2010-07-01 07:34:20 +00:00
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom/>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
# include "stdpch.h"
# include "session_browser_impl.h"
# include "interface_v3/lua_object.h"
# include "interface_v3/lua_ihm.h"
# include "connection.h"
# include "net_manager.h"
# include "interface_v3/interface_manager.h"
# include "interface_v3/skill_manager.h"
# include "far_tp.h"
# include "r2/dmc/com_lua_module.h"
# include "nel/misc/time_nl.h"
# include "nel/net/service.h"
# include "r2/editor.h"
# include "r2/dmc/client_edition_module.h"
# include "game_share/shard_names.h"
using namespace std ;
using namespace NLMISC ;
using namespace RSMGR ;
using namespace CHARSYNC ;
using namespace NLNET ;
using namespace R2 ;
CVariable < uint16 > SBSPortOffset ( " client " , " SBSPortOffset " , " Offset of the SBS port from the FS port " , 1000 , 0 , true ) ;
2010-06-10 09:50:19 +00:00
// ****************************************************************************
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
void CSessionBrowserImpl : : init ( CLuaState * ls )
if ( ls ! = NULL )
nlassert ( ls ) ;
_Lua = ls ;
_Lua - > pushValue ( LUA_GLOBALSINDEX ) ;
CLuaObject game ( * _Lua ) ;
game = game [ " game " ] ;
game . setValue ( " getRingSessionList " , luaGetRingSessionList ) ;
game . setValue ( " getRingCharList " , luaGetRingCharList ) ;
game . setValue ( " getRingStats " , luaGetRingStats ) ;
game . setValue ( " getScenarioScores " , luaGetScenarioScores ) ;
game . setValue ( " getSessionAverageScores " , luaGetSessionAverageScores ) ;
game . setValue ( " getScenarioAverageScores " , luaGetScenarioAverageScores ) ;
game . setValue ( " updateScenarioScores " , luaUpdateScenarioScores ) ;
game . setValue ( " joinRingSession " , luaJoinRingSession ) ;
game . setValue ( " checkRingAccess " , luaCheckRingAccess ) ;
game . setValue ( " getFileHeader " , luaGetFileHeader ) ;
if ( ! ClientCfg . Local )
CSessionBrowserImpl : : getInstance ( ) . setAuthInfo ( getCookie ( ) ) ;
NLNET : : CInetAddress address ( getFrontEndAddress ( ) ) ;
address . setPort ( address . port ( ) + SBSPortOffset ) ;
CSessionBrowserImpl : : getInstance ( ) . connectItf ( address ) ;
_LastAuthorRating = 0 ;
_LastAMRating = 0 ;
_LastMasterlessRating = 0 ;
_LastRingPoints = string ( " " ) ;
_LastMaxRingPoints = string ( " " ) ;
2010-06-10 09:50:19 +00:00
// ***************************************************************************
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
const NLNET : : CLoginCookie & CSessionBrowserImpl : : getCookie ( )
/*if (CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->isInGame())
{ */
return NetMngr . getLoginCookie ( ) ;
extern NLNET : : CLoginCookie FakeCookie ;
return FakeCookie ; // TMP TMP : for Nico's test*/
2010-06-10 09:50:19 +00:00
// ****************************************************************************
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
const std : : string & CSessionBrowserImpl : : getFrontEndAddress ( )
if ( ! NetMngr . getFrontendAddress ( ) . empty ( ) )
return NetMngr . getFrontendAddress ( ) ;
static std : : string testAddress = " borisb " ;
return testAddress ; // TMP TMP : for Nico's test
2010-06-10 09:50:19 +00:00
// ****************************************************************************
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
uint32 CSessionBrowserImpl : : getCharId ( )
if ( ClientCfg . Local ) return 0 ;
return ( getCookie ( ) . getUserId ( ) < < 4 ) + ( uint32 ) PlayerSelectedSlot ;
2010-06-10 09:50:19 +00:00
// ****************************************************************************
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
int CSessionBrowserImpl : : luaGetRingSessionList ( CLuaState & ls )
nldebug ( " SB: luaGetRingSessionList " ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , " getRingSessionList " , 0 ) ;
CSessionBrowserImpl : : getInstance ( ) . getRingRatings ( getCharId ( ) ) ;
CSessionBrowserImpl : : getInstance ( ) . getSessionList ( getCharId ( ) ) ;
return 0 ;
2010-06-10 09:50:19 +00:00
// ****************************************************************************
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
int CSessionBrowserImpl : : luaGetRingCharList ( CLuaState & ls )
nldebug ( " SB: luaGetRingCharList " ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , " getRingCharList " , 0 ) ;
if ( R2 : : getEditor ( ) . getMode ( ) ! = R2 : : CEditor : : NotInitialized )
CSessionBrowserImpl : : getInstance ( ) . getCharList ( getCharId ( ) , R2 : : getEditor ( ) . getDMC ( ) . getEditionModule ( ) . getCurrentAdventureId ( ) ) ;
return 0 ;
2010-06-10 09:50:19 +00:00
// ****************************************************************************
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
int CSessionBrowserImpl : : luaGetRingStats ( CLuaState & ls )
nldebug ( " SB: luaGetRingStats " ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , " getRingStats " , 0 ) ;
