#!python # # On root project # scons -C gdnative platform=linux bits=64 # import os, subprocess, platform, sys # Local dependency paths, adapt them to your setup godot_headers_path = "../godot-cpp/godot_headers/" cpp_bindings_path = "../godot-cpp/" cpp_library = "godot-cpp" if not os.path.exists( 'bin' ): os.mkdir( 'bin' ) def add_sources(sources, dir, extension): for f in os.listdir(dir): if f.endswith('.' + extension): sources.append(dir + '/' + f) # Try to detect the host platform automatically # This is used if no `platform` argument is passed if sys.platform.startswith('linux'): host_platform = 'linux' elif sys.platform == 'darwin': host_platform = 'osx' elif sys.platform == 'win32': host_platform = 'windows' else: raise ValueError('Could not detect platform automatically, please specify with platform=') opts = Variables([], ARGUMENTS) opts.Add(EnumVariable('platform', 'Target platform', host_platform, allowed_values=('linux', 'osx', 'windows'), ignorecase=2)) opts.Add(EnumVariable('bits', 'Target platform bits', 'default', ('default', '32', '64'))) opts.Add(BoolVariable('use_llvm', 'Use the LLVM compiler - only effective when targeting Linux', False)) opts.Add(BoolVariable('use_mingw', 'Use the MinGW compiler - only effective on Windows', False)) # Must be the same setting as used for cpp_bindings opts.Add(EnumVariable('target', 'Compilation target', 'debug', allowed_values=('debug', 'release'), ignorecase=2)) opts.Add(PathVariable('headers_dir', 'Path to the directory containing Godot headers', godot_headers_path, PathVariable.PathIsDir)) opts.Add(PathVariable('target_path', 'The path where the lib is installed.', 'bin')) opts.Add(PathVariable('target_name', 'The library name.', 'libgdcrypt', PathVariable.PathAccept)) unknown = opts.UnknownVariables() if unknown: print("Unknown variables:" + unknown.keys()) Exit(1) env = Environment() opts.Update(env) Help(opts.GenerateHelpText(env)) # sys.stderr.write("**** %s\n" % (cpp_library)) # This makes sure to keep the session environment variables on Windows # This way, you can run SCons in a Visual Studio 2017 prompt and it will find all the required tools if env['platform'] == 'windows': if env['bits'] == '64': env = Environment(TARGET_ARCH='amd64') elif env['bits'] == '32': env = Environment(TARGET_ARCH='x86') else: print("Warning: bits argument not specified, target arch is=" + env['TARGET_ARCH']) opts.Update(env) is64 = False if (env['platform'] == 'osx' or env['TARGET_ARCH'] == 'amd64' or env['TARGET_ARCH'] == 'emt64' or env['TARGET_ARCH'] == 'x86_64'): is64 = True if env['bits'] == 'default': env['bits'] = '64' if is64 else '32' if env['platform'] == 'linux': if env['use_llvm']: env['CXX'] = 'clang++' env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-fPIC', '-g', '-std=c++14', '-Wwrite-strings']) env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-Wl,-R,'$$ORIGIN'"]) if env['target'] == 'debug': env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-Og']) elif env['target'] == 'release': env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-O3']) if env['bits'] == '64': env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-m64']) env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['-m64']) elif env['bits'] == '32': env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-m32']) env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['-m32']) elif env['platform'] == 'osx': if env['bits'] == '32': raise ValueError('Only 64-bit builds are supported for the macOS target.') env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-g', '-std=c++14', '-arch', 'x86_64']) env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['-arch', 'x86_64', '-framework', 'Cocoa', '-Wl,-undefined,dynamic_lookup']) if env['target'] == 'debug': env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-Og']) elif env['target'] == 'release': env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-O3']) elif env['platform'] == 'windows': if host_platform == 'windows' and not env['use_mingw']: # MSVC env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['/WX']) if env['target'] == 'debug': env.Append(CCFLAGS=['/EHsc', '/D_DEBUG', '/MDd']) elif env['target'] == 'release': env.Append(CCFLAGS=['/O2', '/EHsc', '/DNDEBUG', '/MD']) else: # MinGW if env['bits'] == '64': env['CXX'] = 'x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++' elif env['bits'] == '32': env['CXX'] = 'i686-w64-mingw32-g++' env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-g', '-O3', '-std=c++14', '-Wwrite-strings']) env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['--static', '-Wl,--no-undefined', '-static-libgcc', '-static-libstdc++']) env.Append(CPPPATH=['.', env['headers_dir'], 'include', 'include/gen', 'include/core']) # source to compile sources = [] add_sources(sources, 'src', 'cpp') #add_sources(sources, 'src/gen', 'cpp') # make sure our binding library is properly includes env.Append(CPPPATH=['.', godot_headers_path, cpp_bindings_path + 'include/', cpp_bindings_path + 'include/core/', cpp_bindings_path + 'include/gen/']) env.Append(LIBPATH=[cpp_bindings_path + 'bin/']) libgodot = '{}.{}.{}.{}'.format(cpp_library, env['platform'], env['target'], env['bits']) env.Append(LIBS=[libgodot]) # static = env.Command('libstdc++.a', None, Action('ln -s `g++ -print-file-name=libstdc++.a` $TARGET')); # tweak this if you want to use different folders, or more folders, to store your source code in. env.Append(CPPPATH=['src/']) srcgdnative = Glob('src/*.cpp') libgdnative = env.SharedLibrary(target=os.path.join(env['target_path'], 'libgdnative.{}.{}.{}'.format(env['platform'], env['target'], env['bits'])), source=srcgdnative) Default(libgdnative) # Generates help for the -h scons option. Help(opts.GenerateHelpText(env))