Preload first message if ( _RecordedMessagesIn.eof() ) { // Nothing to load nlinfo( "Nothing to replay" ); _RecordedMessagesIn.close(); return; } else { _RecordedMessagesIn.serial( _NextClientTickToReplay ); _RecordedMessagesIn.serialMemStream( _NextMessageToReplay ); _CurrentClientTick = _NextClientTickToReplay; _CurrentServerTick = _CurrentClientTick + 10; nlinfo( "Setting initial replay tick: %u", _CurrentClientTick ); _ReplayIncomingMessagesOn = true; } } else { nlwarning( "File %s for replay not found", filename.c_str() ); } } } else { if ( _RecordIncomingMessagesOn ) _RecordedMessagesIn.close(); _ReplayIncomingMessagesOn = false; } } #endif bool CNetworkConnection::connect(string &result) { if (_ConnectionState != NotConnected) { nlwarning("Unable to connect(): connection not properly initialised (maybe connection not closed)."); return false; } // try to find where common data are located depending to where we'll connect // the goal is to use the same database.txt as the server one try { CConfigFile cfg; cfg.load (CPath::lookup("shards.cfg")); // do this process only if Use == 1 if (cfg.getVar("Use").asInt() == 1) { CInetAddress fsaddr (_FrontendAddress); fsaddr.setPort(0); nlinfo ("Try to find a shard that have fsaddr = '%s'", fsaddr.asString().c_str()); CConfigFile::CVar &shards = cfg.getVar("Shards"); CInetAddress net; uint i; for (i = 0; i < shards.size(); i+=2) { try { net.setNameAndPort (shards.asString(i)); nlinfo ("testAddr = '%s'", net.asString().c_str()); if (net == fsaddr) { // ok, we found it, now overwrite files string srcPath = CPath::standardizeDosPath(CPath::getFullPath(shards.asString(i+1))); nlinfo ("srcPath = '%s'", srcPath.c_str()); CConfigFile::CVar &needToCopy = cfg.getVar("NeedToCopy"); for (uint j = 0; j < needToCopy.size(); j++) { string arg1 = srcPath + needToCopy.asString(j); string dstPath = CPath::standardizeDosPath(CPath::getFullPath(CPath::lookup (CFile::getFilename (needToCopy.asString(j))), false)); try { if(arg1.empty () || dstPath.empty ()) { nlinfo ("Can't copy, src or dst is empty"); } if(arg1 != dstPath) { nlinfo ("Copying '%s' into '%s'", arg1.c_str(), dstPath.c_str()); nlinfo ("executing 'copy /Y %s %s", arg1.c_str(), dstPath.c_str()); string str = "copy /Y " + arg1 + " " + dstPath; int ret = system (str.c_str ()); //int ret = _spawnlp (_P_WAIT, "copy", "copy", "/Y", arg1.c_str(), dstPath.c_str(), NULL); if (ret != 0) { nlwarning ("the copy command seems failed with the error code %d, errno %d: %s", ret, errno, strerror(errno)); } } else { nlinfo ("Can't copy, same path '%s'", arg1.c_str()); } } catch (const Exception &) { nlwarning ("Can't copy '%s' '%s', try the next file", arg1.c_str(), dstPath.c_str()); } } break; } } catch (const Exception &e) { nlwarning (e.what ()); } } if (i == shards.size()) { nlwarning ("the fsaddr '%s' is not in the shards.cfg, can't copy data_common files", fsaddr.asString().c_str()); } } } catch (const Exception &) { nlinfo ("There's no shards.cfg, or bad file format, can't copy common files"); } nlinfo ("CNET[%p]: Connecting to '%s' with cookie '%s'", this, _FrontendAddress.c_str(), _LoginCookie.toString().c_str ()); // then connect to the frontend using the udp sock //ace faut faire la nouveau login client result = CLoginClient::connectToShard (_FrontendAddress, _Connection); nlassert (!_Connection.connected()); try { // // S12: connect to the FES. Note: In UDP mode, it's the user that have to send the cookie to the front end // _Connection.connect (CInetAddress(_FrontendAddress)); } catch (const ESocket &e) { result = toString ("FS refused the connection (%s)", e.what()); return false; } _ConnectionState = Login; _LatestLoginTime = ryzomGetLocalTime (); _LatestSyncTime = _LatestLoginTime; _LatestProbeTime = _LatestLoginTime; nlinfo("CNET[%p]: Client connected to shard, attempting login", this); return true; } void CNetworkConnection::setImpulseCallback(TImpulseCallback callback, void *argument) { _ImpulseCallback = callback; _ImpulseArg = argument; } // bool CNetworkConnection::isConnected() { return _ConnectionState == Connected; } #ifdef ENABLE_INCOMING_MSG_RECORDER /* * Return true if there is some messages to replay (in replay mode) */ bool CNetworkConnection::dataToReplayAvailable() { // Test the next tick loaded with the curent client tick (set externally) //nldebug( "current=%u nextToReplay=%u", _CurrentClientTick, _NextClientTickToReplay ); return ( _CurrentClientTick >= _NextClientTickToReplay ); // when true => authorize entering buildStream()... } #endif /* * Set MsPerTick value */ void CNetworkConnection::setMsPerTick(sint32 msPerTick) { _MsPerTick = msPerTick; } // // // bool CNetworkConnection::update() { #ifdef ENABLE_INCOMING_MSG_RECORDER if ( _NextClientTickToReplay == std::numeric_limits::max() ) { setReplayingMode( false ); return false; } #endif _UpdateTime = ryzomGetLocalTime (); _UpdateTicks = ryzomGetPerformanceTime(); _ReceivedSync = false; _NormalPacketsReceived = 0; _TotalMessages = 0; //nldebug("CNET[%d]: begin update()", this); // If we are disconnected, bypass the real network update if ( _ConnectionState == Disconnect ) { _ConnectionQuality = false; // to block the user entity return false; } // Yoyo. Update the Smooth ServerTick. updateSmoothServerTick(); ////// MEASURE_FE_SENDING (special test mode, not used in normal mode) #ifdef MEASURE_FE_SENDING if ( _ConnectionState == Login ) { //_Connection.setNonBlockingMode( true ); sendSystemLogin(); _ConnectionState = Connected; } // Receive CBitMemStream msgin( true ); bool res = buildStream( msgin ); if ( res ) { static sint32 loopcount = 0; ++loopcount; static TTicks lastdisplay = CTime::getPerformanceTime(); TTicks tn = CTime::getPerformanceTime(); TTime diff = CTime::ticksToSecond(tn - lastdisplay) * 1000.0; if ( diff > 2000 ) { nlinfo("Reads by second: %.1f => LoopTime = %.2f ms LoopCount = %u Diff = %u ms",(float)loopcount * 1000.0f / (float)diff, (float)diff / loopcount, loopcount, diff); loopcount = 0; lastdisplay = tn; } } return res; #endif if (!_Connection.connected()) { //if(!ClientCfg.Local) // nlwarning("CNET[%p]: update() attempted whereas socket is not connected !", this); return false; } try { // State automaton bool stateBroke = false; do { switch (_ConnectionState) { case Login: // if receives System SYNC // immediate state Synchronize // else // sends System LoginCookie stateBroke = stateLogin(); break; case Synchronize: // if receives System PROBE // immediate state Probe // else if receives Normal // immediate state Connected // else // sends System ACK_SYNC stateBroke = stateSynchronize(); break; case Connected: // if receives System PROBE // immediate state Probe // else if receives Normal // sends Normal data stateBroke = stateConnected(); break; case Probe: // if receives System SYNC // immediate state SYNC // else if receives System PROBE // decode PROBE // sends System ACK_PROBE stateBroke = stateProbe(); break; case Stalled: // if receives System SYNC // immediate state SYNC // else if receives System STALLED // decode STALLED (nothing to do) // else if receives System PROBE // immediate state PROBE stateBroke = stateStalled(); break; case Quit: // if receives System SYNC // immediate state Synchronize // else // sends System LoginCookie stateBroke = stateQuit(); break; default: // Nothing here ! stateBroke = false; // will come here if a disconnection action is received inside a method that returns true break; } } while (stateBroke);// && _TotalMessages<5); } catch (const ESocket &) { _ConnectionState = Disconnect; } //updateBufferizedPackets (); PacketLossGraph.addOneValue (getMeanPacketLoss ()); _ConnectionQuality = (getConnectionState() == Connected && _UpdateTime - _LastReceivedNormalTime < 2000 && _CurrentClientTick < _CurrentServerTick); return (_TotalMessages!