--BaseY = -32594 BaseX = 21570 BaseY = -1363 UnitTest = {} UnitTest.testAddSecondaryActUi = function() function Form_onOk(form) local act =r2.newComponent("Act") local features = act.Features local tmpDefault = r2.newComponent("DefaultFeature") table.insert(features, tmpDefault) r2.requestInsertNode(r2.ScenarioInstanceId, "Acts", -1, "", act) end function Form_onCancel(form) end r2:doForm("CreateNewAdventureActDescription", {}, Form_onOk, Form_onCancel) end UnitTest.testLoadAnimationScenarioUi = function() local function onOk(form) if (form.LoadScenario_Name ~= nil and type(form.LoadScenario_Name) == "string") then if form.LoadScenario_Name == "" then local ui = r2:getForm("LoadScenario") ui.active = true ui.Env.Choice = nil r2.CurrentForm = ui messageBox(i18n.get("uiR2EDInvalidName")) return end local filename = form.LoadScenario_Name if string.find(filename, '.r2', -3) == nil then local ui = r2:getForm("LoadScenario") ui.active = true ui.Env.Choice = nil r2.CurrentForm = ui messageBox(i18n.get("uiR2EDInvalidName")) return end filename = form.Path .. filename local header = r2.getFileHeader(filename) local mainland = not header or header.NevraxScenario ~= "1" or header.TrialAllowed ~= "1" local trial = isPlayerFreeTrial() if mainland and getDbProp("SERVER:USER:IS_NEWBIE") == 1 and trial then local ui = r2:getForm("LoadScenario") ui.active = true ui.Env.Choice = nil r2.CurrentForm = ui r2.onSystemMessageReceived("ERR", "", "uiRingLoadingNotARoSScenario") return end local ok, errStr = r2.RingAccess.loadAnimation(filename) if not ok then local ui = r2:getForm("LoadScenario") ui.active = true ui.Env.Choice = nil r2.CurrentForm = ui messageBox(i18n.get("uiR2EDInvalidScenario")) end end end local function onCancel(data, form) local ui = r2:getForm("LoadScenario") ui.active = true ui.Env.Choice = nil r2.CurrentForm = ui end local str = r2:getStartingAnimationFilename(); local ok, errStr = r2.RingAccess.loadAnimation(str) if ok and string.len(str) ~= 0 then local header = r2.getFileHeader(str) local mainland = not header or header.NevraxScenario ~= "1" or header.TrialAllowed ~= "1" local newbie = getDbProp("SERVER:USER:IS_NEWBIE") == 1 if mainland and isPlayerFreeTrial() and newbie then r2.onSystemMessageReceived("ERR", "", "uiRingLoadingNotARoSScenario") ok = false end end if not ok then r2:doForm("LoadScenario", {}, onOk, onCancel) if string.len(str) ~= 0 then messageBox(errStr) end end end UnitTest.testWaitAnimationScenarioLoadingUi = function() -- local ui = getUI("ui:interface:r2ed_animation_waiting") -- ui.active = true --- setTopWindow(ui) end UnitTest.testLoadScenarioUi = function() local function onCancel(data, form) end local function onOk(form) if (form.LoadScenario_Name ~= nil and type(form.LoadScenario_Name) == "string") then if form.LoadScenario_Name == "" then messageBox(i18n.get("uiR2EDLoadScenario_InvalidFileName")) return end local ucName = ucstring() ucName:fromUtf8(form.LoadScenario_Name) local filename = tostring(ucName) if string.find(filename, '.r2', -3) == nil then messageBox(i18n.get("uiR2EDLoadScenario_InvalidFileName")) return end -- if string.find(filename, '.r2', -3) == nil then -- filename = form.Name .. ".r2" -- end local path = form.Path local extendedFileName = filename if path and path ~= "" then extendedFileName = path..filename end if form.LoadScenario_Level == "" and form.LoadScenario_Rules == "" and config.R2EDExtendedDebug == 1 then messageBox(i18n.get("uiR2EDLoadScenario_LoadScenarioWithoutHeader")) elseif form.RingAccess and form.RingAccess == 0 then local ui = r2:getForm("LoadScenario") ui.active = true r2.CurrentForm = ui messageBox(i18n.get("uiR2EDLoadScenario_No")) return end local header = r2.getFileHeader(extendedFileName) if header then local locked = header and header.OtherCharAccess == "RunOnly" if locked and header.ModifierMD5 and string.len(header.ModifierMD5) > 0 then if not r2.hasCharacterSameCharacterIdMd5(header.ModifierMD5) then if config.R2EDExtendedDebug ~=1 then r2.onSystemMessageReceived("ERR", "", "uiR2EDLoadingLockedScenario") else local ui = r2:getForm("LoadScenario") ui.active = true r2.CurrentForm = ui r2.onSystemMessageReceived("ERR", "", "uiR2EDLoadingLockedScenarioOverride") return end else end end end local ok = r2.load(extendedFileName) if not ok then messageBox(i18n.get("uiR2EDInvalidScenario")) else r2.acts.deleteOldScenario = true end end end r2:doForm("LoadScenario", {}, onOk, onCancel) end function UnitTest.saveScenario(name, overwrite) if (name ~= nil and type(name) == "string") then if name == "" then messageBox(i18n.get("uiR2EDInvalidName")) return end if string.find(name, '.r2', -3) == nil then name = name .. ".r2" end -- update scenario name with the new name if name ~= r2.Scenario.Ghost_Name then r2.requestNewAction(i18n.get("uiR2EDChangeScenarioName")) r2.requestSetNode(r2.Scenario.InstanceId, "Ghost_Name", nlfile.getFilename(name)) r2.requestEndAction() -- force a flush end local extendedFilename = r2.getScenarioSavePath()..name -- if overwrite ~= true then local file = io.open(extendedFilename, "r") if file ~= nil then io.close(file) validMessageBox(concatUCString(ucstring(name), i18n.get("uiR2EDConfirmOverWrite")), "lua", "UnitTest.saveScenario('" .. name .. "', true )", "", "", "ui:interface") return end end local ok, ret = pcall(r2.Version.save, extendedFilename) local errorMsg = ret if ok and ret then displaySystemInfo(concatUCString(i18n.get("uiR2EDSaveSuccessFull"), ucstring(name)), "BC") else displaySystemInfo(concatUCString(i18n.get("uiR2EDSaveFailure"), ucstring(name)), "BC") end end end UnitTest.testSaveScenarioUi = function() local function onOk(form) local smallName = form.Name uc=ucstring() uc:fromUtf8(smallName) local str = uc:toString() UnitTest.saveScenario(str, false) end local function onCancel(form) end r2:doForm("SaveScenario", {}, onOk, onCancel) end UnitTest.tesConnectAdventure = function() local function onOk(form) if (form.AdventureId ~= nil and type(form.AdventureId) == "number") then r2.requestMapConnection(form.AdventureId) else debugInfo("R2Lua can't connect adventure") end end local function onCancel(form) end r2:doForm("ConnectAdventure", {}, onOk, onCancel) end UnitTest.createRoad = function(x,y,name) local road = r2.newComponent("Road") local function wp(x, y, z) local wayPoint = r2.newComponent("WayPoint") local pos = r2.newComponent("Position") pos.x = x pos.y = y pos.z = z wayPoint.Position = pos return wayPoint end road.Base = "palette.geom.road" road.Name = name local tmpPositions = road.Points table.insert(tmpPositions, wp(x - 5, y, 0)) table.insert(tmpPositions, wp(x + 5, y, 0)) table.insert(tmpPositions, wp(x, y - 5, 0)) return road end --- UserComponent r2.getUserComponentSourceExtension = function () return "lua" end r2.getUserComponentExtension = function () return "lua" end r2.getUserComponentExamplesDirectory= function () return "examples/user_components" end r2.getUserComponentBinairyDirectory = function () return "ring_features" end r2.UserComponentsManager = {} local UserComponentsManager = r2.UserComponentsManager function UserComponentsManager:newPackage(identifiant) local package = {} package.Name = "UnnamedPackage" package.Description = "Undescribed Package" package.Components = {} if (not identifiant) then package.GlobalNamespace = true else package.FileInfo = clone(UserComponentsManager.CurrentFileInfo) end function package:fullname(name) if package.GlobalNamespace then return name else return name .. "_" .. package.MD5 end end function package:newComponent(name) if not package.GlobalNamespace then if r2.Scenario.UserComponents.UserComponents[self.FileInfo.Md5] then r2.requestInsertNode(r2.Scenario.InstanceId, "UserComponents", -1, self.Md5, self.FileInfo.Package) end end return r2.newComponent(fullname(name)) end function package:getUniqId() return self:fullname(self.Name) end return clone(package) end function UserComponentsManager:newComponent() local component = { BaseClass="LogicEntity", Name = "Unknown", Menu="ui:interface:r2ed_feature_menu", DisplayerUI = "R2::CDisplayerLua", DisplayerUIParams = "defaultUIDisplayer", DisplayerVisual = "R2::CDisplayerVisualEntity", Text = "uiR2EDtooltipCreateUnkownComponent", Tooltip = "uiR2EDtooltipCreateUnkownComponent", Icon = "r2ed_feature_timer.tga", IconOver = "r2ed_feature_timer_over.tga", IconPushed= "r2ed_feature_timer_pushed.tga", Parameters = {}, ApplicableActions = {}, Events = {}, Conditions = {}, TextContexts = {}, TextParameters = {}, LiveParameters = {}, Prop = { } } function component:registerMenu(logicEntityMenu) logicEntityMenu:addLine(ucstring(self.Name), "lua", "", self.Name) end function component:createImpl() if not r2:checkAiQuota() then return end component:create() end function component:create() end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- from base class component.getParentTreeNode = function(this) return this:getFeatureParentTreeNode() end --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- from base class