// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include "stdpch.h" ///////////// // Include // ///////////// // Interface 3D #include "nel/3d/u_driver.h" #include "nel/3d/u_text_context.h" // Client #include "chat_control.h" #include "interfaces_manager.h" // #include // for rand() #include /////////// // Using // /////////// using namespace NL3D; using namespace NLMISC; using namespace std; //////////// // Extern // //////////// extern UDriver *Driver; extern UTextContext *TextContext; /* * Constructor */ CChatControl::CChatControl(uint id) : CMultiList(id, 2) { init(0,0); } //----------------------------------------------- // CChatControl : // Constructor. //----------------------------------------------- CChatControl::CChatControl(uint id, float x, float y, float x_pixel, float y_pixel, float w, float h, float w_pixel, float h_pixel, uint leftFunc, uint rightFunc, const CPen &pen) : CMultiList(id, x, y, x_pixel, y_pixel, w, h, w_pixel, h_pixel, pen, 2) { init(leftFunc, rightFunc); }// CMultiList // //----------------------------------------------- // CMultiList : // Constructor. //----------------------------------------------- CChatControl::CChatControl(uint id, float x, float y, float x_pixel, float y_pixel, float w, float h, float w_pixel, float h_pixel, uint leftFunc, uint rightFunc, uint32 fontSize, CRGBA color, bool shadow) : CMultiList(id, x, y, x_pixel, y_pixel, w, h, w_pixel, h_pixel, fontSize, color, shadow, 2) { init(leftFunc, rightFunc); }// CMultiList // //----------------------------------------------- // init : //----------------------------------------------- void CChatControl::init(uint left, uint right) { _LeftClickFunction = left; _RightClickFunction = right; _HistorySize = 200; // memorize the last 200 lines _AutoScroll = true; const float size = static_cast (1.0/_NbCol); _ColSize[0] = size/2; _ColSize[1] = static_cast (size * 1.5); _LastStringHeight = 0; _MouseX = 0; _MouseY = 0; _MutedColor = NLMISC::CRGBA(100,100,100); _MutedHighlightColor = NLMISC::CRGBA(100,200,200); _HighlightColor = NLMISC::CRGBA(255,255,255); _SysTextColor = NLMISC::CRGBA(255,255,255); _UsedColors.insert(_MutedColor); _UsedColors.insert(_MutedHighlightColor); _UsedColors.insert(_HighlightColor); _UsedColors.insert(_SysTextColor); _SystemDisplayText = ucstring(""); _CommandSid = CEntityId(); // \todo GUIGUI : REMOVE SID. _SelectedPlayer = NULL; _SelectedPlayerSid = NULL; /* Seed the random-number generator with current time so that * the numbers will be different every time we run. */ srand( (unsigned)time( NULL ) ); // map the command dummy NLMISC::CEntityId with the display color _PlayersColor.insert( std::make_pair( _CommandSid, &_SysTextColor ) ); }// init // //----------------------------------------------- // clear : //----------------------------------------------- void CChatControl::clear() { _ItemsList.clear(); _PlayersSid.clear(); _EndingIterator = _ItemsList.rbegin(); _EndingSidIterator = _PlayersSid.rbegin(); }// clear // //----------------------------------------------- // add :(private) // DEPRECATED, do not use this function //----------------------------------------------- void CChatControl::add(const std::list &strList) { }// add // //----------------------------------------------- // add : // add text from player //----------------------------------------------- void CChatControl::add( const NLMISC::CEntityId &sid, const ucstring &name, const ucstring &text) { /// \toto Malkav: ensure the name is different from system messages displayed text (_SystemDisplayText) // if the player is muted, ignore this phrase if ( _MutedPlayers.find( sid ) != _MutedPlayers.end() ) return; // make a list with the name and text static std::list ls; ls.clear(); ls.push_back( name ); ls.push_back( text ); // add the NLMISC::CEntityId to the list of NLMISC::CEntityId _PlayersSid.push_back( sid ); // if the max number of line isn't reached if ( ( _HistorySize > _ItemsList.size() ) || ( _HistorySize == 0) ) { // add the new string _ItemsList.push_back( ls ); // if