#include "stdpch.h" #include "login_patch.h" #include "client_cfg.h" #include "user_agent.h" #include "nel/misc/cmd_args.h" #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif using namespace NLMISC; using namespace std; // simplified implementation to not depend on client_cfg.cpp CClientConfig::CClientConfig() { } void CClientConfig::serial(class NLMISC::IStream &/* f */) throw(NLMISC::EStream) { } bool CClientConfig::getDefaultConfigLocation(std::string&/* p_name */) const { return false; } CClientConfig ClientCfg; // stuff which is defined as extern in other .cpp files void quitCrashReport() { } /// domain server version for patch string R2ServerVersion; /// name of the version (used to alias many version under the same name), /// the value is used to get the release not if not empty string VersionName; string LoginLogin, LoginPassword; uint32 LoginShardId = 0xFFFFFFFF; CCmdArgs Args; bool useEsc = false; #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS HANDLE hStdout = NULL; sint attributes = 0; #endif std::string convert(const ucstring &str) { return str.toString(); } void printError(const std::string &str) { // display error in red if possible if (useEsc) { printf("\033[1;31mError: %s\033[0m\n", str.c_str()); } else { #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS if (hStdout != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && hStdout) SetConsoleTextAttribute(hStdout, FOREGROUND_RED|FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); #endif printf("Error: %s\n", str.c_str()); #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS if (hStdout != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && hStdout) SetConsoleTextAttribute(hStdout, attributes); #endif } } void printCheck(const std::string &str) { // display check printf("%s\n", str.c_str()); } void printDownload(const std::string &str) { static char spaces[80]; uint maxLength = 80; // if "COLUMNS" environnement variable is defined, use it if (getenv("COLUMNS")) { NLMISC::fromString(std::string(getenv("COLUMNS")), maxLength); } // only use 79 columns to not wrap --maxLength; // temporary modified string std::string nstr = str; uint length = (uint)nstr.length(); if (length > maxLength) { nstr = std::string("...") + nstr.substr(length - maxLength + 3); length = maxLength; } // add padding with spaces memset(spaces, ' ', maxLength); spaces[maxLength - length] = '\0'; // display download in purple if (useEsc) { printf("\033[1;35m%s%s\033[0m\r", nstr.c_str(), spaces); } else { #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS if (hStdout != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && hStdout) SetConsoleTextAttribute(hStdout, FOREGROUND_RED|FOREGROUND_BLUE|FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); #endif printf("%s%s\r", nstr.c_str(), spaces); #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS if (hStdout != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && hStdout) SetConsoleTextAttribute(hStdout, attributes); #endif } fflush(stdout); } // hardcoded english translations to not depend on external files struct CClientPatcherTranslations : public NLMISC::CI18N::ILoadProxy { virtual void loadStringFile(const std::string &filename, ucstring &text) { text.fromUtf8( "TheSagaOfRyzom [Ryzom]\n" "uiErrPatchApply [Error: Patch process ended but the patch has not been successfully applied.]\n" "uiErrChecking [Error: Patch files failed - checking.]\n" "uiByte [B]\n" "uiKb [KiB]\n" "uiMb [MiB]\n" "uiLoginGetFile [Getting File:]\n" "uiDLWithCurl [Downloading File With Curl:]\n" "uiDecompressing [Decompressing File:]\n" "uiCheckInt [Checking Integrity:]\n" "uiNoVersionFound [No Version Found]\n" "uiVersionFound [Version Found:]\n" "uiApplyingDelta [Applying Delta:]\n" "uiClientVersion [Client Version]\n" "uiServerVersion [Server Version]\n" "uiCheckingFile [Checking File]\n" "uiNeededPatches [Required Patches:]\n" "uiCheckInBNP [Checking inside BNP:]\n" "uiSHA1Diff [Force BNP Unpacking: checksums do not correspond:]\n" "uiCheckEndNoErr [Checking file ended with no errors]\n" "uiCheckEndWithErr [Checking file ended with errors:]\n" "uiPatchEndNoErr [Patching file ended with no errors]\n" "uiPatchEndWithErr [Patch failed!]\n" "uiPatchDiskFull [Disk full!]\n" "uiPatchWriteError [Disk write error! (disk full?)]