
223 lines
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Raw Normal View History

// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#ifndef WE_EXPORT_H
#define WE_EXPORT_H
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/misc/rgba.h"
#include "nel/misc/aabbox.h"
#include "nel/3d/zone.h"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace NLMISC
class IStream;
class CBitmap;
class CMatrix;
class CQuat;
class CVector;
namespace NL3D
class CZone;
struct CPatchInfo;
class CBezierPatch;
class CTileBank;
class CInstanceGroup;
namespace NLLIGO
class CZoneRegion;
class CZoneBank;
struct SPiece;
namespace NLPACS
class CCollisionMeshBuild ;
namespace NLGEORGES
class UForm;
class UFormLoader;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Export options
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct SExportOptions
// Options saved
std::string OutZoneDir;
std::string OutIGDir;
std::string RefZoneDir;
std::string RefIGDir;
bool ExportCollisions;
bool ExportAdditionnalIGs;
std::string RefCMBDir;
std::string OutCMBDir;
std::string DFNDir;
std::string AdditionnalIGInDir; // villages..
std::string AdditionnalIGOutDir;
std::string ContinentFile;
std::string ContinentsDir;
std::string LigoBankDir;
std::string TileBankFile;
// The colormap file name
std::string ColorMapFile;
std::string HeightMapFile;
float ZFactor;
std::string HeightMapFile2;
float ZFactor2;
uint8 Light; // Roughly light the zone (0-none, 1-patch, 2-noise)
std::string ZoneMin;
std::string ZoneMax;
// Options not saved
NLLIGO::CZoneRegion *ZoneRegion; // The region to make
float CellSize;
float Threshold;
// =======================================================================
SExportOptions ();
void serial (NLMISC::IStream& s);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Export callback
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The user of CExport can be informed of what's happen in the export process with
// this class and can cancel the process by returning true in the isCanceled method.
class IExportCB
virtual bool isCanceled () = 0; // Tell the exporter if it must end as quick as possible
// Display callbacks
virtual void dispPass (const std::string &Text) = 0; // Pass (generate land, vegetable, etc...)
virtual void dispPassProgress (float percentage) = 0; // [ 0.0 , 1.0 ]
virtual void dispInfo (const std::string &Text) = 0; // Verbose
virtual void dispWarning (const std::string &Text) = 0; // Error but not critical
virtual void dispError (const std::string &Text) = 0; // Should block (misfunction)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
class CExport
CExport ();
~CExport ();
bool export_ (SExportOptions &options, IExportCB *expCB = NULL);
static std::string getZoneNameFromXY (sint32 x, sint32 y);
static sint32 getXFromZoneName (const std::string &ZoneName);
static sint32 getYFromZoneName (const std::string &ZoneName);
SExportOptions *_Options;
IExportCB *_ExportCB;
NLLIGO::CZoneBank *_ZeZoneBank;
NL3D::CTileBank *_ZeTileBank;
NLMISC::CBitmap *_HeightMap;
NLMISC::CBitmap *_HeightMap2;
sint32 _ZoneMinX, _ZoneMinY, _ZoneMaxX, _ZoneMaxY;
// The colormap
NLMISC::CBitmap *_ColorMap;
NLGEORGES::UFormLoader *_FormLoader;
/// export all cmb (directory is given in the options)
void exportCMBs();
void exportAdditionnalIGs();
void treatPattern (sint32 nPosX, sint32 nPosY,
std::vector<bool> &ZoneTreated, sint32 nMinX, sint32 nMinY, sint32 nStride);
/// build a non mirroring transfo (for mesh, collision mesh builds)
void buildTransfo(sint32 nPosX, sint32 nPosY, uint8 nRot, uint8 nFlip, NLMISC::CMatrix &posTransfo, NLMISC::CQuat &rotTranfo);
void transformZone (NL3D::CZone &zeZone, sint32 nPosX, sint32 nPosY, uint8 nRot, uint8 nFlip, bool computeHeightmap);
void transformIG (NL3D::CInstanceGroup &ig, sint32 nPosX, sint32 nPosY, uint8 nRot, uint8 nFlip);
void transformCMB(NLPACS::CCollisionMeshBuild &cmb, sint32 nPosX, sint32 nPosY, uint8 nRot, uint8 nFlip);
Add the Colormap to the user color of the zone
Performs USERCOLOR = USERCOLOR * (1-colormap.A) + colormap.RGB * colormap.A
void addColorMap (NL3D::CZone &zeZone);
void cutZone (NL3D::CZone &bigZone, NL3D::CZone &bigZoneNoHeightmap, NL3D::CZone &unitZone, NL3D::CZone &unitZoneNoHeightmap,
sint32 nPosX, sint32 nPosY, std::vector<bool> &PatchTransfered, const std::vector<NLMISC::CAABBox> &bb, std::vector<NL3D::CPatchInfo> &SrcPI,
std::vector<NL3D::CPatchInfo> &SrcPINoHeightmap, NLLIGO::SPiece &sMask, std::vector<NL3D::CBorderVertex> &BorderVertices,
std::vector<NL3D::CBorderVertex> &BorderVerticesNoHeightmap, sint32 baseX, sint32 baseY);
void cutIG (NL3D::CInstanceGroup &bigIG, NL3D::CInstanceGroup &unitIG, sint32 nPosX, sint32 nPosY, NLLIGO::SPiece &sMask, bool first,
sint32 baseX, sint32 baseY);
float getHeight (float x, float y);
// Get a filtred RGBA color from _ColorMap
NLMISC::CRGBAF getColor (float x, float y);
// return the normalized height normal.
NLMISC::CVector getHeightNormal (float x, float y);
void light (NL3D::CZone &zoneOut, NL3D::CZone &zoneIn);
NLGEORGES::UForm *loadContinent(const std::string &name) const;
void transformCMB (const std::string &cmbName, const NLMISC::CMatrix &transfo, bool verbose) const;
void transformAdditionnalIG (const std::string &igName, const NLMISC::CMatrix &transfo, const NLMISC::CQuat &rotTransfo) const;
void exportCMBAndAdditionnalIGs();
// used by transformZone. compute sub tangents along an edge
void computeSubdividedTangents(uint numBinds, const NL3D::CBezierPatch &patch, uint edge, NLMISC::CVector subTangents[8]);
// used by transformZone. return false if the vertex was same, and nop in this case. Else change the vertex,
// and move related tangent/interiors too
bool applyVertexBind(NL3D::CPatchInfo &pa, NL3D::CPatchInfo &oldPa, uint edgeToModify, bool startEdge,
const NLMISC::CMatrix &oldTgSpace, const NLMISC::CMatrix &newTgSpace,
const NLMISC::CVector &bindedPos, const NLMISC::CVector &bindedTangent );
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
#endif // WE_EXPORT_H