component.appendInstancesByType = function(this, destTable, kind) assert(type(kind) == "string") --this:delegate():appendInstancesByType(destTable, kind) r2.Classes.LogicEntity.appendInstancesByType(this, destTable, kind) for k, component in specPairs(this.Components) do component:appendInstancesByType(destTable, kind) end end --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- from base class component.getSelectBarSons = function(this) return Components end --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- from base class component.canHaveSelectBarSons = function(this) return false; end function component:onPostCreate() end function component:translator(context) r2.Translator.createAiGroup(self, context) end function component:pretranslate(context) r2.Translator.translateAiGroup(self, context) end return clone(component) end function UserComponentsManager:addUserComponentIntoPalette(componentId, package, component) local theText, theTooltip, theIcon, theIconOver, theIconPushed = component.Text, component.Tooltip, component.Icon, component.IconOver, component.IconPushed if not theText then theText = "uiR2EDtooltipCreateUnkownComponent" end if not theTooltip then theTooltip = "uiR2EDtooltipCreateUnkownComponent" end if not theIcon then theIcon = "r2ed_feature_timer.tga" end if not theIconOver then theIconOver = "r2ed_feature_timer_over.tga" end if not theIconPushed then theIconPushed = "r2ed_feature_timer_pushed.tga" end local palette = getUI("ui:interface:r2ed_palette") assert(palette) local menu = palette:find("sbtree_features") assert(menu) menu = menu:find("feature_list") assert(menu) local theParent = "parent" if componentId == 1 then theParent = "parent" else theParent = "r2_user_component" .. tostring(componentId - 1) end local instance = createGroupInstance("named_r2ed_tool", menu.id , { id="r2_user_component"..tostring(componentId), tooltip=theTooltip, onclick_l="lua", posparent="parent", posref="TL TL", x=tostring(componentId * 4), y=tostring(1 + componentId * -64), icon = theIcon, icon_over = theIconOver, icon_pushed = theIconPushed, text=theText, params_l="r2.UserComponentsManager.Packages['".. package:getUniqId() .. "'].Components['".. component.Name.."']:create()" }) debugInfo("r2.UserComponentsManager.Packages['".. package:getUniqId() .. "'].Components['".. component.Name.."']:createImpl()") assert(instance) menu:addGroup(instance) end function UserComponentsManager:updateUserComponentsUi() local index = 0 local k, package = next(self.Packages) while k do local kC, component = next(package.Components) while kC do UserComponentsManager:addUserComponentIntoPalette(index, package, component) index = index + 1 kC, component = next(package.Components, kC) end k, package = next(self.Packages, k) end end function UserComponentsManager:updateUserComponents() local index = 0 local k, package = next(self.Packages) while k do local kC, component = next(package.Components) while kC do r2.registerComponent(component, package) kC, component = next(package.Components, kC) end k, package = next(self.Packages, k) end self:updateUserComponentsUi(); end function UserComponentsManager:registerPackageComponents(package) local kC, component = next(package.Components) while kC do r2.registerComponent(component, package) kC, component = next(package.Components, kC) end end function UserComponentsManager:addUserComponent(filename) local package = self:loadPackage(filename) assert(package) self.Packages[package:getUniqId()] = package self:registerPackageComponents(package) UserComponentsManager:updateUserComponentsUi() end function UserComponentsManager:registerFileInfo(fileinfo) self.CurrentFileInfo = fileinfo end function UserComponentsManager:loadPackage(filename) self.CurrentPackage = nil self.CurrentFileInfo = nil local str = r2.readUserComponentFile(filename) if not str then debugInfo("Error in package '" .. filename .. "'") return nil end local f, msg = loadstring(str) if not f then debugInfo("Syntax error in package '" .. filename .. "': '" .. msg .. "'") return nil end local ok, msg = pcall(f) if not ok then debugInfo("Loading error in package '" .. filename .. "': '" .. msg .. "'") return nil end if not self.CurrentPackage then debugInfo("No Package information in '"..filename.."'") return nil end r2.updateUserComponentsInfo(filename, self.CurrentPackage.Name, self.CurrentPackage.Description, self.CurrentFileInfo.TimeStamp, self.CurrentFileInfo.MD5) self.CurrentPackage.fileinfo = clone(self.CurrentFileInfo) return