CSessionBrowserImpl : : getInstance ( ) . getRingRatings ( getCharId ( ) ) ;
CSessionBrowserImpl : : getInstance ( ) . getRingPoints ( getCharId ( ) ) ;
return 0 ;
2010-06-10 09:50:19 +00:00
// ****************************************************************************
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
int CSessionBrowserImpl : : luaGetScenarioScores ( CLuaState & ls )
nldebug ( " SB: luaGetScenarioScores " ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , " getScenarioScores " , 0 ) ;
if ( R2 : : getEditor ( ) . getMode ( ) ! = R2 : : CEditor : : NotInitialized )
CSessionBrowserImpl : : getInstance ( ) . getMyRatings ( getCharId ( ) , R2 : : getEditor ( ) . getDMC ( ) . getEditionModule ( ) . getCurrentAdventureId ( ) ) ;
return 0 ;
2010-06-10 09:50:19 +00:00
// ****************************************************************************
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
int CSessionBrowserImpl : : luaGetSessionAverageScores ( CLuaState & ls )
nldebug ( " SB: luaGetSessionAverageScores " ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , " getSessionAverageScores " , 0 ) ;
if ( R2 : : getEditor ( ) . getMode ( ) ! = R2 : : CEditor : : NotInitialized )
CSessionBrowserImpl : : getInstance ( ) . getSessionAverageScores ( R2 : : getEditor ( ) . getDMC ( ) . getEditionModule ( ) . getCurrentAdventureId ( ) ) ;
return 0 ;
2010-06-10 09:50:19 +00:00
// ****************************************************************************
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
int CSessionBrowserImpl : : luaGetScenarioAverageScores ( CLuaState & ls )
nldebug ( " SB: luaGetScenarioAverageScores " ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , " getScenarioAverageScores " , 1 ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgType ( ls , " getScenarioAverageScores " , 1 , LUA_TSTRING ) ;
CSessionBrowserImpl : : getInstance ( ) . getScenarioAverageScores ( ls . toString ( 1 ) ) ;
return 0 ;
2010-06-10 09:50:19 +00:00
// ****************************************************************************
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
int CSessionBrowserImpl : : luaUpdateScenarioScores ( CLuaState & ls )
nldebug ( " SB: luaUpdateScenarioScores " ) ;
const char * funcName = " updateScenarioScores " ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , funcName , 5 ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgType ( ls , funcName , 1 , LUA_TNUMBER ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgType ( ls , funcName , 2 , LUA_TNUMBER ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgType ( ls , funcName , 3 , LUA_TNUMBER ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgType ( ls , funcName , 4 , LUA_TNUMBER ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgType ( ls , funcName , 5 , LUA_TNUMBER ) ;
if ( R2 : : getEditor ( ) . getMode ( ) ! = R2 : : CEditor : : NotInitialized )
CSessionBrowserImpl : : getInstance ( ) . setPlayerRating ( getCharId ( ) , R2 : : getEditor ( ) . getDMC ( ) . getEditionModule ( ) . getCurrentAdventureId ( ) ,
( uint32 ) ls . toNumber ( 1 ) , ( uint32 ) ls . toNumber ( 2 ) , ( uint32 ) ls . toNumber ( 3 ) , ( uint32 ) ls . toNumber ( 4 ) , ( uint32 ) ls . toNumber ( 5 ) ) ;
return 0 ;
2010-06-10 09:50:19 +00:00
// ****************************************************************************
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
int CSessionBrowserImpl : : luaJoinRingSession ( CLuaState & ls )
nldebug ( " SB: luaJoinRingSession " ) ;
const char * funcName = " joinRingSession " ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , funcName , 1 ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgType ( ls , funcName , 1 , LUA_TNUMBER ) ;
CInterfaceManager * pIM = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
CSessionBrowserImpl & sessionBrowser = CSessionBrowserImpl : : getInstance ( ) ;
sessionBrowser . joinSession ( getCharId ( ) , ( TSessionId ) ( uint32 ) ls . toNumber ( 1 ) , ClientCfg . ConfigFile . getVar ( " Application " ) . asString ( 0 ) ) ;
if ( ! sessionBrowser . waitOneMessage ( sessionBrowser . getMessageName ( " on_joinSessionResult " ) ) )
nlwarning ( " joinSession callback return false " ) ;
if ( sessionBrowser . _LastJoinSessionResult = = 20 )
CViewText * pVT = dynamic_cast < CViewText * > ( pIM - > getElementFromId ( " ui:interface:warning_free_trial:text " ) ) ;
if ( pVT ! = NULL )
pVT - > setText ( CI18N : : get ( " uiRingWarningFreeTrial " ) ) ;
pIM - > runActionHandler ( " enter_modal " , NULL , " group=ui:interface:warning_free_trial " ) ;
return 0 ;
2010-06-10 09:50:19 +00:00
// *****************************************************************************
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
int CSessionBrowserImpl : : luaCheckRingAccess ( CLuaState & ls )
lua_State * state = ls . getStatePointer ( ) ;
return R2 : : CComLuaModule : : luaGetFileHeader ( state ) ;
