// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include "stdafx.h" #include "resource.h" #include "View.h" #include "SelectionTerritoire.h" #include "select_rotation.h" #include "Browse.h" #include "popup.h" #include //#include "ListGroup.h" //#include "ViewPopup.h" //#include "pic/readpic.h" using namespace std; using namespace NL3D; extern CTileBank tileBank2; BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CTView, CStatic) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CTView) ON_WM_DROPFILES() ON_WM_PAINT() ON_WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK() ON_WM_LBUTTONDOWN() ON_WM_RBUTTONDOWN() //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() CFont *normal_font = NULL; //int SortTile = 0; int sortMode = 1; //or, and __int64 flagGroupSort = 0; int showNULL = 0; //ViewPopup *theViewPopup = 0; bool zouille () { return (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_F2)&(1<<15)) != 0; }; // Rotate a buffer void rotateBuffer (uint &Width, uint &Height, std::vector& Tampon) { // Make a copy std::vector copy=Tampon; // Rotate for (uint y=0; y &tampon, uint &width, uint &height) { try { NLMISC::CIFile file; if (file.open(path.c_str())) { NLMISC::CBitmap bitmap; bitmap.load(file); width = bitmap.getWidth(); height = bitmap.getHeight(); tampon.resize(width * height); bitmap.convertToType(NLMISC::CBitmap::RGBA); for (uint y = 0; y < height; ++y) { for (uint x = 0; x < width; ++x) { NLMISC::CRGBA c = bitmap.getPixelColor(x, y, 0); c.R = (c.R * c.A) / 255; c.G = (c.G * c.A) / 255; c.B = (c.B * c.A) / 255; tampon[(y * width) + x] = c; } } return true; } } catch (const NLMISC::Exception& ) { } return false; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CTView //Attention : windows veut que le buffer image commence du bas vers le haut int _LoadBitmap(const std::string& path,LPBITMAPINFO BitmapInfo, std::vector&Tampon, std::vector* Alpha, int rot) { //vector Tampon; uint Width; uint Height; if (loadPic(path, Tampon, Width, Height)) { BitmapInfo->bmiHeader.biSize=sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); BitmapInfo->bmiHeader.biWidth=Width; BitmapInfo->bmiHeader.biHeight=-(int)Height; BitmapInfo->bmiHeader.biPlanes=1; BitmapInfo->bmiHeader.biBitCount=32; BitmapInfo->bmiHeader.biCompression=BI_RGB; BitmapInfo->bmiHeader.biSizeImage=0; BitmapInfo->bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter=1; BitmapInfo->bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter=1; BitmapInfo->bmiHeader.biClrUsed=0; BitmapInfo->bmiHeader.biClrImportant=0; BitmapInfo->bmiColors->rgbBlue=0; BitmapInfo->bmiColors->rgbRed=0; BitmapInfo->bmiColors->rgbGreen=0; while (rot) { // Rotate the buffer rotateBuffer (Width, Height, Tampon); rot--; } if ((Alpha)&&(Alpha->size()==Tampon.size())) { // Pre mul RGB componates by Alpha one int nPixelCount=(int)(Width*Height); for (int p=0; p>8); Tampon[p].G=(uint8)(((int)Tampon[p].G*alpha)>>8); Tampon[p].B=(uint8)(((int)Tampon[p].B*alpha)>>8); } } return 1; } else return 0; } //TileInfo TileInfo::TileInfo() { nightLoaded = 0; alphaLoaded = 0; loaded = 0; Selected = 0; } //TileList TileList::TileList() { last_id = 0; _tileSet = -1; // Add 48 transitions int i; for (i=0; iaddTile128 (index, tileBank2); nlassert (index==(sint)theList128.size()); TileInfo info; info.id = index; theList128.push_back (info); return index; } int TileList::addTile256 () { int index; tileBank2.getTileSet (_tileSet)->addTile256 (index, tileBank2); nlassert (index==(sint)theList256.size()); TileInfo info; info.id = index; theList256.push_back (info); return index; } bool RemovePath (std::string& path, const char* absolutePathToRemplace); int TileList::setTile128 (int tile, const std::string& name, NL3D::CTile::TBitmap type) { // Remove the absolute path from the path name std::string troncated=name; if (RemovePath (troncated, tileBank2.getAbsPath ().c_str())) { vector tampon; uint Width; uint Height; if (!loadPic(tileBank2.getAbsPath ()+troncated, tampon, Width, Height)) { return (int)(MessageBox (NULL, ((tileBank2.getAbsPath ()+troncated)+"\nContinue ?").c_str(), "Can't load bitmap.", MB_YESNO|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION)==IDYES); } else { CTileBorder border; border.set (Width, Height, tampon); CTileSet::TError error; int pixel=-1; int composante=4; if (type == CTile::additive) error=CTileSet::ok; else error=tileBank2.getTileSet(_tileSet)->checkTile128 (type, border, pixel, composante); if ((error!=CTileSet::ok)&&(error!