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<generator header_tag="R2_MODULES_ITF">
<include file="game_share/far_position.h"/>
<include file="game_share/r2_share_itf.h"/>
<include file="game_share/r2_types.h"/>
<include file="game_share/base_types.h"/>
<include file="game_share/misc_const.h"/>
<cpp-include file="stdpch.h"/>
<namespace name="R2">
<module_interface name="CServerEditionItf" module_class='"ServerEditionItf"'>
<!-- ____________________________________________________ -->
<module_interface name="CServerAnimationItf" module_class='"ServerAnimationModule"'>
<!-- <method name="tpPosition" msg="TPP">
<doc line="teleport a player to a chosen position, possibly changing the season"/>
<param type="TSessionId" name="sessionId"/>
<param type="uint64" name="entityId"/>
<param type="uint32" name="x"/>
<param type="uint32" name="y"/>
<param type="uint8" name="scenarioSeason"/>
</method> -->
<method name="getStartParams" msg="GSP">
<doc line="Ask for the position, season and adventure mode of a connecting character"/>
<doc line="The reply will either give a new position or tell to load the last stored one"/>
<doc line="Used by the EGS of a Ring shard to send the start position to a connecting client"/>
<param type="uint32" name="charId"/>
<param type="TSessionId" name="lastStoredSessionId"/>
<method name="askSetUserCharActPosition" msg="ASUCAP">
<doc line="Ask to server animation module to re-send usre char entry point"/>
<doc line="The reply call CCharacterControlItf::setUserCharActPosition"/>
<param type="uint32" name="charId"/>
<method name="activateEasterEgg" msg="SAEE">
<doc line="AIS Message to activate a scenario generated easter egg"/>
<param type="uint32" name="easterEggId"/>
<param type="TSessionId" name="scenarioId"/>
<param type="uint32" name="actId"/>
<param type="std::string" name="items" byref="true"/>
<param type="float" name="x"/>
<param type="float" name="y"/>
<param type="float" name="z"/>
<param type="float" name="heading"/>
<param type="std::string" name="grpCtrl" byref="true"/>
<param type="std::string" name="name" byref="true"/>
<param type="std::string" name="look" byref="true"/>
<method name="dssMessage" msg="SDSSM">
<doc line="AIS Message to make the dss send a message"/>
<param type="TSessionId" name="sessionId"/>
<param type="std::string" name="mode" byref="true"/>
<param type="std::string" name="who" byref="true"/>
<param type="std::string" name="msg" byref="true"/>
<method name="setScenarioPoints" msg="SSSP">
<doc line="AIS Message to make the dss set the scenario points"/>
<param type="TSessionId" name="sessionId"/>
<param type="float" name="scenarioPoints"/>
<method name="startScenarioTiming" msg="SST">
<doc line="AIS Message to make the dss start scenario timing"/>
<param type="TSessionId" name="sessionId"/>
<method name="endScenarioTiming" msg="EST">
<doc line="AIS Message to make the dss end scenario timing"/>
<param type="TSessionId" name="sessionId"/>
<method name="deactivateEasterEgg" msg="SDEE">
<doc line="AIS Message to activate a scenario generated easter egg"/>
<param type="uint32" name="easterEggId"/>
<param type="TSessionId" name="scenarioId"/>
<param type="uint32" name="actId"/>
<method name="onEasterEggLooted" msg="SOEEL">
<doc line="EGS Message to indicates that an easter egg is looted"/>
<param type="uint32" name="eggId" />
<param type="TSessionId" name="scenarioId"/>
<method name="onCharTargetReceived" msg="SCTR">
<doc line="EGS message to indicates info of the target of a player"/>
<param type="NLMISC::CEntityId" name="eid" byref="true" />
<param type="NLMISC::CEntityId" name="creatureId" byref="true" />
<param type="uint32" name="creatureAlias"/>
<param type="TDataSetRow" name="creatureRowId" />
<param type="ucstring" name="name" byref="true"/>
<param type="uint32" name="nameId" />
<param type="std::vector<std::string>" name="params" byref="true" serial="Cont"/>
<param type="bool" name="alived" />
<method name="teleportCharacter" msg="STOCTO">
<doc line="AIS message to ask the dss to teleport a character to a position"/>
<param type="NLMISC::CEntityId" name="player" byref="true" />
<param type="float" name="x" />
<param type="float" name="y" />
<param type="float" name="z" />
