#include "stdafx.h" #include "editpat.h" // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #define DBGWELD_DUMPx #define DBGWELD_ACTIONx #define DBG_NAMEDSELSx #define PROMPT_TIME 2000 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ extern void DeletePatchParts(PatchMesh *patch, RPatchMesh *rpatch, BitArray &delVerts, BitArray &delPatches); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ static TSTR detachName; static BOOL CALLBACK DetachDialogProc(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { TCHAR tempName[256]; switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_DETACH_NAME, detachName); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DETACH_NAME)); return FALSE; case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDOK: GetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_DETACH_NAME, tempName, 255); detachName = TSTR(tempName); EndDialog(hDlg, 1); return TRUE; case IDCANCEL: EndDialog(hDlg, 0); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- static int GetDetachOptions(IObjParam *ip, TSTR& newName) { detachName = newName; ip->MakeNameUnique(detachName); if (DialogBox(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_DETACH), ip->GetMAXHWnd(), (DLGPROC)DetachDialogProc) == 1) { newName = detachName; return 1; } return 0; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void MakeDummyMapPatches(int channel, PatchMesh *patch) { patch->setNumMapVerts(channel, 1); patch->tVerts[channel][0] = UVVert(0, 0, 0); patch->setNumMapPatches(channel, patch->numPatches); for (int i = 0; i < patch->numPatches; ++i) { Patch &p = patch->patches[i]; TVPatch &tp = patch->tvPatches[channel][i]; tp.Init(); // Sets all indices to zero } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Detach all selected patches void EditPatchMod::DoPatchDetach(int copy, int reorient) { int dialoged = 0; TSTR newName(GetString(IDS_TH_PATCH)); ModContextList mcList; INodeTab nodes; TimeValue t = ip->GetTime(); int holdNeeded = 0; if (!ip) return; ip->GetModContexts(mcList, nodes); ClearPatchDataFlag(mcList, EPD_BEENDONE); theHold.Begin(); RecordTopologyTags(); // Create a patch mesh object RPO *patchOb = new RPO; patchOb->rpatch = new RPatchMesh; PatchMesh &pmesh = patchOb->patch; RPatchMesh &prmesh = *patchOb->rpatch; int verts = 0; int vecs = 0; int patches = 0; int multipleObjects =(mcList.Count() > 1) ? 1 : 0; for (int i = 0; i < mcList.Count(); i++) { int altered = 0; EditPatchData *patchData =(EditPatchData*)mcList[i]->localData; if (!patchData) continue; if (patchData->GetFlag(EPD_BEENDONE)) continue; // If the mesh isn't yet cache, this will cause it to get cached. RPatchMesh *rpatch; PatchMesh *patch = patchData->TempData(this)->GetPatch(t, rpatch); if (!patch) continue; patchData->RecordTopologyTags(patch); // If this is the first edit, then the delta arrays will be allocated patchData->BeginEdit(t); // If any patches selected, we'll need to process this one if (patch->patchSel.NumberSet()) { if (!dialoged) { dialoged = 1; if (!GetDetachOptions(ip, newName)) goto bail_out; } // Save the unmodified info. if (theHold.Holding()) { theHold.Put(new PatchRestore(patchData, this, patch, rpatch, _T("DoPatchDetach"))); } PatchMesh wpatch = *patch; RPatchMesh wrpatch = *rpatch; BitArray vdel(wpatch.numVerts); vdel.ClearAll(); BitArray pdel = wpatch.patchSel; // Get inverse selection set // If not copying, delete the patches from this object if (!copy) DeletePatchParts(patch, rpatch, vdel, pdel); pdel = ~wpatch.patchSel; // Get inverse selection set if (pdel.NumberSet()) { vdel.ClearAll(); DeletePatchParts(&wpatch, &wrpatch, vdel, pdel); } // RPatchMesh validity