2010-06-10 09:50:19 +00:00
// *****************************************************************************
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
int CSessionBrowserImpl : : luaGetFileHeader ( CLuaState & ls )
lua_State * state = ls . getStatePointer ( ) ;
return R2 : : CComLuaModule : : luaGetFileHeader ( state ) ;
2010-06-10 09:50:19 +00:00
// ****************************************************************************
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
void CSessionBrowserImpl : : on_connectionFailed ( )
nldebug ( " SB: on_connectionFailed " ) ;
callRingAccessPointMethod ( " onConnectionFailed " , 0 , 0 ) ;
2010-06-10 09:50:19 +00:00
// ****************************************************************************
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
void CSessionBrowserImpl : : on_CRingSessionManagerWebClient_Disconnection ( NLNET : : TSockId /* from */ )
nldebug ( " SB: on_CRingSessionManagerWebClient_Disconnection " ) ;
callRingAccessPointMethod ( " onDisconnection " , 0 , 0 ) ;
2010-06-10 09:50:19 +00:00
// ****************************************************************************
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
void CSessionBrowserImpl : : on_connectionClosed ( )
nldebug ( " SB: on_connectionClosed " ) ;
callRingAccessPointMethod ( " onConnectionClosed " , 0 , 0 ) ;
2010-06-10 09:50:19 +00:00
// ****************************************************************************
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
void CSessionBrowserImpl : : on_invokeResult ( NLNET : : TSockId /* from */ , uint32 /* userId */ , uint32 resultCode , const std : : string & resultString )
nldebug ( " SB: on_invokeResult : result = %u, msg='%s' " , resultCode , resultString . c_str ( ) ) ;
_LastInvokeResult = resultCode ;
_LastInvokeResultMsg = resultString ;
2010-06-10 09:50:19 +00:00
// ****************************************************************************
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
void CSessionBrowserImpl : : on_scheduleSessionResult ( NLNET : : TSockId /* from */ , uint32 charId , TSessionId sessionId , uint8 result , const std : : string & resultString )
nldebug ( " SB: on_scheduleSessionResult : result = %u, msg = '%s' " , result , resultString . c_str ( ) ) ;
_LastScheduleSessionCharId = charId ;
_LastScheduleSessionResult = result ;
_LastScheduleSessionId = sessionId ;
_LastScheduleSessionResulMsg = resultString ;
// if (result == 0)
// {
// // attempt real far tp
// if (!FarTP.requestFarTPToSession(sessionId, PlayerSelectedSlot, CFarTP::JoinSession, true))
// {
// callRingAccessPointMethod("onJoinFailed", 0, 0);
// }
// }
// else
// {
// nlwarning(resultString.c_str());
// callRingAccessPointMethod("onJoinFailed", 0, 0);
// }
2010-06-10 09:50:19 +00:00
// ****************************************************************************
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
void CSessionBrowserImpl : : on_sessionInfoResult ( NLNET : : TSockId from , uint32 charId , TSessionId sessionId , const RSMGR : : TRaceFilter & raceFilter , const RSMGR : : TReligionFilter & religionFilter ,
const RSMGR : : TGuildFilter & guildFilter , const RSMGR : : TShardFilter & shardFilter , const RSMGR : : TLevelFilter & levelFilter , bool subscriptionClosed , bool autoInvite , const std : : string & language ,
const TSessionOrientation & /* orientation */ , const std : : string & description )
nldebug ( " SB: on_sessionInfoResult " ) ;
_LastRaceFilter = raceFilter ;
_LastReligionFilter = religionFilter ;
_LastGuildFilter = guildFilter ;
_LastShardFilter = shardFilter ;
_LastLevelFilter = levelFilter ;
_LastSubscriptionClosed = subscriptionClosed ;
_LastAutoInvite = autoInvite ;
_LastDescription = description ;
2010-06-10 09:50:19 +00:00
// ****************************************************************************
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
void CSessionBrowserImpl : : on_joinSessionResult ( NLNET : : TSockId /* from */ , uint32 /* userId */ , TSessionId sessionId , uint32 result , const std : : string & shardAddr , const RSMGR : : TSessionPartStatus & participantStatus )
nldebug ( " SB: on_joinSessionResult : result = %u; msg = '%s' " , result , shardAddr . c_str ( ) ) ;
_LastJoinSessionResult = result ;
_LastJoinSessionId = sessionId ;
_LastJoinSessionShardAddr = shardAddr ;
_LastJoinSessionPartStatus = participantStatus ;
// trigger the far tp action
if ( result = = 0 )
CInterfaceManager * pIM = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
pIM - > runActionHandler ( " on_connect_to_shard " , NULL , string ( " cookie= " ) + NetMngr . getLoginCookie ( ) . toString ( ) + " |fsAddr= " + shardAddr ) ;
2010-06-10 09:50:19 +00:00
// ****************************************************************************
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