=0); } /* * Receive available data and convert it to a bitmemstream */ bool CNetworkConnection::buildStream( CBitMemStream &msgin ) { #ifdef ENABLE_INCOMING_MSG_RECORDER if ( _ReplayIncomingMessagesOn ) { // Replay message statsReceive( _NextMessageToReplay.length() ); msgin.clear(); memcpy( msgin.bufferToFill( _NextMessageToReplay.length() ), _NextMessageToReplay.buffer(), _NextMessageToReplay.length() ); //nldebug( "Reading message for tick %u (size %u)", _NextClientTickToReplay, msgin.length() ); // Preload next message if ( _RecordedMessagesIn.eof() ) { // Nothing more to load _NextClientTickToReplay = std::numeric_limits::max(); nlinfo( "Nothing more to replay, end of replaying" ); } else { _RecordedMessagesIn.serial( _NextClientTickToReplay ); _NextMessageToReplay.clear(); _RecordedMessagesIn.serialMemStream( _NextMessageToReplay ); } return true; } #endif uint32 len = 65536; if ( _Connection.receive( (uint8*)_ReceiveBuffer, len, false ) ) { // Compute some statistics statsReceive( len ); // Fill the message msgin.clear(); memcpy( msgin.bufferToFill( len ), _ReceiveBuffer, len ); #ifdef ENABLE_INCOMING_MSG_RECORDER if ( _RecordIncomingMessagesOn ) { _RecordedMessagesOut.serial( _CurrentClientTick ); _RecordedMessagesOut.serialMemStream( msgin ); // shouldn't msgin's bufpos be resetted? } #endif return true; } else { // A receiving error means the front-end is down _ConnectionState = Disconnect; disconnect(); // won't send a disconnection msg because state is already Disconnect nlwarning( "DISCONNECTION" ); return false; } } // // Client automaton states methods // // // Login state // // sends system login cookie void CNetworkConnection::sendSystemLogin() { CBitMemStream message; buildSystemHeader(message); uint8 login = SYSTEM_LOGIN_CODE; message.serial(login); if (_LoginCookie.isValid()) message.serial(_LoginCookie); else { uint32 fakeCookie = 0xDEADBEEF; message.serial(fakeCookie); message.serial(fakeCookie); message.serial(fakeCookie); } message.serial( ClientCfg.LanguageCode ); // Try to send login, and handle the case when a firewall blocks the sending uint32 length = message.length(); static TTime attemptStartTime = CTime::getLocalTime(); try { //sendUDP (&(_Connection), message.buffer(), length); _Connection.send( message.buffer(), length ); } catch (const ESocket &e) { #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS // An exception (10004: Blocking operation interrupted) may occur if a firewall such as Kerio is // running (note: ZoneAlarm blocks connect() until a decision is made by the user). // Handle true network errors with a nlerror dialog box if ( string(e.what()).find( "10004:" ) == string::npos ) // Code of WSAEINTR { // nlerror( "Cannot login: %s", e.what() ); } #endif // The first time, display info for the user to configure his personal firewall static bool exceptionThrown = false; if ( ! exceptionThrown ) { exceptionThrown = true; throw EBlockedByFirewall(); } // Next time, disconnect if the time-out expired //nldebug( "Attempt interrupted at %u ms", (uint32)(CTime::getLocalTime()-attemptStartTime) ); TTime currentTime = CTime::getLocalTime(); if ( currentTime - attemptStartTime > 15000 ) // let 15 seconds for the user to allow the connection { nldebug( "Login failed at %u ms", (uint32)(CTime::getLocalTime()-attemptStartTime) ); //nlerror( "Cannot login (check your firewall's settings?): %s", e.what() ); throw EBlockedByFirewall(); } } statsSend( length ); nlinfo( "CNET[%p]: sent LOGIN cookie=%s", this, _LoginCookie.toString().c_str() ); //nlinfo( "CNET[%p]: sent LOGIN cookie=%s at attempt %u at %u ms", this, _LoginCookie.toString().c_str(), nbAttempts, (uint32)(CTime::getLocalTime()-attemptStartTime) ); } bool CNetworkConnection::stateLogin() { // if receives System SYNC // immediate state Synchronize // else // sends System LoginCookie #ifdef ENABLE_INCOMING_MSG_RECORDER if ( ClientCfg.Local && !_ReplayIncomingMessagesOn ) return false; while ( (_ReplayIncomingMessagesOn && dataToReplayAvailable()) || _Connection.dataAvailable() ) #else while ( _Connection.dataAvailable() )// && _TotalMessages<5) #endif { _DecodedHeader = false; CBitMemStream msgin (true); if (buildStream(msgin) && decodeHeader(msgin)) { if (_SystemMode) { uint8 message = 0; msgin.serial(message); switch (message) { case SYSTEM_SYNC_CODE: // receive sync, decode sync _ConnectionState = Synchronize; nldebug("CNET[%p]: login->synchronize", this); receiveSystemSync(msgin); return true; break; case SYSTEM_STALLED_CODE: // receive stalled, decode stalled and state stalled _ConnectionState = Stalled; nldebug("CNET[%p]: login->stalled", this); receiveSystemStalled(msgin); return true; break; case SYSTEM_PROBE_CODE: // receive probe, decode probe and state probe _ConnectionState = Probe; _Changes.push_back(CChange(0, ProbeReceived)); nldebug("CNET[%p]: login->probe", this); receiveSystemProbe(msgin); return true; break; case SYSTEM_SERVER_DOWN_CODE: disconnect(); // will send disconnection message nlwarning( "BACK-END DOWN" ); return false; // exit now from loop, don't expect a new state break; default: //msgin.displayStream("DBG:BEN:stateLogin:msgin"); nlwarning("CNET[%p]: received system %d in state Login", this, message); break; } } else { //msgin.displayStream("DBG:BEN:stateLogin:msgin"); nlwarning("CNET[%p]: received normal in state Login", this); } } } // send ack sync if received sync or last sync timed out if (_UpdateTime-_LatestLoginTime > 300) { sendSystemLogin(); _LatestLoginTime = _UpdateTime; } return false; } // // Sync state // void CNetworkConnection::receiveSystemSync(CBitMemStream &msgin) { #ifdef ENABLE_INCOMING_MSG_RECORDER if ( _ReplayIncomingMessagesOn ) { TGameCycle dummyTick; TTime dummyTime; msgin.serial( dummyTick ); msgin.serial( dummyTime ); return; } #endif _LatestSyncTime = _UpdateTime; TTime stime; msgin.serial(_Synchronize); msgin.serial(stime); msgin.serial(_LatestSync); if (CheckXMLSignature.get()) { bool xmlInvalid = false; CHashKeyMD5 checkMsgXml; CHashKeyMD5 checkDatabaseXml; try { msgin.serialBuffer(checkMsgXml.Data, sizeof(checkMsgXml.Data)); msgin.serialBuffer(checkDatabaseXml.Data, sizeof(checkDatabaseXml.Data)); // Since cannot now easily if the server run on Windows or unix, try the both methods xmlInvalid = (checkMsgXml != _MsgXmlMD5 || checkDatabaseXml != _DatabaseXmlMD5); if(xmlInvalid) xmlInvalid = (checkMsgXml != _AltMsgXmlMD5 || checkDatabaseXml != _AltDatabaseXmlMD5); } catch (const NLMISC::Exception&) { } static bool alreadyWarned = false; if (xmlInvalid && !alreadyWarned) { alreadyWarned = true; Driver->systemMessageBox("msg.xml and database.xml files are invalid (server version signature is different)", "XML files invalid"); nlwarning("XML signature is invalid:"); nlwarning("msg.xml client:%s,%s server:%s", _AltMsgXmlMD5.toString().c_str(), _MsgXmlMD5.toString().c_str(), checkMsgXml.toString().c_str()); nlwarning("database.xml client:%s,%s server:%s", _AltDatabaseXmlMD5.toString().c_str(), _DatabaseXmlMD5.toString().c_str(), checkDatabaseXml.toString().c_str()); } } _ReceivedSync = true; setMsPerTick(100); //_MsPerTick = 100; // initial values #ifdef HALF_FREQUENCY_SENDING_TO_CLIENT //#pragma message ("HALF_FREQUENCY_SENDING_TO_CLIENT") _CurrentServerTick = _Synchronize+_CurrentReceivedNumber*2; #else //#pragma message ("FULL_FREQUENCY_SENDING_TO_CLIENT") _CurrentServerTick = _Synchronize+_CurrentReceivedNumber; #endif _CurrentClientTick = uint32(_CurrentServerTick - (_LCT+_MsPerTick)/_MsPerTick); _CurrentClientTime = _UpdateTime - (_LCT+_MsPerTick); //nlinfo( "CNET[%p]: received SYNC %"NL_I64"u %"NL_I64"u - _CurrentReceivedNumber=%d _CurrentServerTick=%d", this, (uint64)_Synchronize, (uint64)stime, _CurrentReceivedNumber, _CurrentServerTick ); sendSystemAckSync(); } // sends system sync acknowledge void CNetworkConnection::sendSystemAckSync() { #ifdef ENABLE_INCOMING_MSG_RECORDER if ( _ReplayIncomingMessagesOn ) return; #endif CBitMemStream message; buildSystemHeader(message); uint8 sync = SYSTEM_ACK_SYNC_CODE; message.serial(sync); message.serial(_LastReceivedNumber); message.serial(_LastAckInLongAck); message.serial(_LongAckBitField); message.serial(_LatestSync); uint32 length = message.length(); _Connection.send (message.buffer(), length); //sendUDP (&(_Connection), message.buffer(), length); statsSend(length); _LatestSyncTime = _UpdateTime; //nlinfo("CNET[%p]: sent ACK_SYNC, _LastReceivedNumber=%d _LastAckInLongAck=%d", this, _LastReceivedNumber, _LastAckInLongAck); /* // display long ack uint i; uint bfsize = _LongAckBitField.size(); uint bbuffer = 0; string buffer; static const char htable[] = "0123456789ABCDEF"; for (i=0; i0 && (i&3)==0) { buffer += htable[bbuffer]; bbuffer = 0; } bbuffer = bbuffer*2 + (_LongAckBitField.get((_LastReceivedNumber-i)&(bfsize-1)) ? 