self.CurrentPackage end function UserComponentsManager:init() self.UserComponentDirectory = "./ring_features" self.Packages = {} self.CurrentPackage = nil -- r2.requestSetNode(r2.Scenario.InstanceId, "UserComponents", {}) -- TODO to remove self.Instanece = self end function UserComponentsManager:addUserComponentIntoScenario(filename) local package= self:loadPackage(filename) if not package then return end local uniqId = package:getUniqId() -- TODO if r2.Scenario.UserComponents[ uniqId ] then debugInfo("The User defined Component '".. package.Name .. "' is already present in the current scenario.") return else r2.requestInsertNode(r2.Scenario.InstanceId, "UserComponents", -1, uniqId, uniqId) -- TODO: requestUpdateComponent -- UserComponentsManager:addUserComponent(filename) r2.registerUserComponent(filename) end end function UserComponentsManager:addUserComponentUi() end function UserComponentsManager:test() -- UserComponentsManager:addUserComponent("./ring_features/r2_features_zone_triggers.lua.r2c") end function UserComponentsManager:registerPackage(package) assert(package) self.CurrentPackage = package end function UserComponentsManager:registerComponent(package, component) if not package then return end if not component then return end package.Components[package:fullname(component.Name)] = component end function UserComponentsManager:compileUserComponent(filename) local component = self:loadPackage(filename) if not component then debugInfo("Can not compile user component.") return end component = nil r2.saveUserComponentFile(filename, true) end UserComponentsManager:init() function UserComponentsManager:createUserComponentUi(otherDirectory) local directory = otherDirectory if (directory == nil) then directory= r2.getUserComponentExamplesDirectory() end local extension = r2.getUserComponentSourceExtension() local function onOk(form) local filename = directory .."/".. form.Name self:compileUserComponent(filename) end local function onCancel() end debugInfo(extension) r2:doForm("LoadUserComponent", {Directory=directory, Extension=extension}, onOk, onCancel) end function UserComponentsManager:importUserComponentUi(otherDirectory) local directory = otherDirectory if (directory == nil) then directory= r2.getUserComponentBinairyDirectory() end local extension = r2.getUserComponentExtension() local function onOk(form) local filename = directory.."/".. form.Name UserComponentsManager:addUserComponentIntoScenario(filename) end local function onCancel() end r2:doForm("LoadUserComponent", {Directory=self.UserComponentDirectory, Extension=extension}, onOk, onCancel) end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Ring Access -- r2.RingAccess = { } local RingAccess = r2.RingAccess function RingAccess.testAccess(access) -- always true in local mode if config.Local == 1 then return true end -- local t = string.sub(access, 1, 1) local v = tonumber(string.sub(access, 2)) local charAccessMap = r2.getRingAccessAsMap(r2.getCharacterRingAccess()) if charAccessMap[t] == nil then return false end if charAccessMap[t] < v then return false end return true end function RingAccess.updateLevel(access, level, allowed) if string.len(access) == 0 then return true, level end local t = string.sub(access, 1, 1) local v = tonumber(string.sub(access, 2, string.len(access))) if level[t] == nil or level[t] < v then level[t] = v end if allowed[t] == nil or allowed[t] < v then return false, level end return true, level end function RingAccess.errorMessageIsland(islandName, accessWanted, accessCharacter) local accessWantedMap = r2.getRingAccessAsMap(accessWanted) local accessCharacterMap = accessCharacter local k, v = next(accessWantedMap, nil); assert( k) local charLevel = accessCharacterMap[k] if charLevel == nil then charLevel = 0 end return RingAccess.errorMessageImpl("InvalidIslandLevel", islandName, k, v, charLevel) end function RingAccess.errorMessageBot(entityName, accessWanted, accessCharacter) local accessWantedMap = r2.getRingAccessAsMap(accessWanted) local accessCharacterMap = accessCharacter local k, v = next(accessWantedMap, nil); assert( k) local charLevel = accessCharacterMap[k] if charLevel == nil then charLevel = 0 end return RingAccess.errorMessageImpl("InvalidBotLevel", entityName, k, v, charLevel) end function RingAccess.errorMessageGeneric( accessWanted, accessCharacter) local accessWantedMap = r2.getRingAccessAsMap(accessWanted) local accessCharacterMap = accessCharacter local k, v = next(accessWantedMap, nil); assert( k) local