\n" "uiProcessing [Processing file:]\n" "uiUnpack [BNP Unpacking:]\n" "uiUnpackErrHead [Cannot read bnp header:]\n" "uiChangeDate [Changing the mod date:]\n" "uiChgDateErr [Cannot change file time:]\n" "uiNowDate [Now the date is:]\n" "uiSetAttrib [Set file attributes:]\n" "uiAttribErr [Cannot have read/write access:]\n" "uiDelFile [Delete file:]\n" "uiDelErr [Cannot delete file:]\n" "uiDelNoFile [Delete file (no file)]\n" "uiRenameFile [Rename File:]\n" "uiRenameErr [Cannot rename file:]\n" ); } }; // hardcoded URL to not depend on external files static const std::string PatchUrl = "http://dl.ryzom.com/patch_live"; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // init the Nel context CApplicationContext appContext; Args.setVersion(getDisplayVersion()); Args.setDescription("Ryzom client"); if (!Args.parse(argc, argv)) return 1; // create logs in temporary directory createDebug(CPath::getTemporaryDirectory().c_str(), true, true); // disable log display on stdout INelContext::getInstance().getDebugLog()->removeDisplayer("DEFAULT_SD"); INelContext::getInstance().getInfoLog()->removeDisplayer("DEFAULT_SD"); INelContext::getInstance().getWarningLog()->removeDisplayer("DEFAULT_SD"); // check if console supports colors std::string term = toLower(std::string(getenv("TERM") ? getenv("TERM"):"")); useEsc = (term.find("xterm") != string::npos || term.find("linux") != string::npos); #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS // setup Windows console hStdout = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); if (hStdout != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO consoleScreenBufferInfo; if (GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hStdout, &consoleScreenBufferInfo)) attributes = consoleScreenBufferInfo.wAttributes; } #endif // allocate translations proxy CClientPatcherTranslations *trans = new CClientPatcherTranslations(); // use proxy CI18N::setLoadProxy(trans); // load english translations CI18N::load("en"); // now translations are read, we don't need it anymore delete trans; Args.displayVersion(); printf("\n"); printf("Checking %s files to patch...\n", convert(CI18N::get("TheSagaOfRyzom")).c_str()); // initialize patch manager and set the ryzom full path, before it's used CPatchManager *pPM = CPatchManager::getInstance(); // use PatchUrl vector patchURLs; pPM->init(patchURLs, PatchUrl, ""); pPM->startCheckThread(true /* include background patchs */); ucstring state; vector log; bool res = false; bool finished = false; while (!finished) { nlSleep(100); finished = pPM->isCheckThreadEnded(res); if (pPM->getThreadState(state, log)) { for(uint i = 0; i < log.size(); ++i) { printCheck(convert(log[i])); } } } if (!res && !pPM->getLastErrorMessage().empty()) { printError(convert(CI18N::get("uiErrChecking") + " " + pPM->getLastErrorMessage())); return 1; } CPatchManager::SPatchInfo InfoOnPatch; // Check is good now ask the player if he wants to apply the patch pPM->getInfoToDisp(InfoOnPatch); // Get the list of optional categories to patch vector vCategories; for(uint i = 0; i < InfoOnPatch.OptCat.size(); i++) { // Ok for the moment all optional categories must be patched even if the player // does not want it. Because we can't detect that a continent have to be patched ingame. vCategories.push_back(InfoOnPatch.OptCat[i].Name); } // start patch thread pPM->startPatchThread(vCategories, true); res = false; finished = false; while (!finished) { nlSleep(100); finished = pPM->isPatchThreadEnded(res); if (pPM->getThreadState(state, log)) { printDownload(convert(state)); for(uint i = 0; i < log.size(); ++i) { printCheck(convert(log[i])); } } } if (!res && !pPM->getLastErrorMessage().empty()) { printError(convert(CI18N::get("uiErrPatchApply") + " " + pPM->getLastErrorMessage())); return 1; } if (CPatchManager::getInstance()->mustLaunchBatFile()) { std::string error; try { // move downloaded files to final location pPM->createBatchFile(pPM->getDescFile(), false, false); CFile::createEmptyFile("show_eula"); if (!pPM->getLastErrorMessage().empty()) { error = convert(pPM->getLastErrorMessage()); } } catch(const EDiskFullError &) { error = convert(CI18N::get("uiPatchDiskFull"));; } catch(const EWriteError &) { error = convert(CI18N::get("uiPatchWriteError"));; } catch(const Exception &e) { error = convert(CI18N::get("uiCheckEndWithErr") + " " + e.what()); } catch(...) { error = "unknown exception"; } if (!error.empty()) { printError(convert(CI18N::get("uiErrPatchApply")) + " " + error); return 1; } pPM->executeBatchFile(); } /* // Start Scanning pPM->startScanDataThread(); // request to stop the thread pPM->askForStopScanDataThread(); */ return 0; }