void CSessionBrowserImpl : : on_joinSessionResultExt ( NLNET : : TSockId from , uint32 userId , TSessionId sessionId , uint32 result , const std : : string & shardAddr , const RSMGR : : TSessionPartStatus & participantStatus , const CSecurityCode & securityCode )
nldebug ( " SB: on_joinSessionResultExt : result = %u, msg = '%s' " , result , shardAddr . c_str ( ) ) ;
FarTP . setJoinSessionResult ( sessionId , securityCode ) ; // only joinSessionResultExt grants fast disconnection
on_joinSessionResult ( from , userId , sessionId , result , shardAddr , participantStatus ) ;
2010-06-10 09:50:19 +00:00
// ****************************************************************************
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
void CSessionBrowserImpl : : on_getShardsResult ( NLNET : : TSockId /* from */ , uint32 /* userId */ , const std : : string & /* result */ )
nldebug ( " SB: on_getShardsResult " ) ;
2010-06-10 09:50:19 +00:00
// ****************************************************************************
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
void CSessionBrowserImpl : : on_CSessionBrowserServerWebClient_Disconnection ( NLNET : : TSockId /* from */ )
nldebug ( " SB: on_CSessionBrowserServerWebClient_Disconnection " ) ;
callRingAccessPointMethod ( " onDisconnection " , 0 , 0 ) ;
2010-06-10 09:50:19 +00:00
// ****************************************************************************
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
void CSessionBrowserImpl : : on_sessionList ( NLNET : : TSockId /* from */ , uint32 /* charId */ , const std : : vector < RSMGR : : TSessionDesc > & sessions )
nldebug ( " SB: on_sessionList " ) ;
fill ( sessions ) ;
2010-06-10 09:50:19 +00:00
// ****************************************************************************
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
void CSessionBrowserImpl : : fill ( const std : : vector < RSMGR : : TSessionDesc > & sessions )
// build datas & send to lua
nlassert ( _Lua ) ;
CLuaStackRestorer lsr ( _Lua , _Lua - > getTop ( ) ) ;
_Lua - > newTable ( ) ;
for ( uint k = 0 ; k < sessions . size ( ) ; + + k )
const RSMGR : : TSessionDesc & sd = sessions [ k ] ;
_Lua - > newTable ( ) ;
CLuaObject session ( * _Lua ) ;
session . setValue ( " Id " , ( double ) sd . getSessionId ( ) . asInt ( ) ) ;
session . setValue ( " Owner " , sd . getOwnerName ( ) ) ;
session . setValue ( " Title " , sd . getTitle ( ) ) ;
session . setValue ( " Desc " , sd . getDescription ( ) ) ;
session . setValue ( " Level " , ( double ) sd . getSessionLevel ( ) . getValue ( ) ) ;
session . setValue ( " Language " , sd . getLanguage ( ) ) ;
uint flags = ( sd . getAnimMode ( ) . getValue ( ) = = RSMGR : : TAnimMode : : am_dm ? ( uint ) 1 : 0 ) |
( sd . getRequesterCharInvited ( ) ? ( uint ) 2 : 0 ) ;
if ( sd . getRequesterCharKicked ( ) )
flags = ( uint ) 4 ;
session . setValue ( " Flags " , ( double ) flags ) ;
session . setValue ( " PlayerCount " , ( double ) sd . getNbConnectedPlayer ( ) ) ;
session . setValue ( " AllowFreeTrial " , ( double ) sd . getAllowFreeTrial ( ) ) ;
session . setValue ( " NbRating " , ( double ) sd . getNbRating ( ) ) ;
session . setValue ( " RateFun " , ( double ) sd . getRateFun ( ) ) ;
session . setValue ( " RateDifficulty " , ( double ) sd . getRateDifficulty ( ) ) ;
session . setValue ( " RateAccessibility " , ( double ) sd . getRateAccessibility ( ) ) ;
session . setValue ( " RateOriginality " , ( double ) sd . getRateOriginality ( ) ) ;
session . setValue ( " RateDirection " , ( double ) sd . getRateDirection ( ) ) ;
session . setValue ( " ScenarioRRPTotal " , ( double ) sd . getScenarioRRPTotal ( ) ) ;
session . setValue ( " AuthorRating " , ( double ) _LastAuthorRating ) ;
if ( sd . getAnimMode ( ) . getValue ( ) = = RSMGR : : TAnimMode : : am_dm )
session . setValue ( " OwnerRating " , ( double ) _LastAMRating ) ;
session . setValue ( " OwnerRating " , ( double ) _LastMasterlessRating ) ;
// calculate the difference between local time and gmt
time_t rawtime ;
struct tm * timeinfo ;
rawtime = sd . getLaunchDate ( ) ;
timeinfo = localtime ( & rawtime ) ;
time_t localTime = mktime ( timeinfo ) ;
//nldebug("local time %02d:%02d",timeinfo->tm_hour,timeinfo->tm_min);
rawtime = sd . getLaunchDate ( ) ;
timeinfo = gmtime ( & rawtime ) ;
time_t gmtTime = mktime ( timeinfo ) ;
//nldebug("gm time %02d:%02d",timeinfo->tm_hour,timeinfo->tm_min);
// convert GMT time value from server to local time
time_t adjustedTime = sd . getLaunchDate ( ) + localTime - gmtTime ;
session . setValue ( " LaunchDate " , ( double ) adjustedTime ) ;
session . setValue ( " ScenarioType " , ( double ) sd . getOrientation ( ) . getValue ( ) ) ;
session . push ( ) ;
_Lua - > rawSetI ( - 2 , k + 1 ) ; // set in session list
// call into lua
callRingAccessPointMethod ( " onSessionListReceived " , 1 , 0 ) ;
catch ( ELuaError & )
// no-op (error msg already printed at exception launch)
2010-06-10 09:50:19 +00:00
// ****************************************************************************