charLevel = accessCharacterMap[k] if charLevel == nil then charLevel = 0 end return RingAccess.errorMessageImpl("InvalidLevel", nil, k, v, charLevel) end function RingAccess.errorMessageImpl(errorType, name, package, entityLevel, charLevel) local trad local entityName if errorType == "InvalidIslandLevel" then trad = i18n.get("uiR2EDErrMessageNoEnoughRingPointFor".."Island") entityName = i18n.get(name):toUtf8() elseif errorType == "InvalidBotLevel" then trad = i18n.get("uiR2EDErrMessageNoEnoughRingPointFor".."Bot") entityName = name elseif errorType =="InvalidLevel" then trad = i18n.get("uiR2EDErrMessageNoEnoughRingPointFor".."Generic") else trad = i18n.get("uiR2EDErrMessageDataCorrupted") package = nil entityLevel = nil chatLevel = nil entityName = nil end local str = trad:toUtf8() if package and string.len(package) ~= 0 then local category = i18n.get(string.format("uiR2EDRingAccessCategory_%s", package)) str=string.gsub (str, "", category:toUtf8()) end if entityLevel then str=string.gsub (str, "", tostring(entityLevel)) end if charLevel then str=string.gsub (str, "", tostring(charLevel)) end if entityName then str=string.gsub (str, "", entityName) end local err = {} err.Type = errorType err.Name = name err.Package = package err.CharLevel = charLevel err.EntityLevel = entityLevel err.What = str return err end function RingAccess.dumpRingAccessLocations(level, allowed, ok) local k1, v1 = next(r2.Scenario.Locations, nil) while k1 do local access = r2.getIslandRingAccess(v1.IslandName) local map = r2.getRingAccessAsMap(access) r2.print(access) local k, v = next(map, nil) if k then if not level[k] then level[k] = {} end if not level[k][v] then level[k][v] = {} end table.insert(level[k][v], { Ok=test, Type="Island", Name=v1.IslandName} ) end k1, v1 = next(r2.Scenario.Locations, k1) end return ok, level end function RingAccess.dumpRingAccessEntityRec(node, level, allowed, ok, err ) local isTree = false if type(node) == "table" then isTree = true elseif type(node) == "userdata" then local mt = getmetatable(node) if mt~= nil and mt.__next ~= nil then isTree = true end end if isTree then if node.Class ~= nil then local access = "" local access2 = nil local type = "Unknown" if node.isKindOf and node:isKindOf("Npc") then access2 = node.RingAccess local sheet = "" if node.Sheet then sheet = node.Sheet end access = r2.getSheetRingAccess(node.SheetClient, sheet) type = "Bot" elseif node.RingAccess then local access = node.RingAccess type = "Component" end local map = r2.getRingAccessAsMap(access) local k, v = next(map, nil) if k then if not level[k] then level[k] = {} end if not level[k][v] then level[k][v] = {} end local obj = { Ok=test, Type=type, Name=node.Name, PaletteId=access2} table.insert(level[k][v], obj) end end local t = nil if node.Components then t = node.Components end if node.Acts then t = node.Acts end if node.Features then t = node.Features end if t then local k, v = next(t, nil) while k do ok, level, err = RingAccess.dumpRingAccessEntityRec(v, level, allowed, ok, err) k, v = next(t, k) end end end return ok, level, err end function RingAccess.dumpRingAccess() local level = {} -- will be filled local allowed = r2.getRingAccessAsMap(r2.getCharacterRingAccess()) local ok = true local err= {} err.What = "" ok, level = RingAccess.dumpRingAccessLocations(level, allowed, ok, err) ok, level, err = RingAccess.dumpRingAccessEntityRec(r2.Scenario, level, allowed, ok, err) RingAccess.saveRingAccessLevel(level) return ok, level, err end function RingAccess.saveRingAccessLevel(data) local function dumpRec(item, f) local k,v = next(item) while k do f:write(k.."='"..v.."', ") k,v = next(item, k) end end local filename = "scenario_level.txt" local f = io.open(filename, "w") assert(f) f:write("-- "..filename.." ".. os.date() .."'\n\n") f:write("r2.ScenarioRingAccess = {\n\n") local catId, cat = next(data, nil) while catId do f:write("\t"..catId.."= {\n") local levelId, level = next(cat, nil) while levelId do f:write("\t\t"..levelId.."= {\n") local itemId, item = next(level, nil) while itemId do f:write("\t\t\t{"); dumpRec(item,f) f:write("}\n"); itemId, item = next(level, itemId) end f:write("\t\t}\n") levelId, level = next(cat, levelId) end f:write("\t}\n") catId, cat = next(data, catId) end f:write("}\n") f:flush() f:close() messageBox("Ring access has been saved in \""..filename.."