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2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
// NeL - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/logic/logic_state_machine.h"
#include "nel/net/service.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace NLMISC;
using namespace NLNET;
namespace NLLOGIC
// test if a string is valid considering a filter and a motif
bool testNameWithFilter( sint8 filter, string motif, string varName );
void xmlCheckNodeName (xmlNodePtr &node, const char *nodeName)
// Check node name
if ( node == NULL || ((const char*)node->name == NULL) || (strcmp ((const char*)node->name, nodeName) != 0) )
// try to find a child
if (node != NULL)
node = CIXml::getFirstChildNode (node, nodeName);
if ( node != NULL && ((const char*)node->name != NULL) && (strcmp ((const char*)node->name, nodeName) == 0) )
nlinfo ("check node %s ok in the child", nodeName);
// Make an error message
char tmp[512];
smprintf (tmp, 512, "LogicStateMachine STATE_MACHINE XML Syntax error in block line %d, node %s should be %s",
(int)node->line, node->name, nodeName);
nlinfo (tmp);
throw EXmlParsingError (tmp);
nlinfo ("check node %s ok", nodeName);
std::string getXMLProp (xmlNodePtr node, const char *propName)
const char *name = (const char*)xmlGetProp (node, (xmlChar*)propName);
if (name)
nlinfo ("get prop %s = %s", propName, name);
string n = name;
xmlFree ((void*)name);
return n;
// Make an error message
char tmp[512];
smprintf (tmp, 512, "LogicStateMachine XML Syntax error in block %s line %d, aguments Name not found",
node->name, (int)node->line);
throw EXmlParsingError (tmp);
return "";
// setCurrentState :
void CLogicStateMachine::setCurrentState( string stateName )
map<string,CLogicState>::iterator itStates = _States.find( stateName );
if( itStates != _States.end() )
_CurrentState = stateName;
nlinfo("Switching to state \"%s\"",_CurrentState.c_str());
nlwarning("(LOGIC)<CLogicStateMachine::setCurrentState> The state \"%s\" is not in the state machine \"%s\"",stateName.c_str(),_Name.c_str());
} // setCurrentState //
// addCondition :
void CLogicStateMachine::addCondition( CLogicCondition condition )
} // addCondition //
// addState :
void CLogicStateMachine::addState( CLogicState logicState )
logicState.setLogicStateMachine( this );
_States.insert( std::make_pair(logicState.getName(),logicState) );
} // addState //
// addSIdMap :
void CLogicStateMachine::addSIdMap( const TSIdMap& sIdMap )
// call addSIdMap for each state
map<string,CLogicState>::iterator itStates;
for( itStates = _States.begin(); itStates != _States.end(); ++itStates )
(*itStates).second.addSIdMap( sIdMap );
} // addSIdMap //
// processLogic :
void CLogicStateMachine::processLogic()
// call processLogic for the current state
map<string,CLogicState>::iterator itStates = _States.find( _CurrentState );
nlassert( itStates != _States.end() );
// update the counters
map<string,CLogicCounter>::iterator itCount;
for( itCount = _Counters.begin(); itCount != _Counters.end(); ++itCount )
} // processLogic //
// getMessagesToSend :
void CLogicStateMachine::getMessagesToSend( multimap<CEntityId,CMessage>& msgs )
map<std::string, CLogicState>::iterator itState;
for( itState = _States.begin(); itState != _States.end(); ++itState )
(*itState).second.getMessagesToSend( msgs );
} // getMessagesToSend //
// getVariable :
bool CLogicStateMachine::getVariable( std::string& varName, CLogicVariable& var )
map<string,CLogicVariable>::iterator itVar = _Variables.find( varName );
if( itVar != _Variables.end() )
var = (*itVar).second;
return true;
map<string,CLogicCounter>::iterator itCount = _Counters.find( varName );
if( itCount != _Counters.end() )
var = (*itCount).second;
return true;
return false;
} // getVariable //
// getCondition :
bool CLogicStateMachine::getCondition( const std::string& condName, CLogicCondition& cond )
map<string,CLogicCondition>::iterator itCond = _Conditions.find( condName );
if( itCond != _Conditions.end() )
cond = (*itCond).second;
return true;
return false;
} // getCondition //
// modifyVariable :
