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Raw Normal View History

// NeL - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
// STL includes
#include <string>
#include <vector>
// NeL includes
#include "nel/misc/smart_ptr.h"
#include "nel/misc/stream.h"
#include <nel/misc/path.h>
#include "nel/3d/skeleton_model.h"
// Projects includes
#include "ps_initial_pos.h"
namespace NL3D {
class CParticleSystem;
class CParticleSystemModel;
class CShapeBank;
namespace NLQT {
class CParticleWorkspace;
@class CWorkspaceNode
@author Nicolas Vizerie
@author Nevrax France
@date 2004
@brief A node in the workspace particles system editor.
@details Contains NeL system of particles and allows them to perform the following operations:
- Creating a new empty particle system (createEmptyPS()).
- Loading and saving the existing system of particles.
- Linking / unlinking of the system of particles to any bone of the skeleton model.
- Operations with the name and directory location of the particles system file.
- Has a flag indicating if the particles system changed or not (intended for the editor)
class CWorkspaceNode : public NLMISC::CRefCount
void init(CParticleWorkspace *ws);
void setRelativePath(const std::string &relativePath);
const std::string &getRelativePath() const { return _RelativePath; }
std::string getFullPath() const;
std::string getFilename() const { return NLMISC::CFile::getFilename(_RelativePath); }
/// Serial node information into workspace stream. This does not save the particle system shape, only a reference to its file
void serial(NLMISC::IStream &f);
/// Save the particle system target file
void savePS() throw(NLMISC::EStream);
/// Save particle system with an arbitrary filename
void savePSAs(const std::string &fullPath) throw(NLMISC::EStream);
/// put back in the unloaded state
void unload();
/// Load the particle system target file
/// @return true if loading succeed (false means that loading was ok, but this is not a particle system). Other cases throw an exception.
bool loadPS() throw(NLMISC::EStream);
/// Create an empty particle system
void createEmptyPS();
/// Helper flag to know if a ps has been modified
/// @{
bool isModified() const { return _Modified; }
void setModified(bool modified);
/// @}
NL3D::CParticleSystem *getPSPointer() const { return _PS; }
NL3D::CParticleSystemModel *getPSModel() const { return _PSM; }
/// See if this node ps has been loaded
bool isLoaded() const { return _PS != NULL; }
/// Get the workspace in which this node is inserted
CParticleWorkspace *getWorkspace() const { return _WS; }
/// Memorize current position of object in the system. Useful to play the system because instances can be created / deleted
void memorizeState();
/// Restore state previously memorize. Is usually called when the user stops a particle system
void restoreState();
/// Test if state is currenlty memorized
bool isStateMemorized() const;
/// For edition : If the state of the system has been memorized, keep it on par with the system when it is modified
void removeLocated(NL3D::CPSLocated *loc);
/// For edition : If the state of the system has been memorized, keep it on par with the system when it is modified
void removeLocatedBindable(NL3D::CPSLocatedBindable *lb);
/// Returns the skeleton to which the ps is currently sticked
NL3D::CSkeletonModel *getParentSkel() const { return _ParentSkel; }
const std::string &getParentSkelName() const { return _ParentSkelName; }
const std::string &getParentBoneName() const { return _ParentBoneName; }
std::string getTriggerAnim() { return _TriggerAnim; }
void setTriggerAnim(const std::string &anim);
std::string _TriggerAnim;
NL3D::CParticleSystem *_PS;
NL3D::CParticleSystemModel *_PSM;
// Keep a shape bank per node because we want the whole path to identify the ps, not just its filename
// (shape bank keeps the filename only)
NL3D::CShapeBank *_ShapeBank;
// Relative path from which the ps was inserted
// relative path is also a unique identifier for this ps in the workspace
std::string _RelativePath;
// initial pos of system. Allow to restore the initial instances of the system when doing start / stop
CPSInitialPos _InitialPos;
bool _Modified;
CParticleWorkspace *_WS;
NLMISC::CRefPtr<NL3D::CSkeletonModel> _ParentSkel;
bool _ResetAutoCount;
std::string _ParentSkelName;
std::string _ParentBoneName;
void setup(NL3D::CParticleSystemModel &psm);
bool getResetAutoCountFlag() const { return _ResetAutoCount; }
void setResetAutoCountFlag(bool reset) { _ResetAutoCount = reset; }
/// Stick to a skeleton
void stickPSToSkeleton(NL3D::CSkeletonModel *skel,
uint bone,
const std::string &parentSkelName, // for callback after loading
const std::string &parentBoneName
void unstickPSFromSkeleton();
friend class CParticleWorkspace;
// Ctor
// DTor
}; /* class CWorkspaceNode */
typedef std::vector<NLMISC::CRefPtr<CWorkspaceNode> > TNodeVect;
typedef TNodeVect::iterator TPWNodeItr;
@class CParticleWorkspace
@author Nicolas Vizerie
@author Nevrax France
@date 2004
@brief A container containing all the loaded particle system.