\"") end function RingAccess.verifyLocations(level, allowed, ok, err) local k, v = next(r2.Scenario.Locations, nil) while k do local access = r2.getIslandRingAccess(v.IslandName) local test, level = RingAccess.updateLevel(access, level, allowed) if not test then if ok then ok = false err = RingAccess.errorMessageIsland(v.IslandName, access, allowed) end end k, v = next(r2.Scenario.Locations, k) end return ok, level, err end function RingAccess.verifyEntityRec(node, level, allowed, ok, err ) local isTree = false if type(node) == "table" then isTree = true elseif type(node) == "userdata" then local mt = getmetatable(node) if mt~= nil and mt.__next ~= nil then isTree = true end end if isTree then if node.Class ~= nil then if node.isKindOf and node:isKindOf("Npc") then local access = node.RingAccess local test, level = RingAccess.updateLevel(access, level, allowed) local sheet = "" if node.Sheet then sheet = node.Sheet end local access2 = r2.getSheetRingAccess(node.SheetClient, sheet) local test2, level = RingAccess.updateLevel(access2, level, allowed) if not test2 then test = false access = access2 end if not test and ok then ok = false err = RingAccess.errorMessageBot(node.Name, access, allowed) end elseif node.RingAccess then local test = RingAccess.updateLevel(node.RingAccess, level, allowed) if not test and ok then ok = false err = RingAccess.errorMessageGeneric(node.access, allowed) end end end local t = nil if node.Components then t = node.Components end if node.Acts then t = node.Acts end if node.Features then t = node.Features end if t then local k, v = next(t, nil) while k do ok, level, err = RingAccess.verifyEntityRec(v, level, allowed, ok, err) k, v = next(t, k) end end end return ok, level, err end function RingAccess.verifyScenario() local level = {} -- will be filled local allowed = r2.getRingAccessAsMap(r2.getCharacterRingAccess()) local ok = true local err= {} err.What = "" ok, level, err = RingAccess.verifyLocations(level, allowed, ok, err) ok, level, err = RingAccess.verifyEntityRec(r2.Scenario, level, allowed, ok, err) return ok, level, err end function RingAccess.verifyRtScenario(rtScenario) local ok, err = r2.verifyRtScenario(rtScenario) if not ok then err = RingAccess.errorMessageImpl(err.Type, err.EntityName, err.Package, err.EntityLevel, err.CharLevel) end return ok, err end function RingAccess.getAccessListAsString(list) local ret = '' local k,v = next(list) while k do if string.len(ret) ~= 0 then ret = ret ..':' end ret = ret .. k .. tostring(v) k, v= next(list, k) end return ret end function RingAccess.createAccessList() assert( config.R2EDExtendedDebug == 1) function createAccessListRec(node, f) if r2.isTable(node) then -- each palette entry if node.Id ~= nil then local base = r2.getPaletteElement(node.Id) local access = r2.getPropertyValue(base, "RingAccess") local sheet = r2.getPropertyValue(base, "Sheet") local sheetClient = r2.getPropertyValue(base, "SheetClient") if not sheet then sheet = "" end if not sheetClient then sheetClient = "" end f:write(string.format(" \n", node.Id, access, sheetClient, sheet)) else local k,v = next(node, nil) while k do createAccessListRec(v, f) k,v = next(node, k) end end end end local f = io.open("data_common/r2/r2_ring_access.xml", "w") assert(f) f:write("\n\n") f:write("\n\n") f:write("\n") createAccessListRec(r2.Palette, f) f:write("\n") f:flush() f:close() end function RingAccess.loadAnimation(str) RingAccess.LoadAnimation = true local ok, msg = r2.loadAnimation(str) RingAccess.LoadAnimation = false return ok, msg end function r() resetR2UICache() runCommand('resetEditorAndReloadUI') -- UserComponentsManager:addUserComponentUi() end function t2() -- UserComponentsManager:loadPackage('./ring_features/r2_features_zone_triggers.lua.r2c.gz') end function t3() -- r2.registerUserComponent('./ring_features/r2_features_zone_triggers.lua.r2c.gz') end function t5() local toto = "&ezr_חא'_\\)d //:1' 2 יייא'..)א/:*?\"<>|א)@4 58ftgsfdg\"/:*?\"<>|" toto = string.gsub(toto, "[\\/:*?