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
void CSessionBrowserImpl : : playerRatingFill ( bool scenarioRated , uint32 rateFun , uint32 rateDifficulty , uint32 rateAccessibility , uint32 rateOriginality , uint32 rateDirection )
nlassert ( _Lua ) ;
_Lua - > newTable ( ) ;
CLuaObject scores ( * _Lua ) ;
scores . setValue ( " ScenarioRated " , ( double ) scenarioRated ) ;
scores . setValue ( " RateFun " , ( double ) rateFun ) ;
scores . setValue ( " RateDifficulty " , ( double ) rateDifficulty ) ;
scores . setValue ( " RateAccessibility " , ( double ) rateAccessibility ) ;
scores . setValue ( " RateOriginality " , ( double ) rateOriginality ) ;
scores . setValue ( " RateDirection " , ( double ) rateDirection ) ;
scores . push ( ) ;
// call into lua
callScenarioScoresMethod ( " onScenarioScoresReceived " , 1 , 0 ) ;
catch ( ELuaError & )
// no-op (error msg already printed at exception launch)
2010-06-10 09:50:19 +00:00
// ****************************************************************************
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
void CSessionBrowserImpl : : averageScoresFill ( bool scenarioRated , uint32 rateFun , uint32 rateDifficulty , uint32 rateAccessibility , uint32 rateOriginality , uint32 rateDirection , uint32 rrpTotal )
nlassert ( _Lua ) ;
_Lua - > newTable ( ) ;
CLuaObject scores ( * _Lua ) ;
scores . setValue ( " ScenarioRated " , ( double ) scenarioRated ) ;
scores . setValue ( " RateFun " , ( double ) rateFun ) ;
scores . setValue ( " RateDifficulty " , ( double ) rateDifficulty ) ;
scores . setValue ( " RateAccessibility " , ( double ) rateAccessibility ) ;
scores . setValue ( " RateOriginality " , ( double ) rateOriginality ) ;
scores . setValue ( " RateDirection " , ( double ) rateDirection ) ;
scores . setValue ( " RRPTotal " , ( double ) rrpTotal ) ;
scores . push ( ) ;
// call into lua
callScenarioScoresMethod ( " onAverageScoresReceived " , 1 , 0 ) ;
catch ( ELuaError & )
// no-op (error msg already printed at exception launch)
2010-06-10 09:50:19 +00:00
// ****************************************************************************
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
static RSMGR : : TSessionDesc buildSession ( uint32 id , const std : : string & owner , const std : : string & title , const std : : string & description , uint32 level , uint32 playerCount , const std : : string & /* language */ , uint32 launchTime , bool dm , bool invited )
RSMGR : : TSessionDesc result ;
result . setSessionId ( ( TSessionId ) id ) ;
result . setRequesterCharInvited ( invited ) ;
result . setOwnerName ( owner ) ;
result . setTitle ( title ) ;
result . setDescription ( description ) ;
result . setSessionLevel ( R2 : : TSessionLevel ( ( R2 : : TSessionLevel : : TValues ) level ) ) ;
result . setLaunchDate ( launchTime ) ;
result . setNbConnectedPlayer ( playerCount ) ;
result . setAnimMode ( RSMGR : : TAnimMode ( dm ? RSMGR : : TAnimMode : : am_dm : RSMGR : : TAnimMode : : am_autonomous ) ) ;
return result ;
2010-06-10 09:50:19 +00:00
// ****************************************************************************
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
void CSessionBrowserImpl : : testFill ( )
std : : vector < RSMGR : : TSessionDesc > sessions ;
uint32 refTime = NLMISC : : CTime : : getSecondsSince1970 ( ) ;
sessions . push_back ( buildSession ( 50 , " _toto " , " Scenar de toto " , " Fight scenario " , 0 , 0 , " en " , refTime - 1000 , true , true ) ) ;
sessions . push_back ( buildSession ( 51 , " _titi " , " Titi's scenario " , " Un peu de RP " , 0 , 4 , " en " , refTime - 2000 , false , true ) ) ;
sessions . push_back ( buildSession ( 52 , " _bob " , " Yubo's back " , " Chasse aux yubos " , 0 , 10 , " en " , refTime - 3000 , true , false ) ) ;
sessions . push_back ( buildSession ( 54 , " _nico " , " Nico test " , " Scenario de test de nico " , 1 , 3 , " fr " , refTime - 10000 , false , false ) ) ;
sessions . push_back ( buildSession ( 55 , " _toto2 " , " Scenar de toto " , " Fight scenario " , 1 , 0 , " de " , refTime - 20000 , true , true ) ) ;
sessions . push_back ( buildSession ( 56 , " _titi2 " , " Titi's scenario " , " Un peu de RP " , 1 , 4 , " it " , refTime - 40000 , true , true ) ) ;
sessions . push_back ( buildSession ( 57 , " _bob2 " , " Yubo's back " , " Chasse aux yubos " , 2 , 10 , " cz " , refTime - 60000 , true , true ) ) ;
sessions . push_back ( buildSession ( 59 , " _nico2 " , " Nico test " , " Scenario de test de nico " , 3 , 3 , " fr " , refTime - 100000 , true , true ) ) ;
sessions . push_back ( buildSession ( 510 , " _toto3 " , " Scenar de toto " , " Fight scenario " , 3 , 0 , " de " , refTime - 200000 , true , true ) ) ;
sessions . push_back ( buildSession ( 511 , " _titi3 " , " Titi's scenario " , " Un peu de RP " , 4 , 4 , " en " , refTime - 300000 , true , true ) ) ;
sessions . push_back ( buildSession ( 512 , " _bob3 " , " Yubo's back " , " Chasse aux yubos " , 4 , 10 , " fr " , refTime - 500000 , true , true ) ) ;