this is the first string, init the ending point if ( _ItemsList.size() == 1) { _EndingIterator = _ItemsList.rbegin(); _EndingSidIterator = _PlayersSid.rbegin(); } } // max number reached, delete the oldest line and insert the new one else { // remove the oldest string _ItemsList.pop_front(); // remove the oldest NLMISC::CEntityId _PlayersSid.pop_front(); // add the new one _ItemsList.push_back( ls ); if ( (_AutoScroll) || (_ItemsList.size() == 1) ) { _EndingIterator = _ItemsList.rbegin(); _EndingSidIterator = _PlayersSid.rbegin(); } } // if this a an unknown player: if ( _PlayersColor.find( sid ) == _PlayersColor.end() ) { // get a new display color for that player static CRGBA color; color = getNewColor(); // add the color to the set of existing color std::pair ret = _UsedColors.insert( color ); //nlassert(ret.second == true); if (ret.second != true) { nlwarning(" failed to insert color in _UsedColors !"); } // map the NLMISC::CEntityId with the display color _PlayersColor.insert( std::make_pair( sid, &(*(ret.first)) ) ); } } //----------------------------------------------- // add : // add system text //----------------------------------------------- void CChatControl::add(const ucstring &text) { // make a list with the name and text static std::list ls; ls.clear(); ls.push_back( _SystemDisplayText ); ls.push_back( text ); // add the dummy NLMISC::CEntityId to the list of NLMISC::CEntityId _PlayersSid.push_back( _CommandSid ); // if the max number of line isn't reached if ( ( _HistorySize > _ItemsList.size() ) || ( _HistorySize == 0) ) { // add the new string _ItemsList.push_back( ls ); // if this is the first string, init the ending point if ( _ItemsList.size() == 1) { _EndingIterator = _ItemsList.rbegin(); _EndingSidIterator = _PlayersSid.rbegin(); } } // max number reached, delete the oldest line and insert the new one else { // remove the oldest string _ItemsList.pop_front(); // remove the oldest NLMISC::CEntityId _PlayersSid.pop_front(); // add the new one _ItemsList.push_back( ls ); if ( (_AutoScroll) || (_ItemsList.size() == 1) ) { _EndingIterator = _ItemsList.rbegin(); _EndingSidIterator = _PlayersSid.rbegin(); } } }// add // //----------------------------------------------- // display : // Display the control. //----------------------------------------------- void CChatControl::display() { // \todo GUIGUI : remove this damn thing after the UBI démo. const CRGBA playerColors[10] = { CRGBA(250,250, 10), // 0 : Jaune CRGBA( 50,200, 50), // 1 : Vert CRGBA( 0, 0,255), // 2 : Bleu CRGBA(255,100, 0), // 3 : Orange CRGBA( 64, 0,128), // 4 : Violet CRGBA(128,128, 0), // 5 : Verdatre CRGBA(128, 0, 64), // 6 : Pourpre CRGBA(255,128,192), // 7 : Rose CRGBA( 0,255,255), // 8 : Bleu ciel CRGBA(100,100,100) // 9 : Gris }; // clear _NamesYPos _NamesYPos.clear(); // If the control is hide -> return if(!_Show) return; /// \todo GUIGUI : if the scissor is corrected -> draw the bitmap after the scissor. // calculate the real display size ( clip if scroll bar is visible ) float wDisplay, yDisplay, hDisplay; if (_VScroll->show() ) wDisplay = _W_Display - _VScroll->size(); else wDisplay = _W_Display; if (_HScroll->show() ) { hDisplay = _H_Display - _HScroll->size(); yDisplay = _Y_Display + _HScroll->size(); } else { hDisplay = _H_Display; yDisplay = _Y_Display; } // Draw each Background /* float w = 0 , x_display = _X_Display; for (uint j = 0 ; j < _NbCol ; ++j) { w = _ColSize[j] * wDisplay; Driver->drawBitmap(x_display , yDisplay, w, hDisplay, *CInterfMngr::getTexture(_BackgroundTexture), true, _BackgroundColor); x_display += w; } */ /// \todo GUIGUI : initialize the scissor with oldScissor and remove tmp variables. // Backup scissor and create the new scissor to clip the list correctly. CScissor oldScissor = Driver->getScissor(); CScissor scissor; float scisX, scisY, scisWidth, scisHeight; scisX = oldScissor.X; scisY = oldScissor.Y; scisWidth = oldScissor.Width; scisHeight = oldScissor.Height; float xtmp = _X_Display + _ColSize[0] * wDisplay; float ytmp = _Y_Display + _H_Display; float xscistmp = scisX + scisWidth; float yscistmp = scisY + scisHeight; if(_X_Display>scisX) scisX = _X_Display; if(_Y_Display>scisY) scisY = _Y_Display; if(xtmpsetScissor(scissor); // Display the text of the list. TextContext->setShaded(_Shadow); TextContext->setFontSize(_FontSize); TextContext->setHotSpot(UTextContext::BottomLeft); uint32 index; UTextContext::CStringInfo info; // if the ending item is the last item (so the first item in reverse order), hide/disable scrollbar // if (_EndingIterator == _ItemsList.rbegin() ) // vScroll( false ); static std::list::const_iterator itText; static NLMISC::CEntityId * sid = NULL; TItemList::reverse_iterator ritList; TSidList::reverse_iterator ritSidList = _EndingSidIterator; const TItemList::reverse_iterator ritEndList = _ItemsList.rend(); const TMapSidToColor::iterator itColorEnd = _PlayersColor.end(); float maxH = 0; float y = _Y_Display + _LastStringHeight/3.0f; // start a bit upper to have room to print a line float x = _X_Display; const float yLimit = yDisplay + hDisplay; const float xLimit = _X_Display + wDisplay; for( ritList = _EndingIterator ; ritList != ritEndList ; ++ritList) { maxH = 0; x = _X_Display; itText = (*ritList).begin(); sid = const_cast (&(*ritSidList)); // Test mouse position. if ( (_MouseY >= y) && (_MouseY <= y + _LastStringHeight) && (_MouseX >= x) && (_MouseX <= xLimit)) { // if player is muted if ( (!_MutedPlayers.empty() ) && ( _MutedPlayers.find( *sid ) != _MutedPlayers.end() ) ) { TextContext->setColor( _MutedHighlightColor ); } else TextContext->setColor( _HighlightColor ); } else { // if player is muted if ( (!_MutedPlayers.empty() ) && ( _MutedPlayers.find( *sid ) != _MutedPlayers.end() ) ) { TextContext->setColor( _MutedColor ); } else { // \todo GUIGUI : remove those thing after UBI demo. // Get display color for that player. TMapSidToColor::iterator itColor = _PlayersColor.find( *sid ); if(itColor != itColorEnd) TextContext->setColor(playerColors[((*sid).Id / 10)%10]); else nlwarning("CChatControl::display : Player does not exist."); // TextContext->setColor( *(*itColor).second ); } } // display player name // if this is a command line, then, use SysColor; if ( (*sid) == _CommandSid ) TextContext->setColor( _SysTextColor ); index = TextContext->textPush( *itText ); info = TextContext->getStringInfo(index); info.convertTo01Size(Driver); if (maxH < info.StringHeight) maxH = info.StringHeight; TextContext->printAt(x, y, index); TextContext->erase(index); x += _ColSize[0] * wDisplay; // insert player names and NLMISC::CEntityId coordinates in the _NamesYPos map (only if it's not a system message) if ( (*sid) != _CommandSid) _NamesYPos.push_back( std::make_pair( std::make_pair(y, y+info.StringHeight), std::make_pair( &(*itText), sid) ) ); ++ itText; // set the new scissor scisX = oldScissor.X; scisWidth = oldScissor.Width; xtmp = _X_Display + _W_Display; xscistmp = scisX + scisWidth; if(xtmpsetScissor(scissor); // print text index = TextContext->textPush( *itText ); info = TextContext->getStringInfo(index); info.convertTo01Size(Driver); if (maxH < info.StringHeight) maxH = info.StringHeight; TextContext->printAt(x, y, index); TextContext->erase(index); x += _ColSize[1] * wDisplay; _LastStringHeight = info.StringHeight; // if display boundaries are reached, enable scroll bar and stop displaying y += maxH; if(y >= yLimit) { vScroll( true ); break; } ++ ritSidList; } // Restore Scissor. Driver->setScissor(oldScissor); // draw scrollBar _VScroll->display(); }// display // //----------------------------------------------- // click : // Manage the click of the mouse for the Button. //----------------------------------------------- void CChatControl::click(float x, float y, bool &taken) { if (_VScroll != NULL) _VScroll->click(x,y,taken); // if click still not caught by a control if ( !taken) { // if user has clicked on a player ID, mute/unmute that player // test x coordinate if ( (x >= _X_Display) && ( x <= (_X_Display + _W_Display * _ColSize[0]) ) ) { // find the name with the y