////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Config file for Snowballs 2 client //////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // This file is used to setup the client. // // You can modify almost all variables dynamically (when the client is launched) // and the new values will be reloaded automatically in the client. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Snowballs 2 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Root directory where we can find the client datas (zones, tiles, maps, ...) // You must uncomment this line on GNU/Linux and comment the next one //SearchPaths = { "/usr/local/share/games/snowballs/" }; SearchPaths = { "data" }; // Which extensions to remap to what if needed (pairs of 2) RemapExtensions = { "dss", "tga" }; // The language code of the client LanguageCode = "en"; // If changes to the config should be saved on exit SaveConfig = 1; // Font name used for all text in the client (it can be a .ttf, .fon, .pfb) FontName = "n019003l.pfb"; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Time ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FpsSmoothing = 64; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Screen Variables ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Use OpenGL, set to 1, Direc3D (Windows) set to 0. OpenGL = 1; // Resolution of the screen ScreenWidth = 1280; ScreenHeight = 800; ScreenDepth = 32; // If 1, run in fullscreen mode, 0 for windowed ScreenFull = 0; // Start position of the player (the z is always 0) StartPoint = { 1840.0, -970.0, 0.0 }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // HMD Variables ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HMDEnable = 1; HMDDeviceId = 0; HMDDevice = "Auto"; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Sound Variables /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The sound driver, choose between "Auto", "FMod", "DSound" and "OpenAl" SoundDriver = "FMod"; SoundMaxTracks = 32; SoundUseEax = 1; SoundUseADPCM = 1; SoundForceSoftware = 1; SoundEnabled = 1; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Mouse Variables /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 1 to inverse the mouse vertical direction MouseInvert = 0; // Zoom step for the mouse wheel MouseZoomStep = 3.0; // Initial distance of the camera to the main character ViewLagBehind = 6.0; // Initial height of the camera relative to the character ViewHeight = 4.5; // Initial height of the target relative to the character ViewTargetHeight = 4.0; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Entities Variables //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Color of the entity name on top of entities EntityNameColor = { 255, 255, 255, 255 }; // Font size of the entity name EntityNameSize = 16; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Commands interface Variables ////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // If 1, display the command (chat) interface ShowCommands = 1; // If 1, display graph ShowGraph = 1; // Position & size of the command interface CommandsBoxX = 0.02; CommandsBoxY = 0.025; CommandsBoxWidth = 0.76; CommandsBoxBorder = 0.009; // Number of lines to display in the command interface CommandsNbLines = 5; // Space between 2 lines CommandsLineHeight = 0.025; // Color of the backgound interface CommandsBackColor = { 0, 0, 128, 128 }; // Color of the text interface CommandsFrontColor = { 255, 255, 255, 255 }; // Font size for the command lines CommandsFontSize = 14; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Radar interface Variables ///////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // If 0, no radar, if 1, big radar, if 2, small radar RadarState = 2; // 0 = no, 1 = big, 2 = little // Position & size of the radar interface RadarPosX = 0.2; RadarPosY = 0.22; RadarWidth = 0.6; RadarHeight = 0.7; // Radar colors RadarBackColor = { 0, 255, 0, 50 }; RadarFrontColor = { 0, 255, 0, 100 }; RadarSelfColor = { 0, 255, 0, 255 }; RadarOtherColor = { 255, 100, 0, 255 }; RadarPlaceColor = { 0, 0, 255, 255 }; // Size of the entity displayed in the radar RadarEntitySize = 0.006; RadarDistance = 500; RadarMinDistance = 100; RadarMaxDistance = 1000; RadarFontSize = 14; // Position & size of the small radar RadarLittlePosX = 0.915; RadarLittlePosY = 0.83; RadarLittleRadius = 0.1; // Position of particular places in the world (point of reference) RadarParticularPlaces = { "2300.0", "-776.0", "Vagimount", "770.0", "-640.0", "Manhatan", "1135.0", "-840.0", "ThePill", "1033.0", "-944.0", "End WuDoor", "564.0", "-1033.0", "Start WuDoor", "2125.0", "-764.0", "BigHole", "2169.0", "-1258.0", "GapCave", "1840.0", "-970.0", "StartPosition", "2350.0", "-1158.0", "BackWay", "2440.0", "-1302.0", "WorldRoof", "2228.0", "-1045.0", "DeepForest", "2133.0", "-471.0", "PingooVillage", }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Login Variables /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // If 1, launch snowballs in offline mode (not server), otherwise 0 for connecting to a server Local = 1; // Address of the login system (should be itsalive.nevrax.org) LSHost = "localhost"; // Address of the frontend system (should be itsalive.nevrax.org) FSHost = "localhost"; // Your login Login = ""; // Your password in clear text Password = ""; // The shard number index ShardId = 300; // If 1, the client directly connects to the LS // If 0, the client connects to the web server and the web server connects to the LS UseDirectClient = 1; ClientApplication = "snowballs"; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Landscape Variables /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name of the landscape data LandscapeBankName = "bank.bank"; LandscapeFarBankName = "bank.farbank"; // Landscape color (can't be modified in real time) LandscapeAmbiantColor = { 17, 54, 100 }; LandscapeDiffuseColor = { 241, 226, 244 }; LandscapeMultiplyFactor = 1.1; // Landscape view distance for zone loading LandscapeVisionInitial = 250.0; LandscapeVision = 500.0; // Enable the landscape to receive dynamic shadows LandscapeReceiveShadowMap = 1; // Landscape tesselation LandscapeTileNear = 50.0; // more is bigger more is faster LandscapeThreshold = 0.001; // more is bigger more is faster SunAmbientColor = { 255, 255, 255 }; SunDiffuseColor = { 255, 255, 255 }; SunSpecularColor = { 255, 255, 255}; SunDirection = { -2.935, +0.107, -1.22 }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Fog Variables ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 1 if you want to see the fog FogEnable = 1; FogStart = 100.0; // in meter FogEnd = 250.0; // in meter FogColor = { 80, 77, 118 }; RetrieverBankName = "snowballs.rbank"; GlobalRetrieverName = "snowballs.gr"; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Bloom Variables /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SquareBloom = 1; DensityBloom = 128; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Compass interface Variables /////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Position & size of the compass interface CompassPosX = 1.2; CompassPosY = 0.13; CompassRadius = 0.020; // Color of the compass CompassColor = { 150, 50, 255, 150 }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Instance groups /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// InstanceGroups = { "3_AN.ig", "4_AP.ig", "5_AD.ig", "5_AK.ig", "5_AL.ig", "5_AP.ig", "5_AQ.ig", "6_AG.ig", "6_AI.ig", "6_AL.ig", "6_AN.ig", "6_AO.ig", "6_AQ.ig", "7_AJ.ig", "7_AN.ig", "7_AO.ig", "8_AL.ig", "8_AN.ig", "3_AF.ig", "8_AR.ig", "3_AG.ig", "3_AI.ig", "3_AJ.ig", "3_AL.ig", "3_AO.ig", "3_AQ.ig", "3_AR.ig", "4_AH.ig", "4_AI.ig", "4_AJ.ig", "4_AK.ig", "4_AM.ig", "4_AN.ig", "4_AQ.ig", "4_AR.ig", "5_AF.ig", "5_AI.ig", "5_AJ.ig", "5_AN.ig", "5_AO.ig", "6_AH.ig", "6_AJ.ig", "6_AR.ig", "7_AK.ig", "7_AM.ig", "7_AR.ig", "8_AG.ig", "8_AJ.ig", "8_AK.ig" };