sessions . push_back ( buildSession ( 514 , " _nico3 " , " Nico test " , " Scenario de test de nico " , 5 , 3 , " en " , refTime - 800000 , true , true ) ) ;
sessions . push_back ( buildSession ( 515 , " _toto4 " , " Scenar de toto " , " Fight scenario " , 5 , 0 , " fr " , refTime - 1000000 , true , true ) ) ;
sessions . push_back ( buildSession ( 516 , " _titi' " , " Titi's scenario " , " Un peu de RP " , 5 , 4 , " en " , refTime - 2000000 , true , true ) ) ;
sessions . push_back ( buildSession ( 517 , " _bob4 " , " Yubo's back " , " Chasse aux yubos " , 5 , 10 , " fr " , refTime - 3000000 , true , true ) ) ;
sessions . push_back ( buildSession ( 519 , " _nico4 " , " Nico test " , " Scenario de test de nico " , 5 , 3 , " en " , refTime - 5000000 , true , true ) ) ;
fill ( sessions ) ;
2010-06-10 09:50:19 +00:00
// ****************************************************************************
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
void CSessionBrowserImpl : : on_charList ( NLNET : : TSockId /* from */ , uint32 /* charId */ , TSessionId /* sessionId */ , const std : : vector < RSMGR : : TCharDesc > & chars )
nldebug ( " SB: on_charList " ) ;
charsFill ( chars ) ;
2010-06-10 09:50:19 +00:00
// ****************************************************************************
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
void CSessionBrowserImpl : : on_playerRatings ( NLNET : : TSockId /* from */ , uint32 /* charId */ , bool scenarioRated , uint32 rateFun , uint32 rateDifficulty , uint32 rateAccessibility , uint32 rateOriginality , uint32 rateDirection )
playerRatingFill ( scenarioRated , rateFun , rateDifficulty , rateAccessibility , rateOriginality , rateDirection ) ;
2010-06-10 09:50:19 +00:00
// ****************************************************************************
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
// Return average scores of a session
void CSessionBrowserImpl : : on_sessionAverageScores ( NLNET : : TSockId /* from */ , bool scenarioRated , uint32 rateFun , uint32 rateDifficulty , uint32 rateAccessibility , uint32 rateOriginality , uint32 rateDirection , uint32 rrpTotal )
averageScoresFill ( scenarioRated , rateFun , rateDifficulty , rateAccessibility , rateOriginality , rateDirection , rrpTotal ) ;
2010-06-10 09:50:19 +00:00
// ****************************************************************************
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
// Return average scores of a scenario
void CSessionBrowserImpl : : on_scenarioAverageScores ( NLNET : : TSockId /* from */ , bool scenarioRated , uint32 rateFun , uint32 rateDifficulty , uint32 rateAccessibility , uint32 rateOriginality , uint32 rateDirection , uint32 rrpTotal )
//averageScoresFill(scenarioRated, rateFun, rateDifficulty, rateAccessibility, rateOriginality, rateDirection, rrpTotal);
nlassert ( _Lua ) ;
_Lua - > newTable ( ) ;
CLuaObject scores ( * _Lua ) ;
scores . setValue ( " ScenarioRated " , ( double ) scenarioRated ) ;
scores . setValue ( " RateFun " , ( double ) rateFun ) ;
scores . setValue ( " RateDifficulty " , ( double ) rateDifficulty ) ;
scores . setValue ( " RateAccessibility " , ( double ) rateAccessibility ) ;
scores . setValue ( " RateOriginality " , ( double ) rateOriginality ) ;
scores . setValue ( " RateDirection " , ( double ) rateDirection ) ;
scores . setValue ( " RRPTotal " , ( double ) rrpTotal ) ;
scores . push ( ) ;
// call into lua
callScenarioScoresMethod ( " onScenarioAverageScoresReceived " , 1 , 0 ) ;
catch ( ELuaError & )
// no-op (error msg already printed at exception launch)
2010-06-10 09:50:19 +00:00
// ****************************************************************************
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
void CSessionBrowserImpl : : on_ringRatings ( NLNET : : TSockId /* from */ , uint32 /* charId */ , uint32 authorRating , uint32 AMRating , uint32 masterlessRating )
_LastAuthorRating = authorRating ;
_LastAMRating = AMRating ;
_LastMasterlessRating = masterlessRating ;
ringStatsFill ( ) ;
2010-06-10 09:50:19 +00:00
// ****************************************************************************
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
void CSessionBrowserImpl : : on_ringPoints ( NLNET : : TSockId /* from */ , uint32 /* charId */ , const std : : string & ringPoints , const std : : string & maxRingPoints )
_LastRingPoints = ringPoints ;
_LastMaxRingPoints = maxRingPoints ;
ringStatsFill ( ) ;
2010-06-10 09:50:19 +00:00
// ****************************************************************************
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
void CSessionBrowserImpl : : charsFill ( const std : : vector < RSMGR : : TCharDesc > & chars )
// build datas & send to lua
nlassert ( _Lua ) ;
CLuaStackRestorer lsr ( _Lua , _Lua - > getTop ( ) ) ;
_Lua - > newTable ( ) ;
for ( uint k = 0 ; k < chars . size ( ) ; + + k )
const RSMGR : : TCharDesc & cd = chars [ k ] ;