1 : 0); } buffer += htable[bbuffer]; nlinfo("CNET[%p]: ACK=%s", buffer.c_str()); */} bool CNetworkConnection::stateSynchronize() { // if receives System PROBE // immediate state Probe // else if receives Normal // immediate state Connected // sends System ACK_SYNC #ifdef ENABLE_INCOMING_MSG_RECORDER if ( ClientCfg.Local && !_ReplayIncomingMessagesOn ) return false; while ( (_ReplayIncomingMessagesOn && dataToReplayAvailable()) || _Connection.dataAvailable() ) #else while (_Connection.dataAvailable())// && _TotalMessages<5) #endif { _DecodedHeader = false; CBitMemStream msgin (true); if (buildStream(msgin) && decodeHeader(msgin)) { if (_SystemMode) { uint8 message = 0; msgin.serial(message); switch (message) { case SYSTEM_PROBE_CODE: // receive probe, decode probe and state probe _ConnectionState = Probe; //nldebug("CNET[%p]: synchronize->probe", this); _Changes.push_back(CChange(0, ProbeReceived)); receiveSystemProbe(msgin); return true; break; case SYSTEM_STALLED_CODE: // receive stalled, decode stalled and state stalled _ConnectionState = Stalled; //nldebug("CNET[%p]: synchronize->stalled", this); receiveSystemStalled(msgin); return true; break; case SYSTEM_SYNC_CODE: // receive sync, decode sync receiveSystemSync(msgin); break; case SYSTEM_SERVER_DOWN_CODE: disconnect(); // will send disconnection message nlwarning( "BACK-END DOWN" ); return false; // exit now from loop, don't expect a new state break; default: nlwarning("CNET[%p]: received system %d in state Synchronize", this, message); break; } } else { _ConnectionState = Connected; //nlwarning("CNET[%p]: synchronize->connected", this); _Changes.push_back(CChange(0, ConnectionReady)); _ImpulseDecoder.reset(); receiveNormalMessage(msgin); return true; } } } // send ack sync if received sync or last sync timed out if (_UpdateTime-_LatestSyncTime > 300) sendSystemAckSync(); return false; } #ifdef SHOW_PROPERTIES_RECEIVED uint8 propReceived [18]; #endif #ifdef MEASURE_RECEIVE_DATES TTime currentTime; #endif // // Connected state // void CNetworkConnection::receiveNormalMessage(CBitMemStream &msgin) { //nlinfo("CNET[%p]: received normal message Packet=%d Ack=%d", this, _LastReceivedNumber, _LastReceivedAck); vector actions; _ImpulseDecoder.decode(msgin, _CurrentReceivedNumber, _LastReceivedAck, _CurrentSendNumber, actions); #ifdef SHOW_PROPERTIES_RECEIVED for ( uint8 p=0; p!=18; ++p ) propReceived[p] = 0; propReceived[2] = actions.size(); #endif ++_NormalPacketsReceived; // we can now remove all old action that are acked while (!_Actions.empty() && _Actions.front().FirstPacket != 0 && _Actions.front().FirstPacket <= _LastReceivedAck) { // warning, CActionBlock automatically remove() actions when deleted _Actions.pop_front(); } // now, read actions /*vector commonActions; CActionFactory::getInstance()->unpack (msgin, commonActions, getCurrentServerTick()+1 ); // +1 because the current tick is set a few lines further actions.insert(actions.end(), commonActions.begin(), commonActions.end());*/ //_PropertyDecoder.ack(_LastReceivedNumber, _LastReceivedAck); // // update game time and ticks from network infos // #ifdef ENABLE_INCOMING_MSG_RECORDER if ( ! _ReplayIncomingMessagesOn ) #endif { // convert the number of the packet that we just received into tick #ifdef HALF_FREQUENCY_SENDING_TO_CLIENT nlassert(_CurrentReceivedNumber*2+_Synchronize > _CurrentServerTick); _CurrentServerTick = _CurrentReceivedNumber*2+_Synchronize; #else nlassert(_CurrentReceivedNumber+_Synchronize > _CurrentServerTick); _CurrentServerTick = _CurrentReceivedNumber+_Synchronize; #endif //nldebug( "_CurrentServerTick=%d _CurrentReceivedNumber=%d _Synchronize=%d", _CurrentServerTick, _CurrentReceivedNumber, _Synchronize ); } // remove useless stamps in queue while (!_PacketStamps.empty() && _LastReceivedAck > _PacketStamps.front().first) _PacketStamps.pop_front(); #ifdef ENABLE_INCOMING_MSG_RECORDER if ( (! _ReplayIncomingMessagesOn) && (_PacketStamps.empty() || _PacketStamps.front().first > _LastReceivedAck) ) #else if (_PacketStamps.empty() || _PacketStamps.front().first > _LastReceivedAck) #endif { //nlwarning("Frontend ack'ed message %d not stamp dated", _LastReceivedAck); } else { // get the send time of the acknowledged packet TTime ackedPacketTime = _PacketStamps.front().second; // update ping uint32 ping = (uint32)(_UpdateTime-ackedPacketTime); _InstantPing = ping; if (ping < _BestPing) _BestPing = ping; PingGraph.addOneValue (float(ping)); // earliest estimation of server packet send time and latest estimation (based on ping and acknowledge) TTime earliest = ackedPacketTime + _BestPing/2, latest = _UpdateTime - _BestPing/2; // compute number of ticks between frame currently played by client and packet received from server sint32 numStepTick = (sint32)(_CurrentServerTick-_CurrentClientTick); // if enough steps and times are valid if (numStepTick > 0 && earliest > _CurrentClientTime && latest > _CurrentClientTime) { // exact formula for _MsPerTick = (_CurrentServerTime-_CurrentClientTime)/numStepTick // where _CurrentServerTime is the actual server packet send time // but as the exact time is unknown, we use a predictive time window instead, based on // the acknwoledged packet send time, the received packet time and the ping // adjust if estimation of _MsPerTick is too small if ((TTime)(_CurrentClientTime+_MsPerTick*numStepTick) < earliest) setMsPerTick((sint32)(earliest-_CurrentClientTime)/numStepTick); //_MsPerTick = (sint32)(earliest-_CurrentClientTime)/numStepTick; // adjust if estimation of _MsPerTick is too large if ((TTime)(_CurrentClientTime+_MsPerTick*numStepTick) > latest) setMsPerTick((sint32)(latest-_CurrentClientTime)/numStepTick); //_MsPerTick = (sint32)(latest-_CurrentClientTime)/numStepTick; // _MsPerTick should be positive here -- seems to crash yet /// \todo we should instead of putting 1, returning in probe mode because it means that we had a very big lag if (_MsPerTick == 0) { nlwarning ("_MsPerTick is 0 because server tick is too big %d compare to the client tick is %d", _CurrentServerTick, _CurrentClientTick); setMsPerTick(1); //_MsPerTick = 1; } } else if (numStepTick <= 0) { setMsPerTick((sint32)_LCT); //_MsPerTick = (sint32)_LCT; } MsPerTickGraph.addOneValue (float(_MsPerTick)); } #ifdef MEASURE_RECEIVE_DATES currentTime = ryzomGetLocalTime (); #endif // Decode the actions received in the impulsions uint i; for (i = 0; i < actions.size (); i++) { switch (actions[i]->Code) { case ACTION_DISCONNECTION_CODE: { // Self disconnection nlwarning( "You were disconnected by the server" ); disconnect(); // will send disconnection message LoginSM.pushEvent( CLoginStateMachine::ev_conn_dropped ); } break; case ACTION_GENERIC_CODE: { genericAction((CActionGeneric *)actions[i]); } break; case ACTION_GENERIC_MULTI_PART_CODE: { genericAction((CActionGenericMultiPart *)actions[i]); } break; case ACTION_DUMMY_CODE: { CActionDummy *dummy = ((CActionDummy*)actions[i]); nldebug("CNET[%d] Received Dummy %d", this, dummy->Dummy1); // Nothing to do } break; } CActionFactory::getInstance()->remove(actions[i]); } // Decode the visual properties decodeVisualProperties( msgin ); _LastReceivedNormalTime = _UpdateTime; #ifdef DISPLAY_ENTITIES DownloadGraph.addValue ((float)(msgin.length())); DpfGraph.addValue ((float)(msgin.length())); #endif #ifdef SHOW_PROPERTIES_RECEIVED string str = "Received: "; // stringstream ss; // ss << "Received: "; if ( propReceived[2] != 0 ) str += NLMISC::toString(propReceived[2]) + " impuls. "; // ss << propReceived[2] << " impuls. "; if ( propReceived[0] != 0 ) str += NLMISC::toString(propReceived[0]) + " pos; "; // ss << propReceived[0] << " pos; "; if ( propReceived[3] != 0 ) str += NLMISC::toString(propReceived[3]) + " orient; "; // ss << propReceived[3] << " orient; "; uint sum = propReceived[4] + propReceived[5] + propReceived[6] + propReceived[7] + propReceived[8] + propReceived[9]; if ( sum != 0 ) str += NLMISC::toString(sum) + " discreet; "; // ss << sum << " discreet; "; if ( propReceived[16] != 0 ) str += NLMISC::toString(propReceived[16]) + "assoc; "; // ss << propReceived[16] << "assoc; "; if ( propReceived[17] != 0 ) str += NLMISC::toString(propReceived[17]) + "disac; "; // ss << propReceived[17] << "disac; "; str += "TOTAL: " + NLMISC::toString(propReceived[2]) + " + " + NLMISC::toString(propReceived[0] + propReceived[3] + sum); //ss << "TOTAL: " << propReceived[2] << " + " << propReceived[0] + propReceived[3] + sum; nlwarning( "%s", str.c_str() ); #endif } void CNetworkConnection::decodeVisualProperties( CBitMemStream& msgin ) { try { //nldebug( "pos: %d len: %u", msgin.getPos(), msgin.length() ); while ( true ) { //nlinfo( "Reading pass %u, BEFORE HEADER: pos: %d len: %u", ++i, msgin.getPosInBit(), msgin.length() * 8 ); // Check if there is a new block to read if ( msgin.getPosInBit() + (sizeof(TCLEntityId)*8) > msgin.length()*8 ) return; // Header TCLEntityId slot; msgin.serialAndLog1( slot ); uint32 associationBits; msgin.serialAndLog2( associationBits, 2 ); //nlinfo( "slot %hu AB: %u", (uint16)slot, associationBits ); if ( associationBitsHaveChanged( slot, associationBits ) && (!IgnoreEntityDbUpdates || slot==0)) { //displayBitStream( msgin, beginbitpos, msgin.getPosInBit() ); // nlinfo ("Disassociating S%hu (AB %u)", (uint16)slot, associationBits ); if ( _PropertyDecoder.isUsed( slot ) ) { TSheetId sheet = _PropertyDecoder.sheet( slot ); TIdMap::iterator it = _IdMap.find( sheet ); if ( it != _IdMap.end() ) _IdMap.erase(it); _PropertyDecoder.removeEntity( slot ); CChange theChange( slot, RemoveOldEntity ); _Changes.push_back( theChange ); } else { // nlinfo( "Cannot disassociate slot %hu: sheet not received yet", (uint16)slot ); } } // Read the timestamp delta if there's one (otherwise take _CurrentServerTick) TGameCycle timestamp; bool timestampIsThere; msgin.serialBitAndLog( timestampIsThere ); if ( timestampIsThere ) { uint32 timestampDelta; msgin.serialAndLog2( timestampDelta, 4 ); timestamp = _CurrentServerTick - timestampDelta; //nldebug( "TD: %u (S%hu)", timestampDelta, (uint16)slot ); } else { timestamp = _CurrentServerTick; } // Tree //nlinfo( "AFTER HEADER: posBit: %d pos: %d len: %u", msgin.getPosInBit(), msgin.getPos(), msgin.length() ); TVPNodeClient *currentNode = _VisualPropertyTreeRoot; msgin.serialBitAndLog( currentNode->a()->BranchHasPayload ); if ( currentNode->a()->BranchHasPayload ) { CActionPosition *ap = (CActionPosition*)CActionFactory::getInstance()->create( slot, ACTION_POSITION_CODE ); ap->unpack( msgin ); _PropertyDecoder.receive( _CurrentReceivedNumber, ap ); #ifdef SHOW_PROPERTIES_RECEIVED ++propReceived[PROPERTY_POSITION]; #endif /* * Set into property database */ // TEMP if ( ap->Position[0]==0 || ap->Position[1]==0 ) nlwarning( "S%hu: Receiving an invalid position", (uint16)slot ); if (_DataBase != NULL && (!IgnoreEntityDbUpdates || slot==0)) { CCDBNodeBranch *nodeRoot; nodeRoot = dynamic_cast(_DataBase->getNode((uint16)0)); if(nodeRoot) { CCDBNodeLeaf *node; node = dynamic_cast(nodeRoot->getNode(slot)->getNode(0)); nlassert(node != NULL); node->setValue64(ap->Position[0]); node = dynamic_cast(nodeRoot->getNode(slot)->getNode(1)); nlassert(node != NULL); node->setValue64(ap->Position[1]); node = dynamic_cast(nodeRoot->getNode(slot)->getNode(2)); nlassert(node != NULL); node->setValue64(ap->Position[2]); if ( LoggingMode ) { nlinfo( "recvd position (%d,%d) for slot %hu, date %u", (sint32)(ap->Position[0]), (sint32)(ap->Position[1]), (uint16)slot, timestamp ); } } } bool interior = ap->Interior; CActionFactory::getInstance()->remove( (CAction*&)ap ); /* * Statistical prediction of time before next position update: set PredictedInterval */ //nlassert( MAX_POSUPDATETICKQUEUE_SIZE > 1 ); deque& puTicks = _PosUpdateTicks[slot]; multiset& puIntervals = _PosUpdateIntervals[slot]; // Flush the old element of tick queue and of the interval sorted set if ( puTicks.size() == MAX_POSUPDATETICKQUEUE_SIZE ) { puIntervals.erase( puIntervals.find( puTicks[1] - puTicks[0] ) ); // erase only one element, not all corresponding to the value puTicks.pop_front(); } // Add a new element to the tick queue and possibly to the interval sorted set // Still to choose: _CurrentServerTick or timestamp ? TGameCycle latestInterval = 0; if ( ! puTicks.empty() ) { latestInterval = timestamp - puTicks.back(); puIntervals.insert( latestInterval ); if ( PosUpdateIntervalGraph ) PosUpdateIntervalGraph->addOneValue( slot, (float)latestInterval ); } puTicks.push_back( timestamp ); nlassert( puTicks.size() == puIntervals.size()+1 ); // Prediction function : Percentile(25 last, 0.8) + 1 TGameCycle predictedInterval; if ( puIntervals.empty() ) { predictedInterval = 0; } else { predictedInterval = (TGameCycle)(percentileRev( puIntervals, PREDICTION_REV_PERCENTILE ) + 1); //if ( predictedInterval > 100 ) // nlwarning( "Slot %hu: Predicted interval %u exceeds 100 ticks", (uint16)slot, predictedInterval ); if ( PosUpdatePredictionGraph ) PosUpdatePredictionGraph->addOneValue( slot, (float)predictedInterval ); } //nlinfo( "Slot %hu: Interval=%u Predicted=%u", (uint16)slot, latestInterval, predictedInterval ); /* * Add into the changes vector */ CChange thechange( slot, PROPERTY_POSITION, timestamp ); thechange.PositionInfo.PredictedInterval = predictedInterval; thechange.PositionInfo.IsInterior = interior; _Changes.push_back( thechange ); #ifdef MEASURE_RECEIVE_DATES // Stat log if ( LogReceiveEnabled && (WatchedEntitySlot == 256) || (WatchedEntitySlot == slot) ) { TRDateState ds( timestamp, predictedInterval, currentTime ); ReceivePosDateLog[slot].push_back( ds ); } #endif } currentNode = currentNode->b(); msgin.serialBitAndLog( currentNode->BranchHasPayload ); if ( currentNode->BranchHasPayload ) { msgin.serialBitAndLog( currentNode->a()->BranchHasPayload ); if ( currentNode->a()->BranchHasPayload ) { CActionSint64 *ac = (CActionSint64*)CActionFactory::getInstance()->createByPropIndex( slot, PROPERTY_ORIENTATION ); ac->unpack( msgin ); // Process orientation CChange thechange(slot, PROPERTY_ORIENTATION, timestamp); _Changes.push_back( thechange ); #ifdef SHOW_PROPERTIES_RECEIVED ++propReceived[PROPERTY_ORIENTATION]; #endif if (_DataBase != NULL && (!IgnoreEntityDbUpdates || slot==0)) { CCDBNodeBranch *nodeRoot; nodeRoot = dynamic_cast(_DataBase->getNode(0)); if ( nodeRoot ) { CCDBNodeLeaf *node = dynamic_cast(nodeRoot->getNode(slot)->getNode( PROPERTY_ORIENTATION )); nlassert(node != NULL); node->setValue64(ac->getValue()); if ( LoggingMode ) { nlinfo( "CLIENT: recvd property %hu (%s) for slot %hu, date %u", (uint16)PROPERTY_ORIENTATION, getPropText(PROPERTY_ORIENTATION), (uint16)slot, timestamp ); } //nldebug("CLPROPNET[%p]: received property %d for entity %d: %"NL_I64"u", this, action->PropIndex, action->CLEntityId, action->getValue()); } } CActionFactory::getInstance()->remove( (CAction*&)ac ); } TVPNodeClient::SlotContext.NetworkConnection = this; TVPNodeClient::SlotContext.Slot = slot; TVPNodeClient::SlotContext.Timestamp = timestamp; // Discreet properties currentNode->b()->decodeDiscreetProperties( msgin ); } } } catch (const EStreamOverflow&) { // End of stream (saves useless bits) } } /* * */ static vector TargetSlotsList(256); void CNetworkConnection::decodeDiscreetProperty( CBitMemStream& msgin, TPropIndex propIndex ) { //nldebug( "Reading discreet property %hu at bitpos %d", (uint16)propIndex, msgin.getPosInBit() ); TCLEntityId slot = TVPNodeClient::SlotContext.Slot; // \todo BEN this is temp, put it somewhere in database if (propIndex == PROPERTY_TARGET_LIST) { uint8 listSize; msgin.serial(listSize); TargetSlotsList.resize(listSize); if (listSize > 0) msgin.serialBuffer(&(TargetSlotsList[0]), listSize); // Set target list value in database if (_DataBase != NULL && (!IgnoreEntityDbUpdates || slot==0)) { CCDBNodeBranch *nodeRoot; nodeRoot = dynamic_cast(_DataBase->getNode(0)); if ( nodeRoot ) { CCDBNodeBranch *nodeEntity = dynamic_cast(nodeRoot->getNode(slot)); nlassert(nodeEntity != NULL); uint writeProp = PROPERTY_TARGET_LIST; uint place = 0; if (listSize >= 32) { listSize = 32; } else { TargetSlotsList.push_back(INVALID_SLOT); ++listSize; } CCDBNodeLeaf *nodeProp = NULL; uint i; uint64 value = 0; for (i=0; i(nodeEntity->getNode(writeProp)); nlassert(nodeProp != NULL); nodeProp->setValue64(value); ++writeProp; place = 0; } } if (place != 0) { nodeProp = dynamic_cast(nodeEntity->getNode(writeProp)); nlassert(nodeProp != NULL); nodeProp->setValue64(value); } } if ( LoggingMode ) { nlinfo( "CLIENT: recvd property %hu (%s) for slot %hu, date %u", (uint16)propIndex, getPropText(propIndex), (uint16)slot, TVPNodeClient::SlotContext.Timestamp ); } } CChange thechange( slot, propIndex, TVPNodeClient::SlotContext.Timestamp ); _Changes.push_back( thechange ); return; } CActionSint64 *ac = (CActionSint64*)CActionFactory::getInstance()->createByPropIndex( slot, propIndex ); ac->unpack( msgin ); #ifdef SHOW_PROPERTIES_RECEIVED ++propReceived[propIndex]; #endif switch ( propIndex ) { case PROPERTY_SHEET: { // Special case for sheet // nlinfo ("Associating S%hu", (uint16)slot ); if ( _PropertyDecoder.isUsed( slot ) ) { TSheetId sheet = _PropertyDecoder.sheet( slot ); TIdMap::iterator it = _IdMap.find(sheet); if ( it != _IdMap.end() ) _IdMap.erase(it); _PropertyDecoder.removeEntity( slot ); } TSheetId newSheetId = (TSheetId)(ac->getValue() & 0xffffffff); _IdMap.insert( make_pair( newSheetId, slot) ); _PropertyDecoder.addEntity( slot, newSheetId ); // Reset the position update statistical data _PosUpdateTicks[slot].clear(); _PosUpdateIntervals[slot].clear(); // Read optional alias block uint32 alias = 0; bool aliasBit = false; msgin.serialBitAndLog( aliasBit ); if ( aliasBit ) msgin.serialAndLog1( alias ); // Set information CChange thechange( slot, AddNewEntity ); thechange.NewEntityInfo.DataSetIndex = (TClientDataSetIndex)((ac->getValue() >> 32) & 0xffffffff); thechange.NewEntityInfo.Alias = alias; _Changes.push_back( thechange ); break; } case PROPERTY_MODE: { // Special case for mode: push theta or pos, then mode uint64 mode44 = ac->getValue(); uint32 modeTimestamp = _CurrentServerTick - (uint32)(((mode44 >> 8) & 0xF)); // Push the mode Before the position or the orientation CChange thechangeMode( slot, PROPERTY_MODE, modeTimestamp ); _Changes.push_back( thechangeMode ); // Set mode value in database if (_DataBase != NULL && (!IgnoreEntityDbUpdates || slot==0)) { CCDBNodeBranch *nodeRoot; nodeRoot = dynamic_cast(_DataBase->getNode(0)); if ( nodeRoot ) { CCDBNodeLeaf *node = dynamic_cast(nodeRoot->getNode(slot)->getNode( propIndex )); nlassert(node != NULL); node->setValue64(ac->getValue() & 0xFF); // (8 bits) if ( LoggingMode ) { nlinfo( "CLIENT: recvd property %hu (%s) for slot %hu, date %u", (uint16)propIndex, getPropText(propIndex), (uint16)slot, TVPNodeClient::SlotContext.Timestamp ); } } } // Set the position or orientation received along with the mode in the database uint8 modeEnum = (uint8)(mode44 & 0xFF); if ( modeEnum == MBEHAV::COMBAT_FLOAT ) { // Set theta if (_DataBase != NULL && (!IgnoreEntityDbUpdates || slot==0)) { CCDBNodeBranch *nodeRoot; nodeRoot = dynamic_cast(_DataBase->getNode(0)); if ( nodeRoot ) { CCDBNodeLeaf *node = dynamic_cast(nodeRoot->getNode(slot)->getNode( PROPERTY_ORIENTATION )); nlassert(node != NULL); node->setValue64( (mode44 >> 12) /*&& 0xFFFFFFFF*/ ); } } } else { // Set 2D position (the position at TVPNodeClient::SlotContext.Timestamp is not sent at the same time as the position for Mode) if ( _DataBase != NULL && (!IgnoreEntityDbUpdates || slot==0)) { uint16 x16 = (uint16)((ac->getValue() >> 12) & 0xFFFF); uint16 y16 = (uint16)((ac->getValue() >> 28) & 0xFFFF); if ( ! (x16==0 && y16==0) ) // don't set the position if it was not initialized yet { sint32 x, y; _PropertyDecoder.decodeAbsPos2D( x, y, x16, y16 ); CCDBNodeBranch *nodeRoot; nodeRoot = dynamic_cast(_DataBase->getNode(0)); if ( nodeRoot ) { CCDBNodeLeaf *node; node = dynamic_cast(nodeRoot->getNode(slot)->getNode(0)); nlassert(node != NULL); node->setValue64( x ); node = dynamic_cast(nodeRoot->getNode(slot)->getNode(1)); nlassert(node != NULL); node->setValue64( y ); } } else { nldebug( "%u: S%hu: Received mode with null pos", _CurrentServerTick, (uint16)slot ); // TEMP } } } break; } /* case PROPERTY_GUILD_SYMBOL: nlinfo("GuildSymbol received..."); */ default: { // special for Bars, always take _CurrentServerTick timestamp (delta timestamp decoded is mainly for position purpose...) NLMISC::TGameCycle timeStamp= TVPNodeClient::SlotContext.Timestamp; /* YOYO: i don't know what to do with others property that really use the gamecycle and are maybe buggued: ENTITY_MOUNTED_ID,RIDER_ENTITY_ID,BEHAVIOUR,TARGET_LIST,TARGET_ID,VISUAL_FX But bars timestamp accuracy is very important (else could take DB property with falsly newer timestamp) */ if(propIndex== PROPERTY_BARS) timeStamp= _CurrentServerTick; // Process property CChange thechange( slot, propIndex, timeStamp ); _Changes.push_back( thechange ); if (_DataBase != NULL && (!IgnoreEntityDbUpdates || slot==0) ) { CCDBNodeBranch *nodeRoot; nodeRoot = dynamic_cast(_DataBase->getNode(0)); if ( nodeRoot ) { CCDBNodeLeaf *node = dynamic_cast(nodeRoot->getNode(slot)->getNode( propIndex )); nlassert(node != NULL); node->setValue64(ac->getValue()); if ( LoggingMode ) { nlinfo( "CLIENT: recvd property %hu (%s) for slot %hu, date %u", (uint16)propIndex, getPropText(propIndex), (uint16)slot, TVPNodeClient::SlotContext.Timestamp ); } //nldebug("CLPROPNET[%p]: received property %d for entity %d: %"NL_I64"u", this, action->PropIndex, action->CLEntityId, action->getValue()); } } } } CActionFactory::getInstance()->remove( (CAction*&)ac ); #ifdef SHOW_PROPERTIES_RECEIVED // stringstream ss; // ss << "Received: "; // if ( propReceived[2] != 0 ) // ss << propReceived[2] << " impuls. "; // if ( propReceived[0] != 0 ) // ss << propReceived[0] << " pos; "; // if ( propReceived[3] != 0 ) // ss << propReceived[3] << " orient; "; // uint sum = propReceived[4] + propReceived[5] + propReceived[6] + propReceived[7] + propReceived[8] + propReceived[9]; // if ( sum != 0 ) // ss << sum << " discreet; "; // if ( propReceived[16] != 0 ) // ss << propReceived[16] << "assoc; "; // if ( propReceived[17] != 0 ) // ss << propReceived[17] << "disac; "; // ss << "TOTAL: " << propReceived[2] << " + " << propReceived[0] + propReceived[3] + sum; string str = "Received: "; if ( propReceived[2] != 0 ) str += NLMISC::toString(propReceived[2]) + " impuls. "; if ( propReceived[0] != 0 ) str += NLMISC::toString(propReceived[0]) + " pos; "; if ( propReceived[3] != 0 ) str += NLMISC::toString(propReceived[3]) + " orient; "; uint sum = propReceived[4] + propReceived[5] + propReceived[6] + propReceived[7] + propReceived[8] + propReceived[9]; if ( sum != 0 ) str += NLMISC::toString(sum) + " discreet; "; if ( propReceived[16] != 0 ) str += NLMISC::toString(propReceived[16]) + "assoc; "; if ( propReceived[17] != 0 ) str += NLMISC::toString(propReceived[17]) + "disac; "; str += "TOTAL: " + NLMISC::toString(propReceived[2]) + " + " + NLMISC::toString(propReceived[0] + propReceived[3] + sum); nlwarning( "%s", str.c_str() ); #endif } void CNetworkConnection::sendNormalMessage() { //nlinfo("CNET[%p]: send normal message Packet=%d Ack=%d AckBits=%08X", this, _CurrentSendNumber, _LastReceivedNumber, _AckBitMask); // // Create the message to send to the server // CBitMemStream message; bool systemMode = false; message.serial (_CurrentSendNumber); message.serial (systemMode); message.serial (_LastReceivedNumber); message.serial (_AckBitMask); uint numPacked = 0; // pack each block TGameCycle lastPackedCycle = 0; list::iterator itblock; //nldebug("CNET[%p]: sending message %d", this, _CurrentSendNumber); for (itblock=_Actions.begin(); itblock!