<method name="characterReady" msg="CRDY">
<doc line="EGS message to indicates that a character is ready in mirror"/>
<param type="NLMISC::CEntityId" name="charEid" byref="true" />
<!-- ____________________________________________________ -->
<module_interface name="CCharacterControlItf">
<method name="setUserCharStartParams" msg="RSP">
<doc line="The reply of CServerAnimationItf::getStartParams. If reloadPos is true,"/>
<doc line="the character will start from his current saved pos, otherwise the character"/>
<doc line="will start at farPos. In all cases farPos is the respawn point to set."/>
<param type="uint32" name="charId"/>
<param type="CFarPosition" name="farPos" byref="true"/>
<param type="bool" name="reloadPos"/>
<param type="uint8" name="scenarioSeason"/>
<param type="R2::TUserRole" name="role"/>
<method name="charJoinAnimSession" msg="CJAS">
<doc line="A character enter an anim session as player"/>
<param type="uint32" name="charId"/>
<param type="uint32" name="sessionId"/>
<method name="charLeaveAnimSession" msg="CLAS">
<doc line="A character leave an anim session as player"/>
<param type="uint32" name="charId"/>
<param type="uint32" name="sessionId"/>
<method name="setUserCharActPosition" msg="RSPP">
<doc line="The reply of CServerAnimationItf::startAct telling to teleport user"/>
<param type="uint32" name="charId"/>
<param type="CFarPosition" name="farPos" byref="true"/>
<param type="uint8" name="season" />
<method name="animSessionStarted" msg="AST">
<doc line="A DSS to EGS signal that an anim session is started"/>
<param type="TSessionId" name="sessionId"/>
<param type="TRunningScenarioInfo" name="scenarioInfo" byref="true"/>
<method name="animSessionEnded" msg="ASE">
<doc line="A DSS to EGS signal that an anim session is ended"/>
<param type="TSessionId" name="sessionId"/>
<param type="uint32" name="scenarioScore"/>
<param type="NLMISC::TTime" name="timeTaken"/>
<method name="scenarioEnded" msg="SSE">
<doc line="A DSS Message to signal that a session is ended"/>
<param type="TSessionId" name="sessionId"/>
<method name="sendItemDescription" msg="SSIT">
<doc line="A DSS Message to register mission item of a scenario"/>
<param type="TSessionId" name="sessionId"/>
<param type="std::vector<R2::TMissionItem>" name="missionItem" byref="true" serial="Cont"/>
<method name="activateEasterEgg" msg="AEE">
<doc line="AIS Message to activate a scenario generated easter egg"/>
<param type="uint32" name="easterEggId"/>
<param type="TSessionId" name="scenarioId"/>
<param type="uint32" name="aiInstanceId"/>
<param type="std::vector<R2::TItemAndQuantity>" name="items" byref="true" serial="Cont"/>
<param type="CFarPosition" name="pos" byref="true"/>
<param type="std::string" name="name" byref="true"/>
<param type="std::string" name="look" byref="true"/>
<method name="deactivateEasterEgg" msg="DEE1">
<doc line="AIS Message to deactivate a scenario generated easter egg"/>
<param type="uint32" name="easterEggId"/>
<param type="TSessionId" name="scenarioId"/>
<method name="deactivateEasterEggs" msg="DEE2">
<doc line="AIS Message to deactivate a multiple easterEgg scenario generated easter egg"/>
<param type="std::set<uint32>" name="items" byref="true" serial="Cont"/>
<param type="TSessionId" name="scenarioId"/>
<method name="sendCharTargetToDss" msg="SCT">
<doc line="DSS message to ask info of the target of a player"/>
<param type="NLMISC::CEntityId" name="eid" byref="true" />
<param type="std::vector<std::string>" name="params" byref="true" serial="Cont" />
<method name="onTpPositionAsked" msg="STPA">
<doc line="DSS message to ask the tp of a pioneer"/>
<param type="NLMISC::CEntityId" name="eid" byref="true" />
<param type="float" name="x" />
<param type="float" name="y" />
<param type="float" name="z" />
<param type="uint8" name="season" />
<param type="R2::TR2TpInfos" name="teleportInfos" byref="true" />
<method name="disconnectChar" msg="SDC">
<doc line="DSS message to ask to disconnect a char"/>
<param type="uint32" name="charId" />
<method name="returnToPreviousSession" msg="SRPS">
<doc line="DSS message to ask the egs to return a player to mainland"/>
<param type="uint32" name="charId" />
<method name="setPioneerRight" msg="SSPR">
<doc line="DSS message to ask the egs to set DM righ (aggro, visible, god)"/>
