
157 lines
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Raw Normal View History

// Config file for Object Viewer Qt ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// This file is used to setup the Object Viewer tool.
// NeL Qt ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Root directory where we can find the client datas (zones, tiles, maps, ...)
// You must uncomment this line on GNU/Linux and comment the next one
//SearchPaths = { "/usr/local/share/games/nel_qt/" };
SearchPaths = { "data" };
// Which extensions to remap to what if needed (pairs of 2)
RemapExtensions = { "png", "tga", "dds", "tga"};
// The language code of the client
LanguageCode = "en";
// If changes to the config should be saved on exit
SaveConfig = 1;
// Qt ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
QtStyle = "Cleanlooks";
QtPalette = 0;
QtWindowState = "";
QtWindowGeometry = "";
// Graphics //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Use OpenGL or Direct3D (Windows)
GraphicsEnabled = 1;
GraphicsDrivers = { "OpenGL", "Direct3D" };
GraphicsDriver = "OpenGL";
// Resolution of the screen
// ScreenWidth = 1360;
// ScreenHeight = 768;
// ScreenDepth = 32;
// If 1, run in fullscreen mode, 0 for windowed
// Fullscreen = 0;
// Font name used for all text in the client (it can be a .ttf, .fon, .pfb)
FontName = "andbasr.ttf";
FontShadow = 1;
// Background color
BackgroundColor = { 151, 156, 182 };
// Bloom effect
BloomEffect = 1;
BloomSquare = 1;
BloomDensity = 120;
// Path where screenshots are saved
ScreenshotName = "nel_qt";
ScreenshotJPG = 1;
ScreenshotPNG = 1;
ScreenshotTGA = 0;
ScreenshotPath = "screenshots";
// Environment ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
CameraFocal = 75.0;
SunDirection = { -2.935, +0.107, -1.22 };
SunAmbient = { 190, 170, 150 };
SunDiffuse = { 255, 248, 255 };
SunSpecular = { 255, 255, 255};
// 1 if you want to see the fog
FogEnable = 1;
FogStart = 100.0; // in meter
FogEnd = 250.0; // in meter
FogColor = { 129, 136, 205 }; // { 147, 125, 114 };
//// Vegetable Landscape Setup (for vegetable edition) //////
VegetTileBank = ""; // this is optional, but obligatory for Vegetable Edit to work properly
VegetTileFarBank = ""; // this is optional, but obligatory for Vegetable Edit to work properly
VegetLandscapeZones = // this is optional, but obligatory for Vegetable Edit to work properly
"WARNING: Delete this string" // NOT DELETE
VegetLandscapeThreshold = 0.01; // this is optional
VegetLandscapeTileNear = 50.0; // this is optional
VegetLandscapeAmbient = {17, 54, 100, 255} ; // this is optional
VegetLandscapeDiffuse = {241, 226, 244, 255} ; // this is optional
VegetLandscapeSnapHeight = 1.70; // this is optional
VegetLandscapeMultiply = 1.5;
// veget setup
VegetTexture = ""; // this is optional, but important for Vegetable Edit to behave properly
VegetAmbient = {80, 80, 80}; // this is optional
VegetDiffuse = {255, 255, 255}; // this is optional. NB: works like veget_landscape_diffuse (ie maxLightFactor possible)
VegetLightDir = {0.0, 1.0, -1.0}; // this is optional
VegetWindDir = {1.0, 1.0, 0.0}; // this is optional
VegetWindFreq = 0.5; // this is optional
VegetWindPower = 5.0; // this is optional
VegetWindBendMin = 0.5; // this is optional
// Time //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
FpsSmoothing = 64;
// Sound /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// The sound driver, choose between "Auto", "FMod", "DSound" and "OpenAl"
SoundEnabled = 1;
SoundDrivers = { "Auto", "OpenAL", "XAudio2", "FMod", "DSound" };
SoundDriver = "OpenAL";
SoundDevice = "";
SoundMaxTrack = 48;
SoundEnableOccludeObstruct = 1;
SoundEnableReverb = 1;
SoundManualRolloff = 1;
SoundUseADPCM = 0;
SoundForceSoftware = 0;
SoundAutoLoadSample = 1;
SoundPackedSheetPath = "/home/timon/sound";
SoundSamplePath = "/home/timon/sound";
// Interface /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Debug HUD /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// end of file