void CLogicStateMachine::modifyVariable( string varName, string modifOperator, sint64 value )
map<string,CLogicVariable>::iterator itVar = _Variables.find( varName );
if( itVar != _Variables.end() )
(*itVar).second.applyModification( modifOperator, value );
map<string,CLogicCounter>::iterator itCount = _Counters.find( varName );
if( itCount != _Counters.end() )
(*itCount).second.applyModification( modifOperator, value );
nlwarning("(LOGIC)<CLogicStateMachine::modifyVariable> The variable \"%s\" is not in the state machine \"%s\"",varName.c_str(),_Name.c_str());
} // modifyVariable //
// serial :
/*void CLogicStateMachine::serial( IStream &f )
f.serialCont( _Variables );
f.serialCont( _Counters );
f.serialCont( _Conditions );
f.serialCont( _States );
f.serial( _CurrentState );
f.serial( _Name );
if( f.isReading() )
// set the the logic state machine addr in each state
map<string,CLogicState>::iterator itStates;
for( itStates = _States.begin(); itStates != _States.end(); ++itStates )
(*itStates).second.setLogicStateMachine( this );
// set the the logic state machine addr in each conditions
map<string,CLogicCondition>::iterator itCond;
for( itCond = _Conditions.begin(); itCond != _Conditions.end(); ++itCond )
(*itCond).second.setLogicStateMachine( this );
} // serial //*/
// Display the variables
void CLogicStateMachine::displayVariables()
multimap<CEntityId,string> allVariables;
// // get vars referenced in the states
map<string, CLogicState>::iterator itS;
for( itS = _States.begin(); itS != _States.end(); ++itS )
(*itS).second.fillVarMap( allVariables );
// extract the unclaimed variables from all the variables
vector<string> unclaimedVariables;
CEntityId unknown;
unknown.setType( 0xfe );
unknown.setCreatorId( 0 );
unknown.setDynamicId( 0 );
pair<multimap<CEntityId,string>::iterator,multimap<CEntityId,string>::iterator> itVarsRng = allVariables.equal_range(unknown);
multimap<CEntityId,string>::iterator itVars;
for( itVars = itVarsRng.first; itVars != itVarsRng.second; )
multimap<CEntityId,string>::iterator itDel = itVars++;
unclaimedVariables.push_back( (*itDel).second );
allVariables.erase( itDel );
if( itVarsRng.first != allVariables.end() )
itVars = itVarsRng.first;
multimap<CEntityId,string>::iterator itDel = itVars++;
unclaimedVariables.push_back( (*itDel).second );
allVariables.erase( itDel );
while( itVars != itVarsRng.second );
nlinfo("VARIABLES/COUNTERS in %s : %d/%d are registered : ",_Name.c_str(),allVariables.size(),allVariables.size()+unclaimedVariables.size());
// display the registered variables
for( itVars = allVariables.begin(); itVars != allVariables.end(); ++itVars )
map<string, CLogicVariable>::const_iterator itV = _Variables.find( (*itVars).second );
nlinfo("[%d] %s = %f",(uint8)(*itVars).first.getDynamicId(),(*itV).first.c_str(),(double)(*itV).second.getValue());
// display the unclaimed variables
sort( unclaimedVariables.begin(), unclaimedVariables.end() );
vector<string>::iterator itUV;
for( itUV = unclaimedVariables.begin(); itUV != unclaimedVariables.end(); ++itUV )
map<string, CLogicVariable>::const_iterator itV = _Variables.find( *itUV );
nlinfo("(-)%s = %f",(*itV).first.c_str(),(double)(*itV).second.getValue());
} // displayVariables //
// Display the states
void CLogicStateMachine::displayStates()
nlinfo("There are %d STATES in the state machine \"%s\": ",_States.size(),_Name.c_str());
map<string, CLogicState>::const_iterator itS;
for( itS = _States.begin(); itS != _States.end(); ++itS )
nlinfo("The current state is : \"%s\"",_CurrentState.c_str());
} // displayStates //
// Set the verbose mode for the variable
void CLogicStateMachine::setVerbose( string varName, bool b )
if( varName == "all" )
map<string, CLogicVariable>::iterator itV;
for( itV = _Variables.begin(); itV != _Variables.end(); ++itV )
(*itV).second.setVerbose( b );
map<string, CLogicCounter>::iterator itC;
for( itC = _Counters.begin(); itC != _Counters.end(); ++itC )
(*itC).second.setVerbose( b );
nlinfo("the verbose mode has been activated for all the variables",varName.c_str());
nlinfo("the verbose mode has been desactivated for all the variables",varName.c_str());
sint8 filter = -1;