\"<>|]", "_") end r2.UserComponentManager = r2.UserComponentsManager function r2:dumpDialogsAsText(filename, noMessage) local function dumpRec(entity, f) if entity:isKindOf("ChatSequence") then f:write("{\n\tName=[["..entity.Name.."]], Texts={\n") local stepId, step = next(entity.Components) while stepId do local who ="" if tostring(step.Actions[0].Who) == "" then who = step.Actions[0].WhoNoEntity else local whoInst = r2:getInstanceFromId(step.Actions[0].Who) if whoInst then who = whoInst.Name end end local what = "" if tostring(step.Actions[0].Says) ~= "" then local whatInst = r2:getInstanceFromId(step.Actions[0].Says) if whatInst then local tmp = ucstring() tmp:fromUtf8(whatInst.Text) what = tmp:toString() end end id = tostring(step.Actions[0].Says) if id ~= "" then f:write("\t\t{Id=[["..id.."]], Who=[["..who.."]], Text=[["..what.."]], },\n") end stepId, step = next(entity.Components, stepId) end f:write("\t}\n},\n") end if entity.Components then local componentId, comp = next(entity.Components, nil) while componentId do dumpRec(comp) componentId, comp = next(entity.Components, componentId) end end end local allNames = r2:getAllNames() local function dumpBotnameRec(entity, f) assert(f) if not entity:isKindOf("Act") and not entity:isKindOf("Scenario") and entity.Name and entity.Name~="" then local mustPrint = true -- do not print DefaultName eg "Growling Gingo" if entity:isKindOf("Npc") then local basename = entity.Base if basename then basename = r2.PaletteIdToTranslation[ basename ] end if basename ~= nil and basename == entity.Name then mustPrint = false end local found = false local types, names = next (allNames) while types and mustPrint do local index, name = next (names) while index and mustPrint do if entity.Name == name then mustPrint = false end index, name = next (names, index) end types, names = next (allNames, types) end local base = r2.getPaletteElement(entity.Base) if base and base.Name == entity.Name then mustPrint = false end end if mustPrint then f:write("\t{ Id=[["..entity.InstanceId.."]], Name=[["..entity.Name.."]], },\n"); end end if entity.Components then local componentId, comp = next(entity.Components, nil) while componentId do dumpBotnameRec(comp, f) componentId, comp = next(entity.Components, componentId) end end end local previousEntity = nil local function dumpVariousPropertyRec(entity, f) assert(f) local function dumpProperty(property, entity, f) if entity[property] and string.len( entity[property] ) > 0 then if previousEntity ~= entity.InstanceId then f:write("\n") end previousEntity = entity.InstanceId f:write("\t{\tId=[["..entity.InstanceId.."]], Property=[[".. property .. "]], Text=[[".. entity[property] .. "]]},\n"); end end if not r2.isTable(entity) then return end if entity.iKindOf and entity:isKindOf("Location") then dumpProperty("Name", entity, f) end if entity.iKindOf and entity:isKindOf("PlotItem") then dumpProperty("Name", entity, f) dumpProperty("Comment", entity, f) dumpProperty("Desc", entity, f) end -- Act or Scenenario description dumpProperty("Title", entity, f) dumpProperty("ShortDescription", entity, f) dumpProperty("PreActDescription", entity, f) -- Mission dumpProperty("BroadcastText", entity, f) dumpProperty("ContextualText", entity, f) dumpProperty("MissionSucceedText", entity, f) dumpProperty("MissionText", entity, f) dumpProperty("WaitValidationText", entity, f) local k,v = next(entity) while k do dumpVariousPropertyRec(v, f) k,v = next(entity, k) end end if not filename then filename = "scenario_texts.txt" end local f = io.open(filename, "w") do assert(f) f:write("-- scenario_texts.txt '".. os.date() .."'\n\n") f:write("-- Here are the content of differents the dialogs\n") f:write("-- You must only translate the \"Text\" field (not the \"Who\" or \"Name\")\n") f:write("r2.DialogsAsText = {\n") local actId, act = next(r2.Scenario.Acts, nil) while actId do local featureId, feature = next(act.Features, nil) while featureId do dumpRec(feature, f) featureId, feature = next(act.Features, featureId) end actId, act = next(r2.Scenario.Acts, actId) end f:write("}\n\n\n") end do assert(f) f:write("\n-- Here are the content of different component name of the scenario\n") f:write("-- Generic Fauana name and default botname are not present\n") f:write("-- You only have to translate the \"Name\" Field\n") f:write("r2.BotnameAsText = {\n\n") local actId, act = next(r2.Scenario.Acts, nil) while actId do local featureId, feature = next(act.Features, nil) while featureId do dumpBotnameRec(feature, f) featureId, feature = next(act.Features, featureId) end actId, act = next(r2.Scenario.Acts, actId) end f:write("}\n\n\n") end do assert(f) f:write("\n-- Here are the content of different field of the scenario like plot item/act description\n") f:write("-- or task description/task text\n") f:write("-- You only have to translate the \"Text\" Field\n") f:write("r2.DiversText = {\n\n") dumpVariousPropertyRec(r2.Scenario, f) f:write("}\n") f:flush() f:close() end if not noMessage then messageBox("Text content has been saved in \"scenario_text.txt\"") end end function r2:updateDialogsFromText(filename, noMessage) if not filename then filename = "dialog.txt" end local f = io.open(filename, "r") if not f then if not noMessage then messageBox("Can not open \""..filename.."