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2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#ifndef GS_FAME_H
#define GS_FAME_H
#include "nel/misc/string_mapper.h"
#include "mirrored_data_set.h"
#include "mirror_prop_value.h"
#include "pvp_clan.h"
#include "nel/misc/variable.h"
/** NB : if you change the MAX_FACTION, you MUST also do the following :
* 1 - change the mirror description file data_share/mirror_sheet/fame.dataset to add the additionnal entry (or remove if you reduce the value)
* 2 - change the excel worksheet \\server\leveldesign\static_fame.xls :
* * resize the sheet (on x and y axis, the sheet must remain square),
* * update the macro Module1.ExportFame ligne 6 : Range("A1:CV100").Select : update the range to the new worksheet size
const uint MAX_FACTION = 100;
const sint32 NO_FAME = 0x7FFFFFFF;
extern NLMISC::CVariable<bool> UseAsymmetricStaticFames;
/** Give a simple access to
* all the static fame values.
* Static fames values include tribe to tribe and tribe to civilisation fames.
class CStaticFames
class CTribeCultThreshold
Kami = 0;
Karavan = 0;
Neutral = 0;
void setKami(sint32 t) { Kami = t; }
void setKaravan(sint32 t) { Karavan = t; }
void setNeutral(sint32 t) { Neutral = t; }
sint32 getKami() const { return Kami; }
sint32 getKaravan() const { return Karavan; }
sint32 getNeutral() const { return Neutral; }
sint32 Kami;
sint32 Karavan;
sint32 Neutral;
class CTribeCultThresholdPerCiv
bool getCultThresholdForCiv( PVP_CLAN::TPVPClan civ, sint32& kami, sint32& karavan, sint32& neutral) const
const CTribeCultThreshold * tc = 0;
switch( civ )
case PVP_CLAN::Matis:
tc = &Matis;
case PVP_CLAN::Fyros:
tc = &Fyros;
case PVP_CLAN::Tryker:
tc = &Tryker;
case PVP_CLAN::Neutral:
tc = &Neutral;
return false;
kami = tc->getKami();
karavan = tc->getKaravan();
neutral = tc->getNeutral();
return true;
uint32 FameIndex;
CTribeCultThreshold Matis;
CTribeCultThreshold Fyros;
CTribeCultThreshold Tryker;
CTribeCultThreshold Zorai;
CTribeCultThreshold Neutral;
// declare scoped constant value
/// Tag value for invalid faction index.
static CStaticFames &getInstance()
if (_Instance == NULL)
_Instance = new CStaticFames();
return *_Instance;
// release singleton
static void releaseInstance();
// destructor
/// Get the list of faction mapped names.
const std::vector<NLMISC::TStringId> &getFactionNames() { return _FactionNames; }
/// Get the name of a faction.
const std::string &getFactionName(uint32 factionIndex);
/// Convert the mapped name of a faction into an indexed value (allowing very fast access).
uint getFactionIndex(NLMISC::TStringId factionName);
/// Same as above but with that name as a string.
uint getFactionIndex(const std::string &factionName);
/** Get the fame value between two factions. There is no constraint on faction order because
* fame values are reciprocal.
sint32 getStaticFame(NLMISC::TStringId faction1, NLMISC::TStringId faction2);
/// Same as above but with string name instead of mapped string.
sint32 getStaticFame(const std::string &faction1, const std::string &faction2);
/// Same as above but direct index instead of mapped string.
sint32 getStaticFameIndexed(uint factionIndex1, uint factionIndex2);
/** Get the propagation factor value between two factions. There is no constraint on faction order because
* values are reciprocal.
