diff --git a/default_env.tres b/default_env.tres index dec3642..a3557cc 100644 --- a/default_env.tres +++ b/default_env.tres @@ -18,4 +18,3 @@ ss_reflections_enabled = true ssao_enabled = true ssao_quality = 1 glow_bloom = 0.2 - diff --git a/gui_scene/GUI/login/login_menu.gd b/gui_scene/GUI/login/login_menu.gd index e2eb5c5..4c89b21 100644 --- a/gui_scene/GUI/login/login_menu.gd +++ b/gui_scene/GUI/login/login_menu.gd @@ -13,10 +13,15 @@ func _on_play_button_pressed(): if username != null and username != "" and password != null and password != "": do_request(username, password) +func _on_play_without_connexion_pressed(): + emit_signal( "login_button_pressed" ) + func do_request(username, password): - var message = load("res://assets/Scripts/Models/nel_login_message.gd").nel_login_message.new("https-login", username, password, "Lirria", "2", "en"); + var message = load("res://assets/Scripts/Models/nel_login_message.gd") + if message: + message = message.nel_login_message.new("https-login", username, password, "Lirria", "2", "en"); # $HTTPRequest.request("http://lirria.khaganat.net/login/r2_login.php?" + message.get_request_string()); - $HTTPRequest.request("" + message.get_request_string()); + $HTTPRequest.request("" + message.get_request_string()); func _on_HTTPRequest_request_completed(result, response_code, headers, body): if response_code != 200 || ProjectSettings.get_setting("kaghanat/debug_mode"): @@ -38,3 +43,5 @@ func _make_post_request(url, data_to_send, use_ssl): func _on_register_button_pressed(): emit_signal( "register_button_pressed" ) + + diff --git a/gui_scene/GUI/login/login_menu.tscn b/gui_scene/GUI/login/login_menu.tscn index 894587e..2963078 100644 --- a/gui_scene/GUI/login/login_menu.tscn +++ b/gui_scene/GUI/login/login_menu.tscn @@ -7,517 +7,185 @@ [sub_resource type="CanvasItemMaterial" id=1] -render_priority = 0 -blend_mode = 0 -light_mode = 0 - [sub_resource type="DynamicFont" id=2] - size = 10 -use_mipmaps = false -use_filter = false font_data = ExtResource( 4 ) -_sections_unfolded = [ "Font", "Settings" ] [sub_resource type="DynamicFont" id=3] - size = 20 -use_mipmaps = false -use_filter = false font_data = ExtResource( 4 ) -_sections_unfolded = [ "Extra Spacing", "Font", "Settings" ] [node name="login_menu" type="Control"] - 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[connection signal="pressed" from="h_box_container/v_box_container/margin_container/login_box/email_box/email_label_box/register_button" to="." method="_on_register_button_pressed"] - [connection signal="pressed" from="h_box_container/v_box_container/margin_container/login_box/h_box_container/play_button" to="." method="_on_play_button_pressed"] - - +[connection signal="pressed" from="h_box_container/v_box_container/margin_container/login_box/h_box_container/play_without_connexion" to="." method="_on_play_without_connexion_pressed"] diff --git a/login_scene/login_scene.tscn b/login_scene/login_scene.tscn index 2218f15..107e8d5 100644 --- a/login_scene/login_scene.tscn +++ b/login_scene/login_scene.tscn @@ -66,7 +66,6 @@ margin_left = 1226.0 margin_right = 1280.0 margin_bottom = 61.0 texture_normal = ExtResource( 11 ) - [connection signal="character_selected" from="character_selection_menu" to="." method="_on_character_selection_menu_character_selected"] [connection signal="return_button_pressed" from="character_selection_menu" to="." method="_on_character_selection_menu_return_button_pressed"] [connection signal="login_button_pressed" from="login_menu" to="." method="_on_login_menu_login_button_pressed"]