coordinate bool found = searchPlayerAtPos( y ,_SelectedPlayerSid, _SelectedPlayer ) ; // if a player was found if ( found ) { CInterfMngr::runFuncCtrl(_LeftClickFunction, id()); taken = true; } } } _SelectedPlayer = NULL; _SelectedPlayerSid = NULL; }// click // //----------------------------------------------- // clickRight : // Manage the click of the mouse for the Button. //----------------------------------------------- void CChatControl::clickRight(float x, float y, bool &taken) { if ( !taken ) { // if user has right clicked on a player, open the good pop-up menu // if user has clicked on a player ID, mute/unmute that player // test x coordinate if ( (x >= _X_Display) && ( x <= (_X_Display + _W_Display * _ColSize[0]) ) ) { // find the name with the y coordinate bool found = searchPlayerAtPos( y ,_SelectedPlayerSid, _SelectedPlayer ) ; // if a player was found if ( found ) { CInterfMngr::runFuncCtrl(_RightClickFunction, id()); taken = true; } } } _SelectedPlayer = NULL; _SelectedPlayerSid = NULL; }// clickRight // //----------------------------------------------- // mouseMove : //----------------------------------------------- void CChatControl::mouseMove( float x, float y) { _MouseX = x; _MouseY = y; }// mouseMove // //----------------------------------------------- // searchNameAtPos : //----------------------------------------------- bool CChatControl::searchPlayerAtPos(float y, NLMISC::CEntityId *&sid, ucstring *&name) const { // allready test if y is within display limits if ( (y < _Y_Display) || (y>_Y_Display + _H_Display) ) return NULL; const TPairPFloatPStrSid::const_iterator itB = _NamesYPos.begin(); const TPairPFloatPStrSid::const_iterator itEnd = _NamesYPos.end(); TPairPFloatPStrSid::const_iterator it = itB; const uint32 size = _NamesYPos.size(); if (size == 0) return NULL; // we know the first name is at _Y_Display and the last one at _Y_Display+_H_Display (approx.) // so we make an interpolation of name position in the list according to the y coordinate and the limits coordinates for ( uint32 start = static_cast ( (y - _Y_Display)/(_H_Display) * size) ; start > 0 ; --start) { ++it; if (it == itEnd) { --it; break; } } float yMin = (*it).first.first, yMax = (*it).first.second; while ( (y < yMin) ) { if (it == itB) { return NULL; } --it; yMin = (*it).first.first; } while ( (y > yMax) ) { ++it; if (it == itEnd) { return NULL; } yMax = (*it).first.second; } if ( y <= yMax && y >= yMin) { name = const_cast ( (*it).second.first ); sid = const_cast ( (*it).second.second ); return true; } return false; }// searchNameAtPos // //----------------------------------------------- // getNewColor : //----------------------------------------------- CRGBA CChatControl::getNewColor() const { static CRGBA color(255,0,0); const TSetColors::const_iterator itColorsEnd = _UsedColors.end(); uint16 max = 0; while( (_UsedColors.find( color ) != itColorsEnd )&& (max <180) ) { // generate a new color // randomly add a number beetween 10 and 200 (in absolute) to each composant (rgb) sint8 val = static_cast ( (rand() - RAND_MAX/2) % 190 ); if (val>=0) val+=10; else val -= 10; color.R += val; max = color.R; val = static_cast ( (rand() - RAND_MAX/2) % 190 ); if (val>=0) val+=10; else val -= 10; color.G += val; if( color.G > max) max = color.G; val = static_cast ( (rand() - RAND_MAX/2) % 190 ); if (val>=0) val+=10; else val -= 10; color.B += val; if( color.B > max) max = color.B; } return color; }// getNewColor // //----------------------------------------------- // scrollV : //----------------------------------------------- void CChatControl::scrollV(sint32 scroll) { // scrolling downward if (scroll < 0) { const TItemList::reverse_iterator itB = _ItemsList.rbegin(); while ( ( _EndingIterator != itB) && (scroll != 0) ) { --_EndingIterator; --_EndingSidIterator; ++scroll; } } // scrolling upward else { const TItemList::reverse_iterator itE = --_ItemsList.rend(); while ( ( _EndingIterator != itE) && (scroll != 0) ) { ++_EndingIterator; ++_EndingSidIterator; --scroll; } } }// scrollV //