=_Actions.end(); ++itblock) { CActionBlock &block = *itblock; // if block contains action that are not already stamped, don't send it now if (block.Cycle == 0) break; // Prevent to send a message too big //if (message.getPosInBit() + (*itblock).bitSize() > FrontEndInputBufferSize) // hard version // break; if (block.FirstPacket == 0) block.FirstPacket = _CurrentSendNumber; //nlassertex((*itblock).Cycle > lastPackedCycle, ("(*itblock).Cycle=%d lastPackedCycle=%d", (*itblock).Cycle, lastPackedCycle)); lastPackedCycle = block.Cycle; block.serial(message); ++numPacked; //nldebug("CNET[%p]: packed block %d, message is currently %d bits long", this, block.Cycle, message.getPosInBit()); // Prevent to send a message too big //if (message.getPosInBit() + (*itblock).bitSize() > FrontEndInputBufferSize) // hard version if ( message.getPosInBit() > 480*8 ) // easy version break; } //_PropertyDecoder.send (_CurrentSendNumber, _LastReceivedNumber); uint32 length = message.length(); _Connection.send (message.buffer(), length); //sendUDP (&(_Connection), message.buffer(), length); statsSend(length); // remember send time _LastSendTime = CTime::getLocalTime(); _PacketStamps.push_back(make_pair(_CurrentSendNumber, _UpdateTime)); _CurrentSendNumber++; } bool CNetworkConnection::stateConnected() { // if receives System PROBE // immediate state Probe // else if receives Normal // sends Normal data #ifdef ENABLE_INCOMING_MSG_RECORDER if ( ! _ReplayIncomingMessagesOn ) #endif { // Prevent to increment the client time when the front-end does not respond static TTime previousTime = ryzomGetLocalTime (); TTime now = ryzomGetLocalTime (); TTime diff = now - previousTime; previousTime = now; if ( (diff > 3000) && (! _Connection.dataAvailable()) ) { return false; } // update the current time; while (_CurrentClientTime < (TTime)(_UpdateTime - _MsPerTick - _LCT) && _CurrentClientTick < _CurrentServerTick) { _CurrentClientTime += _MsPerTick; _CurrentClientTick++; _MachineTimeAtTick = _UpdateTime; _MachineTicksAtTick = _UpdateTicks; } if (_CurrentClientTick >= _CurrentServerTick && !_Connection.dataAvailable()) { return false; } } #ifdef ENABLE_INCOMING_MSG_RECORDER if ( ClientCfg.Local && !_ReplayIncomingMessagesOn ) return false; while ( (_ReplayIncomingMessagesOn && dataToReplayAvailable()) || _Connection.dataAvailable() ) #else while (_Connection.dataAvailable())// && _TotalMessages<5) #endif { _DecodedHeader = false; CBitMemStream msgin (true); if (buildStream(msgin) && decodeHeader(msgin)) { if (_SystemMode) { uint8 message = 0; msgin.serial(message); switch (message) { case SYSTEM_PROBE_CODE: // receive probe, and goto state probe _ConnectionState = Probe; // reset client impulse & vars /* _ImpulseDecoder.reset(); _PropertyDecoder.clear(); _PacketStamps.clear(); // clears sent actions while (!_Actions.empty()) CActionFactory::getInstance()->remove(_Actions.front().Actions), _Actions.clear(); _AckBitMask = 0; _LastReceivedNumber = 0xffffffff; */ //nldebug("CNET[%p]: connected->probe", this); _Changes.push_back(CChange(0, ProbeReceived)); receiveSystemProbe(msgin); return true; break; case SYSTEM_SYNC_CODE: // receive stalled, decode stalled and state stalled _ConnectionState = Synchronize; //nldebug("CNET[%p]: connected->synchronize", this); receiveSystemSync(msgin); return true; break; case SYSTEM_STALLED_CODE: // receive stalled, decode stalled and state stalled _ConnectionState = Stalled; //nldebug("CNET[%p]: connected->stalled", this); receiveSystemStalled(msgin); return true; break; case SYSTEM_SERVER_DOWN_CODE: disconnect(); // will send disconnection message nlwarning( "BACK-END DOWN" ); return false; // exit now from loop, don't expect a new state break; default: nlwarning("CNET[%p]: received system %d in state Connected", this, message); break; } } else { receiveNormalMessage(msgin); } } } return false; } // // Probe state // void CNetworkConnection::receiveSystemProbe(CBitMemStream &msgin) { _LatestProbeTime = _UpdateTime; msgin.serial(_LatestProbe); _LatestProbes.push_back(_LatestProbe); //nldebug("CNET[%p]: received PROBE %d", this, _LatestProbe); } // sends system sync acknowledge void CNetworkConnection::sendSystemAckProbe() { CBitMemStream message; buildSystemHeader(message); uint8 probe = SYSTEM_ACK_PROBE_CODE; uint32 numprobes = (uint32)_LatestProbes.size(); message.serial(probe); message.serial(numprobes); uint i; for (i=0; isynchronize", this); receiveSystemSync(msgin); return true; break; case SYSTEM_STALLED_CODE: // receive sync, decode sync and state synchronize _ConnectionState = Stalled; //nldebug("CNET[%p]: probe->stalled", this); receiveSystemStalled(msgin); return true; break; case SYSTEM_PROBE_CODE: // receive sync, decode sync receiveSystemProbe(msgin); break; case SYSTEM_SERVER_DOWN_CODE: disconnect(); // will send disconnection message nlwarning( "BACK-END DOWN" ); return false; // exit now from loop, don't expect a new state break; default: nlwarning("CNET[%p]: received system %d in state Probe", message); break; } } else { nlwarning("CNET[%p]: received normal in state Probe", this); } } } // send ack sync if received sync or last sync timed out if (!_LatestProbes.empty() || _UpdateTime-_LatestProbeTime > 300) { sendSystemAckProbe(); _LatestProbeTime = _UpdateTime; } else nlSleep(10); return false; } // // Stalled state // void CNetworkConnection::receiveSystemStalled(CBitMemStream &/* msgin */) { nldebug("CNET[%p]: received STALLED", this); } bool CNetworkConnection::stateStalled() { // if receives System SYNC // immediate state SYNC // else if receives System STALLED // decode STALLED (nothing to do) // else if receives System PROBE // immediate state PROBE #ifdef ENABLE_INCOMING_MSG_RECORDER if ( ClientCfg.Local && !_ReplayIncomingMessagesOn ) return false; while ( (_ReplayIncomingMessagesOn && dataToReplayAvailable()) || _Connection.dataAvailable() ) #else while (_Connection.dataAvailable())// && _TotalMessages<5) #endif { _DecodedHeader = false; CBitMemStream msgin (true); if (buildStream(msgin) && decodeHeader(msgin)) { if (_SystemMode) { uint8 message = 0; msgin.serial(message); switch (message) { case SYSTEM_SYNC_CODE: // receive sync, decode sync and state synchronize _ConnectionState = Synchronize; nldebug("CNET[%p]: stalled->synchronize", this); receiveSystemSync(msgin); return true; break; case SYSTEM_PROBE_CODE: // receive sync, decode sync _ConnectionState = Probe; nldebug("CNET[%p]: stalled->probe", this); receiveSystemProbe(msgin); break; case SYSTEM_STALLED_CODE: // receive stalled, decode stalled receiveSystemStalled(msgin); break; case SYSTEM_SERVER_DOWN_CODE: disconnect(); // will send disconnection message nlwarning( "BACK-END DOWN" ); return false; // exit now from loop, don't expect a new state break; default: nlwarning("CNET[%p]: received system %d in state Stalled", message); break; } } else { nlwarning("CNET[%p]: received normal in state Stalled", this); } } } return false; } // // encoding / decoding methods // bool CNetworkConnection::decodeHeader(CBitMemStream &msgin, bool checkMessageNumber) { if (_DecodedHeader) return true; // simulate packet loss #if !FINAL_VERSION if(uint((rand()%100)) < ClientCfg.SimulatePacketLossRatio) return false; #endif ++_TotalMessages; _LastReceivedTime = _UpdateTime; msgin.serial (_CurrentReceivedNumber); msgin.serial (_SystemMode); if ((sint)_CurrentReceivedNumber > (sint)_LastReceivedPacketInBothModes && checkMessageNumber) { _TotalLostPackets += (_CurrentReceivedNumber-_LastReceivedPacketInBothModes - 1); _LastReceivedPacketInBothModes = _CurrentReceivedNumber; } _MeanPackets.update((float)_CurrentReceivedNumber, ryzomGetLocalTime ()); /// \todo remove //nlinfo("DBG:BEN: decodeHeader, packet=%d, %s", _CurrentReceivedNumber, _SystemMode ? "SYSTEM" : "NORMAL"); /// if (_SystemMode) { } else { msgin.serial (_LastReceivedAck); #ifdef INCLUDE_FE_STATS_IN_PACKETS // receive debug info in the message header uint32 UserLWatch, CycleWatch, ReceiveWatch, SendWatch; float PriorityAmount; uint16 SeenEntities; //float HpT; msgin.serial (UserLWatch); msgin.serial (CycleWatch); msgin.serial (ReceiveWatch); msgin.serial (SendWatch); msgin.serial (PriorityAmount); msgin.serial (SeenEntities); //msgin.serial (HpT); #endif #ifdef DISPLAY_ENTITIES UserLWatchGraph.addOneValue ((float)UserLWatch); CycleWatchGraph.addOneValue ((float)CycleWatch); ReceiveWatchGraph.addOneValue ((float)ReceiveWatch); SendWatchGraph.addOneValue ((float)SendWatch); PriorityAmountGraph.addOneValue(PriorityAmount); SeenEntitiesGraph.addOneValue(SeenEntities); //HPThreshold = HpT; #else static sint counter = 128; --counter; if ( counter == 0 ) { // nlinfo( "User:%u Cycle:%u Rcv:%u Snd:%u PrioAmount:%.2f", // UserLWatch, CycleWatch, ReceiveWatch, SendWatch, PriorityAmount ); counter = 128; } #endif // DISPLAY_ENTITIES } if (!checkMessageNumber) return true; // display info on this packet //nlinfo("CNET[%p] received packet %d, %s mode - LastReceivedAck=%d", this, _CurrentReceivedNumber, _SystemMode ? "SYTEM" : "NORMAL", _LastReceivedAck); // todo doesn't work if we receive the packet in bad order or 2 same packet if (_CurrentReceivedNumber > _LastReceivedNumber+1) { // we lost some messages... nldebug ("CNET[%p] lost messages server->client [%d; %d]", this, _LastReceivedNumber+1, _CurrentReceivedNumber-1); _MeanLoss.update((float)(_CurrentReceivedNumber-_LastReceivedNumber-1), ryzomGetLocalTime ()); } else if (_CurrentReceivedNumber == _LastReceivedNumber) { // we receive the same packet that the last one nldebug ("CNET[%p] awaiting packet %d, received packet %d", this, _LastReceivedNumber+1, _CurrentReceivedNumber); return false; } else if (_CurrentReceivedNumber < _LastReceivedNumber) { // it's an older message than the current nldebug ("CNET[%p] received an old message, awaiting packet %d, received packet %d", this, _LastReceivedNumber+1, _CurrentReceivedNumber); return false; } // don't acknowledge system messages and normal messages in // because this will disturb impulsion from frontend, that will interpret it as if previous messages were ok bool ackBool = (!