if ( cd . getCharId ( ) ! = getCharId ( ) )
_Lua - > newTable ( ) ;
CLuaObject luaChar ( * _Lua ) ;
luaChar . setValue ( " Id " , ( double ) cd . getCharId ( ) ) ;
luaChar . setValue ( " Char " , cd . getCharName ( ) ) ;
luaChar . setValue ( " Guild " , cd . getGuildName ( ) ) ;
luaChar . setValue ( " Race " , ( double ) cd . getRace ( ) . getValue ( ) ) ;
luaChar . setValue ( " Religion " , ( double ) cd . getCult ( ) . getValue ( ) ) ;
string shardName = toString ( cd . getShardId ( ) ) ;
for ( uint l = 0 ; l < Mainlands . size ( ) ; + + l )
if ( Mainlands [ l ] . Id . asInt ( ) = = cd . getShardId ( ) )
shardName = toString ( Mainlands [ l ] . Name ) ;
break ;
luaChar . setValue ( " Shard " , shardName ) ;
// note: we do 'level-1' because the TSessionLevel enum starts at 1
luaChar . setValue ( " Level " , ( double ) ( cd . getLevel ( ) . getValue ( ) - 1 ) ) ;
uint32 flags = 0 ;
if ( cd . getConnected ( ) ) { flags + = 1 ; }
if ( cd . getKicked ( ) ) { flags + = 2 ; }
uint32 flags = cd . getConnected ( ) ;
if ( cd . getKicked ( ) ) { flags = 2 ; }
luaChar . setValue ( " Flags " , ( double ) flags ) ;
luaChar . push ( ) ;
_Lua - > rawSetI ( - 2 , k + 1 ) ; // set in chars list
// call into lua
callRingCharTrackingMethod ( " onCharsListReceived " , 1 , 0 ) ;
catch ( ELuaError & )
// no-op (error msg already printed at exception launch)
2010-06-10 09:50:19 +00:00
// ****************************************************************************
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
inline double ecoRingPoints ( const std : : string & ecoPoints , char * c )
2010-05-13 20:53:14 +00:00
std : : string : : size_type cPlace = ecoPoints . find ( c ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
if ( cPlace = = string : : npos )
return 0 ;
2010-05-13 20:53:14 +00:00
std : : string : : size_type sepPlace = ecoPoints . find ( " : " , cPlace ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
std : : string points = ecoPoints . substr ( cPlace + 1 , sepPlace ) ;
double ret ;
fromString ( points , ret ) ;
return ret ;
void CSessionBrowserImpl : : ringStatsFill ( )
// build datas & send to lua
nlassert ( _Lua ) ;
CLuaStackRestorer lsr ( _Lua , _Lua - > getTop ( ) ) ;
_Lua - > newTable ( ) ;
CLuaObject luaRingPoints ( * _Lua ) ;
luaRingPoints . setValue ( " AuthorRating " , ( double ) _LastAuthorRating ) ;
luaRingPoints . setValue ( " AMRating " , ( double ) _LastAMRating ) ;
luaRingPoints . setValue ( " MasterlessRating " , ( double ) _LastMasterlessRating ) ;
luaRingPoints . setValue ( " MaxBasicRingPoints " , ecoRingPoints ( _LastMaxRingPoints , " A " ) ) ;
luaRingPoints . setValue ( " BasicRingPoints " , ecoRingPoints ( _LastRingPoints , " A " ) ) ;
luaRingPoints . setValue ( " MaxDesertRingPoints " , ecoRingPoints ( _LastMaxRingPoints , " D " ) ) ;
luaRingPoints . setValue ( " DesertRingPoints " , ecoRingPoints ( _LastRingPoints , " D " ) ) ;
luaRingPoints . setValue ( " MaxForestRingPoints " , ecoRingPoints ( _LastMaxRingPoints , " F " ) ) ;
luaRingPoints . setValue ( " ForestRingPoints " , ecoRingPoints ( _LastRingPoints , " F " ) ) ;
luaRingPoints . setValue ( " MaxJungleRingPoints " , ecoRingPoints ( _LastMaxRingPoints , " J " ) ) ;
luaRingPoints . setValue ( " JungleRingPoints " , ecoRingPoints ( _LastRingPoints , " J " ) ) ;
luaRingPoints . setValue ( " MaxPrimeRootRingPoints " , ecoRingPoints ( _LastMaxRingPoints , " R " ) ) ;
luaRingPoints . setValue ( " PrimeRootRingPoints " , ecoRingPoints ( _LastRingPoints , " P " ) ) ;
luaRingPoints . setValue ( " MaxSubtropicRingPoints " , ecoRingPoints ( _LastMaxRingPoints , " L " ) ) ;
luaRingPoints . setValue ( " SubtropicRingPoints " , ecoRingPoints ( _LastRingPoints , " L " ) ) ;
luaRingPoints . push ( ) ;
// call into lua
callRingPlayerInfoMethod ( " onRingStatsPlayerReceving " , 1 , 0 ) ;
CSkillManager * pSM = CSkillManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
if ( pSM )
pSM - > tryToUnblockTitleFromRingRatings ( _LastAuthorRating , _LastAMRating , _LastMasterlessRating ) ;
catch ( ELuaError & )
// no-op (error msg already printed at exception launch)
2010-06-10 09:50:19 +00:00
// ****************************************************************************
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
static RSMGR : : TCharDesc buildChar ( uint32 id , const std : : string & charName , const std : : string & guild ,
TRace race , TCult cult , uint32 shardId , TSessionLevel level , bool connected )
RSMGR : : TCharDesc result ;
result . setCharId ( id ) ;
result . setShardId ( shardId ) ;
result . setCharName ( charName ) ;
result . setGuildName ( guild ) ;
result . setRace ( race ) ;
result . setCult ( cult ) ;
result . setLevel ( level ) ;
result . setConnected ( connected ) ;
return result ;
2010-06-10 09:50:19 +00:00
// ****************************************************************************
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
void CSessionBrowserImpl : : testCharsFill ( )