=CTileSet::addFirstA128128)&&!zouille ()) { char sTmp[512]; static const char* comp[]={"Red", "Green", "Blue", "Alpha", ""}; sprintf (sTmp, "%s\nPixel: %d (%s)", CTileSet::getErrorMessage (error), pixel, comp[composante]); return (int)(MessageBox (NULL, (std::string(sTmp)+"\nContinue ?").c_str(), "Can't add tile", MB_YESNO|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION)==IDYES); } else { if (error==CTileSet::addFirstA128128) tileBank2.getTileSet(_tileSet)->setBorder (type, border); tileBank2.getTileSet(_tileSet)->setTile128 (tile, troncated, type, tileBank2); switch (type) { case CTile::diffuse: theList128[tile].loaded=0; break; case CTile::additive: theList128[tile].nightLoaded=0; break; case CTile::alpha: theList128[tile].alphaLoaded=0; break; } theList128[tile].Load (tileBank2.getTileSet(_tileSet)->getTile128(tile), NULL); } } } else { // Error: bitmap not in the absolute path.. char msg[512]; sprintf (msg, "The bitmap %s is not in the absolute path %s.", name.c_str(), tileBank2.getAbsPath ().c_str()); return (int)(MessageBox (NULL, (std::string (msg)+"\nContinue ?").c_str(), "Load error", MB_YESNO|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION)==IDYES); } return 1; } int TileList::setTile256 (int tile, const std::string& name, NL3D::CTile::TBitmap type) { // Remove the absolute path from the path name std::string troncated=name; if (RemovePath (troncated, tileBank2.getAbsPath ().c_str())) { vector tampon; uint Width; uint Height; if (!loadPic(tileBank2.getAbsPath ()+troncated, tampon, Width, Height)) { return (int)(MessageBox (NULL, ((tileBank2.getAbsPath ()+troncated)+"\nContinue ?").c_str(), "Can't load bitmap.", MB_YESNO|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION)==IDYES); } else { CTileBorder border; border.set (Width, Height, tampon); CTileSet::TError error; int pixel=-1; int composante=4; if (type == CTile::additive) error=CTileSet::ok; else error=tileBank2.getTileSet(_tileSet)->checkTile256 (type, border, pixel, composante); if ((error!=CTileSet::ok)&&!zouille()) { char sTmp[512]; static const char* comp[]={"Red", "Green", "Blue", "Alpha", ""}; sprintf (sTmp, "%s\nPixel: %d (%s)", CTileSet::getErrorMessage (error), pixel, comp[composante]); return (int)(MessageBox (NULL, (std::string(sTmp)+"\nContinue ?").c_str(), "Can't add tile", MB_YESNO|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION)==IDYES); } else { tileBank2.getTileSet(_tileSet)->setTile256 (tile, troncated, type, tileBank2); switch (type) { case CTile::diffuse: theList256[tile].loaded=0; break; case CTile::additive: theList256[tile].nightLoaded=0; break; case CTile::alpha: theList256[tile].alphaLoaded=0; break; } theList256[tile].Load (tileBank2.getTileSet(_tileSet)->getTile256(tile), NULL); } } } else { // Error: bitmap not in the absolute path.. char msg[512]; sprintf (msg, "The bitmap %s is not in the absolute path %s.", name.c_str(), tileBank2.getAbsPath ().c_str()); return (int)(MessageBox (NULL, (std::string (msg)+"\nContinue ?").c_str(), "Load error", MB_YESNO|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION)==IDYES); } return 1; } int TileList::setTileTransition (int tile, const std::string& name, NL3D::CTile::TBitmap type) { // Remove the absolute path from the path name std::string troncated=name; if (RemovePath (troncated, tileBank2.getAbsPath ().c_str())) { // No alpha, use setTileTransitionAlpha nlassert (CTile::alpha!=type); vector tampon; uint Width; uint Height; if (!loadPic(tileBank2.getAbsPath ()+troncated, tampon, Width, Height)) { return (int)(MessageBox (NULL, ((tileBank2.getAbsPath ()+troncated)+"\nContinue ?").c_str(), "Can't load bitmap.", MB_YESNO|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION)==IDYES); } else { CTileBorder border; border.set (Width, Height, tampon); CTileSet::TError error; int pixel=-1; int composante=4; if (type == CTile::additive) error=CTileSet::ok; else error=tileBank2.getTileSet(_tileSet)->checkTile128 (type, border, pixel, composante); if ((error!=CTileSet::ok)&&(error!=CTileSet::addFirstA128128)&&!zouille ()) { char sTmp[512]; static const char* comp[]={"Red", "Green", "Blue", "Alpha", ""}; sprintf (sTmp, "%s\nPixel: %d (%s)", CTileSet::getErrorMessage (error), pixel, comp[composante]); return MessageBox (NULL, (std::string(sTmp)+"\nContinue ?").c_str(), "Can't add tile", MB_YESNO|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION)==IDYES; } else { if (error==CTileSet::addFirstA128128) tileBank2.getTileSet(_tileSet)->setBorder (type, border); tileBank2.getTileSet(_tileSet)->setTileTransition ((CTileSet::TTransition)tile, troncated, type, tileBank2, border); switch (type) { case CTile::diffuse: theListTransition[tile].loaded=0; break; case CTile::additive: theListTransition[tile].nightLoaded=0; break; case CTile::alpha: theListTransition[tile].alphaLoaded=0; break; } theListTransition[tile].Load (tileBank2.getTileSet(_tileSet)->getTransition(tile)->getTile(), &theListTransition[tile].alphaBits); } } } else { // Error: bitmap not in the absolute path.. char msg[512]; sprintf (msg, "The bitmap %s is not in the absolute path %s.", name.c_str(), tileBank2.getAbsPath ().c_str()); MessageBox (NULL, msg, "Load error", MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } return 1; } int TileList::setDisplacement (int tile, const std::string& name) { // Remove the absolute path from the path name std::string troncated=name; if (RemovePath (troncated, tileBank2.getAbsPath ().c_str())) { // load it if (troncated!="") { // not loaded theListDisplacement[tile].loaded=0; if (!