float getPropagationFactorIndexed(uint factionIndex1, uint factionIndex2) const;
/// get the sheet associated with a faction
const NLMISC::CSheetId & getFactionSheet(uint32 factionIndex)
if (factionIndex < _FactionSheets.size())
return _FactionSheets[factionIndex];
return NLMISC::CSheetId::Unknown;
/// get the sheet associated with a faction
uint getFactionIndexFromSheet(const NLMISC::CSheetId & sheet)
TFactionNameSheetList::iterator it = _FactionSheetIndex.find( sheet );
if ( it != _FactionSheetIndex.end() )
return (*it).second;
// get client database index from fame index
uint getDatabaseIndex( uint fameIndex ) { nlassert( _FameIndexToDatabaseIndex.size() > fameIndex ); return _FameIndexToDatabaseIndex[ fameIndex ]; }
// get first tribe fame index
uint getFirstTribeFameIndex() { return _FirstTribeFameIndex; }
// get number of tribe fame index
uint getNbTribeFameIndex() { return _FameTableSize - _FirstTribeFameIndex; }
// return number of fame in table
uint getNbFame() { return _FameTableSize; }
// get tribe threshold per civ allegiance
const std::vector<CTribeCultThresholdPerCiv>& getTribeThresholdVector() const { return _TribeCultThresholdPerCiv; }
/// private ctor
/// static fame loader
void loadStaticFame( const std::string& filename );
/// static fame tribe threshold
void loadTribeThreshold( const std::string& filename );
/// singleton instance
static CStaticFames *_Instance;
/// faction name index table
typedef CHashMap<NLMISC::TStringId, uint, NLMISC::CStringIdHashMapTraits> TFactionNameIndexList;
TFactionNameIndexList _FactionNameIndex;
std::vector<NLMISC::TStringId> _FactionNames;
// faction databaseIndex <=> fameIndex translation table
std::vector< uint > _FameIndexToDatabaseIndex;
uint _FirstTribeFameIndex;
/// faction sheet - name table
typedef CHashMap<NLMISC::CSheetId, uint, NLMISC::CSheetIdHashMapTraits> TFactionNameSheetList;
TFactionNameSheetList _FactionSheetIndex;
std::vector<NLMISC::CSheetId> _FactionSheets;
/// cult threshold for tribe depending of civilization allegiance
std::vector<CTribeCultThresholdPerCiv> _TribeCultThresholdPerCiv;
/// Size of the fame table (the table is a square)
uint _FameTableSize;
/// fame table
sint32 *_FameTable;
/// propagation factor table
float *_PropagationFactorTable;
/** Access and effect on all the fame in the world.
* This class can either static fame or dynamic fame.
* Static fame are initial fame between civilisation,
* fame between civilisation and tribe and beween tribe.
* Dynamic fame include civilisation to civilisation,
* guild to civilisation, guild to tribe, player to
* civilisation and player to tribe.
class CFameInterface
friend class CFameManager;
/// Singleton accessor
static CFameInterface &getInstance()
if (_Instance == NULL)
_Instance = new CFameInterface;
return *_Instance;
/// Initialise the dataset pointer (call this when mirror is ready).
void setFameDataSet(CMirroredDataSet *fameDataSet, bool declareProperty = true);
/// get back the fame dataset
CMirroredDataSet *getFameDataSet() { return _FameDataSet; }
/** Method to call when a fame entry is created in the mirror.
* This method is called from the service mirror notification callback.
void createFameOwner(CMirroredDataSet& dataSet, const TDataSetRow& entityRow)
nlassertex(_FameDataSet, ("You must set the fame dataset pointer before calling this function"));
nlassert(_FamesOwners.find(entityRow) == _FamesOwners.end());
TFameOwner *fo = new TFameOwner(dataSet, entityRow);
_FamesOwners.insert(std::make_pair(entityRow, fo));
/** Method to call when a fame entry is deleted from the mirror.
* This method is called from the service mirror notification callback.
void removeFameOwner(CMirroredDataSet& /* dataSet */, const TDataSetRow& entityRow)
nlassertex(_FameDataSet, ("You must set the fame dataset pointer before calling this function"));
TFameContainer::iterator it(_FamesOwners.find(entityRow));
nlassert(it != _FamesOwners.end());
delete it->second;
//@name Fame querying
/** Get the fame of a civilisation, guild or player versus a tribe or civilisation
* The name is a mapped name and is the same as in CStaticFame class.
sint32 getFame(const NLMISC::CEntityId &entityId, NLMISC::TStringId faction, bool modulated = false, bool returnUnknowValue = false);
/** Get the fame of a civilisation, guild or player versus a tribe or civilisation
* The name is a mapped name and is the same as in CStaticFame class.
sint32 getFameIndexed(const NLMISC::CEntityId &entityId, uint32 factionIndex, bool modulated = false, bool returnUnknowValue = false);
//@name Fame modification
/** Add some fame value for a civilisation, a guild or a player vs a tribe or civilisation.