std : : vector < RSMGR : : TCharDesc > chars ;
chars . push_back ( buildChar ( 50 , " _toto " , " Guild de toto " , TRace : : r_fyros , TCult : : c_kami , 242 , TSessionLevel : : sl_a , false ) ) ;
chars . push_back ( buildChar ( 51 , " _titi " , " Titi's guild " , TRace : : r_matis , TCult : : c_karavan , 243 , TSessionLevel : : sl_b , true ) ) ;
chars . push_back ( buildChar ( 52 , " _bob " , " Yubo guild " , TRace : : r_matis , TCult : : c_karavan , 102 , TSessionLevel : : sl_c , false ) ) ;
chars . push_back ( buildChar ( 54 , " _nico " , " Nico guild " , TRace : : r_matis , TCult : : c_kami , 103 , TSessionLevel : : sl_d , false ) ) ;
chars . push_back ( buildChar ( 55 , " _toto2 " , " Guild de toto " , TRace : : r_tryker , TCult : : c_kami , 103 , TSessionLevel : : sl_e , true ) ) ;
chars . push_back ( buildChar ( 56 , " _titi2 " , " Titi's guild " , TRace : : r_matis , TCult : : c_karavan , 102 , TSessionLevel : : sl_f , true ) ) ;
chars . push_back ( buildChar ( 57 , " _bob2 " , " Yubo guild " , TRace : : r_fyros , TCult : : c_neutral , 101 , TSessionLevel : : sl_a , true ) ) ;
chars . push_back ( buildChar ( 59 , " _nico2 " , " Nico guild " , TRace : : r_fyros , TCult : : c_neutral , 101 , TSessionLevel : : sl_b , true ) ) ;
chars . push_back ( buildChar ( 510 , " _toto3 " , " Guild de toto " , TRace : : r_tryker , TCult : : c_karavan , 103 , TSessionLevel : : sl_c , false ) ) ;
chars . push_back ( buildChar ( 511 , " _titi3 " , " Titi's guild " , TRace : : r_tryker , TCult : : c_karavan , 102 , TSessionLevel : : sl_d , true ) ) ;
chars . push_back ( buildChar ( 512 , " _bob3 " , " Yubo guild " , TRace : : r_zorai , TCult : : c_karavan , 103 , TSessionLevel : : sl_e , false ) ) ;
chars . push_back ( buildChar ( 514 , " _nico3 " , " Nico guild " , TRace : : r_zorai , TCult : : c_kami , 102 , TSessionLevel : : sl_f , true ) ) ;
chars . push_back ( buildChar ( 515 , " _toto4 " , " Guild de toto " , TRace : : r_zorai , TCult : : c_karavan , 101 , TSessionLevel : : sl_a , true ) ) ;
chars . push_back ( buildChar ( 516 , " _titi' " , " Titi's guild " , TRace : : r_tryker , TCult : : c_karavan , 102 , TSessionLevel : : sl_b , false ) ) ;
chars . push_back ( buildChar ( 517 , " _bob4 " , " Yubo guild " , TRace : : r_fyros , TCult : : c_neutral , 102 , TSessionLevel : : sl_c , false ) ) ;
chars . push_back ( buildChar ( 519 , " _nico4 " , " Nico guild " , TRace : : r_fyros , TCult : : c_kami , 103 , TSessionLevel : : sl_d , true ) ) ;
charsFill ( chars ) ;
2010-06-10 09:50:19 +00:00
// ****************************************************************************
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
void CSessionBrowserImpl : : callRingAccessPointMethod ( const char * name , int numArg , int numResult )
// when you load an animation, lua state isn't initialized for a short time
if ( ! _Lua ) return ;
nlassert ( name ) ;
CLuaStackRestorer lsr ( _Lua , _Lua - > getTop ( ) + numResult ) ;
_Lua - > pushValue ( LUA_GLOBALSINDEX ) ;
CLuaObject rap ( * _Lua ) ;
rap = rap [ " RingAccessPoint " ] ;
rap . callMethodByNameNoThrow ( name , numArg , numResult ) ;
2010-06-10 09:50:19 +00:00
// ****************************************************************************
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
void CSessionBrowserImpl : : callRingCharTrackingMethod ( const char * name , int numArg , int numResult )
// when you load an animation, lua state isn't initialized for a short time
if ( ! _Lua ) return ;
nlassert ( name ) ;
CLuaStackRestorer lsr ( _Lua , _Lua - > getTop ( ) + numResult ) ;
_Lua - > pushValue ( LUA_GLOBALSINDEX ) ;
CLuaObject rap ( * _Lua ) ;
rap = rap [ " CharTracking " ] ;
rap . callMethodByNameNoThrow ( name , numArg , numResult ) ;
2010-06-10 09:50:19 +00:00
// ****************************************************************************
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
void CSessionBrowserImpl : : callRingPlayerInfoMethod ( const char * name , int numArg , int numResult )
// when you load an animation, lua state isn't initialized for a short time
if ( ! _Lua ) return ;
nlassert ( name ) ;
CLuaStackRestorer lsr ( _Lua , _Lua - > getTop ( ) + numResult ) ;
_Lua - > pushValue ( LUA_GLOBALSINDEX ) ;
CLuaObject rap ( * _Lua ) ;
rap = rap [ " RingPlayerInfo " ] ;
rap . callMethodByNameNoThrow ( name , numArg , numResult ) ;
2010-06-10 09:50:19 +00:00
// ****************************************************************************
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
void CSessionBrowserImpl : : callScenarioScoresMethod ( const char * name , int numArg , int numResult )
// when you load an animation, lua state isn't initialized for a short time
if ( ! _Lua ) return ;
nlassert ( name ) ;
CLuaStackRestorer lsr ( _Lua , _Lua - > getTop ( ) + numResult ) ;
_Lua - > pushValue ( LUA_GLOBALSINDEX ) ;
CLuaObject rap ( * _Lua ) ;
rap = rap [ " ScenarioScores " ] ;
rap . callMethodByNameNoThrow ( name , numArg , numResult ) ;