string motif;
// *xxx* => we look for a string with xxx inside
if( varName[0]=='*' && varName[varName.size()-1]=='*')
motif = varName.substr(1,varName.size()-2);
filter = 0;
// *xxx => we look for a string with xxx at the end
if( varName[0]=='*' )
motif = varName.substr(1,varName.size()-1);
filter = 1;
// xxx* => we look for a string with xxx at the begining
if( varName[varName.size()-1]=='*' )
motif = varName.substr(0,varName.size()-1);
filter = 2;
// if no filter
if( filter == -1 )
map<string, CLogicVariable>::iterator itV = _Variables.find( varName );
if( itV != _Variables.end() )
(*itV).second.setVerbose( b );
map<string, CLogicCounter>::iterator itC = _Counters.find( varName );
if( itC != _Counters.end() || varName =="all" )
(*itC).second.setVerbose( b );
// if filter
map<string, CLogicVariable>::iterator itV;
for( itV = _Variables.begin(); itV != _Variables.end(); ++itV )
if( testNameWithFilter( filter, motif,(*itV).second.getName()) )
(*itV).second.setVerbose( b );
map<string, CLogicCounter>::iterator itC;
for( itC = _Counters.begin(); itC != _Counters.end(); ++itC )
if( testNameWithFilter( filter, motif,(*itC).second.getName()) )
(*itC).second.setVerbose( b );
nlinfo("the verbose mode for variable \"%s\" has been activated",varName.c_str());
nlinfo("the verbose mode for variable \"%s\" has been desactivated",varName.c_str());
} // setVerbose //
// testNameWithFilter :
bool testNameWithFilter( sint8 filter, string motif, string varName )
if( varName.size() > motif.size() )
switch( filter )
// *xxx*
case 0 :
if(varName.find(motif) != string::npos)
return true;
// *xxx
case 1 :
sint beginIndex = varName.size() - motif.size() - 1;
string endOfVarName = varName.substr(beginIndex,motif.size());
if( endOfVarName == motif )
return true;
// xxx*
case 2 :
string beginOfVarName = varName.substr(0,motif.size());
if( beginOfVarName == motif )
return true;
return false;
} // testNameWithFilter //
void CLogicStateMachine::write (xmlDocPtr doc) const
// Create the first node
xmlNodePtr node = xmlNewDocNode (doc, NULL, (const xmlChar*)"STATE_MACHINE", NULL);
xmlDocSetRootElement (doc, node);
xmlSetProp (node, (const xmlChar*)"Name", (const xmlChar*)_Name.c_str());
xmlSetProp (node, (const xmlChar*)"CurrentState", (const xmlChar*)_CurrentState.c_str());
for (std::map<std::string, CLogicVariable>::const_iterator vit = _Variables.begin(); vit != _Variables.end(); vit++)
for (std::map<std::string, CLogicCounter>::const_iterator cit = _Counters.begin(); cit != _Counters.end(); cit++)
for (std::map<std::string, CLogicCondition>::const_iterator c2it = _Conditions.begin(); c2it != _Conditions.end(); c2it++)
for (std::map<std::string, CLogicState>::const_iterator sit = _States.begin(); sit != _States.end(); sit++)
void CLogicStateMachine::read (xmlNodePtr node)
xmlCheckNodeName (node, "STATE_MACHINE");
setName (getXMLProp (node, "Name"));
// Count the parent
uint nb = CIXml::countChildren (node, "VARIABLE");
uint i = 0;
xmlNodePtr parent = CIXml::getFirstChildNode (node, "VARIABLE");
while (i<nb)
CLogicVariable v;;
_Variables.insert (make_pair(v.getName(), v));
// Next parent
parent = CIXml::getNextChildNode (parent, "VARIABLE");
// Count the parent
uint nb = CIXml::countChildren (node, "COUNTER");
uint i = 0;
xmlNodePtr parent = CIXml::getFirstChildNode (node, "COUNTER");
while (i<nb)
CLogicCounter v;;
_Counters.insert (make_pair(v.getName(), v));
// Next parent
parent = CIXml::getNextChildNode (parent, "COUNTER");
// Count the parent
uint nb = CIXml::countChildren (node, "CONDITION");
uint i = 0;
xmlNodePtr parent = CIXml::getFirstChildNode (node, "CONDITION");
while (i<nb)
CLogicCondition v;;
_Conditions.insert (make_pair(v.getName(), v));
// Next parent
parent = CIXml::getNextChildNode (parent, "CONDITION");
// Count the parent
uint nb = CIXml::countChildren (node, "STATE");
uint i = 0;
xmlNodePtr parent = CIXml::getFirstChildNode (node, "STATE");
while (i<nb)
CLogicState v;;
_States.insert (make_pair(v.getName(), v));
// Next parent
parent = CIXml::getNextChildNode (parent, "STATE");
setCurrentState (getXMLProp (node, "CurrentState"));