* The value can positive or negative.
* Fame modifications are not immediately received because it's the EGS that apply the value.
void addFame(const NLMISC::CEntityId &entityId, NLMISC::TStringId faction, sint32 deltaFame, bool propagate = false);
/** Add some fame value for a civilisation, a guild or a player vs a tribe or civilisation.
* The value can positive or negative.
* Fame modifications are not immediately received because it's the EGS that apply the value.
void addFameIndexed(const NLMISC::CEntityId &entityId, uint32 factionIndex, sint32 deltaFame, bool propagate = false);
/** Set the value of the fame.
//void setFame(const NLMISC::CEntityId &entityId, NLMISC::TStringId faction, sint32 fameValue);
//@name Indirect fame feature querying.
/// Get the civilisation datasetrow for the given entity.
const TDataSetRow &getCivilisationIndex(const NLMISC::CEntityId &entityId);
/// Get the guild datasetrow for the given entity.
const TDataSetRow &getGuildIndex(const NLMISC::CEntityId &entityId);
/// Get the fame memory datasetrow for the given entity.
const TDataSetRow &getFameMemoryIndex(const NLMISC::CEntityId &entityId);
/** Interface class designed to implemented and registered in the FameInterface by the
* EGS services.
* This class directly receive fame delta from addFame.
* You must not use this feature with more than one service ! (only the EGS actualy).
class IFameOverload
/** Receive fame delta value.
* @param entityIndex index inside the fame dataset.
* @param factionIndex index of the faction (as defined in CStaticFame).
* @param deltaFame The delta fame value.
virtual void addFameIndexed(const NLMISC::CEntityId &entityId, uint factionIndex, sint32 deltaFame, bool propagate) =0;
/** Get the fame of a civilisation, guild or player versus a tribe or civilisation
* The name is a mapped name and is the same as in CStaticFame class.
virtual sint32 getFameIndexed(const NLMISC::CEntityId &entityId, uint32 factionIndex, bool modulated = true, bool returnUnknownValue = false) =0;
virtual const TDataSetRow &getCivilisationIndex(const NLMISC::CEntityId &entityId) =0;
virtual const TDataSetRow &getGuildIndex(const NLMISC::CEntityId &entityId) =0;
virtual const TDataSetRow &getFameMemoryIndex(const NLMISC::CEntityId &entityId) =0;
/// Register the fame adder interface.
void registerFameOverload(IFameOverload *fameOverload) { _FameOverload = fameOverload; }
// get faction index from faction name
sint32 getFactionIndex(NLMISC::TStringId faction);
: _FameDataSet(NULL),
// fame data for civilisation, guild or player entity
struct TFameOwner
/// Civilisation index inside the fame dataset (valid for player and guild entity)
CMirrorPropValueRO<TDataSetRow> Civilisation;
/// Guild index inside the fame dataset (valid for player only)
CMirrorPropValueRO<TDataSetRow> Guild;
/// Fame memory index inside the fame dataset (valid for player only)
CMirrorPropValueRO<TDataSetRow> FameMemory;
// declare the 100 fame mirror value
CMirrorPropValueRO<sint32> Fames[MAX_FACTION];
TFameOwner(CMirroredDataSet& dataSet, const TDataSetRow& entityRow)
// WARNING : you must initialise your property in the same order as they are declared in the dataset
Civilisation.init(dataSet, entityRow, CivilisationPropIndex);
Guild.init(dataSet, entityRow, GuildPropIndex);
FameMemory.init(dataSet, entityRow, FameMemoryPropIndex);
for (uint i=0; i<MAX_FACTION; ++i)
Fames[i].init(dataSet, entityRow, FirstFamePropIndex+i);
/// Property index
static sint16 CivilisationPropIndex;
static sint16 GuildPropIndex;
static sint16 FameMemoryPropIndex;
static sint16 FirstFamePropIndex;
/// pointer to the fame dataset
CMirroredDataSet *_FameDataSet;
typedef CHashMap<TDataSetRow, TFameOwner*, TDataSetRow::CHashCode> TFameContainer;
/// storage for fame owner
TFameContainer _FamesOwners;
/// EGS local fame adder.
IFameOverload *_FameOverload;
/// Singleton instance pointer.
static CFameInterface *_Instance;
#endif // GS_FAME_H