{block name=content}
{if isset($isAdmin) and $isAdmin eq 'TRUE' and $target_id neq 1} {if $userPermission eq 1} {else if $userPermission eq 2 } {else if $userPermission eq 3 } {/if} {/if}
Browse User Send TicketMake Moderator Make AdminDemote to User Make AdminDemote to User Demote to Moderator

Change Settings

Change Password

{if !isset($changesOther) or $changesOther eq "FALSE"}

Current Password: {if isset($MATCH_ERROR) and $MATCH_ERROR eq "TRUE"}The password is incorrect{/if}
New Password: {if isset($NEWPASSWORD_ERROR) and $NEWPASSWORD_ERROR eq "TRUE"}{$newpass_error_message}{/if}
Confirm New Password: {if isset($CNEWPASSWORD_ERROR) and $CNEWPASSWORD_ERROR eq "TRUE"}{$confirmnewpass_error_message}{/if}
{if isset($SUCCESS_PASS) and $SUCCESS_PASS eq "OK"}

The password has been changed!


Change Email

New Email: {if isset($EMAIL_ERROR) and $EMAIL_ERROR eq "TRUE"}{$EMAIL}{/if}
{if isset($SUCCESS_MAIL) and $SUCCESS_MAIL eq "OK"}

The email has been changed!


Change Info

{if isset($info_updated) and $info_updated eq "OK"}

The Info has been updated!