_LoadBitmap(tileBank2.getAbsPath() + troncated, &theListDisplacement[tile].BmpInfo, theListDisplacement[tile].Bits, NULL, 0)) MessageBox (NULL, (tileBank2.getAbsPath() + troncated).c_str(), "Can't load file", MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); else { // Check the size if ((theListDisplacement[tile].BmpInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth!=32)||(-theListDisplacement[tile].BmpInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight!=32)) { // Error message MessageBox (NULL, "Invalid size: displacement map must be 32x32 8 bits.", troncated.c_str(), MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); // Free the bitmap theListDisplacement[tile].Bits.resize (0); } else { // Loaded theListDisplacement[tile].loaded=1; // change the file name of the displacement map tileBank2.getTileSet(_tileSet)->setDisplacement ((CTileSet::TDisplacement)tile, troncated, tileBank2); } } } } else { // Error: bitmap not in the absolute path.. char msg[512]; sprintf (msg, "The bitmap %s is not in the absolute path %s.", name.c_str(), tileBank2.getAbsPath ().c_str()); MessageBox (NULL, msg, "Load error", MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } return 1; } int TileList::setTileTransitionAlpha (int tile, const std::string& name, int rot) { // Remove the absolute path from the path name std::string troncated=name; if (RemovePath (troncated, tileBank2.getAbsPath ().c_str())) { vector tampon; uint Width; uint Height; if (!loadPic(tileBank2.getAbsPath ()+troncated, tampon, Width, Height)) { return MessageBox (NULL, ((tileBank2.getAbsPath ()+troncated)+"\nContinue ?").c_str(), "Can't load bitmap.", MB_YESNO|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION)==IDYES; } else { CTileBorder border; border.set (Width, Height, tampon); // rotate the border int rotBis=rot; while (rotBis) { border.rotate (); rotBis--; } CTileSet::TError error; int indexError; int pixel=-1; int composante=4; if (((error=tileBank2.getTileSet(_tileSet)->checkTileTransition ((CTileSet::TTransition)tile, CTile::alpha, border, indexError, pixel, composante))!=CTileSet::ok)&&!zouille ()) { char sMsg[512]; if ((error==CTileSet::topInterfaceProblem)||(error==CTileSet::bottomInterfaceProblem)||(error==CTileSet::leftInterfaceProblem) ||(error==CTileSet::rightInterfaceProblem)||(error==CTileSet::topBottomNotTheSame)||(error==CTileSet::rightLeftNotTheSame) ||(error==CTileSet::topInterfaceProblem)) { static const char* comp[]={"Red", "Green", "Blue", "Alpha", ""}; if (indexError!=-1) sprintf (sMsg, "%s\nIncompatible with tile nb %d\nPixel: %d (%s)", CTileSet::getErrorMessage (error), indexError, pixel, comp[composante]); else sprintf (sMsg, "%s\nIncompatible with the 128x128 tile\nPixel: %d (%s)", CTileSet::getErrorMessage (error), pixel, comp[composante]); } else sprintf (sMsg, "%s\nIncompatible filled tile", CTileSet::getErrorMessage (error)); return MessageBox (NULL, (std::string(sMsg)+"\nContinue ?").c_str(), "Can't add tile", MB_YESNO|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION)==IDYES; } else { tileBank2.getTileSet(_tileSet)->setTileTransitionAlpha ((CTileSet::TTransition)tile, troncated, tileBank2, border, rot); theListTransition[tile].alphaLoaded=0; theListTransition[tile].Load (tileBank2.getTileSet(_tileSet)->getTransition(tile)->getTile(), NULL); } } } else { // Error: bitmap not in the absolute path.. char msg[512]; sprintf (msg, "The bitmap %s is not in the absolute path %s.", name.c_str(), tileBank2.getAbsPath ().c_str()); MessageBox (NULL, msg, "Load error", MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } return 1; } void TileList::removeTile128 (int index) { tileBank2.getTileSet (_tileSet)->removeTile128 (index, tileBank2); theList[0].erase (theList[0].begin()+index); for (int i=0; i<(sint)theList[0].size(); i++) { theList[0][i].id=i; } } void TileList::removeTile256 (int index) { tileBank2.getTileSet (_tileSet)->removeTile256 (index, tileBank2); theList[1].erase (theList[1].begin()+index); for (int i=0; i<(sint)theList[1].size(); i++) { theList[1][i].id=i; } } void TileList::clearTile128 (int index, CTile::TBitmap bitmap) { switch (bitmap) { case CTile::diffuse: theList128[index].loaded=0; theList128[index].Bits.resize(0); break; case CTile::additive: theList128[index].nightLoaded=0; theList128[index].nightBits.resize(0); break; case CTile::alpha: theList128[index].alphaLoaded=0; theList128[index].alphaBits.resize(0); break; } tileBank2.getTileSet (_tileSet)->clearTile128 (index, bitmap, tileBank2); } void TileList::clearTile256 (int index, CTile::TBitmap bitmap) { switch (bitmap) { case CTile::diffuse: theList256[index].loaded=0; theList256[index].Bits.resize(0); break; case CTile::additive: theList256[index].nightLoaded=0; theList256[index].nightBits.resize(0); break; case CTile::alpha: theList256[index].alphaLoaded=0; theList256[index].alphaBits.resize(0); break; } tileBank2.getTileSet (_tileSet)->clearTile256 (index, bitmap, tileBank2); } void TileList::clearTransition (int index, CTile::TBitmap bitmap) { switch (bitmap) { case CTile::diffuse: theListTransition[index].loaded=0; theListTransition[index].Bits.resize(0); break; case CTile::additive: theListTransition[index].nightLoaded=0; theListTransition[index].nightBits.resize(0); break; case CTile::alpha: theListTransition[index].alphaLoaded=0; theListTransition[index].alphaBits.resize(0); break; } tileBank2.getTileSet (_tileSet)->clearTransition ((CTileSet::TTransition)index, bitmap, tileBank2); } void TileList::clearDisplacement (int index) { // Clear the displacement map filename tileBank2.getTileSet (_tileSet)->clearDisplacement ((CTileSet::TDisplacement)index, tileBank2); theListDisplacement[index].loaded=0; theListDisplacement[index].Bits.resize(0); } tilelist::iterator TileList::GetFirst(int n) { //UpdateLF(); return theList[n].begin(); } tilelist::iterator TileList::GetLast(int n) { //UpdateLF(); return theList[n].end(); } int TileList::GetSize(int n) { //UpdateLF(); return (int)theList[n].size(); } void TileInfo::Delete () { loaded=0; nightLoaded=0; alphaLoaded=0; } tilelist::iterator TileList::Get(int i, int n) { return theList[n].begin()+i; } const std::string& TileInfo::getRelativeFileName (CTile::TBitmap type, int index) { return tileBank2.getTile (index)->getRelativeFileName (type); } bool TileInfo::Load (int index, std::vector* Alpha) { bool bRes=true; if (!loaded && getRelativeFileName (CTile::diffuse, index)!="") { if (!_LoadBitmap(tileBank2.getAbsPath() + getRelativeFileName (CTile::diffuse, index), &BmpInfo, Bits, Alpha, 0)) { bRes=false; MessageBox (NULL, (tileBank2.getAbsPath() + getRelativeFileName (CTile::diffuse, index)).c_str(), "Can't load file", MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } else loaded=1; } if (!nightLoaded && getRelativeFileName (CTile::additive, index)!="") { if (!_LoadBitmap(tileBank2.getAbsPath() + getRelativeFileName (CTile::additive, index), &nightBmpInfo, nightBits, Alpha, 0)) { bRes=false; MessageBox (NULL, (tileBank2.getAbsPath() + getRelativeFileName (CTile::additive, index)).c_str(), "Can't load file", MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } else nightLoaded=1; } if (!alphaLoaded && getRelativeFileName (CTile::alpha, index)!="") { if (!_LoadBitmap(tileBank2.getAbsPath() + getRelativeFileName (CTile::alpha, index), &alphaBmpInfo, alphaBits, NULL, tileBank2.getTile (index)->getRotAlpha ())) { bRes=false; MessageBox (NULL, (tileBank2.getAbsPath() + getRelativeFileName (CTile::alpha, index)).c_str(), "Can't load file", MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } else alphaLoaded=1; } return bRes; } void TileList::Reload(int first, int count, int n) //recharge en memoire une tranche de tiles { for (int i=first; igetTile128 (i), NULL); break; case 1: theList[n][i].Load (tileBank2.getTileSet(_tileSet)->getTile256 (i), NULL); break; case 2: { int index=tileBank2.getTileSet(_tileSet)->getTransition (i)->getTile(); if (index!=-1) theList[n][i].Load (index, &theListTransition[i].alphaBits); } break; } } } //CTView CTView::CTView() { sizetile_x = SIZE_SMALL; sizetile_y = SIZE_SMALL; sizetext_y = 14; spacing_x = SPACING_SMALL_X; spacing_y = SPACING_SMALL_Y; Zoom=3; Texture = 1; Sort = 1; InfoTexte = 1; count_ = 0; ViewTileMode = 0; scrollpos = 0; lastVBarPos = 0; smEdgeList = 0; bPopup = 0; //theViewPopup = 0; } CTView::~CTView() { } void CTView::Init(int _land, int n) { InfoList._tileSet=_land; UpdateSize(n); pipo_buffer = (void *)new char[sizetile_x * sizetile_y * 3]; bmp = new CBitmap; bmp->CreateBitmap(sizetile_x,sizetile_y,1,24,pipo_buffer); pImList = new CImageList; pImList->Create(sizetile_x,sizetile_y,ILC_COLOR24,0,1); pImList->Add(bmp,(CBitmap*)NULL); char *defautpath = ((SelectionTerritoire*)GetParent()->GetParent())->DefautPath.GetBuffer(256); count_=1; } void CTView::Delete() { count_=0; pImList = 0; } int CTView::GetNbTileLine(void) { RECT rect; GetClientRect(&rect); return ( max ( 1, int( rect.right - rect.left - spacing_x ) / ( sizeicon_x + spacing_x ) ) ); } int CTView::GetNbTileColumn(void) { RECT rect; GetClientRect(&rect); int deb; if (scrollpossizeicon_y) deb -=sizeicon_y + spacing_y; int ret= ((rect.bottom - rect.top /*- spacing_y*/ + deb)/(sizeicon_y + spacing_y)) +1 ; return max (1, ret); } void CTView::GetVisibility(int &First,int &Last, int n) //retourne l'indice du premier et du dernier item visible dans la fenetre { int y; int i = GetNbTileLine(); int j = GetNbTileColumn(); if (scrollpossizeicon_y) First++; First *= i; Last = First + i*j -1; if (InfoList.GetSize(n)>0 && Last>=InfoList.GetSize(n)) Last = InfoList.GetSize(n)-1; if (First>Last) First = Last; } int CTView::GetIndex(LPPOINT pt, int n) //retourne l'index d'un incone a partir de sa position dans le fenetre //si le curseur n'est pas sur un icon, retourne -1 { POINT pts = *pt; pts.y += scrollpos; RECT rect; GetClientRect(&rect); int i = GetNbTileLine(); int lf = (rect.right - rect.left) - (GetNbTileLine()*(spacing_x+sizeicon_x) + spacing_x); if (pts.x > (rect.right - rect.left - lf)) return -1; if (pts.x<0) return -1; if (pts.ysizeicon_y) return -1; int il = (pts.y - spacing_y)/(spacing_y + sizeicon_y); int x = (pts.x - spacing_x)%(spacing_x + sizeicon_x); if (x>sizeicon_x) return -1; int ic = (pts.x - spacing_x)/(spacing_x + sizeicon_x); int ret = ic + il*i; if (ret=0) return ret; else return -1; } POINT CTView::GetPos(int i) //fonction inverse de GetIndex { POINT ret; int nl = max (1, GetNbTileLine()); ret.x = (i%nl)*(spacing_x + sizeicon_x) + spacing_x; ret.y = (i/nl)*(spacing_y + sizeicon_y) + spacing_y - scrollpos; return ret; } void CTView::UpdateSelection(LPRECT rect_,int mode, int n) //rect : coordonnees du rectangle de selection dans la fenetre parent { RECT client,*rect; GetWindowRect(&client); rect = new RECT; memcpy(rect,rect_,sizeof(RECT)); //on se met dans le repere de CTView POINT pt; pt.x = rect->left; pt.y = rect->top; GetParent()->ClientToScreen(&pt); ScreenToClient(&pt); rect->left = pt.x; rect->top = pt.y; pt.x = rect->right; pt.y = rect->bottom; GetParent()->ClientToScreen(&pt); ScreenToClient(&pt); rect->right = pt.x; rect->bottom = pt.y; rect->top += scrollpos; rect->bottom += scrollpos; if (rect->left<300) { int toto = 0; } //on clip if (rect->left<0) rect->left = 0; if (rect->toptop = scrollpos; int lf = (client.right - client.left) - (GetNbTileLine()*(spacing_x+sizeicon_x) + spacing_x); if (rect->right>(client.right-client.left-spacing_x-lf)) { rect->right = client.right - client.left - spacing_x - lf; } if ((rect->bottom-scrollpos)>(client.bottom-client.top)) rect->bottom=client.bottom-client.top+scrollpos; if (rect->leftleft = spacing_x; if ((rect->top-scrollpos)top = spacing_y + scrollpos; int rx = (rect->left - spacing_x)%(spacing_x + sizeicon_x); rect->left -= rx; if (rx>=sizeicon_x) { rect->left += sizeicon_x + spacing_x; if (rect->left>=(client.right - client.left)) rect->left = (client.right - client.left) - spacing_x; } int ry = (rect->top - spacing_y)%(spacing_y + sizeicon_y); rect->top -= ry; if (ry>=sizeicon_y) { rect->top += sizeicon_y + spacing_y; if ((rect->top-scrollpos)>=(client.bottom - client.top)) rect->top = (client.bottom - client.top) - spacing_y + scrollpos; } if (rect->rightbottom-scrollpos)right - spacing_x)%(spacing_x + sizeicon_x); rect->right += (sizeicon_x - rx -1 ); ry = (rect->bottom - spacing_y)%(spacing_y + sizeicon_y); rect->bottom += (sizeicon_y - ry -1 ); if (rect->bottomtop || rect->left>rect->right) return; pt; pt.x = rect->left; pt.y = rect->top; pt.y -=scrollpos; int index = GetIndex(&pt, n); tilelist::iterator p = InfoList.GetFirst(n); CDC *pDC = GetDC(); if (index==-1 && !(mode&MK_SHIFT)) { for (int i = 0;iSelected==1) { p->Selected = 0; DrawTile(p,pDC,0,n); } p++; } if (pDC) ::ReleaseDC(*this,*pDC); return; } for (int i = 0;iSelected==1) { p->Selected = 0; DrawTile(p,pDC,0,n); } else if (p->Selected&4) { if (p->Selected) p->Selected=2; else p->Selected = 3; DrawTile(p,pDC,0,n); } p++; } int nbline = GetNbTileLine(); int incd = index%nbline; for (int j = rect->top;j<=rect->bottom;j+=sizeicon_y + spacing_y) { int k = 0; if (j!=rect->top) { for (;kSelected==1) { p->Selected = 0; DrawTile(p,pDC,0,n); } else if (p->Selected&4) { if (p->Selected&3) p->Selected=2; else p->Selected = 3; int k = !(p->Selected&1); DrawTile(p,pDC,0,n); } p++; } } else k = incd; for (int i = rect->left;i<=rect->right;i+=sizeicon_x + spacing_x) { if (p==InfoList.GetLast(n)) { if (pDC!=NULL) ::ReleaseDC(*this,*pDC); return; } if (!(mode&MK_CONTROL)) { if (p->Selected!=1) { p->Selected = 1; DrawTile(p,pDC,0,n); } } else { if ((p->Selected&4)==0) { int k = p->Selected; p->Selected = (p->Selected&3)?4:5; k = p->Selected; DrawTile(p,pDC,0,n); } } p++; k++; } for (;kSelected==1) { p->Selected = 0; DrawTile(p,pDC,0,n); } else if (p->Selected&4) { if (p->Selected&3) p->Selected=2; else p->Selected = 3; DrawTile(p,pDC,0,n); } p++; } } for (;p!=InfoList.GetLast(n);p++) { if (p->Selected==1) { p->Selected = 0; DrawTile(p,pDC,0,n); } else if (p->Selected&4) { if (p->Selected&3) p->Selected=2; else p->Selected = 3; DrawTile(p,pDC,0,n); } } if (pDC!=NULL) ::ReleaseDC(*this,*pDC); } void CTView::DeleteTile(tilelist::iterator p) { p->loaded = 0; p->nightLoaded = 0; p->alphaLoaded = 0; } void CTView::UpdateBar(int iFirst,int iLast, int n) { int i = GetNbTileColumn(); int j = max (1, GetNbTileLine()); int nbline = InfoList.GetSize(n)/j+1; int posline = iFirst/j; SCROLLINFO scr; scr.fMask = SIF_ALL ^ SIF_POS; scr.nMin = 0; scr.nMax = SCROLL_MAX; if (nbline==0) {scr.nPage = SCROLL_MAX; scr.nPos = 0;} else { scr.nPage = (SCROLL_MAX*i)/nbline; } GetParent()->SetScrollInfo(SB_VERT,&scr); } int CTView::IsSelected(int i) { return 0; } void CTView::UpdateSize(int n) { spacing_tile_text = 3; if (Zoom==1) {sizetile_x = sizetile_y = SIZE_SMALL; spacing_x = SPACING_SMALL_X; spacing_y = SPACING_SMALL_Y;} if (Zoom==2) {sizetile_x = sizetile_y = SIZE_NORMAL; spacing_x = SPACING_NORMAL_X; spacing_y = SPACING_NORMAL_Y;} if (Zoom==3) {sizetile_x = sizetile_y = SIZE_BIG; spacing_x = SPACING_BIG_X; spacing_y = SPACING_BIG_Y;} if (n==1) { sizetile_x *= 2; sizetile_y *= 2; } sizeicon_x = sizetile_x; sizeicon_y = sizetile_y + sizetext_y + spacing_tile_text; } int debug = 0; void CTView::OnPaint() { Browse *parent = (Browse*)this->GetParent(); CPaintDC dc(this); // device context for painting // TODO: Add