@details Allows you to load \ save in xml file list of systems of particles (the path to each file as well)
and additional parameters (skeleton model, and to which bone it is attached)
There is a feedback mechanism showed changes are being made with the container,with a particle system or connection to the skeleton.
class CParticleWorkspace
/// callback to know when a workspace node has been modified
struct IModificationCallback
virtual void workspaceModifiedFlagChanged(CParticleWorkspace &pw) = 0;
virtual void nodeModifiedFlagChanged(CWorkspaceNode &node) = 0;
virtual void nodeSkelParentChanged(CWorkspaceNode &node) = 0; // called when fx has been linked / unlinked from a skeleton parent
/// Сonstructor
/// Destructor
/// Init the workspace for the given object viewer
/// must be called prior to other methods
void init(const std::string &filename);
/// Set a new name for the workspace (not its filename)
void setName(const std::string &name);
/// Set a new file name for the workspace
void setFileName(const std::string &fileName);
std::string getName() const { return _Name; }
/// Get the path in which workpsace is located with a trailing slash
std::string getPath() const;
std::string getFilename() const;
/// Get Number of nodes in the workspace
uint getNumNode() const { return (uint)_Nodes.size(); }
/// Get a node in workspace
/// Can keep pointer safely as long as the node is not deleted
CWorkspaceNode *getNode(uint index) const { return _Nodes[index]; }
/// Get a node from a pointer on a particle system
CWorkspaceNode *getNodeFromPS(NL3D::CParticleSystem *ps) const;
/// Test if the workspace already contains a node with the given filename name
/// NB : 2 node with the same name re not allowed, even if their path is different
bool containsFile(std::string filename) const;
/// Add a node in the workspace. Will succeed only if fx filename does not already exist in the workspace.
/// The node is in the 'unloaded' state, so caller must load it afterward.
/// NB : no lookup is done, full path must be provided.
/// @return pointer to new node, or NULL if already inserted
CWorkspaceNode *addNode(const std::string &filenameWithFullPath) throw( NLMISC::Exception);
/// Remove a node by it's index
void removeNode(uint index);
/// Remove a node by it's pointer
void removeNode(CWorkspaceNode *ptr);
/// Get index of a node from its pointer, or -1 if not found
sint getIndexFromNode(CWorkspaceNode *node) const;
/// Save the workspace structure. The target file is the one given when this object was created
/// NB : ps shape are not saved, only the structure is. To save the shapes, call CNode::save()
void save() throw(NLMISC::EStream);
/// Load the workspace structure. The target file is the one given when this object was created
/// All nodes are in the 'unloaded" state, so it is to the caller to load them by calling load() on their node
void load() throw(NLMISC::EStream);
/// Test whether the structure of the workspace has been modified (does not test if ps inside the workspace have been modified)
bool isModified() const { return _Modified; }
/// Test whether the content of the workspace has ben modified
bool isContentModified() const;
void touch() { setModifiedFlag(true); }
void clearModifiedFlag() { setModifiedFlag(false); }
/// Set a callback to know when a node is modified
void setModificationCallback(IModificationCallback *cb) { _ModificationCallback = cb; }
IModificationCallback *getModificationCallback() const { return _ModificationCallback; }
/// Restick all objects, useful after loading
void restickAllObjects();
TNodeVect& getNodeList() { return _Nodes; }
// use smart ptr to avoir prb wih resize
TNodeVect _Nodes;
// path + name of workspace
std::string _Filename;
bool _Modified;
IModificationCallback *_ModificationCallback;
// workspace user name
std::string _Name;
/// serial the object
void serial(NLMISC::IStream &f) throw(NLMISC::EStream);
/// set the 'modified flag' and call the callback
void setModifiedFlag(bool modified);
void nodeModified(CWorkspaceNode &node);
}; /* class CParticleWorkspace */
} /* namespace NLQT */