<param type="uint32" name="charId" />
<param type="bool" name="isDM" />
<method name="teleportOneCharacterToAnother" msg="STOCTA">
<doc line="DSS message to ask the egs to teleport a character to another character"/>
<param type="uint32" name="sourceId" />
<param type="uint32" name="destId" />
<param type="uint8" name="season" />
<method name="teleportCharacterToNpc" msg="STCTN">
<doc line="DSS message to ask the egs to teleport a character to a npc"/>
<param type="uint32" name="sourceId" />
<param type="NLMISC::CEntityId" name="destEid" byref="true" />
<param type="uint8" name="season" />
<method name="setUserCharCurrentSession" msg="SUCCS">
<doc line="DSS message to update the respawn point"/>
<param type="uint32" name="charId" />
<param type="TSessionId" name="oldSessionId" />
<param type="CFarPosition" name="respawnPoint" byref="true" />
<param type="R2::TUserRole" name="role" />
<method name="reportLinkedSession" msg="SRLS">
<doc line="DSS message to indicates to the egs that session may be linked"/>
<param type="TSessionId" name="editionSession"/>
<param type="TSessionId" name="animationSession" />
<method name="reportUnlinkedSession" msg="SRUS">
<doc line="DSS message to indicates to the egs that linked session are no more linked"/>
<param type="TSessionId" name="editionSession"/>
<param type="TSessionId" name="animationSession" />
<method name="giveRewardMessage" msg="SGRM">
<doc line="AIS Message to give some reward to the player"/>
<param type="TDataSetRow" name="characterRowId"/>
<param type="TDataSetRow" name="creatureRowId"/>
<param type="std::string" name="rewardText" byref="true"/>
<param type="std::string" name="rareRewardText" byref="true"/>
<param type="std::string" name="inventoryFullText" byref="true"/>
<param type="std::string" name="notEnoughPointsText" byref="true"/>
<method name="reportNpcControl" msg="SRNC">
<doc line="AIS Message to indicates that a bot is being controled"/>
<param type="NLMISC::CEntityId" name="playerEid" byref="true"/>
<param type="NLMISC::CEntityId" name="botEid" byref="true"/>
<method name="reportStopNpcControl" msg="SRSNC">
<doc line="AIS Message to indicates that a bot is stop being controled"/>
<param type="NLMISC::CEntityId" name="playerEid" byref="true"/>
<param type="NLMISC::CEntityId" name="botEid" byref="true"/>
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<method name="subscribeCharacterInRingUniverse" msg="SCIRU">
<doc line="DSS ask to put a character in the ring universe channel"/>
<doc line="This is for editors and animator characters only"/>
<param type="uint32" name="charId"/>
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<method name="unsubscribeCharacterInRingUniverse" msg="UCIRU">
<doc line="DSS ask to remove a character from the ring universe channel"/>
<doc line="This is for editors and animator characters only"/>
<param type="uint32" name="charId"/>
<!-- ____________________________________________________ -->
<module_interface name="CAisControlItf">
<!-- ____________________________________________________ -->
<class name="TR2SbmSessionInfo">
<doc line="Info about a connected character, used for block tranfert"/>
<!-- activate serial generation -->
<property type="TSessionId" name="SessionId" doc="The SessionId"/>
<property type="uint32" name="DateEmpty" doc="the date of last disconnection of the last character"/>
<module_interface name="CR2SessionBackupModuleItf">
<method name="reportDeletedSessions" msg="SRDS">
<doc line="DSS message to report session backup that have been deleteed"/>
<param type="std::vector<TSessionId>" name="sessionIds" byref="true" serial="Cont" />
<method name="reportHibernatedSessions" msg="SRHS">
<doc line="DSS message to report session backup that have been hibernated"/>
<param type="std::vector<TSessionId>" name="sessionIds" byref="true" serial="Cont" />
<method name="reportSavedSessions" msg="SRSS">
<doc line="DSS message to report session backup that have been deleteed"/>
<param type="std::vector< TR2SbmSessionInfo >" name="sessionInfos" byref="true" serial="Cont" />
<method name="registerDss" msg="SRDSS">
<doc line="DSS message to register itself to the R2SBM"/>
<param type="TShardId" name="shardId" />