\"") else ld.log("Can not open \""..filename.."\"") end return end assert(f) if f ~= nil then local content = f:read("*all") io.close(f) local fun, msg = loadstring(content) if not fun then local err = "Syntax error in \""..filename.."\":"..msg if not noMessage then messageBox(err) else ld.log(err) end return end r2.DialogsAsText = {} r2.BotnameAsText = {} r2.DiversText = {} fun() local dialogId, dialog = next(r2.DialogsAsText, nil) while dialogId do local textId, text = next(dialog.Texts, nil) while textId do local t = tostring(text.Text) local uc=ucstring(t) local utf8=uc:toUtf8() r2.requestSetNode(tostring(text.Id), "Text", utf8) textId, text = next(dialog.Texts, textId) end dialogId, dialog = next(r2.DialogsAsText, dialogId) end do local id, value = next(r2.BotnameAsText, nil) while id do local t = tostring(value.Name) local uc=ucstring(t) local utf8=uc:toUtf8() r2.requestSetNode(tostring(value.Id), "Name", utf8) id, value = next(r2.BotnameAsText, id) end end do local id, value = next(r2.DiversText, nil) while id do local t = tostring(value.Text) local uc=ucstring(t) local utf8=uc:toUtf8() r2.requestSetNode(tostring(value.Id), value.Property, utf8) id, value = next(r2.DiversText, id) end end end if not noMessage then messageBox("Dialogs content has been update with text from \""..filename.."\"") end return true end ld = {} ld.WaitingCommands = {} function ld.runScript(scriptName) table.insert(ld.WaitingCommands, {'runScript', scriptName}) end function ld.translate(textFilename, fileToSave) table.insert(ld.WaitingCommands, {'translate', textFilename, fileToSave}) end function ld.saveTexts(fileToSave) table.insert(ld.WaitingCommands, {'saveTexts', fileToSave}) end function ld.loadScena(fileToLoad) table.insert(ld.WaitingCommands, {'loadScena', fileToLoad}) end function ld.log(toto) debugInfo("ld: "..toto) local f = io.open("ld.log", "a") f:write(tostring(os.date()).." "..toto.."\n") f:flush() f:close() end function ld.update() local command = nil if ld.lock == 1 then return end if table.getn( ld.WaitingCommands ) > 0 then command=table.remove(ld.WaitingCommands, 1) else return end if command[1] == 'saveTexts' then ld.log("ld.saveTexts " .. command[2]) r2:dumpDialogsAsText(command[2], true) elseif command[1] == 'loadScena' then ld.log("ld.loadScena " .. command[2]) ld.lock = 1 r2.load(command[2 ]) elseif command[1] == 'translate' then ld.log("ld.translate " .. command[2] .. " " .. command[3]) r2.requestNewAction("Update") r2:updateDialogsFromText(command[2], true) r2.requestEndAction() r2.requestNewAction("Save") r2.Version.save(command[3]) r2.requestEndAction() elseif command[1] == 'runScript' then debugInfo("ld.runScript " .. command[2]) dofile(command[2]) else ld.log("Unknown command:" .. command[1]) end ld.log( tostring(table.getn(ld.WaitingCommands)) .. " tasks restantes") if table.getn(ld.WaitingCommands) == 0 then ld.log("") end end function createVisitZone() r2.Features['VisitZone'].Components.VisitZone:create() end function createAmbush() r2.Features['Ambush'].Components.Ambush:createProtected() end function createManHunt() r2.Features['ManHuntFeature'].Components.ManHunt:create() end function createTimedSpawner() r2.Features['TimedSpawner'].Components.TimedSpawner:create() end function createRandomChest() r2.Features['RandomChest'].Components.RandomChest:create() end function createDelivery() r2.Features['DeliveryTask'].Components.DeliveryTask:create() end function createKillNpc() r2.Features['KillNpc'].Components.KillNpc:create() end function createTargetMob() r2.Features['TargetMob'].Components.TargetMob:create() end function testIsInPalette() if r2.isInPalette("palette.entities.creatures.ccegf4") then debugInfo("Machin is in palette") else debugInfo("Machin is NOT in palette bordel") end end function createHiddenChest() r2.Features['HiddenChest'].Components.HiddenChest:create() end function createHunt() r2.Features['HuntTask'].Components.HuntTask:create() end function testFiles() local files = {"r2_translator.lua", "r2_logic.lua", "r2_unit_test.lua", "r2_features.lua", "r2_components.lua", "r2_version.lua"} local k,v = next(files) while k do local f = fileLookup(v) local fun= loadfile(f) if not fun then if f == "" then debugInfo("Error: "..v.." is an unknown file.") else debugInfo("Error: "..f.." has syntax errors.") end end k,v = next(files, k) end end