2012-05-29 13:31:11 +00:00
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom/>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "stdpch.h"
#include "primitives_parser.h"
#include "nel/net/service.h"
#include "nel/misc/i_xml.h"
#include "nel/misc/path.h"
#include "nel/misc/file.h"
#include "nel/ligo/primitive_utils.h"
#include "server_share/primitive_cfg.h"
#include "server_share/used_continent.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace NLMISC;
using namespace NLNET;
using namespace NLLIGO;
bool CPrimitivesParser::_LigoInit = false;
NLLIGO::CLigoConfig CPrimitivesParser::_LigoConfig;
const char *WORLD_EDITOR_CLASSES_FILE = "world_editor_classes.xml";
// CPrimitivesParser init
void CPrimitivesParser::init()
// Init ligo
if (!_LigoInit)
if (!_LigoConfig.readPrimitiveClass (WORLD_EDITOR_CLASSES_FILE, false))
// Should be in l:\leveldesign\world_editor_files
nlerror ("Can't load ligo primitive config file world_editor_classes.xml");
_LigoInit = true;
// init the primitive context
CPrimitiveContext::instance().CurrentLigoConfig = &_LigoConfig;
// get the primitive files to load
vector< string > mapConfigNames;
// load only active primitive maps...
CConfigFile::CVar& usedPrimitives = IService::getInstance()->ConfigFile.getVar("UsedPrimitives");
for ( uint i = 0; (sint)i<usedPrimitives.size(); ++i)
if (usedPrimitives.asString(i) != "")
set<string> loadedPrimitives; // to remember the loadedprmitives
// count number of primitives
uint primCount = 0;
for (uint i=0; i<mapConfigNames.size(); ++i)
const vector<std::string> &prims = CPrimitiveCfg::getMap(mapConfigNames[i]);
primCount += (uint)prims.size();
uint numLoadedPrim = 0;
for (uint i=0; i<mapConfigNames.size(); ++i)
const vector<std::string> &prims = CPrimitiveCfg::getMap(mapConfigNames[i]);
nlinfo("CPrimitivesParser : loading %d primitives files for mapConfigName '%s' in continent '%s'", prims.size(), mapConfigNames[i].c_str(), CPrimitiveCfg::getContinentNameOf(mapConfigNames[i]).c_str());
// resize the primitive vector
// parse all the selected files
vector<string>::const_iterator first(prims.begin()), last(prims.end());
for (;first != last; ++first, ++numLoadedPrim)
const string fullName = CPath::lookup( *first );
if (loadedPrimitives.find(fullName)!=loadedPrimitives.end()) // don't want to load a primitive twice!
nldebug( "CPrimitivesParser : loading primitive file '%s' %u/%u", first->c_str(), numLoadedPrim+1, primCount);
if ( fullName.empty()
|| !loadPrimitive( fullName.c_str(),_Primitives.back().Primitive ))
nlwarning("<CPrimitivesParser ctor> error in primitive file %s",fullName.c_str());
_Primitives.back().FileName = fullName;
// _PrimitiveFiles.push_back(fullName);
catch(const Exception &e)
nlwarning("<CPrimitivesParser ctor> exception launched : %s",e.what() );
}// CPrimitivesParser ctor
// CPrimitivesParser loadPrimitive
bool CPrimitivesParser::loadPrimitive(const char* fileName,CPrimitives & primitives)
bool readXml = true;
string binFileName = NLNET::IService::getInstance()->WriteFilesDirectory.toString() +"primitive_cache/"+CFile::getFilename(fileName)+".binprim";
// Test if binary caching is wanted
bool cachePrims = true;
CConfigFile::CVar *cachePrimsVar = IService::getInstance()->ConfigFile.getVarPtr("CachePrims");
if (cachePrimsVar)
cachePrims = cachePrimsVar->asInt() != 0;
bool cachePrimsLog = false;
CConfigFile::CVar *cachePrimsLogVar = IService::getInstance()->ConfigFile.getVarPtr("CachePrimsLog");
if (cachePrimsLogVar)
cachePrimsLog = cachePrimsLogVar->asInt() != 0;
if (cachePrims
&& CFile::fileExists(binFileName)
&& CFile::getFileModificationDate(binFileName) > CFile::getFileModificationDate(fileName))
// if primitive definition file is more recent, then must recompute all primitives
std::string defFile = NLMISC::CPath::lookup(WORLD_EDITOR_CLASSES_FILE, false, false);
if (!defFile.empty() &&
CFile::getFileModificationDate(binFileName) > CFile::getFileModificationDate(defFile))
// ok, the cache is here and up to date !
if (cachePrimsLog)
nlinfo("Loading '%s' from binary file '%s'",
CIFile binFile(binFileName);
CPrimitiveContext::instance().CurrentPrimitive = &primitives;
CPrimitiveContext::instance().CurrentPrimitive = NULL;
// ok, all was fine, don't read in xml !
readXml = false;
if (readXml)
//open prim file
CIFile file;
if (!file.open (fileName))
nlwarning ("<CPrimitivesParser loadPrimitive> Failed to open file %s for reading.", fileName);
return false;
// init XML stream
CIXml xml;
xml.init (file);
// set the primitive context
CPrimitiveContext::instance().CurrentPrimitive = &primitives;
// read the stream
if (!primitives.read (xml.getRootNode (), fileName, _LigoConfig))
nlwarning ("<CPrimitivesParser loadPrimitive> Error reading file %s", fileName);
CPrimitiveContext::instance().CurrentPrimitive = NULL;
return false;
CPrimitiveContext::instance().CurrentPrimitive = NULL;
if (cachePrims)
COFile saveBin(binFileName);
return true;
}// CPrimitivesParser loadPrimitive
bool CPrimitivesParser::getAlias(const NLLIGO::IPrimitive *prim, uint32 &alias)
TPrimitiveClassPredicate pred("alias");
IPrimitive *aliasNode = getPrimitiveChild(const_cast<NLLIGO::IPrimitive*>(prim), pred);
if (aliasNode)
const CPrimAlias *pa = dynamic_cast<const CPrimAlias*>(aliasNode);
alias = pa->getFullAlias();
return true;
alias = 0;
return false;
std::string CPrimitivesParser::aliasToString(uint32 alias)
return _LigoConfig.aliasToString(alias);
uint32 CPrimitivesParser::aliasFromString(const std::string& alias)
return _LigoConfig.aliasFromString(alias);
uint32 CPrimitivesParser::aliasGetStaticPart(uint32 alias)
uint32 staticPart;
uint32 dynPart;
staticPart = (alias & _LigoConfig.getStaticAliasMask()) >> _LigoConfig.getDynamicAliasSize();
dynPart = alias & _LigoConfig.getDynamicAliasMask();
return staticPart;
uint32 CPrimitivesParser::aliasGetDynamicPart(uint32 alias)
uint32 staticPart;
uint32 dynPart;
staticPart = (alias & _LigoConfig.getStaticAliasMask()) >> _LigoConfig.getDynamicAliasSize();
dynPart = alias & _LigoConfig.getDynamicAliasMask();
return dynPart;