your message handler code here RECT rect; GetClientRect(&rect); CBrush brush (GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE)); dc.FillRect(&rect,&brush); if (InfoList.GetSize(parent->m_128x128)==0) return; debug=(debug+1)&1; if (debug==1) { debug = 1; } CRgn clip; clip.CreateRectRgn(rect.left,rect.top,rect.right,rect.bottom); dc.SelectClipRgn(&clip); CRgn update; if (GetUpdateRgn(&update)==NULLREGION) { ::ReleaseDC(*this,dc); return; } GetVisibility(iFV, iLV, parent->m_128x128); UpdateBar(iFV, iLV, parent->m_128x128); if (!normal_font) { normal_font = new CFont; normal_font->CreateFont(-10,0,0,0,FW_THIN,false,false,false,DEFAULT_CHARSET,OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS,CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS,DEFAULT_QUALITY,FIXED_PITCH,NULL); } tilelist::iterator p = InfoList.GetFirst(parent->m_128x128); int i; for (i=0;im_128x128); ::ReleaseDC (*this, dc); } void CTView::OnDropFiles(HDROP hDropInfo) { // TODO: Add your message handler code here and/or call default //first : on verifie s'il les tiles doivent etre inseres if (!lockInsertion) { Browse *parent = (Browse*)this->GetParent(); char FileName[256]; int count=DragQueryFile(hDropInfo,0xffffffff,FileName,256); //count = files number in drop queue POINT pos; DragQueryPoint(hDropInfo,&pos); //retrieve cursor position CDC *pDC = GetDC(); for (int i=0;im_128x128) { case 0: { int index=InfoList.addTile128 (); if (InfoList.setTile128 (index, FileName, Texture==1?CTile::diffuse:(Texture==2?CTile::additive:CTile::alpha))) { tilelist::iterator it = InfoList.GetLast(parent->m_128x128); it--; } else { InfoList.removeTile128 (index); } } break; case 1: { int index=InfoList.addTile256 (); if (InfoList.setTile256 (index, FileName, Texture==1?CTile::diffuse:(Texture==2?CTile::additive:CTile::alpha))) { tilelist::iterator it = InfoList.GetLast(parent->m_128x128); it--; } else InfoList.removeTile256 (index); } break; case 2: { } break; } } int iFV,iLV; GetVisibility(iFV, iLV, parent->m_128x128); UpdateBar(iFV, iLV, parent->m_128x128); Invalidate (); } CStatic::OnDropFiles(hDropInfo); } void CTView::DrawTile(tilelist::iterator i,CDC *pDC,int clear, int n) { RECT rect; GetClientRect(&rect); CBrush brush (GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE)); if (InfoList.GetSize(n)==0) { return; } LPBITMAPINFO bmpinf; std::string pth; std::vector *bits; int loaded; switch (n) { case 0: pth = i->getRelativeFileName ((CTile::TBitmap)(Texture-1), tileBank2.getTileSet (InfoList._tileSet)->getTile128 (i->id)); break; case 1: pth = i->getRelativeFileName ((CTile::TBitmap)(Texture-1), tileBank2.getTileSet (InfoList._tileSet)->getTile256 (i->id)); break; case 2: { int index=tileBank2.getTileSet (InfoList._tileSet)->getTransition (i->id)->getTile(); if (index!=-1) pth = i->getRelativeFileName ((CTile::TBitmap)(Texture-1), index); else pth = ""; } break; case 3: pth = tileBank2.getDisplacementMap (tileBank2.getTileSet (InfoList._tileSet)->getDisplacementTile ((CTileSet::TDisplacement)i->id)); break; } switch(Texture) { case 1: bmpinf = &(i->BmpInfo); bits = &i->Bits; loaded = i->loaded; break; case 2: bmpinf = &(i->nightBmpInfo); bits = &i->nightBits; loaded = i->nightLoaded; break; case 3: bmpinf = &(i->alphaBmpInfo); bits = &i->alphaBits; loaded = i->alphaLoaded; break; } CRgn clip; clip.CreateRectRgn(rect.left,rect.top,rect.right,rect.bottom); pDC->SelectClipRgn(&clip); // Select a font CFont *pOldFont=pDC->SelectObject(normal_font); POINT pt; pt = GetPos(i->id); RECT rect_txt; rect_txt.top = pt.y; rect_txt.bottom = pt.y + sizeicon_y + spacing_y; rect_txt.left = pt.x; rect_txt.right = pt.x + sizeicon_x + spacing_x; // Turn every other pixel to black COLORREF clrBk = pDC->SetBkColor( GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE) ); COLORREF clrText = pDC->SetTextColor( RGB(0,0,0) ); if (clear) pDC->FillRect(&rect_txt,&brush); if (!loaded) { pDC->FillSolidRect( pt.x, pt.y, sizetile_x, sizetile_y, GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE) ); pDC->MoveTo (pt.x,pt.y); pDC->LineTo (pt.x+sizetile_x,pt.y+sizetile_y); pDC->MoveTo (pt.x+sizetile_x,pt.y); pDC->LineTo (pt.x,pt.y+sizetile_y); pDC->MoveTo (pt.x,pt.y); pDC->LineTo (pt.x+sizetile_x,pt.y); pDC->LineTo (pt.x+sizetile_x,pt.y+sizetile_y); pDC->LineTo (pt.x,pt.y+sizetile_y); pDC->LineTo (pt.x,pt.y); pDC->MoveTo (pt.x+1,pt.y); pDC->LineTo (pt.x+sizetile_x,pt.y+sizetile_y-1); pDC->MoveTo (pt.x,pt.y+1); pDC->LineTo (pt.x+sizetile_x-1,pt.y+sizetile_y); pDC->MoveTo (pt.x+sizetile_x-1,pt.y); pDC->LineTo (pt.x,pt.y+sizetile_y-1); pDC->MoveTo (pt.x+sizetile_x,pt.y+1); pDC->LineTo (pt.x+1,pt.y+sizetile_y); } else { StretchDIBits(pDC->m_hDC,pt.x,pt.y, sizetile_x,sizetile_y,0,0, bmpinf->bmiHeader.biWidth, -bmpinf->bmiHeader.biHeight, &*bits->begin(),bmpinf,DIB_RGB_COLORS,SRCCOPY); } char temp[100]; char Name[256]; Name[0] = 0; if (InfoTexte==2) { _splitpath(pth.c_str(),temp,temp,Name,temp); } else if (InfoTexte==3) { __int64 mask = 1; } else if (InfoTexte==1) { sprintf(Name,"%d",i->id); } rect_txt.top = pt.y + sizetile_y + spacing_tile_text; rect_txt.bottom += rect_txt.top + sizetext_y; rect_txt.left -= spacing_x; pDC->DrawText(Name,(int)strlen(Name),&rect_txt,DT_CENTER | DT_SINGLELINE); // Restore the device context pDC->SetBkColor( clrBk ); pDC->SetTextColor( clrText ); if (i->Selected&3) { CRect rc; rc.left = pt.x; rc.top = pt.y; rc.right = rc.left + sizetile_x; rc.bottom = rc.top + sizetile_y; ShadeRect(pDC,rc); } // Invalidate flag button Browse *parent = (Browse*)this->GetParent(); parent->UpdateFlags (); // Release the font pDC->SelectObject(pOldFont); } void CTView::ShadeRect( CDC *pDC, CRect& rect ) { // Bit pattern for a monochrome brush with every // other pixel turned off WORD Bits[8] = { 0x0055, 0x00aa, 0x0055, 0x00aa, 0x0055, 0x00aa, 0x0055, 0x00aa }; CBitmap bmBrush; CBrush brush; // (GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE)); // Need a monochrome pattern bitmap bmBrush.CreateBitmap( 8, 8, 1, 1, &Bits ); // Create the pattern brush brush.CreatePatternBrush( &bmBrush ); CBrush *pOldBrush = pDC->SelectObject( &brush ); // Turn every other pixel to black COLORREF clrBk = pDC->SetBkColor( GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE) ); COLORREF clrText = pDC->SetTextColor( RGB(0,0,0) ); // 0x00A000C9 is the ROP code to AND the brush with the destination pDC->PatBlt(rect.left, rect.top, rect.Width(), rect.Height(), (DWORD)0x00A000C9); //DPa - raster code pDC->SetBkColor( clrBk ); pDC->SetTextColor( clrText ); clrBk = pDC->SetBkColor( RGB(0,0,0) ); clrText = pDC->SetTextColor( GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT) ); // 0x00FA0089 is the ROP code to OR the brush with the destination pDC->PatBlt(rect.left, rect.top, rect.Width(), rect.Height(), (DWORD)0x00FA0089); //DPo - raster code // Restore the device context pDC->SelectObject( pOldBrush ); pDC->SetBkColor( clrBk ); pDC->SetTextColor( clrText ); } //code modifie des sources des MFC =))) void CTView::DrawDragRect(CDC *pDC,LPCRECT lpRect, SIZE size, LPCRECT lpRectLast, SIZE sizeLast, CBrush* pBrush, CBrush* pBrushLast) { // first, determine the update region and select it CRgn rgnNew; CRgn rgnOutside, rgnInside; CRect rect; if (lpRect) { rgnOutside.CreateRectRgnIndirect(lpRect); rect = *lpRect; rect.InflateRect(-size.cx, -size.cy); rect.IntersectRect(rect, lpRect); rgnInside.CreateRectRgnIndirect(rect); rgnNew.CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0); rgnNew.CombineRgn(&rgnOutside, &rgnInside, RGN_XOR); } CBrush* pBrushOld = NULL; if (pBrush == NULL) pBrush = CDC::GetHalftoneBrush(); if (pBrushLast == NULL) pBrushLast = pBrush; CRgn rgnLast, rgnUpdate; if (lpRectLast != NULL/* && lpRect!=NULL*/) { // find difference between new region and old region rgnLast.CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0); if (lpRect==NULL) rgnOutside.CreateRectRgnIndirect(lpRectLast); else rgnOutside.SetRectRgn(lpRectLast); rect = *lpRectLast; rect.InflateRect(-sizeLast.cx, -sizeLast.cy); rect.IntersectRect(rect, lpRectLast); if (lpRect==NULL) rgnInside.CreateRectRgnIndirect(rect); else rgnInside.SetRectRgn(rect); rgnLast.CombineRgn(&rgnOutside, &rgnInside, RGN_XOR); // only diff them if brushes are the same if (pBrush->m_hObject == pBrushLast->m_hObject) { rgnUpdate.CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0); rgnUpdate.CombineRgn(&rgnLast, &rgnNew, RGN_XOR); } } if (!lpRect || (pBrush->m_hObject != pBrushLast->m_hObject && lpRectLast != NULL)) { // brushes are different -- erase old region first pDC->SelectClipRgn(&rgnLast); pDC->GetClipBox(&rect); pBrushOld = pDC->SelectObject(pBrushLast); pDC->PatBlt(rect.left, rect.top, rect.Width(), rect.Height(), PATINVERT); pDC->SelectObject(pBrushOld); } // draw into the update/new region if (lpRect) { pDC->SelectClipRgn(rgnUpdate.m_hObject != NULL ? &rgnUpdate : &rgnNew); pDC->GetClipBox(&rect); pBrushOld = pDC->SelectObject(pBrush); pDC->PatBlt(rect.left, rect.top, rect.Width(), rect.Height(), PATINVERT); pDC->SelectObject(pBrushOld); } pDC->SelectClipRgn(NULL); } void CTView::RemoveSelection(int n) { for (tilelist::iterator p = InfoList.theList[n].begin();p!=InfoList.theList[n].end();++p) { p->Selected = 0; } } void CTView::InsertItemInCtrlList(tilelist::iterator iFirst,tilelist::iterator iLast) { /* int iItem = InfoList.GetSize(); for (tilelist::iterator i=iFirst;i!=iLast;++i) { char num[10]; sprintf(num,"%d",iItem); InsertItem(iItem,num,0); SetItemData(iItem++,(DWORD)(*i)); }*/ } LRESULT CTView::WindowProc(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { // TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class if (message==WM_MOUSEMOVE) { MousePos.x = LOWORD(lParam); MousePos.y = HIWORD(lParam); } if (message==WM_DRAWITEM) { int toto=0; } if (message==WM_CLOSE) Delete(); if (message==WM_COMMAND) //The user had selected an item on popup menu { Browse *parent = (Browse*)this->GetParent(); int id=LOWORD(wParam); if (id==ID_MENU_SUPR_TILE) { for (int i=0; im_128x128); i++) { if (InfoList.Get(i, parent->m_128x128)->Selected) { switch (parent->m_128x128) { case 0: InfoList.removeTile128 (i); break; case 1: InfoList.removeTile256 (i); break; default: nlassert (0); // no! } } } bPopup = 0; } else if (id==ID_MENU_SUPR_BITMAP) { for (int i=0; im_128x128); i++) { if (InfoList.Get(i, parent->m_128x128)->Selected) { switch (parent->m_128x128) { case 0: InfoList.clearTile128 (i, (CTile::TBitmap)(Texture-1)); break; case 1: InfoList.clearTile256 (i, (CTile::TBitmap)(Texture-1)); break; case 2: InfoList.clearTransition (i, (CTile::TBitmap)(Texture-1)); break; case 3: InfoList.clearDisplacement (i); break; default: nlassert (0); // no! } } } bPopup = 0; } else if ((id==ID_MENU_ADD)||(id==ID_MENU_REPLACE)) { _chdir (LastPath.c_str()); CFileDialog load(true, NULL, LastPath.c_str(), OFN_ENABLESIZING | OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT, "PNG Bitmap (*.png)|*.png|Targa bitmap (*.tga)|*.tga|All files (*.*)|*.*||",NULL); load.m_ofn.lpstrFile = new char[10000]; // buffer contains filenames list load.m_ofn.lpstrFile[0] = 0; // with 10 KB we should be large enough... // if all files are exceeding 10000 characters, insert would be skipped load.m_ofn.nMaxFile = 10000-1; if (load.DoModal()==IDOK) { // Ok ? int ok=1; //AfxMessageBox ("toto"); POSITION p = load.GetStartPosition(); //la doc dit que p=NULL quand il n'y a pas de selection : c'est faux, genial les MFC while (p) { CString str = load.GetNextPathName(p); char sDrive[256]; char sPath[256]; _splitpath (str, sDrive, sPath, NULL, NULL); LastPath=string (sDrive)+string (sPath); if (str!=CString("")) { int index=0; const char *pathname = (LPCTSTR)str; // Add mode, to the end of the list if (id==ID_MENU_ADD) { // Index of the new tile int index; // Index in the list switch (parent->m_128x128) { case 0: // Add a 128 tile index=InfoList.addTile128 (); // Set the tile if ((ok=InfoList.setTile128 (index, pathname, Texture==1?CTile::diffuse:(Texture==2?CTile::additive:CTile::alpha)))==0) // If prb, remove it InfoList.removeTile128 (index); break; case 1: // Add a 128 tile index=InfoList.addTile256 (); // Set the tile if ((ok=InfoList.setTile256 (index, pathname, Texture==1?CTile::diffuse:(Texture==2?CTile::additive:CTile::alpha)))==0) // If prb, remove it InfoList.removeTile256 (index); break; case 2: nlassert (0); // no, can't add transition break; } } else { // Must be a replace mode. nlassert (id==ID_MENU_REPLACE); // For each tile for (int index=0; indexm_128x128); index++) { // If selected if (InfoList.Get(index, parent->m_128x128)->Selected) { switch (parent->m_128x128) { case 0: // Set the 128 tile ok=InfoList.setTile128 (index, pathname, Texture==1?CTile::diffuse:(Texture==2?CTile::additive:CTile::alpha)); break; case 1: // Set the 256 tile ok=InfoList.setTile256 (index, pathname, Texture==1?CTile::diffuse:(Texture==2?CTile::additive:CTile::alpha)); break; case 2: // Alpha texture ? if (Texture!=3) { ok=InfoList.setTileTransition (index, pathname, Texture==1?CTile::diffuse:(Texture==2?CTile::additive:CTile::alpha)); } // Alpha! else { // Select rotation SelectRotation selectRotation; if (selectRotation.DoModal()==IDOK) { // Set the alpha tile with the good rotation ok=InfoList.setTileTransitionAlpha (index, pathname, selectRotation.RotSelected); } } break; case 3: // Displacement ok=InfoList.setDisplacement (index, pathname); break; default: nlassert (0); // no! } } // Reload last inserted tile InfoList.Reload(index, 1, parent->m_128x128); InfoList.Get(index, parent->m_128x128)->Selected = 0; // Stop ? if (!ok) break; } } } // Stop ? if (!ok) break; } } delete load.m_ofn.lpstrFile; //InfoList.Sort(); bPopup = 0; } else if (id==12) { ViewTileMode = 1; Browse *parent = (Browse*) this->GetParent(); parent->SendMessage(WM_PAINT,0,0); bPopup = 0; } this->RedrawWindow(); } return CStatic::WindowProc(message, wParam, lParam); } void CTView::OnRButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { // TODO: Add your message handler code here and/or call default if (!lockInsertion) { Browse *parent = (Browse*)this->GetParent(); RECT wndpos; CMenu popup; GetParent()->GetWindowRect(&wndpos); popup.CreatePopupMenu(); int c = 0; for (tilelist::iterator p = InfoList.GetFirst(parent->m_128x128);p!=InfoList.GetLast(parent->m_128x128);++p) { if (p->Selected) c++; } if (!ViewTileMode) { popup.AppendMenu(parent->m_128x128<2 ? MF_STRING : MF_STRING | MF_GRAYED, ID_MENU_ADD,"Add..."); popup.AppendMenu(c>0 ? MF_STRING : MF_STRING | MF_GRAYED, ID_MENU_REPLACE, "Replace..."); popup.AppendMenu(c>0 ? MF_STRING : MF_STRING | MF_GRAYED, ID_MENU_SUPR_BITMAP, "Del bitmap"); popup.AppendMenu((c>0 && parent->m_128x128<2) ? MF_STRING : MF_STRING | MF_GRAYED, ID_MENU_SUPR_TILE, "Del tile"); } else { } bPopup = 1; popup.TrackPopupMenu(TPM_LEFTALIGN,MousePos.x+wndpos.left,MousePos.y+wndpos.top,GetParent(),NULL); } CStatic::OnRButtonDown(nFlags, point); } void CTView::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { // TODO: Add your message handler code here and/or call default SendMessage(WM_PAINT,0,0); CStatic::OnLButtonDown(nFlags, point); } void CTView::OnLButtonDblClk(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { // TODO: Add your message handler code here and/or call default }