wrpatch.Validity (wpatch, true); // We've deleted everything that wasn't selected -- Now add this to the patch object accumulator int oldVerts = pmesh.numVerts; int oldVecs = pmesh.numVecs; int oldPatches = pmesh.numPatches; int newVerts = oldVerts + wpatch.numVerts; int newVecs = oldVecs + wpatch.numVecs; int newPatches = oldPatches + wpatch.numPatches; pmesh.setNumVerts(newVerts, TRUE); pmesh.setNumVecs(newVecs, TRUE); pmesh.setNumPatches(newPatches, TRUE); prmesh.SetNumVerts (newVerts); prmesh.SetNumPatches (newPatches); altered = holdNeeded = 1; Matrix3 tm(1); if (multipleObjects && !reorient) tm = nodes[i]->GetObjectTM(t); int i, i2; for (i = 0, i2 = oldVerts; i < wpatch.numVerts; ++i, ++i2) { pmesh.verts[i2] = wpatch.verts[i]; pmesh.verts[i2].p = pmesh.verts[i2].p * tm; // Copy rpatch info prmesh.getUIVertex (i2)=wrpatch.getUIVertex (i); } for (i = 0, i2 = oldVecs; i < wpatch.numVecs; ++i, ++i2) { pmesh.vecs[i2] = wpatch.vecs[i]; pmesh.vecs[i2].p = pmesh.vecs[i2].p * tm; } for (i = 0, i2 = oldPatches; i < wpatch.numPatches; ++i, ++i2) { Patch &p = wpatch.patches[i]; Patch &p2 = pmesh.patches[i2]; p2 = p; int j; for (j = 0; j < p2.type; ++j) { // Adjust vertices and interior vectors p2.v[j] += oldVerts; p2.interior[j] += oldVecs; } for (j = 0; j <(p2.type * 2); ++j) // Adjust edge vectors p2.vec[j] += oldVecs; // Copy rpatch info prmesh.getUIPatch (i2)=wrpatch.getUIPatch (i); } // Now copy over mapping information int dmaps = pmesh.getNumMaps(); int smaps = wpatch.getNumMaps(); int maxMaps = dmaps > smaps ? dmaps : smaps; if (maxMaps != dmaps) pmesh.setNumMaps(maxMaps, TRUE); if (maxMaps != smaps) wpatch.setNumMaps(maxMaps, TRUE); // Then make sure any active maps are active in both: int chan; for (chan = 0; chan < maxMaps; ++chan) { if (pmesh.tvPatches[chan] || wpatch.tvPatches[chan]) { if (!pmesh.tvPatches[chan]) MakeDummyMapPatches(chan, &pmesh); if (!wpatch.tvPatches[chan]) MakeDummyMapPatches(chan, &wpatch); } } for (chan = 0; chan < pmesh.getNumMaps(); ++chan) { if (chan < wpatch.getNumMaps()) { int oldTVerts = pmesh.numTVerts[chan]; int newTVerts = oldTVerts + wpatch.numTVerts[chan]; pmesh.setNumMapVerts(chan, newTVerts, TRUE); for (i = 0, i2 = oldTVerts; i < wpatch.numTVerts[chan]; ++i, ++i2) pmesh.tVerts[chan][i2] = wpatch.tVerts[chan][i]; if (pmesh.tvPatches[chan]) { for (i = 0, i2 = oldPatches; i < wpatch.numPatches; ++i, ++i2) { Patch &p = wpatch.patches[i]; TVPatch &tp = wpatch.tvPatches[chan][i]; TVPatch &tp2 = pmesh.tvPatches[chan][i2]; tp2 = tp; for (int j = 0; j < p.type; ++j) // Adjust vertices tp2.tv[j] += oldTVerts; } } } } patchData->UpdateChanges(patch, rpatch); patchData->TempData(this)->Invalidate(PART_TOPO); } bail_out: patchData->SetFlag(EPD_BEENDONE, TRUE); } if (holdNeeded) { pmesh.computeInteriors(); pmesh.buildLinkages(); INode *newNode = ip->CreateObjectNode(patchOb); newNode->SetMtl(nodes[0]->GetMtl()); newNode->SetName(newName.data()); patchOb->patch.InvalidateGeomCache(); if (!multipleObjects) { // Single input object? if (!reorient) { Matrix3 tm = nodes[0]->GetObjectTM(t); newNode->SetNodeTM(t, tm); // Use this object's TM. } } else { if (!reorient) { Matrix3 matrix; matrix.IdentityMatrix(); newNode->SetNodeTM(t, matrix); // Use identity TM } } newNode->FlagForeground(t); // WORKAROUND! ResolveTopoChanges(); theHold.Accept(GetString(IDS_TH_DETACHPATCH)); } else { delete patchOb; // Didn't need it after all! if (!dialoged) ip->DisplayTempPrompt(GetString(IDS_TH_NOPATCHESSEL), PROMPT_TIME); theHold.End(); } nodes.DisposeTemporary(); ClearPatchDataFlag(mcList, EPD_BEENDONE); NotifyDependents(FOREVER, PART_TOPO, REFMSG_CHANGE); ip->RedrawViews(t, REDRAW_NORMAL); }