_SystemMode && (_ConnectionState == Connected || _ConnectionState == Synchronize)); uint ackBit = (ackBool ? 1 : 0); if (_CurrentReceivedNumber - _LastReceivedNumber < 32) { _AckBitMask <<= _CurrentReceivedNumber - _LastReceivedNumber; _AckBitMask |= _LastAckBit << (_CurrentReceivedNumber - _LastReceivedNumber - 1); } else { _AckBitMask = (_CurrentReceivedNumber - _LastReceivedNumber == 32 && _LastAckBit != 0) ? 0x80000000 : 0x00000000; } _LastAckBit = ackBit; // encode long ack bitfield TPacketNumber i; for (i=_LastReceivedNumber+1; i<_CurrentReceivedNumber; ++i) _LongAckBitField.clear(i&(NumBitsInLongAck-1)); _LongAckBitField.set(_CurrentReceivedNumber&(NumBitsInLongAck-1), ackBool); // no more than NumBitsInLongAck ack in field if ((TPacketNumber)_LastAckInLongAck <= (TPacketNumber)(_CurrentReceivedNumber-NumBitsInLongAck)) _LastAckInLongAck = _CurrentReceivedNumber-NumBitsInLongAck+1; _LastReceivedNumber = _CurrentReceivedNumber; _DecodedHeader = true; return true; } void CNetworkConnection::buildSystemHeader(NLMISC::CBitMemStream &msgout) { msgout.serial (_CurrentSendNumber); bool systemMode = true; msgout.serial (systemMode); _PacketStamps.push_back(make_pair(_CurrentSendNumber, _UpdateTime)); ++_CurrentSendNumber; } // // // void CNetworkConnection::setDataBase(CCDBNodeBranch *database) { _DataBase = database; } // // // void CNetworkConnection::push(CBitMemStream &msg) { sint32 maxImpulseBitSize = 230*8; CActionGeneric *ag = (CActionGeneric *)CActionFactory::getInstance ()->create (INVALID_SLOT, ACTION_GENERIC_CODE); if( ag == NULL ) //TODO: see that with oliver... return; uint bytelen = msg.length(); sint32 impulseMinBitSize = (sint32)CActionFactory::getInstance ()->size( ag ); sint32 impulseBitSize = impulseMinBitSize + (4 + bytelen)*8; if (impulseBitSize < maxImpulseBitSize) { ag->set(msg); push(ag); } else { CAction *casted = ag; CActionFactory::getInstance()->remove(casted); ag = NULL; // MultiPart impulsion CActionGenericMultiPart *agmp = (CActionGenericMultiPart *)CActionFactory::getInstance ()->create (INVALID_SLOT, ACTION_GENERIC_MULTI_PART_CODE); sint32 minimumBitSizeForMP = CActionFactory::getInstance ()->size (agmp); sint32 availableSize = (maxImpulseBitSize - minimumBitSizeForMP) / 8; // (in bytes) #ifdef NL_DEBUG nlassert( availableSize > 0 ); // the available size must be larger than the 'empty' size #endif sint32 nbBlock = (bytelen + availableSize - 1) / availableSize; uint8 num = _ImpulseMultiPartNumber++; for (sint32 i = 0; i < nbBlock; i++) { if (i != 0) agmp = (CActionGenericMultiPart *)CActionFactory::getInstance ()->create (INVALID_SLOT, ACTION_GENERIC_MULTI_PART_CODE); agmp->set(num, (uint16)i, msg.buffer(), bytelen, availableSize, (uint16)nbBlock); push(agmp); } } } void CNetworkConnection::pushTarget(TCLEntityId slot, LHSTATE::TLHState targetOrPickup ) { CActionTargetSlot *ats = (CActionTargetSlot*)CActionFactory::getInstance ()->create (INVALID_SLOT, ACTION_TARGET_SLOT_CODE); nlassert (ats != NULL); ats->Slot = slot; switch ( targetOrPickup ) // ensure the value is good for the FE { case LHSTATE::NONE: ats->TargetOrPickup = 0; break; case LHSTATE::LOOTABLE: ats->TargetOrPickup = 1; break; case LHSTATE::HARVESTABLE: ats->TargetOrPickup = 2; break; default: break; } ats->TargetOrPickup = (uint32)targetOrPickup; push(ats); } void CNetworkConnection::push(CAction *action) { if (_Actions.empty() || _Actions.back().Cycle != 0) { //nlinfo("-BEEN- push back 2 [size=%d, cycle=%d]", _Actions.size(), _Actions.empty() ? 0 : _Actions.back().Cycle); _Actions.push_back(CLFECOMMON::CActionBlock()); } _Actions.back().Actions.push_back(action); } // void CNetworkConnection::send(TGameCycle cycle) { try { // check the current game cycle was not already sent nlassertex(_LastSentCycle < cycle, ("Client=%p, _LastSentCycle=%d, cycle=%d", this, _LastSentCycle, cycle)); /* if (_LastSentCycle == cycle) // delay send till next tick return; */ _LastSentCycle = cycle; // if no actions were sent at this cyle, create a new block if (_Actions.empty() || _Actions.back().Cycle != 0) { // nlinfo("-BEEN- push back 1 [size=%d, cycle=%d]", _Actions.size(), _Actions.empty() ? 0 : _Actions.back().Cycle); // _Actions.push_back(); } else { CActionBlock &block = _Actions.back(); /* CAction *dummy = CActionFactory::getInstance()->create(INVALID_SLOT, ACTION_DUMMY_CODE); ((CActionDummy*)dummy)->Dummy1 = _DummySend++; push(dummy); */ _Actions.back().Cycle = cycle; // check last block isn't bigger than maximum allowed uint i; uint bitSize = 32+8; // block size is 32 (cycle) + 8 (number of actions for (i=0; isize(block.Actions[i]); if (bitSize >= 480*8) break; } if (i 100) { sendNormalMessage(); } } catch (const ESocket &/*e*/) { _ConnectionState = Disconnect; } } // // // // sends system sync acknowledge void CNetworkConnection::sendSystemDisconnection() { CBitMemStream message; buildSystemHeader(message); uint8 disconnection = SYSTEM_DISCONNECTION_CODE; message.serial(disconnection); uint32 length = message.length(); if (_Connection.connected()) _Connection.send (message.buffer(), length); //sendUDP (&(_Connection), message.buffer(), length); statsSend(length); updateBufferizedPackets (); nlinfo("CNET[%p]: sent DISCONNECTION", this); } void CNetworkConnection::disconnect() { #ifdef MEASURE_RECEIVE_DATES if ( LogReceiveEnabled ) { displayReceiveLog(); } #endif if (_ConnectionState == NotInitialised || _ConnectionState == NotConnected || _ConnectionState == Authenticate || _ConnectionState == Disconnect) { //nlwarning("Unable to disconnect(): not connected yet, or already disconnected."); return; } sendSystemDisconnection(); _Connection.close(); _ConnectionState = Disconnect; } // // Quit state // void CNetworkConnection::receiveSystemAckQuit(CBitMemStream &/* msgin */) { nldebug("CNET[%p]: received ACK_QUIT", this); _ReceivedAckQuit = true; } bool CNetworkConnection::stateQuit() { #ifdef ENABLE_INCOMING_MSG_RECORDER if ( ClientCfg.Local && !_ReplayIncomingMessagesOn ) return false; while ( (_ReplayIncomingMessagesOn && dataToReplayAvailable()) || _Connection.dataAvailable() ) #else while (_Connection.dataAvailable())// && _TotalMessages<5) #endif { _DecodedHeader = false; CBitMemStream msgin (true); if (buildStream(msgin) && decodeHeader(msgin, false)) { if (_SystemMode) { uint8 message = 0; msgin.serial(message); switch (message) { case SYSTEM_SYNC_CODE: // receive sync, decode sync and state synchronize reset(); _ConnectionState = Synchronize; nldebug("CNET[%p]: quit->synchronize", this); receiveSystemSync(msgin); return true; break; /* case SYSTEM_PROBE_CODE: // receive sync, decode sync _ConnectionState = Probe; nldebug("CNET[%p]: stalled->probe", this); receiveSystemProbe(msgin); break; case SYSTEM_STALLED_CODE: // receive stalled, decode stalled _ConnectionState = Stalled; receiveSystemStalled(msgin); return true; break; */ case SYSTEM_SERVER_DOWN_CODE: disconnect(); // will send disconnection message nlwarning( "BACK-END DOWN" ); return false; // exit now from loop, don't expect a new state break; case SYSTEM_ACK_QUIT_CODE: // receive ack quit -> reset connection state receiveSystemAckQuit(msgin); break; default: nlwarning("CNET[%p]: received system %d in state Stalled", message); break; } } else { nlwarning("CNET[%p]: received normal in state Stalled", this); } } } // send quit if not yet received a ack quit if (!_ReceivedAckQuit && _UpdateTime-_LatestQuitTime > 100) { sendSystemQuit(); _LatestQuitTime = _UpdateTime; } return false; } /* * Quit the game till the connection is reset */ void CNetworkConnection::quit() { nlinfo("CNetworkConnection::quit() called, setting to quitting state."); ++_QuitId; _ConnectionState = Quit; _ReceivedAckQuit = false; _LatestQuitTime = _UpdateTime; sendSystemQuit(); } void CNetworkConnection::reset() { _CurrentSendNumber = 0; _LastReceivedNumber = 0; _LastReceivedTime = 0; _LastReceivedNormalTime = 0; _AckBitMask = 0; _LastAckBit = 0; _Synchronize = 0; _InstantPing = 10000; _BestPing = 10000; _LCT = 100; _MachineTimeAtTick = ryzomGetLocalTime (); _MachineTicksAtTick = CTime::getPerformanceTime(); _LastSentSync = 0; _LatestSync = 0; _PropertyDecoder.init (256); _DummySend = 0; _LongAckBitField.resize(1024); _LastAckInLongAck = 0; _LastSentCycle = 0; _TotalReceivedBytes = 0; _PartialReceivedBytes = 0; _TotalSentBytes = 0; _PartialSentBytes = 0; _MeanPackets.MeanPeriod = 5000; _MeanLoss.MeanPeriod = 5000; _LastReceivedPacketInBothModes = 0; _TotalLostPackets = 0; _ConnectionQuality = false; _CurrentSmoothServerTick= 0; _SSTLastLocalTime= 0; } void CNetworkConnection::initTicks() { _CurrentClientTick = 0; _CurrentServerTick = 0; _MsPerTick = 100; _LCT = 1000; } void CNetworkConnection::reinit() { // Reset data _ImpulseDecoder.reset(); if (_DataBase) _DataBase->resetData(_CurrentServerTick, true); _LongAckBitField.clearAll(); _PacketStamps.clear(); _Actions.clear(); _Changes.clear(); _GenericMultiPartTemp.clear(); _IdMap.clear(); reset(); initTicks(); // Reuse the udp socket _Connection.~CUdpSimSock(); new (&_Connection) CUdpSimSock(); } // sends system sync acknowledge void CNetworkConnection::sendSystemQuit() { CBitMemStream message; buildSystemHeader(message); uint8 quit = SYSTEM_QUIT_CODE; message.serial(quit); message.serial(_QuitId); uint32 length = message.length(); _Connection.send (message.buffer(), length); //sendUDP (&(_Connection), message.buffer(), length); statsSend(length); updateBufferizedPackets (); nlinfo("CNET[%p]: sent QUIT", this); } // void CNetworkConnection::displayAllocationStats() { nlinfo("CNET[%p]: %d queued blocks, %d changes", this, _Actions.size(), _Changes.size()); } string CNetworkConnection::getAllocationStats() { char buf[128]; sprintf(buf, "CNET[%p]: %u queued blocks, %u changes", this, (uint)_Actions.size(), (uint)_Changes.size()); return string(buf); } // // // void CNetworkConnection::genericAction (CActionGeneric *ag) { // manage a generic action CBitMemStream &bms = ag->get (); //nldebug("CNET: Calling impulsion callback (size %u) :'%s'", this, bms.length(), toHexaString(bms.bufferAsVector()).c_str()); //nldebug("CNET[%p]: Calling impulsion callback (size %u)", this, bms.length()); if (_ImpulseCallback != NULL) _ImpulseCallback(bms, _LastReceivedNumber, _ImpulseArg); } void CNetworkConnection::CGenericMultiPartTemp::set (CActionGenericMultiPart *agmp, CNetworkConnection *parent) { if (NbBlock == 0xFFFFFFFF) { // new GenericMultiPart NbBlock = agmp->NbBlock; NbCurrentBlock = 0; TempSize = 0; Temp.clear(); Temp.resize(NbBlock); BlockReceived.resize(NbBlock); for (uint i = 0; i < NbBlock; i++) BlockReceived[i] = false; } nlassert (NbBlock == agmp->NbBlock); nlassert (NbBlock > agmp->Part); // check if the block was already received if (BlockReceived[agmp->Part]) { nlwarning ("CLMPNET[%p]: This part is already received, discard it", this); return; } Temp[agmp->Part] = agmp->PartCont; BlockReceived[agmp->Part] = true; NbCurrentBlock++; TempSize += (uint32)agmp->PartCont.size(); if (NbCurrentBlock == NbBlock) { // reform the total action //nldebug("CLMPNET[%p]: Received a TOTAL generic action MP size: number %d nbblock %d", this, agmp->Number, NbBlock); CBitMemStream bms(true); uint8 *ptr = bms.bufferToFill (TempSize); for (uint i = 0; i < Temp.size (); i++) { memcpy (ptr, &(Temp[i][0]), Temp[i].size()); ptr += Temp[i].size(); } NbBlock = 0xFFFFFFFF; //nldebug("CLMPNET[%p]: Received a generic action size %d", this, bms.length()); // todo interface api, call a user callback if (parent->_ImpulseCallback != NULL) parent->_ImpulseCallback(bms, parent->_LastReceivedNumber, parent->_ImpulseArg); } } void CNetworkConnection::genericAction (CActionGenericMultiPart *agmp) { // manage a generic action (big one that comes by blocks) vector &v = agmp->PartCont; //nldebug("CLMPNET[%p]: Received a generic action MP size %d: number %d part %d nbblock %d", this, v.size(), agmp->Number, agmp->Part, agmp->NbBlock); // add it if (_GenericMultiPartTemp.size() <= agmp->Number) { _GenericMultiPartTemp.resize (agmp->Number+1); } _GenericMultiPartTemp[agmp->Number].set(agmp, this); } CNetworkConnection::TVPNodeClient::TSlotContext CNetworkConnection::TVPNodeClient::SlotContext; /* * Return the average billed upload rate in kbps, including all headers (UDP+IP+Ethernet) */ void CNetworkConnection::statsSend(uint32 bytes) { _TotalSentBytes += bytes; _PartialSentBytes += bytes; _MeanUpload.update((float)bytes, ryzomGetLocalTime ()); UploadGraph.addValue ((float)bytes); } /* * Return the average billed download rate in kbps, including all headers (UDP+IP+Ethernet) */ void CNetworkConnection::statsReceive(uint32 bytes) { _TotalReceivedBytes += bytes; _PartialReceivedBytes += bytes; _MeanDownload.update((float)bytes, ryzomGetLocalTime ()); DownloadGraph.addValue ((float)bytes); } NLMISC_COMMAND( displayPosUpdateGraph, "Display position update interval graph", "0|" ) { // Stop graph in all cases if ( PosUpdateIntervalGraph ) { delete PosUpdateIntervalGraph; delete PosUpdatePredictionGraph; PosUpdateIntervalGraph = NULL; PosUpdatePredictionGraph = NULL; } // Start graph if argument is not 0 if ( (args.size() != 0) && (args[0] != "0") ) { uint8 slot; fromString(args[0], slot); PosUpdateIntervalGraph = new CSlotGraph( "Interval", 350, 2, 100, 200, CRGBA(128,0,0,64), 1000, 20, true, slot ); PosUpdatePredictionGraph = new CSlotGraph( " Prediction", 350, 2, 100, 200, CRGBA(0,0,128,64), 1000, 20, true, slot ); } return true; } // *************************************************************************** sint64 CNetworkConnection::convertToSmoothServerTick(NLMISC::TGameCycle t) const { return t*SMOOTH_SERVER_TICK_PER_TICK; } // *************************************************************************** void CNetworkConnection::updateSmoothServerTick() { // Get deltaT NLMISC::TTime t= ryzomGetLocalTime (); sint32 deltaT= (sint32)(t - _SSTLastLocalTime); _SSTLastLocalTime= t; // Get the actual ServerTick not smoothed value sint64 actualST= _CurrentServerTick*SMOOTH_SERVER_TICK_PER_TICK; // Special bound cases if( _CurrentSmoothServerTick < actualST+SMOOTH_SERVER_TICK_DIFF_MIN ) { // Reset (possible jump to future!) _CurrentSmoothServerTick= actualST; } else if( _CurrentSmoothServerTick>= actualST+SMOOTH_SERVER_TICK_DIFF_MAX ) { // Clamp (no reset, no back to past!) _CurrentSmoothServerTick= actualST+SMOOTH_SERVER_TICK_DIFF_MAX; } else { // Compute the Factor of acceleration according to error difference (FIXED 16:16) sint64 factor; sint64 errorDiff= _CurrentSmoothServerTick-actualST; // If the estimation is in the TimeWindow, no acceleration if( errorDiff>=-SMOOTH_SERVER_TICK_WINDOW && errorDiff<=SMOOTH_SERVER_TICK_WINDOW) { factor= 65536; } // If the estimation is late, accelerate else if( errorDiff<0 ) { float f= (float)(errorDiff+SMOOTH_SERVER_TICK_WINDOW)/(SMOOTH_SERVER_TICK_DIFF_MIN+SMOOTH_SERVER_TICK_WINDOW); f*= SMOOTH_SERVER_TICK_ACCEL; factor= sint64(f*65536); } // Else the estimation is too early, slowDown else { float f= (float)(errorDiff-SMOOTH_SERVER_TICK_WINDOW)/(SMOOTH_SERVER_TICK_DIFF_MAX-SMOOTH_SERVER_TICK_WINDOW); f= 1-f; factor= sint64(f*65536); } // Update the Smooth _CurrentSmoothServerTick+= ((deltaT*SMOOTH_SERVER_TICK_PER_TICK*factor)/getMsPerTick()) >> 16; } }